Quadruple split

Chapter 1801 The goal of the red constellation

"Thirty percent..."

Xueran moved his white neck with a click, and tugged at the corner of his mouth and complained: "Brother Xinglong, although I dropped out of junior high school, but being uneducated doesn't mean I'm stupid. It's a bit too much for you to tease me so straightforwardly. It’s too much!”

"That's right, this is too much."

Pioneer, who had just been dragged back by Yinyue and struggled on the ground for a long time without successfully standing up, echoed, and then said with a smile: "But the problem now is, in my impression, the captain seems to be Have you never lied on such an occasion?"

Xue Ran was stunned immediately. He reacted for a while before blinking in confusion: "Meow?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

The gentleman who also found a way to remove the effect of [Acupoint Sealing] suddenly burst into laughter. He laughed for half a minute, then spread his hands, raised his head, and lay back heavily on the ground again, using his hair. The voice without any ups and downs of emotions said: "I can't fix it."


Because the time for [Acupoint Sealing] was up, Jiuzhong slowly got up from the ground and smiled with some trouble, shook his head and said: "If this is really the case, then all of Xiao Li's information will probably have to be overturned and redone."

Hanguang and Yinyue didn't speak, they just lowered their eyes and fell into thinking at the same time. As one of them was the strongest among the people except Awakening Dragon, and the other was a top player with the same professional system as Awakening Dragon, in the group game just now The realization gained in annihilation is deeper than that of others.

Hanmei, who is the center of the club's home team, said unceremoniously after being helped up by Xinglong himself: "Damn it, please explain, if the club doesn't know your specific strength, how can you go ahead?" If it's serious, you'll be severely punished."

Xinglong smiled helplessly and asked, "What about the younger ones?"

"I'm just kidding now!"

Hanmei glared angrily and said angrily: "Hurry up and tell me honestly, it's a good thing that you are powerful, but it's strange that you are several times more powerful than we know! If the reason is not sufficient, at least two months of your salary will be deducted."

Although he didn't care about being deducted money or anything, Xinglong still raised his hands and surrendered very cooperatively: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you now. Everyone has almost recovered. Come and find a place to sit."

"There aren't enough tree stumps for the rest of us."

The pioneer shook his head, raised his short staff and made two strokes in the air: "I'll make a few big seats -"

Immediately afterwards, no more, no less, exactly eight...mazas composed of earth elements rose from the ground, forming a circle with Xinglong as the center.

"whispering sound."

Xue Ran squatted on one of the horse pegs with a look of disgust on his face and curled his lips: "It's worse than a wooden stake."

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready for the meeting!"

Hanmei, who liked Xiao Maza the most, sat directly opposite Xinglong. After asking everyone to sit down, she stamped her feet impatiently and said to the latter like she was interrogating a prisoner: "Explain yourself."

"Sister, I'm a little angry today."

The pioneer leaned over and muttered something quietly to the gentleman sitting next to him.

"We were dealt with too simply, including the eldest sister herself."

The gentleman also lowered his voice and replied in a low voice: "It's urgent."


However, Jiuchong and Yinyue, who were separated from them by Xue Ran, suddenly shook his ears, then quickly raised his little hands and said loudly: "Complain! Gentleman and Pioneer are gossiping about Sister Mei. They say you are in a hurry!" "

"It's okay. I'll take them to do yoga later."

Hanmei said lightly, and then stopped talking to the ashen-faced duo, and continued to stare at Xinglong with burning eyes.

"Let's put it this way, I actually discovered not long ago that [Awakening Dragon] seems to be much stronger than what we thought, and after discovering this..."

Xinglong pursed his lips, and after organizing his words for a few seconds, he considered: "I have become stronger again, even to the point of being somewhat unreasonable."

Hanmei nodded, her expression gradually becoming serious: "Continue."

"I thought about it and found that the change should have started after I trained independently. To be more detailed, it was after adjusting the equipment and condition to the best that I discovered that the 'limit' I had understood before was no longer the same. Inaccurate."

Xinglong did not hide it. After giving a relatively general explanation, he explained in a more understandable form: "Although I am not sure, I think there should be two main reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, it is wrong to only adapt to the strongest equipment in a public space where the rankings will not be updated. If I guess correctly, the improvement of the character by equipment is likely to make players touch the threshold of a higher level, just like putting The basic panels are all stacked up to the 'epic threshold' given by the technical department, and the professional realm will probably follow the same. Although this method is much more difficult than finding a way to get an epic career, it is a feasible way. road."

"Let me make a hypothesis for you."

Seeing several people looking at a loss, Kokonoe immediately took over the topic and said very naturally: "The research results of the 'epic' realm from the technical department show that there are currently two ways for players to be Defined as an epic in [The Boundary of Innocence], the first, which is the simplest, most traditional, and most cost-effective method is to find a way to obtain an epic career. Although no player seems to have done this yet, If nothing else goes wrong, within half a year, first-tier players will be able to get epic quests one after another. By analogy with high-level quests, quests for generalized epic professions such as [Knight Lord] and [Grand Mage] should be easier. The rest , for special professions such as Han Guang and Gentleman, the threshold may be much higher."

Although it sounds quite complicated, the people here are among the top professional players even in the world. No one can't understand Kunou's explanation, so they all nodded for her to continue.

"The second is a relatively difficult way to advance. Ah, thank you Xiaoyue."

Jiuzong took a sip of the tea handed over by Yinyue and said seriously: "That is to stack the basic attributes to a certain threshold and unlock the 'epic realm' by forcing the character to obtain 'epic strength'. That's it. For example, Meimei, according to the most cost-effective calculation by the technical department, if she piles up her basic attributes to strength above 200, dexterity above 200, intelligence above 850, and constitution above 250, so that the total of her basic attributes exceeds 1500, she will have the equivalent of Epic-level strength, in this case, refer to some examples of intermediate-level promotion to high-level, I am afraid that she will be directly assigned the epic-level profession of [Arcane Mathematical Master] by the system."

"God damn it has a basic attribute of over 1500."

Pioneer, who has a more active personality and seems to like to complain, was shocked at the time and said in a shocked voice: "It's not like we haven't dealt with epic level NPCs before. Why don't I believe that all of them have basic attributes of more than 1,500! Players!" Not to mention anything else, how could there be..."

"Do you still remember when I was instantly killed by that Cordoba?"

Xinglong calmly interrupted the pioneer and said sternly: "I dare to guarantee with my career, at least when he killed me instantly, the three basic attributes of dexterity, strength and physique that he showed were more than... 1,500."

The Pioneer, who knew that Xinglong would not lie at this time, was stunned and speechless.

"At this time, don't speculate about the ten thousand year old second brother."

Hanmei clapped her hands, brought the topic back, and said to Xinglong, "You continue."

"Okay, actually my discovery is very simple, that is, even with the assistance of equipment, as long as we are in the [Innocent Realm], note that it is the Innocent Realm and not the public space, and the basic attributes break through to a certain extent, we will It is possible to reach a higher 'realm'."

Xinglong looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Attention, I said 'realm'. Although this is a concept that sounds like it has nothing to do with games, in the realm of innocence, this word is actually used. Yes, it's not the release of skills through brainwave instructions, nor is it the 'optimal output cycle' calculated by the technical department, but your own understanding of the characters, skills, tactics, etc. in the game. Do you understand what I mean? "

"I don't understand at all."

Pioneers and gentlemen said in unison.

"Almost meow~"

Xue Ran grinned, looking as thoughtful as Han Guang, who still remained silent.

"I understand."

Yin Yue nodded bluntly, making everyone look sideways.

Hanmei turned to look at Yinyue: "If you understand, tell me."

"It's actually not complicated, at least not for melee professionals like us. I was able to react immediately because I had noticed it long before."

Yinyue smiled slightly and explained in her usual gentle and calm tone: "The realm of Awakening Dragon can actually be understood as something very similar to melee specialization, such as one-handed sword specialization, empty-handed specialization, etc. They are all things that require effort to adapt and understand, and will not directly reflect the strength of the character. In my case, because my family runs a martial arts school and I have practiced a lot of martial arts routines since I was a child, I will understand it. A little faster."

Everyone looked at each other. Although everyone knew that Yinyue's family owned a martial arts gym that charged 6,000 yuan per period, 500 yuan for two one-on-one tutoring classes, 2,888 yuan for a rank certificate, 18,888 annual major memberships, and 888 yuan for hip-hop basics, but No one thought that there really was a so-called 'martial arts routine' there.

"I knew you would have this reaction, I never said anything before."

Yinyue smiled bitterly, shook her head, and shrugged: "Actually, this is my family's inheritance, but... as everyone knows, no one is willing to learn martial arts seriously now, so when my dad was in school, he and my grandfather who was still young at the time combined it. Immediately, the place was transformed into a place similar to a 'lightweight fitness center', but I am the only child in the family, so I was forced to learn kung fu since I was a child."

Hanguang's eyes widened and he asked curiously: "So, actually, Yinyue, you are a hidden master? The kind of person who can defeat ten of me by yourself?"

"I think too much. I just learned the routines and postures. I have never practiced the hard work such as horse steps for three hours a day. I haven't been able to fight like Sister Mei. If I have to say, it is a super low-end version. Just Wang Yuyan, who knows more than a dozen martial arts."

Yinyue immediately shook her head in denial, and then hesitantly added: "But in [The Realm of Innocence]... Well, I haven't thought about this myself... Let Xinglong talk about the business first, maybe it can inspire Inspire me.”

Xinglong nodded slightly, and then continued: "Apart from the fact that advancing to the epic level cannot be accomplished overnight, you also know that people of the same level in this game may have huge differences in combat power, and in my case It seems that even if equipment, talents, skills and other things are taken into account, the proportion of 'realm' in it is not small."

"so what?"

Hanmei frowned, crossed her arms and asked, "What exactly do you want to teach us?"

"I can't teach you anything, because everyone's route in this game is different. Even Silver Moon, who belongs to the monk profession like me, is hugely different from me in all aspects,"

As a result, Xinglong shook his head and denied the idea of ​​'teaching', and then said in a deep voice: "I just want you to know that it is best not to play this game with the mentality of 'playing a game', even if it is Hanmei, Pioneer, Gentlemen, for a profession like yours that focuses on the field of mysticism, it is best to become stronger with the purpose of 'training yourself'."

The driver twitched his lips and said with a wry smile: "I understand everything after all, but when it comes to sensing elements... we don't have any experience in this area."

"This is not a reason. After all, I had no experience in controlling fighting spirit before getting into this game."

Xinglong shook his head and said sternly to everyone: "The Innocence of Innocence is first and foremost a game, and you are one of the most talented people in the world, but it is not just a game, so If you really want to become stronger, you must further develop your potential that you never imagined in the past."

Including Hanmei, no one raised any objection to Xinglong's words. The reason is very simple. As the best player and a person who plays games, this level of attitude is one of the professional qualities. For these people present, It is said that it is 'one's duty' to work hard to become stronger.


"From today until the day of the game, you have to stop everything you are doing and stay here for training."

Xinglong's eyes swept over everyone, and said in a tone that was not majestic: "The task given to us by the club is not easy, and if you want to complete the goal, your current strength can be said to be far from enough. Please explain. The point is...since I can easily defeat you all on my own, Lusel and Alchemist, who are both in the top ten, can do the same."

Upon hearing the names of these two old rivals, everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Your goal is to reduce my health to less than 70% at least once before everyone loses their fighting ability before the game officially starts.

Our goal this time is only one.

Team competition, champion! "

Chapter 1,792: End

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