Quadruple split

Chapter 1760 By-products

"Disaster beast?"

Lu Jiang blinked, unaware.

"Wang Bat?"

Yaya shook his ears and looked confused.

Mo Tan, Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge exchanged quick glances, and then cast stern glances at Wang Badan in unison.

"Little bastard——"

Ji Xiaoge was the first to flutter his wings and rush to Wang Badan who was brought over by him. He stared at the latter's big face with a rather complex expression and said seriously: "Do you know the origin of those monsters!?"

Wang Ba boldly sniffed and curled his lips without speaking.


Mo Tan also followed Ji Xiaoge to Wang Badan, half-knelt on the ground and patted the latter's cheek gently, and asked in the gentlest tone possible: "Is it something bad?"

Wang Badan snorted and shook his head angrily: "Not really, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

"You can selectively share some information that may come in handy. Of course, it doesn't matter if it's not available."

Mo Tan shrugged, then stood up, and said sternly to Wang Ba who looked up at him: "No one can force you, and no one wants to force you. In short, if you don't want to, you can do whatever you want. Stay silent in the mood, or even go to sleep for a while.”

Although the facial features are far different from those of normal humanoid creatures, at this moment Wang Ba Dan still showed a rather pained expression and said dryly: "Brother, did you take the wrong medicine?"

"I just hope you don't have any psychological baggage. After all, everyone has things they don't want to remember or face, whether they are good people, bad people, rotten people or bitches."

Mo Tan patted Wang Ba Dan's head and said calmly: "But you should really look in the mirror now. This is the first time I've seen this expression since you broke out of your shell."

Wang Ba boldly twitched the corner of his mouth: "As if you are stupid?"

"It's like a bitter gourd. Can't you be a little more refined?"

Mo Tan gently hit Wang Ba Dan's head with his fan, and after hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Remember something unhappy?"

The latter grinned and cursed, and said dryly: "Not really, I just suddenly remembered some memories that have nothing to do with me. That damn dad has passed down too much, and many things need some opportunities. Only then can I remember.”

"I said that……"

Mo Tan seemed to be vaguely aware of Wang Ba Dan's intention, and immediately said seriously: "You don't have to force yourself."

"Don't worry, if I really force myself one day..."

Wang Ba boldly rolled his eyes, and then grinned: "That must be eating the meal cooked by the eldest sister happily."

Ji Xiaoge raised his eyebrows and subconsciously took out his rune alloy chopping board: "You little bastard... Oh, forget it, I'll let you go today."

"You really don't have to do this. I'm not used to it."

Wang Ba, who had retracted his head halfway, but found that he had not been hammered, sighed boldly: "To be honest, brother, sister and old man Jia, you should have guessed it to some extent."

Jadeka stroked his beard and said nothing.

Ji Xiaoge slapped Mo Tan with his wings, signaling the latter to speak on behalf of the latter.


"Reign of the Sun."

Mo Tan reported the name without hesitation, looking at Wang Ba Dan's pale golden vertical pupils that had dispersed the haze: "The things you recall are related to the overlord of the northwest who was very prosperous back then, right? ?”

Wang Badan nodded, shook his head and said: "Yes, that's what happened. Although I couldn't remember it until just now, after you and Lao Jia finished talking, some of the information passed down by that damn old man will be revealed." It rushed me, it was a bit strong, and I’m just recovering now.”

"If you don't mind, you can tell me."

Mo Tan patted Wang Badan's turtle shell and sat with everyone on the alloy box that Ji Xiaoge took out from his luggage: "After all, we have to go deeper into the wasteland. If we can learn more about the relevant knowledge, , I might be able to deal with it a little more calmly.”

Wang Badan yawned and said lazily: "What do I have to mind? It was just a normal phenomenon after being caught off guard by a large amount of information. It's okay now. I'll tell you what you want to hear. speak."

"Just treat it like that."

Mo Tan smiled noncommittally and did not go into details. Then he asked directly: "So, the monsters that Yege and I encountered in the afternoon, and the monsters that Jadeka and I just encountered, are Are you talking about the 'disaster beast' and the 'cursed bat'?"

Wang Badan nodded and sneered: "Yes, but don't look at the fashionable names of those things. In terms of combat effectiveness, they can only be said to be vegetables. Even if they are not the lowest level cannon fodder, they are not much different. ."

"Although I don't know what fashion value is..."

While icing his staff, Jadeka agreed: "But monsters of that level are indeed not powerful. In the eyes of any adult dragon, those creatures with low intelligence and only killing instincts are probably not powerful." It’s the existence of scum.”

"Wang feels that instinct is also important!"

Ya Ya raised her little hand and said this seriously.

Obviously, although Yaya's style outside the violent state has always been innocent, she is not stupid at all, so she also knows that she is of the 'instinct' school, so immediately after Jadeka made the remarks just now, Argue with reason.

"Instinct is of course important, but the instincts of a smart girl like you Yaya are completely different from the instincts of those who have no brains and are driven solely by primitive desires."

Jadeka immediately comforted the girl. Like most mages, the old mage also likes to put words like brain and wisdom on his lips, and point fingers at those creatures with well-developed limbs and simple minds. Although this It's not a good habit, but considering that the people who were criticized by Old Jia during the adventure were generally not as muscular as him, and they were indeed neither stupid nor stupid, everyone didn't pay much attention to the old man's "mage-specific stinky problem".


Yaya, who was praised for his intelligence, burst into joy and waggled his tail rapidly.

Lu Jiang brought the topic back to the right track and asked Wang Ba Dan very curiously: "So, Ba Dan, what are the memories you got..."

"The Sun Dynasty declared war on the Pride of the Dragon in the past and the End of the Dragon Clan in the present. The memories of the early days when the two sides entered a state of war."

Wang Badan replied calmly, and then laughed dryly and said: "Although the so-called 'early stage' is as short as a crab, within a few days the flames of war will be burned into the hinterland."

"Algae... uh..."

Lu Jiang opened his mouth, but couldn't finish the words.

"Can't you give me some normal examples?"

Mo Tan glared at Wang Ba Dan, and his eyes gradually became stern: "If you continue to forget about eating and not fighting like this, we will..."


As soon as Wang Badan heard the word 'eat', he got PTSD on the spot. He first let out a scream, and then said quickly: "To put it simply, disaster beasts and cursed bats are low-level battles of the Sun Dynasty. Although the strength of this unit is at a high level on paper, because its body is too fragile and its intelligence is almost non-existent, it only knows how to mechanically obey orders, so it can hardly pose a threat to my compatriots. Compared to the [Soul Guards] , [Holy Thousand Curses Mage Group], a high-level combat unit that can almost fight us head-on. Those miscellaneous fish have almost no advantages except their large numbers, although... the people who eventually died in their hands in the later stages of the war were also That’s a lot.”

At the end of the sentence, Wang Ba boldly lowered his head, and his eyes turned red, with tears overflowing from his eyes due to extreme fear of being forced to 'remember to eat' by Ji Xiaoge.

"Little bastard..."

Successfully getting a sour nose from the turtle in front of him, Ji Xiaoge gently tugged on Mo Tan's sleeves and whispered: "Why don't we just stop asking."

Because of the 'telepathic' relationship to a certain extent, Mo Tan, who probably knew that Wang Ba Dan deliberately squeezed out those two tears, shook his head calmly and said lightly: "Since Wang Ba Dan himself doesn't care, we There is no need to think about it too 'deliberately', as that can easily be self-defeating. Not only that, but if we can have a firm understanding of the enemies we are about to face in the future, this journey will be more leisurely, and it is better than the turmoil now. "

"Brother is right."

Knowing that he would be exposed by Mo Tan if he gave up, Wang Badan, who was pretending to cry, immediately raised his head and smiled very 'strongly' at Ji Xiaoge: "Sister, don't worry, what happened in the past is in the past. As my brother said, the most important thing now is for everyone to have a clear understanding, so I will keep the story short and simply explain what I know."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Badan quickly gave everyone some popular science in a relatively concise and not too vulgar way——

As he just said, be it disaster beasts or cursed bats, these creatures all existed in the Sun Dynasty war sequence back then. Although they existed at the bottom, they still had high-level strength, although they were even difficult to match those with equipment and blessings. A mid-level regular soldier, but with its numerical advantage, it is still an annoying enough force.

According to the inheritance left by Wang Badan's father, the last Dragon King Bosh, those monsters that are neither Warcraft nor beasts are similar to what Mo Tan expected. In all likelihood, they are a kind of artificial weapon. '.

That's right, whether it is the 'disaster beast' with high flexibility and swarm strangulation ability, or the 'cursed bat', an aerial unit with strange attack methods and superior maneuverability, during Bosh's investigation, they were all artificially created. In addition to the biological creatures, there are also 'mirror snails' used to absorb enemy firepower and 'hidden apes' that focus on reconnaissance and have certain intelligence. These things, without exception, are all created by the Sun Dynasty through some inhumane process. Extreme means considered manufactured.

Its name is - Refined by Living Body.

It is true that many people know about the infamous 'human body refining', but they don't know that the most heretical thing in alchemy is 'living body refining', and the former is even only a part of the latter. The reason why it is relatively famous is that It's just because it's more insane to directly refining "people" than refining living creatures.

But if we say it is inhumane, as long as it is a living species, no matter how low its intelligence is, using alchemy directly on it is a cruel thing.

All in all, living body refining can be said to be the most profound and darkest taboo in alchemy. As far as Mo Tan knows, to this day, not only the craft of "human body refining" has almost disappeared, but also "living body refining" 'It has also been put on the alert list of the Alchemist Guild. Any alchemist who takes the regular route will not only have to walk a lonely road with almost no one else, but will also have to bear many responsibilities and curses for no reason, because this can indeed be said to be annihilation. human nature.

Of course, according to Mo Tan's understanding, although Luna Lynch is very knowledgeable in human body refining, and it is impossible for her to be unfamiliar with the craft of living body refining, she is actually a very gentle girl in essence, so she is not at all It is possible to realize this hidden danger,

It's a pity that Luna is, but Sun Dynasty's [Third Researcher] is not.

Despite the flawless and precise investigation, in Wang Badan's words, Bosh still relied on the contacts he accumulated in his early years to find out the origin of those monsters. Without exception, they are all inhumane experiments of the Sun Dynasty [Third Research Institute]. by-product'.

Bosh had no way of knowing the specific contents of the experiment, but the information he had at the time was enough to hammer the [Third Research Institute] to death, and what the Dragon King wanted at the time was to use this as a reason to trigger public opinion and let the Sun Dynasty His reputation throughout the continent was infamous, and he was surrounded and suppressed by many forces, and had to stop the invasion of the Dragon Clan.

It's a pity that this trick would be fine if applied to the Griffin Dynasty, which was currently considered half of the hegemon in the southwest, but it had little effect on the Sun Dynasty, which was the dominant force in the northwest continent.

The dragon clan's arrogance caused them to underestimate the influence of the 'secular kingdom', so even though Bosh's methods were endless, he still didn't gain half of his allies.

The Sun Dynasty is still making great progress, with unstoppable momentum——

"But what happens next has nothing to do with those monsters."

Wang Badan smacked his lips, shook his head and said: "When the main battlefield has been moved to the main dragon peak, there is no room for the cannon fodder to intervene. Facing the final line of defense headed by my father, even the most elite of the Sun Dynasty The troops also annihilated all the troops after paying huge casualties, and injured the man to the point of death... In short... The scenes behind those monsters have never been much. After all, they are by-products of experiments. They have been in the war since It was almost wiped out in the early stages.”

"Little bastard..."

"I'm fine, listen carefully, we're just getting to the point here."

"Point? What point?"

"As far as I know, those monsters should have been extinct long ago after the complete destruction of the Sun Dynasty. Theoretically, it is impossible for them to survive until now!"


Chapter 1,751: End

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