Quadruple split

Chapter 1720 Party Struggle

The visitor is not good!

I saw that although I had occasionally chatted with myself in the game in the past two days, they were just talking about daily topics. Now, outside the game, I suddenly made a video call. Putting aside the episode of blowing my hair, I started to target the 'little girl'. Mo Tan's heart immediately skipped a beat when he heard the words.

Looking at the pretty face of his sweetheart on the screen that seemed to be full of smiles, but actually had a hint of danger, Mo Tan swallowed subconsciously, and a chill spread from Tianling Gai to his fingertips like an initiation, uncontrollably. Shivered.


Yuchen blinked, and the dangerous aura suddenly subsided, and then asked with concern on his face: "Is it cold? Is your hair not dried? Or is the window not closed? You have just finished taking a shower, it is best Wait for a while before opening the windows for ventilation. Although it is summer, everyone's body is different and they may still catch a cold."

Under the girl's concern, Mo Tan also breathed a sigh of relief silently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they say fools don't catch colds. My words..."

"My impression of Hei Fan is that he is a very smart person."

Yu Chen interrupted Mo Tan with a smile and winked playfully: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Yi Zhao. When we were together some time ago, she was talking about 'Senior Black Fan' every day. , I admire you~"

Mo Tan's face froze, and a small patch of cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "This..."

"Hey, I think it's normal. After all, Yi Zuo has always admired you since she heard about your contribution in the plague incident. Later, she went to the north with you and fought against the evil with Wanyang and others in Sumir. Believer."

Yuchen looked away unnoticeably and said softly: "Well, it's really good. After all, I can watch Hei Fan show off your power by my side. It's normal to think that you are omnipotent."


Mo Tan felt a chill for no reason, and then found that the dangerous aura that seemed to disappear out of thin air swept back like a hurricane, and the scale was many times larger than before.

"Speaking of which, it seems that after the battle in the north, she became your guardian knight~"

Yu Chen held his chin happily and smiled like a flower: "Originally, Sister Xia Lian said that Yi Zhao would protect me, an unreliable new god's favored person, in the future, but in the end, she was deceived by you, the 'idol', right? By the way, Hei Fan, do you know that I went to the sisters in the nunnery to ask about the meaning of 'Guardian Knight'!"

At this moment, Mo Tan's back was almost soaked with cold sweat. As someone who also knew some anecdotes about the 'Guardian Knight', he had no choice but to pretend to be silly and asked with a forced smile: "Oh? What does that mean?"

"The relationship between two people as a guardian knight and a protected person is, in a sense, even more sacred than marriage. And sister Marina told me that the guardian knight and the protected person are a pair of opposite sexes. Under these circumstances, at least in our Holy Religion Union, the probability of the two parties getting married is more than 70%."

Yuchen raised his little hand and gestured with 'seven', and said meaningfully: "And I heard that 20% of them had romantic partners or families. It seems that it is for this reason that they are not lovers but Although the number of people who have formed a relationship as a guardian knight is not too rare, it is much less than before."


Mo Tan coughed violently almost at the same time as Yu Chen finished speaking, and rarely choked when he swallowed his saliva.

"Eh? Hei Fan, are you okay?"

Yu Chen immediately leaned forward with concern, and when Mo Tan waved his hand to indicate that he had no time, he covered his mouth and chuckled: "Haha, you don't think I'm making trouble, do you? How is that possible, let alone us? They were just pretending to be lovers in the game. Even if it were true, we are players and Yi Zou is a local. No matter how much we think about it, nothing will happen. And I have such a good relationship with Yi Zou. Even if it is really you. My girlfriend won’t be angry with her for this kind of thing.”

[But you didn’t say you wouldn’t be angry with me...]

Mo Tan, who vaguely heard some overtones, secretly bit the tip of his tongue, forced himself to calm down, and replied with a dry smile: "Haha, you are overthinking. I didn't think you were awkward or nervous. After all, it's just like what you said about me. It’s the player Yi Zuo who is the NPC, hahahaha.”

【Done! ! ! 】

After saying the above words in one breath without any interruption, Mo Tan, who found that he couldn't calm down at all, wailed in his heart, and for the first time when he was getting along with Yu Chen, he wished from the bottom of his heart that he could be passive. Enter the other two personalities to top one.

The strange thing is that although Mo Tan would not switch at will originally, his mental state would be somewhat shaken when he had similar thoughts. At this moment, it turned out to be as solid as a rock, and there was no transformation at all into 'Chaotic Neutral' or 'Lawful Good'. The meaning of personality is as if Mo Tan originally only had a personality of 'absolute neutrality'.

Although Mo Tan is himself no matter what personality he has, and at most it can only be said to be a 'certain side' of him, at this moment he still feels that he is alone and helpless, and the other two brothers can't run away when they see the situation. The weird illusion of being out of the limelight.

This kind of thought almost never appeared in the past, but after that time when he was trapped in his own consciousness and had the rare 'triple self-awareness', it appeared more frequently, so much so that it caused Mo Tan's crisis. I feel that my mental illness may be getting worse, so I have been actively suppressing this thought.

But today, at this moment, in an extremely tense situation, Mo Tan finally couldn't control it. He now felt that the other two were 'not loyal enough', but he didn't realize that there was no 'other one' at all. "Myself," there was only one Mo Tan from the beginning.

This is a dangerous sign... It's a pity that Mo Tan didn't pay enough attention to it at this moment.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, under his current personality, his whole heart is tied to Yuchen, and the latter is staring at him with a clear smile at this moment, his tone is gentle, and his smile is gentle, but gradually lowers his voice. The temperature around the inked sandalwood made the latter shiver as if it had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Pfft, aren't you afraid of being out of breath if you talk so fast~"

Yu Chen winked at Mo Tan playfully, and then continued to comfort him: "But you're right, I didn't think anything would happen, either to Yi Zuo or to Lu, who this person really wanted. Where’s Na~”

【! ! ! 】

Mo Tan, who almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, swayed and shouted in a voice that was tantamount to a scream: "Wait a minute! Didn't I say it before? The reason why I want Luna to follow is because her alchemy skills should It will be very helpful there. After all, although our Holy Religion Union is very good in the field of saving lives and healing the wounded, divine magic is not omnipotent. In the case of resistance to magic, alchemy, a relatively compromise option, is not only easy for everyone to accept, but also has its own advantages. It has the advantage of being versatile, so I want Luna to help me with it, after all, I know her as an alchemist, and she is indeed very powerful."


Yuchen blinked and said with a smile, "Is there any other reason?"

[The other reason is that I was another personality at that time, so I was able to discuss taking Luna with you! If I were now, I definitely wouldn’t mention it! 】

Mo Tan roared in his heart, but his head shook as fast as a rattle, and he kept saying: "No more, no more!"

"Yeah, yes, so you really don't need to be nervous. I think it's a good thing that Luna can go with you. After all, she is not sociable and doesn't have many friends. Although there is an Alchemist Association here in the City of Light The branch president of the branch took care of her, but many people did not understand the special treatment he gave Luna, so the branch president was forced to reduce support for Luna's hardware. She had complained to me before, Although I don’t feel like I care very much.”

Yuchen sighed, and then suddenly laughed: "But if I go there with you, it will be no problem. Fiyali told me that there is dawn, justice, fertility and her strong personal support here. , In terms of supplies, there will only be more and not less, and the list of materials given by Luna can also be satisfied, so Luna herself will be happy."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and agreed: "That's right, Luna will definitely be happy."

"Ah, by the way, speaking of Fiyali..."

Yuchen raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "She seems to be particularly fond of you. She is obviously a saint of the Wealth Sect, but she has been 'investing' in you. Especially this time, Sister Xia Lian told me that she even I wonder if Feiyali gave you all her dowry money~"

"you think too much!"

Mo Tan shook his head calmly this time, and said in a calm tone: "Fiyali is a businessman through and through. As you just said, I am just her investment partner, and she There is only one reason for investing in me, and that is that I believe that these actions can produce positive returns. As for the rest... haha."

Seeing that Mo Tan suddenly laughed, Yu Chen, who had always been in control of the topic, suddenly became a little anxious and quickly asked: "What are you laughing at? What happened to the other things?!"

"As far as I know, His Royal Highness the Holy Son of the Justice Sect, that is, Avery Davidson, who went to Doumboua City with me, seems to maintain a considerable degree of affection for Fiyali, and although he thinks he hides it very well, , but his good friend Philip secretly told me that Fiari herself was actually quite aware of this. In fact, when Fiari realized that Avery had a crush on her, it was much worse than when Avery realized that he had a crush on Fiari. It’s still early for Yali to have a crush on her.”

Mo Tan immediately shared with Yu Chen the gossip that he had just heard, and told the latter without reservation what Philip betrayed Avery: "And the strange thing is that according to Feiyali's character, theoretically she is not ruthless. The use of this favors to establish a long -term exploitation relationship with the other party is to directly make him fattened to recognize the reality, but ... Feiyali did not do that, but was crush on secretly. "

Yuchen's eyes suddenly lit up and he whispered: "So there is a drama between them?"

"Who knows, at least from Philip's point of view, although it is very strange that Avery would have a crush on a girl like Fiyali...well, this kind of girl, the development between the two has also been zero for several years. , but it’s not impossible.”

Mo Tan held his chin, looking happily at his sweetheart who was inexplicably excited on the screen, and smiled: "And he also knows one thing, that is, a year ago, the Third Brigade of the Justice Sect's Guardian Knights organized a ...The not-so-serious activities seemed to include drinking flower wine, and Avery, who was training in the Knights at the time, was also taken along by some strange combination of circumstances."

Yuchen's eyes widened immediately and he shouted softly: "Drink the flower wine!?"

"Well, I said I was drinking flower wine, but in fact I just went to a few shops that were open late and there were many pretty girls. In theory, I shouldn't do anything too extreme. Well...that's what Phillip said anyway. ."

Mo Tan shrugged, and then suddenly felt happy: "Then guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

Yuchen held the phone with curiosity on her face and blinked her beautiful big eyes.

"They went to three stores in a row, and the people they served were all 60% older than the average age of their race (humans who can live to be about a hundred years old are over 60 years old; elves who can live to be over a thousand years old are 700 years old) bottoming) old girl.”

Mo Tan chuckled and said happily: "In Philip's words, most of them are 'girls' who can be Avery's grandmother, almost leaving a shadow on that boy's heart."

Yuchen tilted his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Ah! Could it be Feiyali..."

"There's no hard evidence."

Mo Tan shook his head and chuckled: "But Philip told me that a few months later, by chance, he discovered that all the places where you can drink flower wine in the City of Light seemed to have shares in Feiyali. .”


Yuchen first laughed along with Mo Tan, and then suddenly asked: "Huh? So coincidence means..."

"Probably Phillip was taken to a certain shop for drinking by some unscrupulous seniors from the Church of Abundance, and he happened to bump into Fiyali's confidant who went to check the accounts."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said in a concluding tone: "In short, regardless of whether those two are having fun or not, Her Highness the Saint of Fortune's investment in me is undoubtedly pure and only smells like copper. .”

"It's normal."

As a result, Yu Chen also spread out his little hands and imitated Mo Tan and said in a concluding tone: "Even in party dramas, there will be a few beautiful female characters who don't like the male protagonist~"

"Party...party fighting?!"

"That's right, I suddenly felt that Hei Fan, you look like the male protagonist of a partisan cartoon. Think about it, just Luna, Yi Zuo and I can put together a show."


"Ah, by the way, you seemed to have mentioned that you appointed a new adjutant? Since it was unclear in the message at the time, it must be a girl, right?"


"But if it's really a cartoon about partisanship..."

"No no no..."

"Will my appearance time be too little?"

Chapter 1,711: End

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