Quadruple split

Chapter 177 God said, let you take off your clothes

Yuchen's body tilted forward involuntarily, and Delia, the goddess of darkness behind her, raised her hand in an instant and slapped away the slap filled with golden light, and then punched it. past.

It hit the chest of the golden figure behind Mo Tan!

Although the action was not cool, the sound was not loud, and the special effects were not dazzling, this seemingly ordinary punch actually made the Dawn Goddess take a breath: "It hurts!"

Yuchen, who realized that control of her body still belonged to her, quickly took a few steps back, while Delia, who was floating behind her, glanced at Pacoxi with a strange expression, and whispered in a voice that everyone could hear. One sentence: "Are you too young again?"

"Kill you!" Goddess Dawn screamed with all her teeth and claws, then leaned over Mo Tan's ear and shouted loudly: "Go over there! Go over there and let me whip her!"

Mo Tan plucked his ears with a look of disgust, and then walked towards Yu Chen again.

The confrontation between the two gods just now did not cause any harm to him or Yuchen. Not only that, even the surrounding environment was not shaken at all. The few withered grasses in front of the church did not even sway when the two gods fought. one time.

Whether it is the goddess of dawn or the goddess of darkness, the power used by the two when they fight seems to only cause harm to each other, just like the explosion on the screen. No matter how grand the scale is, it cannot affect the outside world at all, let alone these two The fight scenes weren't very cool either.

The world was created in a snap, mountains were moved in an instant, black holes appeared out of thin air, ninety-nine thousand and ninety-nine holy swords of dawn poured down, the eternal darkness was like the last night of the world, the dark night sky pillar containing the original divine power, One hundred and eight morning stars that tear apart the space, the ultimate light that reshapes the balance of all things, the Dark Goddess’s conspiracy to transform Yu Chen into the Holy Body of the Demon, the Dawn Goddess’ sacrifice that finally turns the tide, these...


The two gods just attached the holy light and the cold darkness to their fingers, palms, arms, etc., and then began to push each other, slap their faces, attack their chests, scratch their ears, pull their hair, and poke their eyes. The above descriptions are basically the following. The entire battle took place above Mo Tan and Yu Chen within minutes.

Not to mention the things that Mo Tan had imagined before, the two of them didn't even have the intention to create a shock wave and send it towards each other.

"I think even the group fights that often appeared at the school gate in middle school are better than this." Mo Tan glanced upward with a painful look on his face, and then lightly touched Yu Chen, who was standing side by side with his shoulder. : "I feel that I will never be able to look directly at the words 'War of Gods' again."

Yuchen, on the other hand, turned around timidly and whispered to the former: "Violence on campus is bad..."

"I think there's something wrong with your focus." Mo Tan laughed dryly, then pointed at the two goddesses floating about two meters above the ground: "Is this really appropriate for them?"

The girl shook her head worriedly: "Of course it's not appropriate. Although it is difficult to get fatal injuries and infections because you are not fighting with weapons, you are likely to be hospitalized if you are accidentally hit in the eyes or head."

Mo Tan was shocked at that time. He looked at Yu Chen with horror on his face: "Are you kidding or are you being cute?"

Yuchen blushed and stuck out his tongue: "Being cute..."


So such a weird scene appeared. The two powerful goddesses, Dawn and Darkness, were fighting in mid-air like they were fighting each other on the street, while the two mortal players who were descended from the gods were watching their fight. They were chatting one after another. There was no storm, no vision of heaven and earth. This "War of Gods" that could be recorded in the books of each sect. In addition to the continuous shouts and curses, even the surrounding flowers and plants were not heard. None were affected.

Of course, gods are gods after all, so there are naturally many details worthy of reference in this battle. For example, there is a vague layer of divine light/black mist underneath their fluttering skirts, no matter how much they move, Most of the time there won't be any leakage.

"Well, it will definitely be much more convenient in the summer if you master this technique." Yu Chen glanced thoughtfully at the skirts of the two goddesses, and then showed an unusually innocent smile to Mo Tan next to him: "But From a boy’s point of view, it’s a pity, right? After all, the Holy Light and the anti-gravity skirt are all..."

Mo Tan coughed dryly and interrupted Yu Chen's words. He spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "It depends on the person. Speaking of which, your level of otaku culture is really unexpected."

"I don't usually like to go out and play." Yu Chen lowered his head shyly and whispered: "So..."


The graceful golden shadow suddenly fell from the air and turned into a "big" character and landed in front of the two of them. Then it jumped up and patted its blurry long skirt. He let out a loud 'poof': "Damn it, I miscalculated..."

"Goddess!" Yuchen was startled.

"Weren't you quite confident just now?" Mo Tan looked helplessly at the goddess of dawn in front of him, and asked quietly: "Is the situation not good?"

"It's very bad." The goddess shook her arms, and her figure that was originally filled with light became a little dim. She glanced at the goddess of darkness who was holding her chest in mid-air and sneered, and whispered to Mo Tan and Yu Chen: " To tell you the truth, I found that I couldn’t seem to beat her..."

Mo Tan rolled his eyes. He had noticed this a long time ago. According to his observation, the goddess of dawn basically didn't take any advantage in the particularly uncool fight just now. She was beaten several times. Her breasts, face bruised a dozen times, and kicked more than 20 times. Even in a quarrel, she couldn't quarrel with the other party. It can definitely be said to be quite disadvantageous.

"Will it be dangerous if this continues? Sister Xia Lian..." Yuchen asked softly with some worry. Although she was not affected in any way, she could feel the dawn of the divine power in the city. Gradually fading away, the magical resonance array under her feet that had almost completely turned black also fed back disturbing news. She felt that her saint sister might be in danger.

"It's okay, I'll think of a way!" Pakosi patted Yuchen's shoulder gently to comfort her, then raised her head and shouted to the dark goddess who had the upper hand: "Let's have a truce for two minutes, wait a moment. "

The Dark Goddess Delia waved her hand in an unusually generous manner: "You can do whatever you want. Anyway, after a while, that little elf girl will be crippled by my divine power. By then, you will not be supported by a lot of Dawn's divine power. You will only lose worse."

Yuchen's little face turned pale at that moment.

"Get out of here." Pacoxi said concisely.

"How about we discuss it?" Delia suddenly laughed and clapped her hands and said: "You should admit defeat immediately, then lower the oracle to ask the elf to stop his magic, and then withdraw his favor from this little girl. If the saint is replaced by a saint, you won’t be at a loss.”

The goddess of dawn was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Wait a moment."

"Yes, but my patience is limited." The Dark Goddess replied leisurely.

At the same time, a voice suddenly sounded in Mo Tan's ears.

[Boy, I figured it out, now I say, listen, be careful not to show anything strange, that bitch has poisonous eyes. 】

Mo Tan remained calm...as if he didn't hear anything.

[My previous calculations were generally correct, because the god that the little girl Wangyu believes in is still me, and there is also my Dawn Magic Formation here, so even if that guy Delia takes advantage of the situation, he should not be able to defeat me. ...]

The goddess explained quickly in Mo Tan's mind, making him gradually understand the ins and outs of this matter...

To put it simply, the goddess of darkness found an opportunity in this resonance of divine magic to forcibly complete the divine descent on Yu Chen. This was not a carefully planned conspiracy, just because the church where Yu Chen was at this time had already Without the blessing of divine power, the magic circle that Xia Lian had set up before was of a more general type, so when Yu Chen prayed, he not only resonated with the power of the goddess of dawn, but also attracted the attention of the goddess of darkness.

The reason is very simple. She is not only the favored person of the goddess of dawn, but also unknowingly became the favored person of the goddess of darkness. Although Pakoxi said something vague, Mo Tan was the first to I understand what she means, and Yuchen's talent [Unstable Divine Familiar] is the best proof.

But why does the Dark Goddess take the upper hand?

[Because we have so many believers in the Dawn Sect, we have a place to pray in groups every now and then. That guy Frye wants to live in the prayer room and harass me all day long. Not many people believe in that bitch Delia, so... ...and God came to take advantage of my distraction. 】

Although she couldn't read the doubts in Mo Tan's heart, Pa Keqi still explained it specially here without silver.

Mo Tan wanted to ask the goddess what the logical relationship was between 'many followers' and 'distracting', but he wisely chose to continue listening.

[So after I reacted, it was already too late. It was useless even if Yuchen believed in me more when Delia was preconceived, so I sprayed her for a while and then fell on you. After all, you are here The world is also my believer, and I have talked to you before. 】

"Have you not thought about it yet?" At this moment, the dark goddess who was also whispering in Yuchen's mind suddenly looked here and whispered: "That elf's time is running out, or are you still fighting? What kind of little abacus is this?”

The goddess of dawn snorted: "Think about it quickly, wait!"

[It turns out I missed one thing! Although the weather (during the day) and the right place (magic formation) are on my side, you are much weaker than Wangyu! And the support for our arrival is you two. Although the power used is at the highest level, the foundation is Wangyu and you. That's why you hit me like you hit your granddaughter. Do you understand? 】

The shocked Mo Tan could not answer her directly in front of the Dark Goddess, so he just sighed on the spot.

It’s really uncomfortable to carry this pot...

[Don’t worry about it, after all, you and that girl are not on the same level in terms of talent or foundation. Being weak is not a sin~]

Mo Tan: "..."

[Okay, let’s get down to business. Now there is a way to reverse the situation. It is not difficult but it requires the cooperation of you and Wangyu. Otherwise, if this drags on, not only Wangyu and the city will suffer, but Xia Lian will also die. Can you help me? 】

The tone of the goddess of dawn was particularly serious.

Mo Tan nodded imperceptibly, although now he is different from when he was a 'Lawful Good' personality. He does not pay so much attention to civilians who are strangers to him. He also knows that as a player, Yu Chen doesn't care. What might happen if something goes wrong may not happen, but he still doesn't want those people to die in vain, nor does he want Yuchen to turn black, not to mention the NPC saint Xia Lian who only lives once...

And the goddess also said that this matter is not difficult.

So he had no problem with it.

[Very good, I have temporarily 'transformed' your body just now. I will @#¥%* in a while, and then you will...】


After hearing the 'plan', Mo Tan couldn't help but exclaimed, and successfully attracted the attention of the Dark Goddess, but the Dawn Goddess reacted faster, and she yelled '@#', and then unexpectedly Mo Tan broke away from his body, threw himself on Delia with a grapple, then turned back to Mo Tan and shouted loudly: "Five minutes, the rest will be left to you!"

A burst of dazzling light exploded, and the two goddesses disappeared out of thin air!

"Is this... is it over?" Yu Chen looked at the place where the two gods disappeared for a while, then turned to Mo Tan and whispered: "But I can feel that, well, the power of the dark goddess is still there I'm with you."

Mo Tan nodded with a distorted face: "You are right, they did not disappear, they just temporarily went to another level where they cannot interfere here. They will be back in five minutes, and by then our Dawn Goddess will still be here. Very weak..."

"What should we do?" Yu Chen grabbed Mo Tan's wrist and shook it gently, his eyes full of worry and uneasiness: "Sister Xia Lian..."

Mo Tan turned his head to avoid the girl's clear and bright eyes, and said hesitantly: "I know... No, it was the goddess who told me a way. If it goes well, it will not only save Saint Xia Lian from danger, but also Can make this ceremony a complete success.”

"What can we do?!" Yu Chen immediately looked at Mo Tan with great hope.

But the latter became a little hesitant, and whispered with a particularly ugly face: "You have to... you have to... alas!"

"What's wrong with me?" Yuchen blinked and asked in a low voice: "Am I going to die? It doesn't matter, we are all players, even if I die, I will just build a new one..."

"No, I won't let you die." Mo Tan sighed deeply.

"Then there's nothing to worry about. Tell me quickly." Yu Chen asked anxiously.

Mo Tansheng held his forehead helplessly: "I want you to take off..."


"Well, you have to...take off..."

"Take off... what to take off?"

"Headdress, shoulder pads, wrist guards, rings, gloves, shoes, belts, clothes, pants..."



"Well...then what?"

"I wear."


Chapter 174: End

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