Quadruple split

Chapter 1776 Absolute Distance

Although Mo Tan is good at making up stories, given that he is still a heterosexual even in his current personality, he did not impromptuly tell Yu Ying about the R18 erotic story between himself and Boss Jun. He just laughed it off and continued to behave in an unhurried manner. Moving forward at a fast speed, the female assassin, who was obviously much more nervous after Mo Tan followed him in, cautiously followed half a body behind, tense.

"Relax, dear, as the saying goes, take it as it comes. Now that we have both entered the scope of influence of this thing, all your actions driven by emotions will not have any positive effect until you find a way to break the situation. effect."

Mo Tan, who was keenly aware of his partner's emotions, said something leisurely, and then raised his hand to grab Yu Ying's wrist. He chuckled at her slightly shaken body and asked, "Would this be better?"


Yu Ying lowered her head and glanced at the other person's hand that gently grabbed her wrist, but did not make any overstep. She did not shake it off immediately, but asked with a slight frown, "What do you mean? "

"Means nothing."

Mo Tan shrugged, and continued to hold Yu Ying's wrist as he walked forward without looking back. He said calmly: "I am a very self-aware person, so I know very well what I can bring to you in this situation. This kind of person has a strong sense of security, so I plan to hold you for a while, but if you think this is a new kind of sexual harassment, I can let go, what should I say?"


Yu Ying, who had absolutely no excitement at all and only had a hint of pain in her eyes, sighed, but did not break away from Mo Tan's hand that really gave her a sense of security. She said dryly: "That's it for now."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then as if there were eyes behind his back, he asked without looking back at all: "Why are you so sad?"

"I can't say I'm frowning, just a little unhappy."

Yu Ying, whose expression was indeed a bit complicated, sighed and said helplessly: "I just feel a little sorry for my future boyfriend or husband."

Mo Tan chuckled and asked narrowly: "Because you called them 'things'?"

"No, the title shouldn't matter. After all, I won't force you to fall in love with someone who cares about everything."

Yu Ying shook her head and said with a somewhat sad expression: "But it feels inappropriate to be indifferent when a scumbag tries to pull my wrist."

Mo Tan smiled casually and comforted casually: "It's simple. Just pretend that you were attacked by a tentacle monster in the game when you were playing butter. Although you were tortured a lot, the character in the game has nothing to do with you as the player. It doesn’t matter.”

"This works in other games, so forget about Innocence."

Yu Ying laughed dryly, then took a deep breath and shook off Mo Tan's hand: "Okay, I decided not to let you hold me!"

Mo Tan smiled without surprise and sighed: "Your future boyfriend will be very happy."


Yu Ying's eyes widened in surprise, and she exclaimed, "I originally thought you could make a few saucy remarks."

"It doesn't matter, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Mo Tan said this casually, then stopped and brought the topic back to business: "Speaking of which, in your impression, how long have we been gone? Don't look at the system time."


Yu Ying, who subconsciously wanted to open the system panel, paused, and then said in a very uncertain tone: "Five minutes?"


Based on the pulse count, he came to the conclusion of four minutes and fifty-one seconds, and after comparing the system time to confirm that his 'biological clock' was correct, Mo Tan nodded slightly while looking around at the strange fog that was everywhere with only about five meters of visibility. He said in a brisk tone: "Do you remember the first time you came in? At that time, your physical sense was not as clear as it is now."

Yuying nodded and agreed: "Yes, I remember that I quickly lost my sense of time and space. I had only walked for about two minutes, but it felt like I had been walking for half an hour."

"But this time there is almost no error between your somatosensory time and the real time."

Mo Tan laughed happily, and while sitting cross-legged on the spot, he said in his usual calm and frivolous tone, which often gave his partners a great sense of security: "Obviously, having a person who can interact can greatly improve the situation." It can effectively offset and alleviate the negative mental impact of this dense fog on us, but if I guess correctly, this relief should be limited."

Yuying put her hands in her pockets and asked with some confusion: "Limited?"

"Yes, I think that although this level of interaction allows us to use 'each other' as the coordinate and complete the anchoring of 'time', it is difficult to correct the way we have been manipulated since the moment we walked into this fog. A 'sense of space' that is distorted and disturbed by intensity."

Mo Tan casually took out a dagger from his bag and stuck it on the ground. Then he patted his butt and stood up. He raised his hand and greeted Yu Ying: "Let's go. Let's stroll forward for a while. This time I will walk behind."


Yu Ying didn't have any objections. In fact, after the two officially started exploring together, she basically followed Mo Tan's lead. Unless the other party was obviously doing something unrelated to the current goal, it was clear who was the right one. Yuying, who is at the breaking point, will basically obey every arrangement of the latter.

As a result, the two exchanged positions. Yu Ying walked in front, while Mo Tan, who was half a step behind, took out a dagger from his bag and stuck it on the ground every once in a while. Yu Ying was always reminded by him. Keep your eyes straight and walk in a straight line.

Until five minutes after the system time——

"Stop, stand still, don't look back."

Mo Tan suddenly stopped and gave Yu Ying a clear instruction.

The girl also stopped suddenly the moment the other party finished speaking, and asked without moving or looking back: "Okay, what next?"

"Close your eyes."

Mo Tan, who was standing half a meter behind Yu Ying, immediately gave instructions and said very quickly: "Tell me, can you feel my presence and position? If so, where is it."

"About half a meter directly behind me."

Yuying answered without thinking.

"Good...what now?"

"Two meters directly behind."


"Two meters behind the left side."


"Four meters to the right rear."




"Tan Mo?"



Yuying, who had not received feedback for more than ten seconds, did not panic. She just took a deep breath, opened her message bar, and found 'Tan Mo' inside.

Sure enough, two seconds later, a message appeared in the girl's field of vision——

'You can't feel me now, can you? ’

'That's right. ’

‘You can’t hear my voice anymore, right? ’

‘Totally inaudible. ’

‘Okay, then keep your center of gravity and be careful not to be pulled down. ’

'Um. ’



Two seconds later, as Tan Mo's voice sounded from behind, Yu Ying, who was already sweating on her forehead, immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and her tense body relaxed.

Mo Tan, who was standing behind her, smiled cheerfully and said, "If I guessed correctly, you should have been able to hear me, right?"

"Can hear it."

Yu Ying nodded slightly, because Mo Tan didn't let her look back, the girl still stood there without looking away: "What happened just now?"

Mo Tan smiled and returned to his position half a meter behind Yu Ying: "I'll tell you this later. Now I want you to turn around and face me steadily. Is that okay?"

"no problem."

Yuying, whose main occupation is a shadow dancer and whose body coordination is quite outstanding, answered in the affirmative without thinking, and then asked: "Now?"

"Well, let's turn now."


Yu Ying was also unambiguous. After Mo Tan finished speaking, she immediately completed a 180° turn and met the smiling latter's eyes: "Okay."

"Very good, then according to theory, we should be in the opposite direction from where we came from. To put it another way, no one believes it, that is, as long as we keep walking in the direction you are facing now, we can turn back smoothly and leave this place. Fog area.”

Mo Tan raised his hand to signal Yu Ying not to move, then walked slowly to her side and said calmly: "So let's go out directly now. If this space can only mislead and confuse, then even if there is no way to be the first If you have time to leave, you can at least find the daggers I planted on the ground before."

Yu Ying shrugged and said bluntly: "But I think it's probably not possible to find it. It's like this on TV."

"What a coincidence. Although it has nothing to do with TV, I think you are right."

Mo Tan snapped his fingers with a loud sound effect and said with a smile: "But we still have to go through the process, otherwise we won't be able to collect effective information."

Naturally, Yuying had no objection and just asked casually: "So, should I go in front?"

"No way, after all, I'm not very good at walking in a straight line."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "You are willing but not strong enough. If you are able, please do more work and bear with me."

"Tsk, hypocritical."

Yu Ying vomited casually, then stepped forward and asked as he walked: "So what happened to you just now? It was like you suddenly evaporated for a while."

"Oh, that's because I left the limit of our perception in this fog, that is, I retreated to a distance of five meters away from you."

Mo Tan, who was walking behind, took out a comb and combed his hair while explaining: "I noticed that just when your back disappeared from my sight, the two of us were no longer able to pass through the five senses. Most of the methods in the system have detected the other party, but since friend messages and Holy Son can still be used, it’s not a big problem.”

Yuying, who probably guessed the specific situation, was not surprised and just continued to ask: "So you came back by pulling the rope on my body?"

"That's right, I took at least three steps forward after exiting the step of letting you disappear from sight. When I found that I couldn't find your trace, I immediately sent you a message, and then just like you said, through this Back here with the rope tied to us.”

Mo Tan, who had given himself a weird middle-parted comb, shook his head, threw his hair back to its original shape, and added: "It's pretty much what I expected. If the length of the rope is less than the combined visibility of the two of us, that is Ten meters in length, then we can find each other through this thing, even if the other person temporarily leaves our senses."

"6, I don't know how you summed it up, but 6."

Yu Ying immediately made an old joke, and then suddenly asked: "By the way, after walking for so long, shouldn't I have seen the dagger you threw along the way?"

Mo Tan smacked his lips and held Yu Ying's shoulders so that she didn't have to go any further: "In fact, it stands to reason that we should be able to see at least two handfuls from the distance we walked, but in the end we didn't see any. This means..."


"It means that this thick fog does not only have the relatively basic function of confusing and misleading. If nothing else, I think it is probably some kind of large-scale magic circle, barrier, spell, magic circle or something else. One of the most important components of high-end gadgets is..."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, and drew a playful arc at the corner of his mouth that made Yu Ying feel shuddering but also made her feel safe: "It can interfere with space to a considerable extent, and it is quite intelligent."

"Oh, space."

Yuying nodded, frowned slightly and asked: "It sounds so high-end, so we are in trouble, right?"

"That's what I said, but you don't look panicked at all."

Mo Tan said noncommittally, pacing slowly around Yu Ying like a compass, looking around and asking absently: "Do you trust me so much?"

Yu Ying smiled brightly, shrugged and said, "That's right, I don't have a choice now anyway, why not just believe that you can lead me through this level."

"Okay, then in order to help us quickly get closer to the key to breaking the situation, let's do another experiment."

Mo Tan stood about four meters away from Yu Ying, patted the rope around his waist, and said in a brisk tone: "This time we will change the method of movement. Although it is a similar exhaustive method, if everything goes well, , which can at least ensure a retreat."

Regarding this proposal, Yu Ying, who was willing to provide assistance and cooperation to Mo Tan for the sake of long-term interests, naturally had no objection and immediately asked: "What should be done specifically?"

"It's very simple. First, we need to leave about a little more than nine meters of rope between each other. Well, just wrap the excess part around the waist a few more times."

"How about this length? I think it should be about nine and a half meters."

"Okay, then you need to leave my sight, but because of our relative distance, the rope should be tightened at the same time. By that time, even though I have lost my perception of you, I can 'pull' myself to you In front of you, just like I did before, do you understand?"

"Probably, what next?"



"Yes, using the rope as the coordinates to repeatedly move the 'absolute distance' of about five meters is the most effective exhaustive method to deal with this kind of disordered space."

"Why are you so skilled..."

"I've been involved in tomb robberies before."


Chapter 1,767: End

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