Quadruple split

Chapter 1731 Clean bungalow

"Fuck! Is killing like a god possible?"

Although he is a [spiritual medium] in the game, Yidong, who is actually not very resistant to supernatural things, was not calm at that time. The hair on his hair stood on end like a carp, and he rushed to Mo Tan's side without any image. Taking up the position behind him.

"Ito-san, you... ugh."

Yu Chen glanced helplessly at the useless psychic who was poking his head behind Mo Tan, sighed deeply, shook his head and muttered in a voice that no one could hear: "...I'm here too..."


Mo Tan immediately turned to look at Yu Chen and asked the latter with concern: "Did you say something just now?"

"Hmm! I said this place is indeed a bit weird."

Yuchen shrank his neck, and then with a flick of his finger, he sent the [Condensing Light Technique] in his arms up into the air, and adjusted its brightness to the 'Yuba' level, emitting light like a mini sun. Light and heat.

This operation seems simple, but it cannot be copied by a priest of Mo Tan's level, because strictly speaking, Yu Chen's use of [Condensing Light Technique] like arms and fingers has exceeded the concept of 'skill'. Different from the former who can only follow the script, when she uses divine magic now, she is already a little close to a certain 1.6 meter person who can control magic like writing code.

Yuchen is amazing!

Although it was just an ordinary [Condensing Light Technique], Mo Tan was deeply aware of this again, but he did not feel awkward because the other party was stronger than him. On the contrary, this person even felt it from the bottom of his heart. Be happy about it.

Unlike many petty people who don't care if their partner is better than themselves, Mo Tan is actually very open-minded in this regard, and the reason is not for some lofty reasons, but simply because his own fashion value is not low.

Even leaving aside the strongest character 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo', who has gradually entered the gray area and achieved remarkable results, and has gathered various capable people and strangers under his command, just his superficial appearance is black. Fan', his status and popularity within the Dawn Sect are no less than that of Saint Chen Wangyu. Not only that, he has even become the object of everyone's attention and wooing, such as the member of the Justice Sect who once worked in Misha County. Knight Gelbin, who fights alongside Mo Tan, has the blood of the Violet Fernand family, and has a secret crush on Marina, the head of the Dawn Battle Sisters. The Justice Sect has tried to poach him countless times.

Of course, that was what happened in the past. Although Gelbin felt that he was indeed a wise man and offered an olive branch to the 'Black Van Priest' when he was least taken seriously, the latter's speed of fortune was undeniable. It was too fast. After the battle in Misha County, it didn't take long for someone to play a big game in Sumir, the holy mountain. Although only the top leaders of each sect knew the inside story, poaching was no longer possible.

This wasn't the end of the story. Later, I signed up for the [War League] in Academy City and defeated Academy City's most elite local students head-on. The captain of the law enforcement team, Foss, was even more powerful than the 'Witch' back then. After Ted Ward, the popularity of Pastor 'Black Van' spread across the entire continent in an instant, and he became a hot young talent. And like Yuchen, Philip, Blake, and E Free, Fiyali and others are no longer as well-known outside the Northeast Continent as he is.

And these are the core reasons why Mo Tan under his current personality does not mind that Yu Chen is 'stronger' than him. You must know that when he is in the 'absolute neutral' state, his ideological realm is quite average, so if he really has no strength at all, The mentality of a salted fish pastor with no status or popularity will actually be unbalanced.

It's like a boy from a big leader's family doesn't care if his second-generation girlfriend is richer than him, but if a poor boy from the grassroots comes from the grassroots, even if he can get a scholarship, he can get a first-line job in a first-tier city. , it will be somewhat stressful to get along with a rich second-generation girlfriend whose just a car at home is worth half of his life's hard work.

Of course, this only refers to a common psychological phenomenon, and it does not mean that everyone is like this. We can only say that if the character of Mo Tan had not reached the height he is now, Yuchen would be able to crush him in terms of status and strength. Most of the time, there will be some minor emotions.

But there is no if in reality, so when the fashion value is not at a disadvantage, Mo Tan can only be happy for Yu Chen's strength.

It's a bit disappointing to say that, but the reality is that two people who are "matched" will be more suitable to get along with each other, at least there won't be too much psychological burden.

So, let’s get down to business…

"Good guy, he comes from a rich family."

Unlike his good-for-nothing cousin, Gu Xiaole not only did not seek refuge next to Mo Tan, but even after Yu Chen's round of [Condensing Light Technique] started to rise, he wandered around the space with his hands behind his back while looking around. He smacked his tongue and said, "Even in an ordinary remote town, you can't buy a bungalow like this for less than 100,000 gold coins."

Yes, everyone is in a well-decorated bungalow at this moment, and looking at the surrounding furnishings, it should be the banquet hall on the second floor. Although it is not as spacious as the banquet hall of a super wealthy family, it allows ten people to It is more than enough for a few people to have a party together, although there are not more than a dozen people here, only...

"The blood of at least a dozen people."

Yuchen looked a little pale and looked at the blood stains on the wall, the dining table, the stairs, the ceiling, and the carpet in front of him, and murmured in a low-volume voice that everyone could hear clearly.

"Well, this battle scene is really interesting."

Mo Tan's arm twitched, as if he wanted to pull Yuchen's hand, but in the end he calmly let his hand hang by his side, seemingly casually emphasizing that this was just a simulated battle in the game. It's just a scene, it's fake, not a dozen people really died here.

Yuchen turned to Mo Tan with a sweet smile and said softly: "An Xin, I'm not afraid. I just don't think this is a very positive and sunny story."

Obviously, Mo Tanbai was worried, but because Yuchen looked a little happy, it seemed that his worry was not in vain.

"It looks like more than a dozen people have died here."

Yidong, who was unexpectedly inspired by Mo Tan's words, carefully walked out from behind the former. While looking down at the blood around him and the furnishings that didn't seem to have been baptized for too long, he said: "And the distance is It doesn’t seem like that long now.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then took a few steps in a certain direction, and after a moment said softly: "There is no way to go downstairs. It seems that the crime scene upstairs is the initial safe zone."

"The blood stains did not change color and were left within a very short period of time."

Yuchen squatted in front of the carpet and boldly measured the blood stains with his hands. He shouted softly, raised his head suddenly and reminded everyone: "Be careful! The other party may still be in this house!"

"Oh no!"

Yi Dong reacted immediately. He quickly pulled out a white dead branch that looked quite old, and then swung it directly around the bodies of himself, Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Gu Xiaole. He summoned several shields that were constantly emitting frost.

Mo Tan quilt subconsciously raised his fingers, and silently put a [Law Order·Shield] to Yu Chen that only the person involved could feel. The latter raised his small hand, and condensed a seemingly... It is not eye-catching, but it exudes a cold and black 'light arrow'.

Only Gu Xiaole stood there with his arms folded and did nothing. The reason for this was not that he was a bold artist, but...

"Don't worry, there is nothing in this bungalow except us."

The Great Onmyoji looked at the invisible and intangible 'protective layer' laid down by the system around him, while raising his hand and tapping the corners of his eyebrows: "I just looked at it with the [Yin Yang Eyes] , now I can tell you responsibly that this place is extremely clean."

Yi Dong tugged at the corner of his mouth and weakly raised his hand to point to the bright red blood on the wall: "You call this clean?!"

"I mean clean in another sense, brat."

The girl who immediately activated her talent [Yin Yang Eyes] after being teleported here shook her head, blinked her eyes with a faint light in the center, and said softly: "If you think about it carefully, besides blood stains...and Or is it logical to have a murder scene with nothing but a lot of blood? There is no doubt that it is illogical, so we have to look for those illogical things."

Mo Tan, who had already reacted, nodded slightly and asked, "In the end, Sister Xiaole, you didn't see anything illogical?"

"That's right."

Gu Xiaole nodded, casually pulled out a delicate bat fan from his wide sleeves, and said seriously: "I can guarantee that there is nothing illogical in this bungalow except us."

At this moment, Gu Xiaole lost the kimono she wore in the public space and returned to the onmyoji dress in the game wearing black and white hunting clothes and wooden clogs. The five-bone bat fan she pulled out of her sleeves was It is her self-made weapon, which can be freely switched between two forms - [White Jue·Shura Hell] \u0026 [Hei Chu·Zhishi Lujue].


Stretching out his index finger across the ridge of the fan, Gu Xiaole dyed one side of the fan black and suddenly turned his head and smiled at Yu Chen next to him: "Come here."


Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then nodded obediently and ran to Gu Xiaole.

"Good boy, take care of me for two minutes."

Gu Xiaole hugged Yuchen gently, said something with a smile, and then closed the fan with a 'swish' sound. His whole body went limp, and he fell directly into Yuchen's arms and lost consciousness.

At the same time, a hazy outline flashed in the air, and then disappeared directly through the ceiling.

"Good guy, this is ascending to heaven."

Yidong, who has excellent dynamic vision, immediately noticed that the outline was exactly the same as Gu Xiaole's, his eyes widened and he sighed as above.

Yuchen, on the other hand, knelt down on the relatively clean carpet and placed Pinggu Xiaole's body on his lap.

As for Mo Tan, in addition to casting envious glances at Gu Xiaole (body), he also opened the menu bar in a familiar way to confirm the information on both sides.

The problem of forgetting to confirm the opponent's information is very common for players who are participating in the [Investigation Simulation Battle] for the first time, but Mo Tan, who has played many games with Futaba and Mu Xuejian, will not ignore this, even though in the simulation battle The opponents in the game are basically unknown, but even so, you can at least know the number of opponents.

But what a surprise, Mo Tan found three familiar people in the opponent's "Fire Sword Team".

"Hei Fan?"

Yu Chen, who noticed the change in Mo Tan's expression for the first time, blinked and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just opened the menu and saw a few familiar names."

Mo Tan tapped his forehead, shrugged and said, "You can also confirm."

Yuchen immediately nodded obediently: "Oh!"

"I rely on the real thing!"

And Yi Dong, who had already started to confirm when Mo Tan said the word 'menu', suddenly exclaimed and shouted: "Why is Boss Sakaki here!?"

"Boss Sakaki? Who is that?"

Yuchen, who had just opened the menu bar, asked curiously, and then looked at the five names in the "Fire Sword Team"——

[Boss Sakaki], [Little Thorn Wolf], [New Musashi Mori Fujiwara Genshin], [Achi], [Ah Mao]

Well, I don’t know any of them.

Yu Chen closed the menu bar in a daze, and then cast a "tell me quickly" look at Mo Tan.

"Ahem, Boss Sakaki is a very famous professional player. He is the ace of the first-class studio [Jiban]. He has been the top person in charge of the main games that Joban has settled in since the very beginning. He is very powerful. Whether it is dungeon strategies or player battles, he is top-notch. level, the last time I looked at the individual strength rankings, he was still in the top 50."

Mo Tan did not show off, and immediately explained that he (as Mo Shi) was an acquaintance with Little Thorn Wolf, and that he had played in the arena with Azhi and Amao in Tianzhu Mountain: "And the people in the same team The little Thorn Wolf and the new member Musashi Mori Fujiwara Genshin are cadres of Joban Studio. I have seen their information on the official website. As for those two children... I don’t know them."

Yuchen blinked innocently: "Why do you know that the remaining two are children when you don't know them?"

"Because the name makes me feel young."

Mo Tan, whose heartbeat skipped a beat due to fright, immediately managed to make up for it, and then touched his chin very seriously: "The person who came here is not a good person. I'm afraid these five people are not easy opponents to deal with..."

"Sorry, Tan-chan."

As a result, at this moment, Gu Xiaole, who was lying on Yuchen's lap, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to Mo Tan with a helpless expression——

"It seems that our enemies are far more than the five people you mentioned."

Chapter 1,722: End

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