Quadruple split

Chapter 1741 Puzzle Game

I can smell the fragrance of the God-awakening grass at the neckline...

You can see the dark brown land under your feet...

All signs indicate that the five senses are still working stably, but a certain irritating discomfort is still spreading deep inside.

Yuying believes that it is a negative effect similar to claustrophobia. After all, in this fog with only three meters of visibility, because there is no reference at all, people always feel like they are locked in a narrow space. illusion.

Yes, that must be an illusion, after all, she had been walking straight forward unobstructed for two full minutes.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that the player can see the system panel, otherwise in this situation where there is no change in the surroundings, Yuying has no doubt that he will lose his sensitivity to time.

For example, now, even though the system time indicated that it had only been two minutes since she started walking into the fog, Yuying always felt that she had been gone for nearly half an hour.

There is no doubt that losing the 'sense of time' in this place where there is no sense of 'space' is a very, very, very dangerous sign.

However, despite this, Yuying was still able to remain calm and calm, and the fact that she could clearly judge her own situation also meant that her mind and thoughts were as clear as ever.

The main reasons are the following two points -

First of all, Yu Ying is a beautiful girl with excellent psychological quality who can resist stress. Although her performance in "Blood Resentment Filled the Window" was somewhat unsatisfactory, it was just because it happened to be the supernatural environment she was most afraid of at that time, and this fog Although it can be considered weird, it is more similar to some kind of terrifying natural phenomenon. In this way, she is not so scared.

Don't forget that when she was Mo Tan's adjutant in Misha County, she had a lot of passionate fights with those mutants, and the latter were even scarier in appearance than the zombies in most film and television themes on the market, so as long as they are not This girl is basically not too frightened by that kind of scary Eastern supernatural thing.

Another main reason is that she is not alone, but is always "fighting side by side" with another guy who is very reliable to a certain extent.

'Hello! ’

At the third minute, Yu Ying, who was a little unable to hold back, sent a message to Mo Tan, who had been silent since just now.

'I am here. ’

The latter's reply immediately appeared in front of Yuying's eyes, and a second later a second one appeared: 'So, you have been walking inside for a while? ’

‘You’re holding a rope, don’t you know how to look at it? ’

Yuying replied angrily, and then added: 'Be careful and keep an eye on me. If the rope is not long enough, be sure to hold me back as soon as possible! Otherwise, I won’t let you go even if I’m a ghost. ’

‘Oh, now it seems that this is really not a problem to worry about. Okay, now stop, grab the rope around your waist and relax. ’

Mo Tan's reply seemed a little strange, but Yu Ying, who realized that the former was about to pull her out, still cooperated immediately, stopped and grabbed the rope around her waist tightly, and then replied: 'Okay . ’

'Let's go -'

As Mo Tan's reply came out of the message bar, Yu Ying once again felt the same strength coming from her waist as before, and then a picture appeared in front of her eyes. The next moment she was dragged into the fog that allowed her to perceive the outside world again. On the edge, the body feeling is exactly the same as before, it can be said to be quite normal...

"It's normal for a ghost!!"

Yu Ying suddenly turned her head to look at Mo Tan, who was a few meters behind her, and said in shock: "What on earth is going on?!"

The latter laughed playfully and asked knowingly: "What's going on?"

"Stop pretending to be stupid!"

Yu Ying glared at Mo Tan fiercely and said sternly: "I just happened to walk into this fog before. It is reasonable for you to pull me out of it directly, but I walked in it for a full three minutes just now. No matter how slowly you walk, you still have a distance of nearly a hundred meters, but why do you..."

"Why did I pull you out of it all at once?"

Mo Tan chuckled and helped Yu Ying finish the second half of the sentence, then looked at the thick fog behind Yu Ying with a playful look, and said calmly: "Obviously, this fog will not only make people lose their The sense of direction is so simple.”

With lingering fear, Yu Ying looked back at the mist that seemed harmless to humans and animals, but concealed some weird secret, and shuddered subconsciously: "So what is going on?"

"what's up……"

Mo Tan patted the rope around Yu Ying's waist, raised his eyebrows and said, "To put it bluntly, until I received the message just now, I thought you were standing still."

Yu Ying reacted immediately, and immediately understood the implication of his words without Mo Tan's further explanation, and said in shock: "The rope didn't move!?"

"At least I didn't see it move."

Mo Tan lowered his head and glanced at the rope tightly held in his hand, shrugged and said: "In fact, since you entered the fog, whether it was this time or the last time, the rope has not moved again."

Yu Ying was stunned at the time and said in shock: "But this shouldn't be the case! I really walked in the first time and didn't leave again, but just now I walked at least a hundred meters."

"Yeah, that's the problem."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said leisurely: "Why did you walk inside for several minutes without any feedback to the rope or me? Why did you get pulled by me even though you had moved a long distance? What about coming out? You must know that from a consequentialist perspective, there is almost no difference in the process of pulling you out twice. Even if there is, it is not as obvious as a hundred meters. "

Yu Ying took a breath: "This... is a bit weird."

"It's not just a little weird."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and scanned the thick fog behind Yu Ying with a vulgar gaze, and said softly: "If I guessed correctly, this thick fog should be a very high-level 'restricted' carrier. This thing is different from the more mainstream enchantments. Not only can it achieve a 'life' of more than half a year through a certain mechanism, but it also includes the ability to interfere with space. What is even more valuable is that this kind of interference has a negative impact on the world of innocence. It’s not too harmful to the natives. Although it will confuse their perception to a certain extent, it will not kill them all, but for us players... it is indeed a terrifying mechanism that is fatal.”

Yu Ying twitched the corner of her mouth and said dryly: "What the hell do you call this 'rare and valuable'?!"

"Of course, higher risks mean higher returns. Isn't it because of this theory that you are willing to come here to help?"

Mo Tan glanced at the other party and smiled slyly at the girl with a stiff face: "You don't think I'm naive enough to believe that you came here for such a nonsense reason as 'wanting to help a friend', do you?"

Yu Ying smiled coquettishly, but before she could quibble, Mo Tan waved his hand nonchalantly——

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind letting you get a share of the cake or anything like that."

Mo Tan, who was staring at the thick fog, didn't even look at Yu Ying, but said lightly: "Don't worry, if we can go back alive this time, although I won't think that I owe you a favor, but [Blood Grudge" If you have a clue about the next mission after Yingchuang, I can help you out."

Yu Ying sneered: "Come on, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. We are all profitless and can't afford to be early. Don't say who is the one."

"Very good, very thorough."

Mo Tan nodded in agreement and said with a smile: "This is why I like you, my dear Sakura-chan."

Yu Ying looked at Mo Tan expressionlessly, who didn't even look at her: "Then can you kneel down and kowtow to the person you like?"

"No problem, I'll give you an address, and you can come over here in the next two days."

Mo Tan showed an evil smile, turned to Yu Ying and grinned: "Then I'll eat it in front of you!"

Yu Ying twitched the corners of her lips and said dryly: "No, I don't want the yellow-flowered girl to go there and end up with many little bastards in my stomach when I go back."

"Good guy..."

Mo Tan stared at the shocking speaker in front of him with wide eyes. It must be said that even under his current personality, he was shocked by Yu Ying's unusually heavy-handed speech just now. It can be seen that this girl The destructive power of those remarks just now was so terrifying. .

And we can also see from this that Yu Ying not only did not regard Mo Tan as an outsider, she did not even regard him as a human being, otherwise she would not have said such strange things.

"Anyway, I have an idea."

Mo Tan casually changed the topic and said calmly: "I need your cooperation to confirm it, is it okay?"


Although Mo Tan was not embarrassed, Yu Ying, who still left him speechless for a moment, burst into laughter, then nodded with an indifferent expression: "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Seeing that Yu Ying had no objection, Mo Tan stopped talking about anything and said in a rare and serious manner: "Then get ready to start. As agreed in advance, although it is just a routine test, it will still consume a lot of time. And I’m afraid you won’t be very happy in this process, is that okay?”

"As long as you can make me reap the benefits in the end."

Although it was clear that the 'not very pleasant' in Tan Mo's mouth was probably some kind of mental debilitating torture, Yu Ying still nodded and shrugged, "Also, I Although I don’t mind being a tool when we use each other, you’d better not use me as a guinea pig.”

Mo Tan laughed happily, nodded and said: "As long as our views on the concepts of 'guinea pig' and 'tool man' are not too different, the situation you mentioned should not happen."

"That would be perfect."

Yu Ying nodded first, and then asked casually: "By the way, what do you think is the difference between the two concepts of 'guinea pig' and 'tool man'?"

"no difference."

"Tan Mo, what the fuck..."

at the same time

While Mo Tan and Yu Ying were happily solving puzzles, the café [Seventh Day] at No. 13 Bella Street in the Nightless District of Freedom City, which had just opened a few days ago, welcomed two rare customers. .

Walking in front was a girl dressed in a futuristic tight-fitting dress with separated sleeves, a short pleated skirt, knee-high socks and round-toed shoes. She had a pretty face full of energy. The hair style is a very exaggerated M-shaped super-large spiral with snow-white ponytails and desperate pink ponytails. It can be said that the rate of turning heads along the way is as high as it can be.

Walking a little behind was a beauty dressed in men's clothing wearing a burgundy deacon's uniform and having short hair of the same color. In a word, she was the kind of girl who was particularly popular with girls.

"Well, [Seventh Day] should be here, right?"

The energetic girl walking in front looked up at the cafe in front of her which was mainly black and white. It was built less than a week ago at most and was filled with a lethal amount of formaldehyde. She murmured with some uncertainty. Said: "Teacher M told me this..."

"Oh, this person remembers Teacher M's words clearly."

The tall and handsome elder sister snorted softly, raised her eyebrows and said: "And I told you more than twenty times that it is best to dress normally and try not to attract other people's attention, but I didn't take it seriously at all. Go ahead, the world’s number one idol.”

"Oh, Carrie, don't be so petty."

To a certain extent, she is indeed the most influential girl. The 2.5-dimensional idol 'Xue Yin', who is hugely famous throughout the entire earth, sneered at the person behind her whose game ID is [Carrie], whose real name is The best friend/classmate/best friend/roommate/agent/fans group leader/health manager named [Li Jiali] smiled and murmured in a low voice: "Because I think since I want to meet Teacher M, I'd better dress myself up." Pretty and bright ones are better.”

Carrie raised her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully: "I remember that when you first met Teacher M, you seemed to be wearing the same outfit, right?"


Xue Yin immediately nodded her head and said seriously: "I like this outfit very much!"

"Then what?"

Carrie covered her mouth and chuckled, teasing: "You were wearing this cute outfit that you liked so much, and you were stabbed half to death by the teacher M whom you longed for with a white knife in and out with a red knife, and finally you were stabbed half to death by a red knife again." Entering the Red Knife and exiting the Earth becomes total death?"

Xue Yin shrugged nonchalantly and said with an indifferent expression: "What's the matter? I'm not trying to seduce Teacher M. I'm just showing respect by wearing my favorite clothes. And you don't have to think about those four people day and night. The emphasis is on the word, Teacher M and I just have similar soul wavelengths, and I didn’t say that I must fall in love with him, so can’t we become close friends?”

"That's enough."

As a result, Carrie shook her head and said unceremoniously: "At least based on what you relayed to me before, I think that Teacher M seems to have no interest in you."

"Who said that! He kept urging me to DEMO!"

"Okay, let me correct you. He is quite interested in your songs, but not in you as a person."

"Isn't that great~"

Chapter 1,732: End

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