Quadruple split

Chapter 1769 The war at noon

game time

Holy Calendar Year 9571, Flower Moon, Prayer Day 5


In Skolk's Stronghold, Luna Lynch cured a harpy loli named Lysa Zarbulk through human body refinement, and witnessed the latter's completion with only limited guidance. A pot of powerful sleeping potion of impeccable quality was prepared, and in the process Lysa showed a sensitivity to various materials far beyond Luna's expectation.

‘If she is literate, there is a 90% chance that she can independently complete the refinement with effects that are not under conventional standards.’ This was Luna’s objective evaluation of Lysa’s first refinement in her life.


Lysa completed the preparation of the [Invigorating Potion] under Luna's guidance, but because she accidentally added an extra drop of Horala's bile, a rather curious reaction occurred inside the crucible, which directly turned the emerald green color. The medicine turned yellowish brown and gave off a strong smell of cow dung.

But Luna Lynch did not criticize or reprimand the frightened girl. Instead, while cleaning the crucible, she told her that this level of failure was not serious, at least compared to melting two-thirds of the entire crucible or blowing it up. Half an alchemy platform is much gentler.


After the second refinement, which was also the first failure, Lysa under the guidance of Luna performed three relatively basic but very testing alchemists: [Moonlight Orb], [Absorbent Marrow], and [Colorful Glass]. The results of spiritual refining are all successful without exception, and the quality of the finished product is not inferior to the average level of ordinary alchemy apprentices or trainee alchemists (excluding extreme examples like Luna Lynch half a year ago).


After completing the acceptance of the results of Lysa's three refinements, Luna, accompanied by the former and Yue Kui, came to a small wooden house in the east of the village and met Lysa's mother Yudi Rouyu and her father Ya. Rand Zalbrk, a middle-aged couple who look very kind.

During the brief exchange of greetings, Luna learned that Yuti was originally a low-level sentry on the Blood Feather Platform. Although he had no status, he was the kind of person who was basically not affected by wars and killings. On weekdays, as long as he stood guard, he would have stability. The kind of life that goes by.

Arlande was a folklorist who was sold to the Blood Feather Terrace as a commodity by the bandits. To put it simply, he was a 'high-quality man' with good looks, figure, and physical fitness, very suitable for breeding.

In view of the fact that it was of such high quality, it was not used as soon as it was delivered. Instead, it was cleaned and locked up, waiting for the Lacerated Queen who went to inspect the territory to come back and be the first to try it. No surprise. Yes, Yudi Rouyu was the person responsible for guarding him at that time.

What follows is a cliche story that Luna is not interested in at all. It probably means that Arland used words to influence Yuti, who had never done anything bad, and then the two quickly fell in love, and then Yuti tried to avoid The sweetheart was reduced to a plaything and she eloped with him.

Omitting a lot of twists and turns, they finally found Skolk and became one of them, as well as Lysa, their precious daughter. In order for the child to survive the extremely harsh conditions that year, the couple had to use earthwork to lower the Its consumption resulted in the brain disease that would undoubtedly accompany Lysa throughout her life.

Luna, who solved Lysa's brain disease, naturally became a great benefactor to the Zarbulk family. In addition, she seemed to be a big shot in Doumbouya City, so when she proposed to let Lysa be her Assistant, in return for imparting knowledge to Lysa and protecting her, the couple immediately happily agreed.

After that, Luna left Lysa temporarily, letting the girl learn to speak normally with her parents for a few days. It was just 12 o'clock at noon, and her break time was over. She still had a lot to do.

I don’t know why I’m so busy though.

But, it doesn't feel so bad.


The Wangwang team, which undertook the task of protecting the [Destruction King Mercenary Group], was divided into two groups. Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge successfully defeated a group of 'hidden apes' who were preparing to ambush the convoy, killing more than thirty people in total. Catch all the highly intelligent monsters with chameleon-like physiques and fur that can change according to environmental changes. Under Jadekar's unreasonable combat intuition and Ji Xiaoge's equally unreasonable infrared tactical goggles, those 'hidden apes' 'I couldn't hide my figure even for a moment, and was quickly eliminated by the two of them.

On the other side, Mo Tan and Ya Ya encountered an opponent who, although their mobility was relatively slow, their physical resistance and magic resistance were very high, even close to the level of high-level peak shield-holding physics professions. Although they were still Not to the level of Scarlett Diesel, but it still left the two of them feeling like they had no idea where to start.

However, Mo Tan and Yaya finally came up with a good solution. To sum up, powerful force can work miracles. Yaya directly activated [Dog Whispering Magic·Wang's Claw], and combined it with her handle to name [Altaïr's Cutting Blade· The brutal weapon of "Giant Destroyer" was knocked at random, and Mo Tan once again used the "Akatsuki Shura Halberd", and with a more crazy style than the violent fangs, he smashed these special weapons directly and consumed them. The monsters in the battle were hammered to pieces.

After rejoining the convoy, Mo Tan went offline temporarily while Ji Xiaoge repeatedly confirmed that the surrounding area was absolutely safe and everyone was preparing to camp for dinner. He went to the public space and switched to the character - [Hei Fan].


After seeing Yuekui's message in the friend's message, the talker of Doumbouya City, Pastor Hei Fan of the Dawn Sect, immediately held a temporary meeting in the prayer room. He addressed the main members of the temporary team, Yi Zou, Philip, Shalia, Mino, Raymond and Romeo spent the night with the pig (hereinafter referred to as Roo) relayed the news that Skolke had initially decided to cooperate with the plan and that the two parties were about to launch a formal cooperation, and once again emphasized that Doumbouya City The organizational reorganization of the garrison is a top priority.

Hei Fan said that now that the blood barbarians have stopped civil strife, neither Skolke nor Doumbouya City is in a safe situation. Even if the situation is relatively better on the side backed by the Holy Religion Union, considering that our own side We have reached a prerequisite for cooperation with Skolke. There is a high possibility of war in the near future. If the reorganization of each number cannot be completed as soon as possible, all subsequent arrangements will be greatly restricted, and heavy losses will occur if we are not careful.

Finally, Shalliya reluctantly issued a military order, stating that she would complete the organizational reorganization before the 10th day of the Sora Moon's chanting, and after her boss gave her a huge look, she would quickly advance the date to the 5th day of the chanting. .

Pastor Hei Fan, who had achieved his goal, didn't say much. After talking about the main topic, he immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting. After sending away several people who were preparing for their own affairs, he drank the coffee brewed by Yi Zuo and chatted with someone through a friend message. , and finally made an appointment to go to the public space to continue watching the show at 6 a.m. during game time.


The Theocracy of Dreamland officially declared war on the Griffin Dynasty.

The above-mentioned extremely unexpected news suddenly caused an explosion in this otherwise peaceful afternoon. Not only the southwest where the Dream Kingdom and the Griffin Dynasty were located, but also the major forces in other regions of the continent were severely affected by this news. I was shocked, for no other reason than that the weight of the party declaring war and the party being declared war was too heavy.

If the Chauvin Empire's declaration of war against the Griffin Dynasty was eye-catching but did not cause too much trouble, then the level of the Dreamland Theocracy's declaration of war is much higher. They are the same two forces. They are arguing with each other, but it is hard for people to take Chauvin seriously, a country with only a third-rate level in all fields except economics and trade, and provoking Griffin is tantamount to throwing an egg against a rock, seeking death.

So in this case, everyone has no other thoughts except paying the highest respect to the Chauvinian Empire.

However, the Dreamland Theocracy is a different matter. The reason is simply because this person is strong enough and his weight is heavy enough.

As we all know, there are basically three types of 'righteous god' sects on the Sinless Continent. The first among them is the Holy Religion Union, which is on the 'lawful' or 'good' side. This behemoth consists of Dawn, Abundance, Knowledge, Sun, and Justice. It is composed of nine sects, Wealth, Mist, Melody, and Creation. It is the largest force in the Northeast Continent. Although it is the type whose influence far exceeds normal strength, it is still the one that cannot be underestimated among the magic sticks. .

In addition, there are some gods that although they believe in are serious gods, their painting styles tend to be more 'chaotic' and 'evil', such as the Goddess of Darkness, the God of Lies, the Blood God, etc. These gods Although the believers are organized, large-scale and disciplined, they are far from being comparable to those of the United Holy Church in terms of size and number of believers. Even the Dark Night Sect, which is the best among them, is still full of fog in the eyes of the world. The Blood God Sect and the God of Lies sect have almost completely left the public eye. They have not had any serious activities for more than two centuries. Generally speaking, even if these sects still have a profound foundation, their strength and influence are not top-notch. The level, to put it bluntly, is not even as good as the Chauvin Empire.

And the last type is that kind of sect that is not as majestic and upright as the United Holy Religion, nor as dark and cruel as the God of Lies and the Blood God. The objects of their beliefs are similar in terms of stance, and generally they are that kind of sect. Deities with relatively moderate styles, such as the Moon God, the Goddess of Dreams, the God of Contract, the Goddess of Destiny, etc. Although sects such as the Mandate Cult have long been submerged in history, and the objects of belief have long since disappeared, there are also sects active in the southeastern continent. The Yueshen Sect, the Moon God Sect and the Dream Sect, which are based in the southwest, still exist today.

Among the above three types of religious beliefs, although the Holy Union has the greatest influence, if the paper strength is the strongest, it must be the Dream Sect of the Southwest Continent. After all, they have already enclosed the territory for a long time. King, established the [Dream Kingdom].

Therefore, they are both a sect and a country. In addition to the standard war sequences such as the 'Guardian Knights' and the 'Inquisition', they also have [Army] and [Taxes] that other sects do not have.

When the above two concepts are combined with 'religion', the resulting chemical reaction is definitely not as simple as 1+1=2, because when the 'people' of a country also have the identity of 'believers' , both the rulers and the ruled will probably be free to a state that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

One thing to say, this is very dangerous, at least not a good thing for the surrounding forces. After all, both politicians and believers are the most difficult to reason with.

Facts have also proved that the Dreamland Theocracy is definitely not a good thing. Unlike the United Holy Religion on the other side of the continent, it knows very well that it is a 'country'.

From the day of its founding until now, although it has always maintained friendly diplomacy with the behemoth Silver Wing Alliance to the north, the Dreamland Theocracy has had hundreds of conflicts with the Adolf Free Forest to the east and the Griffin Dynasty to the south. Just because of the issue of ownership of the Lake Nystmon area, the Theocracy and Griffin had dozens of conflicts at the border. Although both sides were relatively restrained, the cumulative casualties over the years were also very considerable. Numbers.

It’s not that the Dream Kingdom is too tough, but that if a country with this kind of structure wants to gain a foothold in any place, it must show its strong side, otherwise it will only be gradually eroded and eventually reduced to nothing more than symbolic significance. A useless mascot.

Therefore, from the perspective of the observer, it can be said that it is quite normal that the Dreamland Theocracy has caused a lot of lives due to friction with surrounding forces over the years, and at the same time has also caused a lot of lives.

Until a few months ago, the man named Lamorlock took over the command of the southern border under the oracle, and as the general staff, directly massacred an entire county north of Griffin...

That 'friction', which was tantamount to massacre, allowed the world to see the fangs of the Dreamland Theocracy, and also raised its status in the Southwest Continent to a higher level, although it was still inferior to the Silver Wing Alliance and the Griffin Dynasty. Inferior, but already slightly suppressed Adolf's free lead.

Although General Staff Lamolock, who committed a large number of murders, was immediately recalled into hiding after the war, many thoughtful people believed that the story would never end in this way, and even the Dreamland Theocracy's 'punishment' for Lamolock was just Just the calm before the storm.


Today is the 9571st year of the Holy Calendar, the Moon of Flowers, the 5th of Prayer, PM13:45

The storm is coming! ! !

Brutal rule, border provocation, espionage sabotage, trade infiltration, and most importantly, the unprovoked killing of Arthur Boho, a loyal follower of the Dream Goddess, seriously offended the chauvinist empire blessed by the Dream. After listing the above reasons, the Dream Theocracy chose to brazenly Declare war on the Griffin Dynasty, and call on the Adolf Free Forest and the Silver Wing Alliance to jointly send troops to liberate the Griffin people living in dire straits and save the endangered Chauvinian Empire!

At the same time, the Pope in the Dreamland has issued a decree - in the name of God, he appoints Ramolok, the beloved of God, as the war general staff and in charge of the three main battle regiments of the Theocracy and the Guardian Knights!

Chapter 1,760: End

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