Quadruple split

Chapter 1774 Fiyali’s Curve

Time flies, time flies

Thinking back to the beginning, Mo Tan was still trekking westward with the [Destruction King Mercenary Group] in the Manya Wilderness.

I recall that Mo Tan made an appointment with Yu Chen to watch the second episode together during the prayer room in Doumbuya City.

I recall that back then, Mo Tan was still trying to uncover the secret of the thick fog with Yu Ying in Shadow Swamp.

And now two days later

The lawful and good 'Mo' has already led the team and his employers into the depths of the wilderness, and they will be able to enter the Savage Highlands in at most two days. Although the journey is not easy, given that those who supposedly arrived a long time ago Despite the average strength of the extinct man-made monster, several members of the Wangwang team, plus Largo, the leader of the King of Destruction Mercenary Group who had recovered 40% of his strength, were able to push all the way to the hinterland of the wilderness relatively easily.

As the saying goes, the unknown is the scariest thing. Although Mo Tan and others were a little scared when facing those monsters before, they mainly did not know the details of the other party. However, after Wang Ba boldly exposed the ingredients of those monsters, everyone felt relieved. More, these two days can be said to be a great progress and high morale.

By the way, one could be abbreviated as ‘Shocking! The information about the biochemical beasts from the Sun Dynasty that were discovered hundreds of years ago in the Manya Wilderness was also immediately sent to the Wanderer Hostel in the Nightless District of the Free City. Although the specific weight of this information was not known, after the boss Hou Jun said Judging from the second uncle's eagerness, this is probably a huge favor.

At the same time, in the city of Doumbouya in the northeastern continent, Priest Black Van, whose camp is "Absolutely Neutral" in the game, has also successfully found time to watch two episodes of animation with His Royal Highness the Saint. Not only that, he also completed the The report from the City of Light, and the proposal jointly signed by himself and the two Holy Sons (Avery signed it on a white paper before leaving) also received feedback in just one day. If nothing else, the proposal The first official support from 'new ally' Skolk will arrive at the end of the month.

Although this support is mainly an expression of position and does not have much gold content in terms of content, the Saint of Fortune, Fairy Greenham, has contacted Mo Tan through private channels and said that she will find a way to withhold the holy religion. Jointly provided a "meager effort" in the literal sense, and took a personal stand to send a batch of Skolk's urgently needed supplies, mainly food and medicine, to the north within three days. There was only one condition, that This is where everyone in Sterk must be told that the person providing this batch of supplies is the [Fortune Sect].

In other words, "the Holy Church United agreed to cooperate and slowly provided a little bit of supplies that were better than nothing" was changed into "after the Holy Church United agreed to cooperate, the Wealth Sect immediately stepped forward to help Skolk." My friends worked as quickly as possible to raise a batch of urgent supplies.'

As an investor in Mo Tan, the Saint of Fortune has finally become one of her own in the eyes of the other party. She received the news nearly a whole day earlier than the City of Light official, and it was not reported back from Doumbuya City. The news was [true information] conveyed by Yuchen himself.

It only took less than twelve hours for Fiyali to make the above decision. Although in her personal opinion, Skolke was not a place worth investing her energy in at least so far, Her Royal Highness the Saint was keenly aware of it. He noticed that Priest Hei Fan, who is his current key investment target and is also a 'friend', favors those guys who are nothing more than 'rabble' in his eyes, and even does not hesitate to send them before the two parties have reached a consensus. two heavyweights.

A just Son of great importance in every sense of the word - Avery Davidson.

A high-level alchemist who is inconspicuous, but has a very high status in Hei Fan's mind and whose level is unfathomable - Luna Lynch.

There was no need to interpret it. The moment Yu Chen said these two names, Fiyali had already realized that she might have misjudged Skolke.

Then, she spent a noon and half an afternoon thinking about what aspects of Skolk she had missed, and decisively gave up this round of thinking after realizing that she could not come to a conclusion in a short time. He directly activated his own small treasury, using the name of [Wealth Sect] to replace the support from the Holy Religion Union that would only lose goodwill, and replaced those perfunctory alms with valuable supplies.

This is a big expense, even for Fiyali.

Well, even though even one gold coin is a huge sum of money in the eyes of Her Royal Highness the Saint, one thing is that the Saint of Fortune who seems to have a mobile vault was in a tight situation a few months ago.

For no other reason than the expense is too much...

Although in the eyes of old acquaintances of wealthy saints such as Philip and Avery, the latter is an extremely rich woman with unfathomable financial resources, but in fact, although Her Royal Highness Philly Graham does have It was a small and substantial treasury, but the gold coins in it were far from enough to be used or even abused.

This seemingly lavish woman actually wants to break every copper coin in half and spend it on the blade. Only she knows that the seemingly solid wealth is actually very thin, whether it is with behemoths such as the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium. Compared to that, or compared to the wealth sect to which she belongs, Fiyali's property, savings, and liquidity are all just 'fair' to her.

In other words, it was ‘not bad’ for Fiyali half a year ago.

The emergence of aliens from this world was unexpected by Her Majesty the Saint, even though she, like Violet's regent, was one of the first people to realize the value of 'players' and immediately contact, understand, and utilize them. After roughly grasping the situation, Feiyali, whose outlook on life was affected, immediately carried out drastic and frenzied long-term reforms in various industries under her name. She had only one purpose, and that was to seize the market share of aliens in advance.

Although Feiyali has an almost unreasonable business acumen, she is not an upright outsider after all. Although she has a very good relationship with a player friend, it is still difficult to distinguish her from the latter in the first place. This is why Jun Wu can draw on his experience outside the game to come up with the idea of ​​a 'maid cafe', but Feiyali cannot.

It's not that Boss Jun has more business acumen than the Saint of Fortune, but that their thinking patterns are different.

All in all, Fiyali suffered a lot of losses in the initial stage. Although it can be classified as a necessary cost investment, this still affected her cash flow, so that it took a long time before many long-term businesses achieved fruitless results. Neither can make ends meet.

In fact, it is not that Feiyali has no choice. As the first person to discover the 'business opportunity' of aliens, she actually doesn't have to worry at all. She can seize the opportunity by making small adjustments to her property in a step-by-step manner. , there is no need to take such a big risk.

Unfortunately, like many successful businessmen, Feiyali is actually a girl at heart who will not hesitate even if she bets herself on the gambling table as long as the benefits are attractive enough, so she did not choose a low-risk, medium-yield option. Instead of adopting a prudent model, we are pursuing high-risk, high-return creative reforms in a hurry for quick success.

For example, invest in Heifan, who is well-known in the player circle.

For example, let your business expand into businesses that people from other worlds would be interested in.

For example, spend a lot of money to investigate ‘players’.

For example, the popularity of gambling on [Innocence Boundary] will only continue to rise, and it will not take long for mainstream gambling players to integrate into the mainstream of this world, and even become a major purchasing power.

For example, secretly invest in a chamber of commerce that is 99% composed of players and strongly support it, giving it a heritage and foundation that is no less than that of a large studio.

It has to be said that under this series of gambles, Feiyali's property has shrunk by nearly 40% in just six months. It was not until a month ago that many of her drastic reforms began to bear fruit, and she could barely maintain her income and expenditure. Balance, finally, has not been broken by the capital chain, causing an overall collapse.

As a result, at this juncture, Fiyali actually made another big gamble, that is, she reached a cooperation with a player who called himself 'Link Zelda' on the [Soda] business. He opened two production lines under pressure, and while giving up a large amount of profits, he was fully responsible for raw materials, publicity, sales and other matters, just to seal the deal before behemoths like the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium.

They were all foxes for thousands of years. Fiari could tell at a glance that 'Link Zelda' was a difficult partner, so in order to prevent the 'difficult partner' from becoming 'someone else's partner', she They could only make substantial concessions and compromises on the contract.

This behavior made her already severely damaged cash flow even worse. Although the various industries under her name were still operating normally, they were once again on the verge of collapse.

In fact, the latest internal report has shown that if a large amount of funds are not withdrawn within three months, she will have to sell at least twenty shops in her hands to barely maintain the situation.

So, here comes the question——

In this case, in theory, can Fiyali, who should have been driven crazy by the deficit, really be able to support Doumbouya City with a large amount of supplies, including luxury items such as the Hundred Battle Type Six? Is it really possible to provide Skolk with sufficient necessities?

The answer is undoubtedly – ​​no.


"I can only embezzle public funds~"

In a private house in the inner city of the City of Light, Her Royal Highness Saint Fairy Graham of the Wealth Sect was sipping a cold drink and said calmly: "I am also a Saint of Wealth, even if I can use it. We don’t have many resources, and we can still get it done with only a few hundred thousand gold coins.”

Sitting opposite her, a pretty girl with long aqua-blue hair smiled slightly: "That's it?"

"if not?"

Feiyali grinned and said happily: "Let me tell you, embezzlement of public funds is actually not a big deal. The real problem has never been the holes, but the inability to plug the holes. Now my side The business is finally on the right track, and the beverage business, which is the highlight, has also completed a preliminary market assessment. Well, I remembered to read the report to you, Xiangxiang, have you forgotten?"

The girl known as Xiangxiang shook her head, and while continuing to write "The Fall of the Free Market" silently, she said softly: "Of course I remember, you have told me a hundred times, once we really start the soda trade , in a short period of time you will get dozens of times your entire past wealth.”

Fiyali nodded like a fool: "Yes, yes!"

"Then why don't you do it? Now that we have a production line and the research is done, what are you waiting for?"

Xiangxiang put down the quill casually and looked at the talented partner in front of her curiously: "Really, I don't understand why you have held back until now. With my treatment of Philly Greenham, Understand that you should be ready to launch your product into the market the same day after you get the market research report.”

Feiyali twitched her lips and said helplessly: "I would like to...but the problem now is that the response to [soda] seems to be a bit too good. This thing is different from the small fights I have been tossing about before. , once the operation officially starts, I can guarantee that within three days at most, I will be targeted by several oligarchs including my own crown prince, and then I will be in big trouble."

Xiangxiang Liu frowned slightly and said in confusion: "You are not a low-key person to begin with."

"That's what I said, but I don't want to go to the front desk so early. If it's really exposed that I did it, nothing else..."

Feiyali narrowed her eyes slightly and gritted her teeth: "The Wealth Sect will definitely be the first to steal business from me."

"Then you agree to take over some church affairs."

Xiangxiang leaned back on the chair and said nonchalantly: "I didn't want to steal your business in the first place, I just want you, the Holy Lady, to shoulder the responsibility."

Fiyali rolled her eyes and curled her lips and said, "I've always shouldered responsibilities, okay?"

"That's what I say, but the responsibilities you shoulder are too inconsistent with your abilities."

As Feiyali's best friend from another world, Xiangxiang, who knows the former well, said without hesitation: "This kind of fulfillment of responsibilities is simply a kind of passive sabotage in the eyes of others, right?"

Fiyali snorted, folded her arms and said angrily: "I don't care, anyway, I don't want to be tied down by the sect so early!"

"You have no choice. That Link is a tough one. If you delay it any longer, he will definitely ask you for an explanation."

"I know, so I plan to save the country by taking a curveball. While doing our soda business normally, I'll pick myself out at the same time."

"How to pick it?"

"Want to know?"

"Well, I want to know."

"Well, if you sign this thing now, I will tell you."


"What are you doing standing still? Sign it."

"Yali, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy."

"Are you not crazy? Why do you want to transfer all the rights and interests in your hands to the chamber of commerce under my name!!!"

"Ah? Didn't I tell you just now?"


"Curve to save the country~"

Chapter 1,765: End

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