Quadruple split

Chapter 1779 Easy difficulty

five minutes later

'Ah...how could this happen...'

The ashen-faced Mo Tan sat slumped on the ground, hugging his knees and looking like he was autistic, and sent a message to Yu Ying: "It's really broken. I didn't feel it at all. It was still hanging before I pulled him over." In mid-air, I thought the other side was always tied to you, how could it be...'

After a while, not only was she trapped in a fog with almost no solution, but she even lost Mo Tan as her only support. Yu Ying, who seemed to have collapsed a little, sent a reply. The words were full of fear and panic: 'What should I do, what should I do, what should I do? , I didn’t pay attention to what the rope looked like before, I knew that I just pulled it lightly, and the thing was pulled over by me, and it broke! Broken! Break, break, break! ! ! ! ! ’

'I know you're in a hurry, dear, but don't be in a hurry yet. ’

Mo Tan sighed deeply, stood up unsteadily, and inexplicably sang "Beat it", one of MJ's signature songs, while quickly editing the second message: "Although I did underestimate it." I saw this damn fog and didn't expect it to be smart enough to recognize and cut off the intestines connecting us, but now is not the time to despair. ’

‘Then you should hurry up and say something practical to give me some hope! ’

Yuying replied instantly.

‘I, I am your hope. Do you remember when I accompanied you on that haunted mission before? Even though we are about the same strength, the results I delivered were far better than yours. ’

While Mo Tan was moonwalking on the spot, he tried to comfort Yuying, who was in a very upset mood: "Don't worry, although we are all carbon-based creatures called humans, under the appearance of having the same structure, I am In terms of connotation, it is far better than people like you. The gap is even larger than that between humans and paramecium, so, dear! so! Although I don't mean to prevent you from despairing, I ask you to promise me not to despair before I despair. ’

‘? ’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. ’

‘You are so sick! ’

‘Good boy, please rest first. I still need to study this fog, and if possible, even test several new solutions, so I will block you first. ’

‘? ? ? ? ? ’

‘Don’t worry, I am a responsible man. If you are trapped and die here, I will not live alone. ’

‘Can I live alone and you die? ’

‘I personally suggest that you go to a public space to kill time. Well, that’s a good idea. Why don’t we meet in a public space later. I miss you. ’

'late? What time is it? ’

‘Tan Mo? ’

‘Tan Mo, what the hell are you doing! ? ’

[The other party has blocked you. In order to prevent harassment, the private chat function between you and the player [Tan Mo - Chaotic Neutral] is temporarily locked until the other party actively sends the next message. During this period, you send [Tan Mo - Chaotic Neutral] Neutral】All content activated will be directly deleted by the system. I wish you a happy game. 】

"Happy you gave me a big watermelon!!!"

at the same time

"Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter! (So everyone is going crazy and fighting) It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Who's Right~ (right or wrong is no longer important to them)!"

After shielding Yuying, Mo Tan opened his arms and moonwalked in place at high speed while singing loudly as if he was about to take off: "Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It (Then just avoid him, avoid him)" Start a conflict)!!!”

Maybe it's because the atmosphere here is so good, so Mo Tan didn't sing a few verses as usual, but finished the song with great emotion. I have to say, this guy's sense of music is really good. In addition, his voice is pretty good. If he takes part in an elective or something, he might really be able to break out of the auditions. Of course, forget about the knockout rounds. After all, he doesn't have much money and he's not a professional singer. He really wants to break in. , which is tantamount to offending people with money, background and talent at the same time.

All in all, after the song ended, Mo Tan, who was full of joy and joy, was already smiling. Completely opposite to Yu Ying, who had already logged out of the game in despair at this moment, this guy's mood was so comfortable that it was visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, now the trouble is solved."

Mo Tan, who had perfectly achieved his previous goal, which was to throw Yuying into the fog when necessary, so that he could only go to the public space to concentrate on honing his PVP skills, smacked his lips happily, and then started to play here with his hands behind his back. He wandered around in the thick fog. It was different from when Yu Ying was alone in the fog. It was also a lifeless, boring and monotonous environment that could drive people crazy. However, at this moment, he looked like he was enjoying himself and didn't care.

For him, who has been mentally ill since he was a child, this kind of extremely quiet 'private space' is extremely precious. Of course, maybe for Mo Tan, who has an 'absolute neutrality' and 'lawful good' personality, this kind of extremely quiet 'private space' is precious. He may be happier when there is always someone by his side, but with his current personality, he can be happy from the bottom of his heart in any situation.

Whether it is a difficult situation or a desperate situation.

Of course, no matter whether it is a difficult situation or a desperate situation, it has nothing to do with Mo Tan's current situation. After all, although he can enjoy these things, he will not actively push himself into a desperate situation. In other words, he can be in a desperate situation. A crazy person who can still grin from the corner of his mouth to the ears when he comes, but he is not a fool who has no trouble but wants to create some trouble for himself. Of course, trouble that can bring him happiness is not a trouble in Mo Tan's eyes, so Doesn’t count.

All in all, the reason why Mo Tan suddenly slashed his large intestine with a knife was not because he wanted to experience the thrill of getting lost (after all, he really didn't need it), but because he was sure that he could successfully solve this turn of events even without Yu Ying's help. The fog that has stunned countless NPCs and trapped countless players to death.

I still remember that not long ago, Mo Tan personally told Yu Ying that he was '40% sure that he could take her out' and '40% sure that he could find other ways to break the situation'.

That being said, at least at that time, he wasn't lying.

We all know that the remaining 20% ​​is ‘waiting for Diana to come and save Frank Hughes’ interpreter’, but the 80% he mentioned actually have a strong direction.

Among them, the 40% that Mo Tan mentioned first was a universal method that he felt after research could be adapted to all players. No matter who he was, he could find a way to break the game in this direction. This was what he had been talking about with Yu Ying before. The 'silly method' of the experiment, and as the core prop of the stupid method, the alchemical intestine is not irreplaceable. At least for Mo Tan, even if he is thrown into the fog without any preparation, he can Find a replacement for your colon.

So the only real requirement of that stupid method is actually a partner who can interact in real time through friend messages.

After thinking about this, many things can be easily explained, such as why NPCs and players are treated differently by this fog, why the former can walk out after being confused for a while, while the latter can only be trapped and die in it, and finally delete their account. Again.

Putting aside the world view and logic, if you only look at it from the perspective of the game, this is actually a very simple and easy-to-understand matter, because for NPCs, the 'universal solution' found by Mo Tan cannot be established, so from the principle Generally speaking, it is basically impossible for the NPCs to get out of this foggy area unless a strong person from the legendary mysticism comes to fish for people.

Players are in another situation, because even players who don’t have half a friend in the game can ask for help from others in real life at any time, whether they go to Tieba to post a reward, or go to the square in a public space to find help. If you are destined, there is always a way to let others know that you are in trouble. The cost of asking for help is actually much lower than that of NPCs. In Mo Tan's view, although no one else has used the 'stupid method' that he can think of, But those studios and clubs are not stupid. If professionals from all walks of life really want to study this fog, I am afraid that the 'stupid method' that I and Yu Ying used will be studied out in less than three days.

As for whether only Mo Tan can see it, others can't figure it out even if they try hard... How can I put it, this kind of thinking really underestimates the heroes of the world, and the examples will basically only appear at 6+ or 8 +'s works.

What? You said that in some movies, TV shows, animations, and novels, there are really characters who slap their heads and crush a group of social elites? There's nothing wrong with it, 6+ or 8+.

What? You said those works are read by many adults? Hey, isn’t Cui Xiaoyu already in her twenties? Doesn’t she still use underage sensory protection to play games? Is it still in this society where the average age of first love has been lowered to 12 years old that you still keep your integrity and play solo until now? Be nice, don't be arrogant, and read your book.

All in all, the reason why this fog is still in an 'unsolvable' state is not because it is really unsolvable, but because those who have the ability have not spared the time to 'solve' it. After all, the point of this game is, There are too many things to do. There is no shortage of things to do in big studios and clubs. Why bother to allocate resources to come all the way to brainstorm in this place where there is no shit? To be honest, even if the boss of the red constellation, the big boss who goes by the pseudonym Romeo and the pig spends the night, accidentally falls into it, he will not rush off the line to hold a meeting and ask people to fish him out. He will only be the first to weigh the cost-effectiveness. Time ends itself.

Again, we are in business and we need to make ends meet. It would be good to send a few people over to take a look at such a low-cost-effective matter. If we really take it seriously, the project manager will be just a short distance away from being fired. Not far away.

To sum up, this fog does not seem to level the playing field between NPCs and players. It is actually quite fair. However, Mo Tan knows very well that although this matter can be explained by game balance, according to the rules of this game Virtue actually pays more attention to logic than gameplay, so there must be a more reliable and justifiable reason behind all this, and all of this...

When a certain condition is met, there is no need for a second person, such as Yu Ying and others, to participate.

So the question is, what exactly is the so-called ‘certain condition’?

The answer is naturally - 'Mo Tan can crack this fog alone'.

[Blood Resentment Fills the Window] is Yu Ying's mission, so Mo Tan is willing to get some rewards, but [Jackdaw's Oath] is Mo Tan's own mission, so if there is even the slightest possibility, he naturally doesn't want others to join in. And, especially someone like Yu Ying who was completely blown away by the character of 'Tan Mo' in every field except for being good at fighting.

In line with the principle that I am only allowed to take advantage of others, and others cannot take advantage of me, after Mo Tan was sure that he had the ability to conquer this fog, he simply abandoned Yu Ying.

And this method is what he said before as the 'other 40% possibility', that is -' the system specifically mentioned in the notes that 80% of the rewards were cut off because having no sense of direction would be a big advantage in this mission. 'This detail.

In fact, not long after the two of them entered the fog, Mo Tan had already made a preliminary guess and deliberately concealed a detail that was innocuous to ordinary people, that is, whether there is another one in 'this space'. The function of hiding traits is to interfere with other people's sense of direction.

Seriously, it's pretty easy to guess, so it's not really a secret.


What if all the characteristics of this space are based on ‘interfering with the sense of direction’?

Then we can still draw a conclusion that is of no use to most people, that is, "as long as you have a sense of direction" you will suffer.

However, for Mo Tan, when this trait was summarized, the nature of the matter changed.

What has become?

To put it simply, apart from the visual impact, this fog has almost no impact on Mo Tan. If he gets lost in it, he can only blame himself, and it has nothing to do with this fog, because Those qualities that can make people get lost simply have no effect on him!

The process he used to confirm this was also very simple, that is, he walked in a random direction after leaving Yu Ying's field of vision, and then observed whether the 'large intestine' around his waist was tight.

If they are people affected by the fog, then they can walk dozens or hundreds of meters without affecting the large intestine, which is only affected by the 'real distance', but if they are not disturbed -

Let's put it this way, although Yu Ying was indeed investigating carefully after leaving Mo Tan's field of vision, Mo Tan basically stood at attention when he stepped out of Yu Ying's perception, because if he left again...

Yu Ying was probably going to be dragged over by him!

To sum up, after (somewhat Huo Dadi) made sure that he was not disturbed, Mo Tan left Yu Ying behind without hesitation.

Then maybe someone should ask, based on his sense of direction, can he really not get lost in it?

This involves a setting that has been mentioned a long time ago. I still remember that during a certain sparring match between 'Tan Mo' and Yi Dong, he was tricked by the super powerful mechanical skill [Double Ghost Slaps on the Door]. The reason why he rushed out unscathed is that he can walk in a straight line!

That's right, although Mo Tan is hopeless in terms of his sense of direction, he can! Walk! straight! Wire!

Chapter 1,770: End

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