Quadruple split

Chapter 1783 No one


Mo Tan's eyes widened, he raised his hands to build a tent in front of his eyes, and sighed: "This is so exciting!"

"Captain Kallen!!!"

Monica next to her had a completely different reaction. The strong man let out a roar, then slammed the backpack on his shoulders to the ground, and looked at the man he admired with red eyes. Instructor Kallen ran away.

As a result, after running less than two steps, someone grabbed him from behind.

"let me go!"

Monica suddenly turned her head and stared at Mo Tan, her eyes splitting as she shouted: "I'm going to report to the captain..."

He couldn't go on, because the partner who was always unkempt and seemed to be involved in a mystery was still smiling at this moment, but he couldn't stop the tears that kept pouring out of his eyes, and behind those seemingly calm eyes, he couldn't stop talking. , and even more surging... uh... surging with an emotion that although even Mo Tan himself didn't know what it was, it must have been an extraordinary emotion in Monica's opinion.

All in all, this partner who had been by Mo Tan's side since he came to Jackdaw Castle, under the former's oppressive sight, finally suppressed the uncontrollable anger in his heart and forced himself to He resisted and did not break away from the hand on his wrist that was not actually very strong.

"clam down."

Mo Tan said this in a cold tone that Monica had never heard before, and then pulled the latter to his side with a slight force, looked at the silhouetted crossbow arrows and Kallen in the distance, and said in a deep voice. : "If the captain were here, guess what she would say to us now?"



"Keep calm and hide as soon as possible..."

"Then why are you still standing there?"

Mo Tan loosened his grip on Monica's right wrist and quickly retreated while shouting: "Get back quickly. If you really want to avenge the captain, take a closer look at how the other party organized this incident." Raid!"

Monica, who had lost her opinion under Mo Tan's series of inducements and hints, and whose impulse was extinguished, gritted her teeth and stamped her feet. Finally, she quickly ran to the former's side, squatted down and looked at the land not far away. He couldn't help but twist the air, and the shadows that separated from the air.

There is no doubt that those beings that make people feel dizzy and confused just by looking at them can only be enemies.

The problem is that……

"Who are they? Whose enemies are they?"

Mo Tan held his breath and concentrated, directly treating Monica next to him, who was almost trying all his strength not to rush out, as air, thinking and comparing at high speed.

It's a pity that even though those distorted shadows have stabilized their figures in reality and are in close combat with the 'partners' at the front, Mo Tan still can't compare them with any force in his mind.

Of course, even though he failed to successfully identify the enemy, he did not gain anything.

A blond woman with a lot of acne on her face who had greeted Monica not long ago had her right arm cut off by a black shadow holding a fierce cold weapon, but she showed a cold and coquettish smile. She raised her left hand and brushed it from the broken arm, and actually pulled out a huge dark red sword that was flowing like liquid directly from the piece of flesh, and directly stabbed the black shadow in front of her.


I saw her face full of excitement and let out a scream, her originally pale face suddenly turned extremely rosy, and the black figure penetrated by the bloody sword fell to the ground in a spasm. The next moment, a large amount of pungent The scarlet liquid began to seep out from her body, and in an instant it gathered into a spinning blood ball in front of the woman. It floated to her broken arm, which had begun to shrink and turn black, and turned into blood in an instant. A smooth white arm.

Not far away, a middle-aged elf in green robes suddenly closed his eyes and collapsed to the ground as if he had a sudden illness. Almost at the same time, two black figures that had forced him to a dead end also appeared. He collapsed inexplicably and rolled around in pain seconds later.

As a result, just a few breaths later, a third black shadow suddenly appeared next to the middle-aged elf like a ghost, and brutally decapitated him with the scimitar burning with black flames in his hand, and was accompanied by a sound that was mostly related to him. The elves from the same camp as Mo Tan and Monica had their heads in different places, but the two shadows that had just fallen jumped up vigorously and quickly went to find the next target.

More than ten meters away, cold ripples spread out like ripples from the fingertips of a staggering dwarf old man wearing a black veil, forcing several black figures to retreat step by step, while the half-dragon standing next to him Then he waved out golden flames, holding on to the shaky front, buying time for the surrounding partners who were regrouping.

This was an out-and-out ambush battle, but apart from the first round of raids that directly killed at least twenty people including Kallen, those weird and twisted black shadows did not take much advantage. And as more and more people begin to invest in the counterattack, the situation is gradually returning to balance, at least on the surface.

"It won't last much longer."

After making a brief comment, Mo Tan turned to Monica next to him without any expectations and asked, "Are you leaving?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where are you going?" It took him a few seconds to react.

"go back."

Mo Tan crouched and backed away slowly while saying calmly: "This is a premeditated attack. Since the other party can take care of the strongest Kallen in this team, they will naturally not be unaware of them." The exact weight of the hunted object is a few kilograms, so I suspect that the seemingly evenly matched situation is just an illusion. If nothing else, those who are fighting in front are just stalling for time."

Monica frowned in confusion and asked, "So why are they delaying?"

"To wipe us all out here."

Mo Tan answered casually and said impatiently: "Don't ask me why, I just guessed the most logical possibility, and I can't guarantee its credibility."

Monica didn't ask any more questions. She just nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "I understand. In order to go back and tell everyone about the situation, we can't all die here. Well... Okay, let's go quickly."

"And you?"

Mo Tan, who had been pushed three or four meters away, glanced up at Monica and asked, "Stay here and help me buy time?"

"I'm not sure I have the ability to buy you time."

Monica straightened up, took off the long bow with exaggerated specifications from her back, and laughed loudly to Mo Tan, who had sneaked out almost ten meters away: "But I must go and see Captain Kallen. , if I accidentally cover you during the process, don’t take it to heart, I definitely didn’t mean it.”


Mo Tan grinned, then raised his fist and waved at Monica.

"Ha ha."

Monica also waved his casserole-sized fist at Mo Tan, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

In front of him was Kallen, who had been pierced by a crossbow arrow and had completely lost her vitality. There were the roars and roars of his companions, and the shadows all over the mountains and plains under the starlight——

Behind him, Mo Tan's figure had completely blended into the noisy night, and within a moment, he completely disappeared from this world as if he had never existed.

Game time AM03:59

【Your spiritual connection has been detected】

"Hey, it doesn't feel very difficult. I don't know if I'm too strong or if this task is too weak."

[About to enter [The Boundary of Innocence]——Public Space for Players]

"But if you think about it carefully, the fate of people like Chang Yuying who goes in will be worse than that of the [Blood Resentment Filled Window] mission. One of them might be completely confessed in it, so it's not really easy? "

[You are about to visit the public area. Since you have chosen to visit the public area directly, you cannot leave the designated area and enter the Dark Forest. All space teleportation spells/skills/talents/effects/items will be frozen]

"Speaking of which, the mission that Kang Lan has been doing is probably related to this place. The dark forest next to the Elf Forest seems to be in the middle of the development zone of his regional world mission."

[You have successfully logged into the default area: Public Space No. 404]

"Every time I log in, it's so boring. System-chan, why don't you sing to me next time?"

[Welcome, chaotic neutral Tan Mo]

"Sing! Sing! Give! Me! Listen!"

【you sure? 】

"Ohhhhhhh!!! My dear, you finally responded to me. You know how I have survived these days..."

[Do you remember what happened after the last chat? 】


[If I remember correctly, you don’t seem to have an extra appendix than others. 】

"so what?"

[I don’t know, but it will probably be interesting. 】

"for example?"

[For example, can you continue to firmly believe that you are a physically and mentally sound male on an ideological level? 】

"Be more specific."

[For example, Wuding people. 】


[Well, Wudingren. 】


[So you want me to sing to you now? 】

"I'm sorry, I spoke too loudly just now."

The next moment, Mo Tan, who was already in the buffer zone of the public space, regained control of his body and shuddered violently.

It has to be said that even Mo Tan under his current personality would still be strategically afraid in the face of the danger of 'turning into a non-human being'. Of course, considering various factors, it was rare to show up to talk to him just now. The system that had just chatted for a few words probably wouldn't make such a threat to the second person.

All in all, after learning the lesson from losing his appendix carelessly last time, although Mo Tan did not regard the system of the Innocence Realm as a scourge, he did not tease it as much as before, not to mention that the other two personalities would hardly take the initiative to find it. The system was troublesome, even the individual named [Tan Mo] in the realm of innocence temporarily turned the series of temptations into a simple 'verbal pleasure', erasing the barely concealed purpose in the words.

Of course, Mo Tan felt that even if he was so stubborn and asked System-chan to sing a song for him, System-chan wouldn't be able to sing. Even if System-chan really sang, he probably wouldn't be able to turn himself into a 'Wuding Man' '.

In the final analysis, in Mo Tan's view, the reason why he was reported to GANK before was mainly because System-chan used some means to allow him to freely switch characters in the public space during the [Inquisition Simulation Battle]. , as the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world, and such good things cannot come without a price, so according to the conservation law of God knows what kind of mechanism, his appendix was taken away by a disaster that fell from the sky the next day, which shows that this is a very big deal. Rigorous and self-consistent mechanism.

But the idea of ​​System-chan singing to herself and then turning herself into a human being is not in line with the law of conservation. If System-chan's always bad character (mainly reflected in item remarks) is added to the variables, it will not be difficult. A conclusion can be drawn, that is, the so-called "no Ding people" are most likely just a harmless joke that cannot be established at all.

So the question is, why did Mo Tan still give in even though he knew this?

This is not nonsense. What does it mean in all likelihood? There is still a 10% to 20% chance that it is true, so if Mo Tan is not confused, he will not take this risk just to tease the system more.

Again, he may be a lunatic to a certain extent, but he is definitely not a fool. It is absolutely impossible to do such a business that is obviously a loss.

In short, Mo Tan, who was defeated in the system bureau (literally), left the buffer zone listlessly and entered the public space No. 404 where he logged in by default.

Compared to public spaces with higher number rankings, or those with unique meanings such as 888 and 666 (there will no longer be such a thing as "Not Found error message" when people go online in 2049), people here are not It's not a lot. Although it's not a small number considering the player base of Innocence Realm, the total number of players in the entire square is just over four digits. It can be said to be quite deserted.

I have to admit that most people actually like to crowd into lively places, so in many early games, there will only be more and more players in the populous servers, and the ghost servers in the countryside will become more and more ghostly, without guilt. Although there is no second server in the world, the public space block used to divert players cannot violate this rule. Of course, players don't care about this kind of thing, and neither does the innocent company. After all, they basically don't need to maintain the hardware. Spend money.

And precisely because there were very few people in the public space of No. 404, two interested people noticed Mo Tan as soon as he appeared.

One is Yu Ying, who came here with Weiyang to meet ‘Tan Mo’ twice, and is currently blocking people.

One is a phenomenal idol who immediately changed the default public space to No. 404 after hearing from Mu Xuejian that 'Tan' would appear here. His ID in the game is Her Royal Highness, her stage name is [Xue Yin], and she is currently in Juezan. The beautiful girl among the fish.

Chapter 1,774: End

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