Quadruple split

Chapter 1722 Interlude: Under the banyan tree next to the cafeteria

Same day

Real time PM17:40

Tanhua University, in the lee of the back door of the second cafeteria, under the banyan tree


A small firelight lit up and extinguished quietly after a few seconds. In contrast, the price of the stick between Idong's fingers was outrageous, but the damage to the body was infinitely close to zero, and no trace was left behind. The scent of [Aqua Blue No. 7] exudes wisps of green mist.

To put it more simply, Yidong took out a lighter and lit a cigarette. The lighter was a windproof fire that costs two yuan a piece, and the cigarette was a high-end smoke that costs 650 yuan each.

"Have one?"

Shaking the black gilded cigarette case in his hand, Yidong raised an eyebrow at his friend who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded: "I know Yuchen is in it, but after you finish smoking this thing, it won't count her next I can’t feel it even if I kiss you for a few minutes, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

"I know this. There has been a lot of publicity in the past few years, and it is extremely expensive."

Mo Tan, who was currently in an 'absolutely neutral' personality and seemed to be in extremely complicated mood, sighed and stretched out his hand to Yi Dong: "Okay, take one."

Yi Dong opened the cigarette box, took out one cigarette from inside, and then placed the entire box of 18 cigarettes left in Mo Tan's hand: "I give them all to you."

"What do you mean?"

Mo Tan frowned, took one out and stuffed it into his mouth. He moved to the lighter held out by Yi Dong and lit the [Aqua Blue No. 7] in his mouth, skillfully making the smoke taste not too light. He turned it around in his lungs, and after exhaling it again, he asked angrily: "Pretending to be rich?"

Yidong smiled, shook his head and said: "No need to pretend, I am a wealthy person, but I didn't buy this thing specially for you, it was given to my dad, and he doesn't smoke, so he let me and my little one Sister Le is divided."

Mo Tan was slightly startled and said in astonishment: "Sister Xiaole smokes?"

"Normally, I don't smoke, but when she was drawing the notebook, she was like a heavy smoker...Gan! I forgot that she asked me to keep it a secret from you. Just pretend you didn't hear it. Don't betray me."

Yidong touched his ribs with lingering fear, shook his head and said: "In short, these things can basically be said to be ill-gotten gains. Anyone who sees ill-gotten gains has a share. There are two more in the drawer in my room. You smoke this box first, and I’ll get you another one later.”

"Besides, I don't smoke much now."

Mo Tan took another sip from the ridiculously expensive cigarette between his fingers and said with a dry smile: "Anyway, this is the situation. If nothing else goes wrong, we should have to form a team this time for the [Inquisition and Debate]."

Yidong grinned and said cheerfully: "I think it's good. For such a big event, you have three numbers in total. It's too much to not bring any of your brothers."

"Take your uncle."

Mo Tan snorted, raised his head and blew out two smoke rings: "My average game time is much less than yours. Even the strongest 'Mo' can only compete with the leaderboard when he uses up all his cards. Those people are trying to compete, and since the opponent has not played their trump card, they can't take you with them at all. As for 'Tan Mo'... the main thing is to hug Shuangye and Mu Xuejian's thighs."

Yi Dong blinked and asked curiously: "What about Hei Fan?"

"Hei Fan is nothing. In terms of character strength alone, he is a waste."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "If nothing else happens, I will be held back by whoever I am with."

"It shouldn't be. I remember that you still have legendary equipment, and you are also from the [Laws] non-mainstream faction. It sounds very strong."

Yidong casually put out the [Shuiyue No. 7] that he didn't like smoking in the cigarette trough in the center of the trash can, and said sternly: "Besides, you are also an awesome conductor. [Inquisition and Controversy] is not a competition. It has the same background, story, and NPCs as the dungeons you played in Academy City before. You command them to directly kill the opponent!"

Mo Tanpi glanced at Yi Dong with a smile: "I really want to kill you right now."


Yidong took out his mobile phone, opened the game he was playing recently to clear his energy, and asked without looking back: "Where did I say something wrong?"

"Everything you said is wrong. First of all, it is true that the legendary equipment is very strong, but it is only strong in legion-scale operations and does not improve personal combat effectiveness at all. Secondly, I have told you 10,000 times. Although it is better than Starting from the 'Holy Word' school, there are indeed very few people who are willing to take the 'Discipline' route, but being rare and being powerful are two different things. The reason why there are so few Discipline priests is because this school is too difficult to leave, the cost-effectiveness is too low, and it is too costly to practice. No, it has nothing to do with your so-called 'strongness'."

Mo Tan glared at Yi Dong and said angrily: "Finally, it's about command. Although I told you before that [Inquisition] is like a small dungeon, and you can indeed use the power of NPC, but command In the final analysis, things like theirs still depend on luck and the 'position' arranged by the system. I can assure you now that unless we get lucky and encounter enemies like Cordoba, it is absolutely impossible to do what you think. That way, you’ll have the opportunity to command NPCs in combat.”

Yi Dong frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Because based on my observations of the [Investigation Simulation Battle] during this period, the system will balance many aspects such as time, background, environment and even NPC attitudes to narrow the gap between the contestants on both sides as much as possible."

Mo Tan walked to the trash can and put out the cigarette that was almost burning his fingers, and said dryly: "Of course, this balance only makes the gap between the two sides relatively closer, and gives it to the team or individual who has no chance of winning under normal circumstances. It’s just a small chance of winning, but even so, I don’t think I can easily gain command over the NPCs in the [Battle of Crimes].”

"Oh I see."

Yidong, who had emptied his mobile game stamina, put away his phone and suddenly said: "It's because Sister Xiaole is too strong, right?"

"Not only Sister Xiaole, your strength is definitely among the strongest among the players. Although Yuchen rarely takes action, she is favored by the goddess of dawn and darkness at the same time. She cannot be weak. The girl named Yuying is also She is not a weakling. Just looking at her strength on paper, she is not inferior to my character 'Tan Mo', so even if there are only four of you, the evaluation of this team will be very high."

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows, and then while smelling the index and middle fingers of his right hand that he had just used to hold the cigarette, he said: "And I...well, to be precise, I am the 'Black Brahman' in the game. If I have enough conditions and influence to make strategic arrangements, I'm afraid I won't be worse than you in terms of strength... or even stronger than you and Yu Ying, so I don't think the system will give me this opportunity."

Yi Dong nodded and continued to ask: "So, you will be a real waste in the [Inquisition Controversy]?"

"Unfortunately, what I just said was, 'If nothing else happens, whoever I am with will be held back.'"

Mo Tan, who really didn't smell the slightest smell of cigarette smoke, put down his hand as if relieved, turned to Yi Dong and shrugged: "But people like you and Sister Xiaole are just two huge accidents. The reason... is of course You all have the foundation of 'one man becomes an army'."

As a result, Yidong shook his head and said sternly: "No, no, no, you must have believed that there would be a chemical reaction in teaming up with us from the beginning, but you just didn't intend to do so. To put it bluntly, you didn't want to let 'Hei' No matter what grades Fan' gets, you've put all your treasure on Tan Mo, and the most you can do is add 'Mo'."

"This involves a cost-effectiveness factor. You have to know that [criminal debate] is an activity that requires a lot of energy. The time I can stably devote to playing simulated battles with those two thighs is the limit. The main thing is to prepare in the game, as for Hei Fan..."

Mo Tan sighed and said helplessly: "I really don't have time."

"It's not that you are completely unavailable. Part of the reason may be because of Yuchen."

Yi Dong patted Mo Tan on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "While keeping a distance from others, while still refusing to speak out and draw a clear line, what do you want, kid..."

Mo Tan opened Yi Dong's claws and said nothing. Apparently he didn't know what he wanted.

"There is also the matter of Diana. I heard that she has been in a coma ever since she helped you cut off people that day. How is she doing? Is she still awake?"

Yi Dong changed the topic and suddenly mentioned the great astrologer with whom he had a relationship: "To be honest, she is also a good girl, uh... a good sister, and she is obsessed with your vest named Frank. Oh, I want to slap you as soon as I say this, why are you causing harm to others, such a good woman!"

Mo Tan glared at him fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll whip you first."

"Okay, okay, it's your own mess anyway."

Yi Dong hesitated and changed the subject wisely: "So you have changed your mind?"

"Did you go out without any brains today?"

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and said dryly: "Didn't I tell you that it was not my idea to get you to be with Sister Xiao Le, but Yu Chen's idea."

Yidong nodded indifferently and said in a particularly unflattering tone: "Okay, don't worry about whose attention it is, that's how it's settled anyway?"

"It's decided, it's decided."

While Mo Tan gently hit the outer wall of the canteen behind him with the back of his head, he muttered with a complicated expression: "That guy doesn't usually tell me what he wants. This time, it's rare that he wants to bring you all together for a good [criminal debate]. Let’s not spoil the fun.”

Yi Dong opened his mouth, as if he wanted to flatter him, but in the end he said nothing. He just patted Mo Tan on the shoulder again and said seriously: "Okay, anyway, just tell me what you need me to do." , Sister Xiaole is free now, and she will definitely not take advantage of her."

"Hey! What are you two doing over there making love?"

At this moment, an energetic voice suddenly sounded not far away. The two of them turned their heads and saw a sweet-looking girl wearing loose and comfortable sportswear rushing toward her with a smile seven or eight meters away. They waved and it was Gu Xiaole who was at the center of their conversation.

But she was not the only one coming.

"Qingqing, I, I, I..."

Ji Xiaodao, who was walking a little behind. Although he was beautiful and charming, but his temperament was as cold as a female killer, Ji Xiaodao murmured in a low voice, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Yi Dong and Mo Tan, and smacked his tongue with no meaning. Smacking your lips.

"Although he seems to be very flirtatious, Mo Tan probably likes girls."

Ji Xiaoge next to her chuckled, and then suddenly reached out to hug the girl who was walking a little behind her, and said happily: "Right? Yu Chen?"

"Yeah! Xiaoge, please be more careful with your hands!"

Yuchen, who had been attacked by Ji Xiaoge, blushed and hugged his chest, then coughed slightly, glanced at Mo Tan, who looked stiff, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Who stipulates that if you like a girl, you can't like a boy? "

Ji Xiaoge's eyes widened when he heard this, as if a door to a new world was slowly opening in front of him. It was clear that Mo Tan and Yi Dong were both genuine heterosexuals. Ji Xiaodao, who had just been joking, shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders and did not remind his sister immediately. He just had the attitude of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

On the other side of Yuchen, Nangong Na, who had not met anyone recently because she was too busy with her internship in medical school, glanced at Mo Tan with a complex expression. She was also a member of Yuchen's best friend group. Although she was not present before. , but they also shared the information immediately afterwards, and chatted with Yuchen in the dormitory for half a night, worrying about the little thing between her and Mo Tan, even more so than Yi Dong beside Mo Tan. worry.

After all, girls are always more delicate than boys, especially when it comes to emotional matters.

By the way, the girls are not the only ones. Because they had made an appointment in the group to be together at 2.0 (everyone’s nickname for the second cafeteria), Kang Lan and Wan Yang were also there, but they were always there. We were discussing something passionately, so we didn't participate in the 'lady's topic'.

"Cousin, can you please calm down and stop making fun of your brother all the time?"

Yi Dong twitched the corner of his mouth and glared at Gu Xiaole fiercely, while the latter twisted his face and pretended not to notice.

"That's right, and Xiaoge, don't look like you believe it. Yuchen can also lie. I am purely heterosexual."

Mo Tan glanced helplessly at Ji Xiaoge, who had no idea what he was thinking about, and looked at himself and Yi Dong with a particularly strange look in his eyes: "When you arrive, go in first, and go directly to the usual place on the second floor to order food. I It’ll rain a little later.”

"Xiaoyu can't come."

After the discussion with Wanyang came to an end, classmate Kang Lan shook his head: "When I passed the Polytechnic Institute, I called that guy and wanted to ask him to come with me, but it turned out that there was a girl in his class who seemed to have been cheated by someone else, Xiao Yu. The one who was the biggest was asked to support the show."


"Well, he probably won't be able to come today."

Chapter 1,713: End

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