Quadruple split

Chapter 1757 Suppression

【Li Shura Xiao】

Equipment skills (active)

Consumption/limit: 2% health per second

Effect: Liberate the Shura Ultimate Intention, allowing the user to exert further power of the Shura Halberd in a short period of time. When causing damage, there is a certain chance to steal the target's health. Each attack can consume an additional 1% of the health as [Xiao· Shura Halberd】Adds 'violent energy', which will expand its attack range and increase the damage and attack speed of the attack by an additional 10%. When adding 'violent energy' to a skill, additional additional energy will be added depending on the type of skill. Trait, cooldown time 10 minutes.

Trait: The user's 'angry' emotion will increase the effect of this skill proportionally.

[Note: I am very angry. Although I don’t know why, I am very angry! 】

Although it is not easy to trigger the trait and obtain the 'anger' bonus based on the character of 'Mo' in [The Boundary of Innocence], but even so, his whole person is shrouded in a dark purple 'violent aura'. This moment is still as frightening as the arrival of ghosts and gods, and the violent desire for destruction on the halberd is even more difficult for Jadeka to despise.

It is different from Killing Soul's [Hunting], Jian Soul's [Sword Pressure], Ax Soul's [Continuous Fighting] and other skills that were added to the character panel immediately after Mo Tan left that space. Although he is in Ji Soul's The field was burned from the inside out, but I didn't get any skills directly. The talent I got only increased all attributes and specific resistance by 0.5% and 5% respectively. At first glance, it seemed like it was in vain. It's like committing a crime...

But in fact, Ji Po was one of the people who improved Mo Tan the most that day. Although he had an extremely unhappy and irritable attitude throughout the whole process, his approach was the simplest and most direct way to help Mo Tan improve his strength.

That's right, even though Mo Tan himself didn't learn any skills, the equipment skills on [Xiao Shura Halberd] completed an evolution after Mo Tan left that space, from [Shura Roar] to [Li ·Shura Xiao], although there is only one word difference, their gold content is completely different.

The original [Shura Xiao] is the only skill that can be used among the eight forms of the weapon [Akatsuki]. It is already very terrifying in terms of combat power increase. You must know that during the previous discussion between Mo Tan and Anthony Dabbs , he almost destroyed the latter directly under the influence of [Shura Xiao]. In the end, he failed to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop. This was because he consumed 40% of the energy in just a few breaths when in the [Shura Ultimate Intent] state. His physical fitness level was completely exhausted.

All in all, the effect of that weapon skill is absolutely first-class and overbearing, but the side effects are too terrifying.

Think about it, if you can sneak away without any skills unlocked in the other forms, how could it not have any side effects? Thank God for being able to release it. Don't worry about the cost-effectiveness.


The fire that Ji Po lit on Mo Tan in that consciousness space solved this problem simply and crudely, directly erasing the side effects of the [Asura Xiao] skill!

To expand, we can understand that after the 'high level', the skill text in the game is no longer trustworthy. In other words, whether it is skills, talents or other similar things, it may bring There are so-called 'hidden traits'.

Some of these characteristics vary from person to person, some are adapted to local conditions, and some need to trigger certain conditions. In short, there is no absolute fixed number, so although they exist, they generally do not appear in the text of the panel.

On the one hand, it is because there are enough possibilities for skills after high-level. On the other hand, [Innocence Boundary] has gradually begun to cancel the extra preferential treatment for players who have passed the 'novice period'. After all, for anyone For an NPC, there is no so-called skill description.

All in all, the hidden characteristic of the skill [Shura Roar] is that when the user does not possess the related talents of [Asura Ultimate Intention], his physical energy will be forcibly converted into 'Asura Ultimate Intent' through the weapon of Shura Halberd. This transformation was not only very fast, but also so horribly inefficient that when Mo Tan was sparring with Anthony Dabbs, he didn't even have time to play a few times before he inexplicably threw himself on the street because his physical fitness value returned to zero.

However, not long ago, when Ji Po, who unexpectedly awakened from [Dawn], used [Shura's Flame] to ignite Motan himself, all of the above problems were no longer a problem.

Although at first glance, Mo Tan's new talent [Shura Jiyi·Initial] is just a permanent buff, in fact, its real purpose is actually the key to control the [Shura Halberd].

Shan Po once said that among the eight weapons covered by [Akatsuki], in terms of evil and strange sects, the [Seven-Star Fan] is definitely the one, but if we only talk about the specificity, the [Shura Halberd] is the most unique.

Using the example that Shan Po gave to Mo Tan at that time, the reason why the seven weapons, including his fan, are special is mainly because their owners are existences that transcend common sense to some extent. Compared with weapons, In itself, their corresponding 'so's are truly special.

However, only with the [Asura Halberd], the weapon itself has a sense of existence that is not inferior to that of its owner, and even has a feeling of equal status with the halberd.

If the combinations of Fan Soul and Seven-Star Fan, Ax Soul and Unparalleled Axe, Killing Soul and Everlasting Hate Thorn and other combinations are weapons and weapon masters, then Halberd Soul and Shura Halberd are more like a pair of comrades fighting side by side.

To put it simply, Mo Tan can use seven of the weapons at will when the eight souls in [Dawn] are unconscious, but only [Asura Halberd], he has to discuss it, otherwise this weapon will make him angry .

The [Asura Ultimate Intent] given to Mo Tan by Ji Po at that time was a stepping stone for coexistence with the [Shura Halberd]. Only by acquiring this stepping stone could the unruly halberd be able to become docile, otherwise it would not be possible. Backlash makes it difficult for people to use it normally.

In this way, after Mo Tan mastered [Shura Jiyi·Initial], Shura Halberd, which was not resistant to being mastered by him, and even admired 'Mo', immediately responded, even though it was still [broken] 】Quality, but forcibly turned the [Shura Xiao] with harsh conditions and extremely long cooling time into a [Li Shura Xiao] that is so cost-effective that it is almost a sale.

In addition, Mo Tan had no intention of holding anything back at this moment, and this heavy blow was directly transformed into [Shura's Ultimate Intent: Spiny Process], let alone Anthony Dabbs in Academy City. Mu Xuejian back in Academy City probably had to stay away from the edge for a while. After all, although she had an innate talent for using swords and breaking swords, her ability to deal with halberds was not much better than ordinary people.

However, at this moment, it was not Anthony Dabbs or Mu Xuejian who was the target of Mo Tan's halberd, but Jadeka Diesel.


The old man did not dodge, and when the halberd was about to reach his chest, he suddenly raised his right hand, and actually grabbed an exaggeratedly large lance directly from the air.

It is not a spear transformed from a war spear, but a lance about two meters in length, with handguards and counterweights attached to the grip. It has a strong visual impact. Under normal circumstances, it can only be used with a mount. .

The lance is not an entity, but a temporary creation made entirely of fighting spirit. Although this weapon, which looks like a ball of condensed flames, looks extremely fashionable, its cost performance is very low. After all, if there is a serious weapon in If you infuse fighting spirit, not only can it produce the same effect, but the consumption will be lower, it can also bring out the original characteristics of the weapon, which is stronger than pure fighting spirit anyway.

But Jadekar Diesel did not choose the right way. On the one hand, his only weapon was the stick that was in danger of exploding at any time. If he poured fighting energy into it, it would be shattered immediately. On the other hand, He didn't care about the so-called high consumption at all, because the old man didn't know the end of the power in his body.

That is the power that can be ignored and treated as non-existent no matter whether he is at the elementary, middle or high level, whether he is a boy, a young man or an old man. It is the power that he has sealed in the cupboard called disgust. A monster that has never been released.

But now——

The trapped beast is out of the cage!

[Knight Skill·Tiger Spear·Wang Xiao]

Jadeka came out with his spear and slammed it down with all his strength.

Without the oriental-style fashion of Mu Xuejian and [Xiao], both the weapon style and the move names are extremely simple. It can be said to be simple, direct, and efficient.

This move is actually very familiar to Mo Tan. After all, he also has a move [Knight Skill·Tiger Spear] in his skill bar.

However, just as the Shura Halberd collided with the lance condensed from fighting spirit, the layer of violent violence on it was instantly blasted away, and Mo Tan himself was blasted away at least fifteen meters. In an instant, Mo Tan realized that the real [Tiger Spear] was not his method of simply adding a layer of fighting spirit to the weapon and extending the attack distance...

[Still too naive. 】

Motan, who was directly shaken out of the state of [Asura Ultimate Intention] and flew nearly twenty meters, didn't hit the ground until Jadeka disappeared from sight. He knew very well that if it weren't for the latter, he would only be left behind. The impact was reduced and the lethality of this hit was reduced to 99%. I was afraid that I had lost my vitality as early as mid-air and returned to the public space to rebuild my character.

But this did not hit him. After all, in the world view of [Innocence Realm], the suppression of epics by epics is so outrageous.

You know, even someone like Ito, who may not be able to squeeze into the top 200 of the personal combat power rankings, can overwhelm Futaba after briefly gaining epic strength and force it into a desperate situation. Although Jadeka is early The terrifying genius who had already strayed away from the way of knights when he was a teenager, but had already memorized the Diesel family's guide to knights, had no reason to fight Mo Tan.

If Mo Tan completely liberated [Reverse Scale] and activated all the effects of [Herrscher's Determination], he might still be able to compete with Jadeka in a serious state, but without using his trump card, he was defeated by the old man. One move and one life is a normal phenomenon.

But it didn't matter. Although he felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, Mo Tan, who felt very happy, suddenly laughed, and then a carp jumped up from the ground. With a shake of his hands, the heavy and ferocious halberd It shortened sharply in a burst of distortion, and finally turned into a dark-looking dagger.

half a minute later

"Why haven't you come back yet..."

Jadeka, who knew very well that he had not caused much harm to Mo Tan, frowned, casually scattered the lance, which was extremely large in size and could not be used independently by ordinary people, and murmured in a low voice.

As a result, the moment the long spear that looked like condensing flames disappeared, a slender figure appeared in the air about a mile away from the old man, and the next moment, the old man punched him into the air and wiped him away.

[Destroyed in ashes? 】

Even Jadeka couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw this scene. However, he quickly recovered from the shock, and driven by instinct, he leaned over sharply, narrowly avoiding the weapon again and again. The dagger apparently appeared from directly in front, but he was unaware of it.

"A stealth technique that is enough to hide from an epic..."

Taking half a step back to avoid Mo Tan's follow-up stabbing blow, Jadeka looked at the half-dragon knight in front of him with a strange expression, whose figure was swaying in the darkness like catkins in the wind, and said dryly: "You Isn’t the boy a little too foul?”

The dagger held behind his back turned into a long stick in an instant. Mo Tan held the [Longyuan Stick] in both hands, jumped into the air with a pole vaulting posture, and directly hit Jadeka with a stick from top to bottom. : "Instead of saying that I committed a foul, Lao Jia, you should reflect on why you completely ignored the anti-stealth thing."

"Nonsense, aren't you a knight?"

Jadeka answered loudly and smashed away the powerful and heavy stick with a hand knife, and said angrily: "Who should consider whether the opponent can sneak up when fighting a knight?"

Mo Tan's body swayed, and he once again 'disappeared' under the night with the effect of [Hunting] right under Jadeka's nose. Only the sound left intermittently came from all directions of Jadeka: "That guy can start thinking about it now." ."

"You don't need to tell me."

The old man sneered and slowly raised his right foot wearing cloth boots: "I have already thought about it."

boom--! !

The next moment, just as Jadeka's right foot stepped back onto the ground, a shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly spread out from its center. The moment Mo Tan sensed something was wrong, it flew away. He forcibly broke through the [Aura Masking] that had just shocked Jadeka into a cold sweat.

Without any hesitation, Mo Tan immediately switched the Longyuan Stick in his hand to the Seven-Star Fan, and placed it across his chest in an attempt to resist Jadekar's extremely fast pursuit, but -

With a piercing scream, Jadeka dodged out and did not appear in front of Mo Tan. Instead, he backhand smashed the head of an unknown thing about three meters high in mid-air——

"A new breed again!"

Chapter 1,748: End

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