Quadruple split

Chapter 1762 Dialogue with ‘God’ (II)

As Archbishop Moon Shadow, a loyal follower of the Dream Pope in the eyes of the world, High Priest Carter immediately saluted and left without hesitation after Lamollock finished his concise threat.

And Lamorlock did not call Carter to let the poor middleman between himself and the archbishop really get out of the way, but watched the other party leave the confessional with a smile on his face.

Of course, if Carter didn't leave immediately, Lamorlock wouldn't mind honoring his words on the spot and spilling blood all over the confessional room.

It is worth mentioning that from a player's perspective, Lamorlock's character panel is actually not that strong. Although he has the identity of the Whispering God's Favorite, his individual strength is not as good as that of a player who is a God's Favorite. Yuchen, but the problem is that this is the area of ​​the Dreamland Theocracy, and it is the place where the Whispering God is always watching. In other words, as a favored person of the gods, Lamorlock can exert his full power when he is at the core of the Theocracy. The power will be greatly enhanced. With the same holy words, outside the church, he may only be able to make Carter, who is also a high-level person, have some nosebleeds, but in a place like this...

Lamorlock had no doubt that as long as he said a word, Carter would explode without any resistance, turning this dark and monotonous room into blood red.

It's a pity that what he pursues is the "pleasure of sadism", and killing is only a means of "sadism" and not the result. Even if he kills this annoying high-level priest here, he may not be able to enjoy anything positive. On the contrary, the person Archbishop Yueying sends as a communication bridge next time will most likely not be as useful as Carter.

Therefore, when the other party is so aware of current affairs, Lamorlock will naturally not kill simply for the sake of killing. That is too stupid and does not conform to his aesthetics at all.

"I always feel a little uninterested..."

Leaning lazily next to the prayer table, Lamorlock tapped the shrine to the rhythm of 'Little Star' and said as if talking to himself: "Although the development of things was not unexpected, it was even possible. To say it went smoothly would be an overstatement, but I still feel a little empty. Could it be that I was so excited about being teased by Priest Black Van in Academy City that I no longer have any interest in Griffin's rotten fish? ?"

Because he was talking to himself, of course no one would answer him. This should be a very normal thing, but Lamorlock clearly showed a look of dissatisfaction.

As a result, he struck the shrine with 20% more force.

Ding ding dong dong - ding ding dong dong -

"I know you're listening."

Lamorlock smiled while maintaining an act that was considered disrespectful even in a cult. He said in a soft and melodious voice: "Give me a reaction. Your loyal believers are suffering from mental torture. I am almost overwhelmed by the feeling of emptiness. As the Lord I believe in, shouldn’t you be able to comfort me with both reason and emotion?”

As a result, in the next moment, a miracle... no, it should be said that it was a 'miracle'. After all, the evil god is also a god.

I saw bursts of light green mist overflowing from the shrine, and soon turned into a life-sized hazy shadow with an unclear face. He leaned on the other side of the prayer platform with his arms folded and spoke in a voice that sounded seriously distorted. , the eerie electronic sound of indistinguishable male and female said lightly: "Faithful believer? This sentence is really full of irony, and it complements what you are doing now."

"I am deeply honored to be praised by my Lord."

Unlike Mr. Ye, who lost all his SAN after seeing the real dragon, Lamorlock didn't panic at all after knocking out the god. He even nodded to the latter with a smile on his face, even the most basic kneeling ceremony. Nope.

"I hope you can maintain a minimum of respect for me, even though I don't need it."

The God of Whispers shook his head, with a smile in his distorted voice: "Otherwise, I will feel guilty for other truly devout believers."

Lamorlock put his monocle back on, which was not so much wiped clean as dirty at all, and said nonchalantly: "That's really a pity."

"Okay, okay, so, what exactly is it that makes my alien favored person so troubled?"

The extremely approachable evil god turned to Lamorlock, and there seemed to be a hint of joking on his face whose outline could not be seen clearly: "Say it to make me happy."

"It's just a pointless moan. After all, I have no reason to be dissatisfied, especially since Archbishop Yueying has lost control of the situation and has to use me."

Lamorlock did not turn his head to look at his own gods, he just squinted his rarely opened eyes and chuckled: "It's better to do this. You can send down the oracle now and let Yueying pass the throne of Pope to me. , so that everyone can relax.”

And the evil god just gave a concise and concise answer: "No chance."

"What a ruthless Lord."

Lamorlock let out a faint sigh.

"After all, I have no intention of adding to your emptiness."

The evil god shook his head and said with a half-smile: "I know very well that the man I care for in front of me does not want to be a ruler. In fact, if I really do what you just said, I'm afraid you will After taking over as Pope, he immediately disclosed the entire truth to the public, making the Dreamland Theocracy a public enemy of the world, and then committed suicide without hesitation to rebuild his role, hiding in a corner and laughing after I was cornered."

Lamorlock touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment and said helplessly: "Where is the trust between humans and gods?"

"He is just an evil god. He is not worthy of trusting his followers."

As the evil god with the largest scale, the deepest hiding and the widest influence in the world, the God of Whispering said this humbly, then changed the subject and said in a slightly weird tone: "You really plan to do this."

Lamorlock laughed and changed the subject on the spot: "So, you, who is our 'master', really don't give us any instructions and just let everyone mess around?"

"Isn't that what the so-called God is?"

The God of Whispers did not continue to find trouble, but after asking a rhetorical question, he said in a calm tone: "To grant salvation, enlightenment, knowledge, and power, I just act strictly in accordance with the principles of a serious god. As for the power of deception, Regardless of whether it’s weird or cruel, some so-called true gods are actually half as good, aren’t they?”

Lamorlock immediately showed a look of surprise, nodded and said: "I don't believe it."

"You're so annoying."

The Whispering God sighed, shrugged and said, "Let's just say this. Although real gods don't need anything, the requirements of a so-called evil god like me are actually not high at all."

Lamorlock's eyes narrowed and he asked casually, "For example?"

"It's enough for someone to believe in me."

The Whispering God gave such an answer, and then laughed foolishly amidst the violent noise: "I know what you are thinking, little one, but it is not easy to cause trouble for the gods. Even if it’s an ‘evil god’ of unknown origin.”

Lamorlock smacked his lips, waved his hand and said, "You call it a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's heart."

"If you have nothing else to talk about, don't waste our time, Lamorlock..."

The shadow of the Whispering God seemed to yawn and said softly: "God is very busy."

"why me?"

Lamorlock suppressed his smile, and slowly opened his always smiling phoenix eyes, revealing a pair of pupils filled with gray desire: "Whether it is an evil god or a false god, I believe that if you are willing, you can definitely do it. Finding countless believers who obey your words, even if you need an outsider as a divine follower, would be embarrassing for a person like me. After all, no matter how powerful the ability is, it is meaningless as long as it is uncontrollable, but... …My dear Lord, you chose me, a servant who couldn’t be worse, why on earth?”

The Evil God's phantom, which seemed to be about to dissipate, froze slightly after finishing those words, and then regained the texture between virtuality and reality, and said with a half-smile: "You made a mistake in a prerequisite, I Dear Beloved One, there is a prerequisite that I thought you already knew."


After opening his eyes, he glanced at the calm and feminine temperament before. His whole person seemed to be wrapped in a cold and biting wind, exuding turbulent malice from the inside out. Lamorlock frowned and continued to ask: " What is it?"


The God of Whispering, who had a rather bad personality, did not show off, but bluntly reported the answer. Then without waiting for Lamorlock's reaction, he said leisurely: "Think about it carefully, Lamorlock, do I really have the answer?" Have I ever regarded you as a servant even for a moment? No, of course not. After all, you have never been that material, or maybe you are, but you are not suitable for my belief system. In short, the so-called meaning of what you just said You are worthless in my eyes because I, who have never considered you a servant, have not considered your worth as a servant or a believer.”


After being briefly surprised, Lamorlock actually chuckled, then narrowed his eyes again, and the signature smile returned to the corner of his mouth again: "So that's it."

"That's it, my friend."

The evil god also laughed, with a hint of constriction in his tone: "Considering your attitude, I thought you had already understood this. Now it seems that whether you don't use honorifics or are not polite, it is actually just a simple matter. It's just rude."

Lamorlock stretched his body lazily and said nonchalantly: "I think 'character dictates' is a better description."

"Whatever, I don't find it annoying anyway."

The God of Whispers also stretched out in a decent manner, spread his hands and said: "You should have guessed that even though I am just an evil god, I know a lot about you people from other worlds. Because of this, I never thought you would be in awe of anything in this world, but..."

"I have no intention of getting into philosophy."

As a result, Lamorlock interrupted his 'belief' unceremoniously. While adjusting the collar of his windbreaker, he said to himself: "For the sake of 'friends', Lord Evil God, if you want to do anything to me, If you make certain requests, such as protecting the Dreamland Theocracy as much as possible, I will take it to heart a little bit, as a way of thanking you for giving me this convenient and satisfactory identity."



"After all, you are my nominal believer. You have done your duty by allowing me to observe you happily. If you ask more of you, it would be too much."

"are you sure?"

"Of course, if you are able to bring the foundation of the sect in the southwest to destruction together, and even stay out of it on this basis, instead of being angry, I will be complacent and feel that my vision is very good."

"This is not the attitude an evil god should have, even towards an outsider."

"Maybe I'm a different kind of evil god?"

"Heh, just think of it like that."

"Haha, let's end the pleasant chat here first. Do you need me to wish you good luck in martial arts?"

"You should give your blessing to both emotions and reasons."

"Easy to say, then, I wish you good luck in martial arts, my friend."


five minutes later

Within the Chavin Empire, temporary fortress [Avalon]


Jia Wen, who was sitting boredly on a bench at the edge of the school grounds, drinking tea with A Qing and admiring the moon, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and then he let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally..."

A-Qing looked at her young lady curiously, blinked and said, "Finally what?"

"The Dreamland Theocracy finally plans to take action."

Wearing a long black dress, Gavin looked similar to the one she had when she was Eliza's guest at Griffin. She stood up and danced on the spot under the moonlight in some kind of palace style that was both elegant and gorgeous. While dancing, he said in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "Although I don't doubt the position of Priest Lamorlock, after all, he is a problematic figure who was deprived of military power after the border massacre and summoned back to the hinterland of the Dreamland Theocracy, and I have always had doubts about whether Yue Yingmian is brave enough."

Ah Qing was immediately stunned and said in astonishment: "So... So is there still a possibility that the Dream Kingdom will not take action?"

"It no longer exists. It seems that Chief Priest Lamolock... No, he should be called General Staff Lamolock now. Well, in short, he is very good at it."

Gawen smiled coquettishly, her graceful body moving and agile under the night: "Thanks to his efforts, both Eliza and I can feel a little more relaxed."

"Miss and Princess Eliza get along very well."

"Yes, I have always felt that we are very similar and we are very compatible. If there is any difference, I am afraid it is only the environment in which we were raised. After all, she has been deeply loved by her brother and sister since she was a child."


"Haha, what's your expression? Didn't you see the happiness written on my face when I said this?"


Chapter 1,753: End

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