Quadruple split

Chapter 183 Mutation and Rescue

three minutes later

[Shadow Flash]

The figures of two feathered warblers suddenly appeared beside a 'monster'. Four black scimitars slashed down at the same time, and accelerated in vain the moment they came into contact with the latter.

【Strength release】+【Heart removal】

Muddy blood splashed in the air, and the monster, misled by the afterimage, screamed and was pierced by two scimitars in the chest, staggering to the ground with a shrill wail.

【Broken neck】

The overlapping sharp blades felt like scissors pressing against the monster's neck, and suddenly came together in the next second.

With a crisp 'click' sound, the monster that was originally pinned to the ground by Yu Ying's knees finally stopped struggling, and a shriveled and ferocious skull rolled to the ground. The pair of eyes full of violence were still staring. She was perfectly round, but she had lost half of her vitality.

In fact, from the time of this enthusiastic carpenter's 'transformation', there was no such thing as sparkle in his eyes.

"Actually, he died a few minutes ago, even if he was still alive and kicking a second ago." Yuying shook off the blood on the blade, turned back to the two women who were crying and said softly: "Of course, I don't mind. You hate me."

There seems to be a paradox in her words, but it is an indisputable fact. After killing two 'monsters' in succession, Yuying can be sure that they died the moment they lost their minds. After all, no one is normal. The living body can still stand up and scratch people after suffering more than twenty fatal wounds and losing all its blood, and...

"I believe in Gates. I believe that even if he still has a shred of consciousness, he will not attack his wife and children." Yuying put the scimitar back into her bag, then took out two daggers, and while alerting the surroundings, she motioned to the mother in front of her. The woman stood up and said seriously: "I hope you also believe him."

The older woman tremblingly helped her daughter up, choked with sobs and nodded to Yu Ying: "I know, thank you."

"Thank you Marcus." The girl glanced at the headless corpse at her feet, then looked back at another small corpse not far behind her, and whispered: "I can't deal with three people at the same time by myself. If he hadn’t held off Mrs. Molly just now, I don’t know how many people would have died.”

The girl curled up in her mother's arms pursed her lips and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Marcus..."

"Dead." Yu Ying shrugged, then walked slowly towards the way she came, and said without looking back: "You go find other people now, let everyone gather here and wait for me, if anyone goes crazy Call for help immediately."

The woman who had not yet recovered from the pain of losing her husband simply nodded, while her strong and precocious daughter asked loudly: "Sister, where are you going?"

"I'm going to complete the mission and reunite the Marcus family."

Yuying answered briefly.

Yes, mission accomplished…

The system prompt sounded in Yuying's ears thirty seconds ago.

[Important figures have died. Side mission: Marcus and his team, who protected Bunis Town, arrived at Hofer City and failed]

[Side mission has been triggered: Escort the survivors to their destination and inform the Saint of the Dawn Sect about the 'mutants': Xia Lian Zhuye/Chen Wangyu, the minimum number of survivors: 50, the current number of survivors: 96, mission Reward: 1800 assassin experience points, Dawn Sect reputation +100, reputation of all neutral organizations except Tianzhu Mountain +50】

[Hidden mission has been triggered: Kill ‘Mutant’ Molly Marcus and reunite the Marcus family. Mission reward: Optional experience 1]

"I am a female killer who has no feelings." Yu Ying murmured in a low voice, clenching the dagger in her hand: "I only came back to cause trouble for the mission reward, not because of overflowing sympathy, yes, 1 A little experience is very important. Gouzi once said, when the accumulation of soil forms a mountain, the wind and rain will stir; when the accumulation of water forms a abyss, a dragon will emerge. Alas, how did I recite the next sentence..."

She was hypnotizing herself like this, "One point of experience is important" while rushing towards Molly Marcus, who had completely torn her husband into pieces.

two hours ago

Game time AM07:45

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


[Reconnection starts, character information is being read]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Holy Union Chapel, Hoover City, Misha County

Mo Tan sent a message to Yuchen as soon as he went online. The main content was to ask Xia Lian whether the misunderstanding between the two of them yesterday had been resolved...

Otherwise, he would really have no shame in going out.

‘I’ve finished explaining it to Sister Saint! She believed about 30% of it, and I think it’s okay! (*/ω\*)’

Yuchen replied quickly.

‘Ah, and one more thing, if Mo Tan is okay now, can you come to the conference room? I left you a symbolic note, just on the table~(=ω<=)’

Then came another message.

"I only believed 30%." Mo Tan rolled his eyes. He didn't think this would be 'no problem' at all, but he didn't dwell on this matter for too long. He just got out of bed and looked at the table. There was a table there. A note buried under the canon.

Above are a few paragraphs of concern that don't seem to be perfunctory at all, and a request for him to "wake up" and go to the conference room in the center of the first floor of the chapel. The signature is Chen Wangyu.

"Very beautiful calligraphy~"

Mo Tan sighed casually, then for some unknown reason he put the note into his bag and quickly left the room.

After a moment, he gently knocked on the golden-red door of the conference room, and then heard a lazy voice: "Which one?"

"Hei Fan." Mo Tanyan replied concisely and concisely: "I saw Wang Yu's note."

Then the door opened in a dim light...

There is a spacious space inside, with several rows of neat chairs on the left and right sides, and a rectangular golden olive wood table in the middle. Xia Lian is lying lazily in the center of the room. Mo Tan had a relationship with Paladins Taylor and Yuchen, and there was a sturdy orc priest sitting next to Taylor.

"Come and sit down. Let me introduce you briefly. This is Joe Furman, the chief priest of the Church of Justice." Xia Lian glanced at Mo Tan, and then pointed to the black-skinned orc sitting next to Taylor: "He has been here before. Mida City next door asked us to come over this time to support the show."

Hei Fan walked over to Yuchen and sat down next to him. He then nodded cordially to the orc priest in front of him and said, "Hello, master priest, I am..."

"This is our old friend of the Forgotten Saint of Dawn Sect, the low-level priest Hei Fan." Xia Lian got ahead of him and 'introduced' to Furman: "It's very promising."

"Hello, my dear old friend." Fuhrman immediately stood in awe.

Yu Chen lightly touched Mo Tan's shoulder and whispered helplessly: "I struggled..."

Mo Tan laughed sarcastically and simply shut up.

However, Xia Lian immediately asked him with a wink, "Are you still weak now? I heard Wangyu say that this is an old problem for you."

The eyes of Paladin Taylor and Priest Furman were straightened at that time.

Mo Tan's eyes straightened, and then he gave Yu Chen a stiff look. What his eyes probably meant was, 'What on earth did you say to her yesterday! ? ’

The latter quickly pulled Xia Lian's sleeve hard and whispered with a red face: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Ahem, forgive me for overstepping, Your Highness Xia Lian, I think we should discuss the next arrangements first." Fortunately, the priest Furman came to the rescue in time, otherwise if someone had asked Mo Tan and Yu to say a few more words, It won't be long before Chen will probably have to start digging into cracks in the ground.

Xia Lian, who was interrupted from gossiping, lay weakly on the table again: "Okay, then you can continue."

"As I said just now, the situation in Mida City is very bad." Priest Furman sighed and took out a crumpled letter: "Although the initial situation was not as serious as that in Hofer City, and the administrative The institution is still operating, but the number of civilians infected by the plague has reached nearly 5,000. In order to protect the healthy, we have to isolate the infected outside the city. However, although temporary shelters have been built and the food supply is no problem, there is no problem. Going down is not a long-term solution..."

Paladin Taylor frowned and said solemnly: "This is not good. I think those people are still believers of God even if they are infected by the plague. We should not isolate them outside the high wall."

Priest Furman's expression suddenly became awkward.

"That's nonsense." Xia Lian glared at Taylor and said angrily: "We can't save people on a large scale. If we didn't take isolation measures, the whole city would have been infected. There are people with food and shelter outside the city. There’s no difference inside.”

Taylor immediately lowered his head and reflected: "That's what the saint said."

This is the good thing about religious people. If they feel that your understanding of gods and doctrines is better than theirs, in most cases they will basically not refute any of your remarks.

[And Xia Lian is indeed right, there is no problem in handling it this way, but...]

Mo Tan frowned slightly.

"But it's okay for a short time, but something may happen if it takes a long time." Xia Lian changed the topic and shrugged at Fuhrman: "Am I right?"

The latter nodded and said excitedly: "Yes, that's why I rushed here immediately after I felt the great miracle here in Hofer City yesterday. You are worthy of being a favored person, and you can actually bring an entire city together." It was transformed into a place blessed by gods, and all the infected people here were cured.”

"Excuse me, although you are telling the truth." Xia Lian grinned widely, and then said seriously: "So you are planning to let me go to Mida City again?"

Priest Furman immediately nodded his head: "Yes, after all, this place has been transformed into a place blessed by the gods, and there will be no possibility of being invaded by the plague again, so I would like to ask you to go to Mida City to recreate the great miracle. There is also a Church of the Dawn there, and..."

"You don't need to say it, our next stop is originally Mida City." Xia Lian raised her hand to interrupt Fuhrman's words, and then smiled bitterly when the latter breathed a sigh of relief: "But I'm short There is no way to use the great magic again within this time."

Priest Furman was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly: "Are you saying that there is no way to use it anymore?"

"To be precise, there is nothing we can do 'temporarily'." Xia Lian tugged at her ears, spread her hands and asked, "Don't you see that I'm very weak right now?"

"No." Furman shook his head honestly and said blankly: "Although I am not a believer of the Goddess of Dawn, I can still feel your surging power of light."

Xia Lian rolled her eyes: "Priest Furman, I feel that even if I only have one breath left, I still have surging power of light in your eyes. To be honest, maybe you are stronger, but in your eyes The realm of perception and divine arts is really a bit..."

Fuhrman subconsciously glanced down at his unusually developed muscles, and then smiled sheepishly: "Actually, I'm not very strong."

"I'm not praising you..." Xia Lian tugged on her ears and said loudly: "To put it simply, when I was performing divine magic here before, I suffered a strong backlash from divine power due to some interference, so I was short-lived. There is no way to host a purification magic array of the same scale again within this time, otherwise it is very likely that you will die on the spot, do you understand?"

"I understand." Furman sighed and scratched his crew-cut head: "Before I came here, I also thought that it would be difficult for you to host such a large-scale magical event, but there was really no other way. Mi I am the highest-ranking clergyman in Dacheng now, but Your Highness Xia Lian, you also know that we Justice Priests and Courage Priests are really bad at healing magic..."

Xia Lian nodded: "Quite a dish."

Furman choked immediately.

"Don't worry too much." Xia Lian comforted him casually, and then looked at the paladin beside her: "Mr. Taylor."

"Yes!" Taylor, who was wearing heavy armor, immediately stood up with a clang.

"Let the paladins assemble in front of the chapel within twenty minutes." Xia Lian said sternly: "Then select the twenty most unskilled people to stay here to block the city gate. If more civilians come, arrange for them to go to Mi If you go to Dacheng, the larger ones must be escorted, do you understand?"

Taylor nodded vigorously: "Understood."

"Very good, we are going to Mida City today." Xia Lian stretched, then slammed the table: "We will set off in half an hour."

Furman almost cried without being moved: "Your Highness Xia Lian~"

"I'm sorry, you are a good person, but we are not suitable for each other." Xia Lian sent him a card smoothly, and then said with a smile: "Although it is impossible to purify everyone at once, nor can it be used to purify everyone in a short time. Mida City has also been transformed into a land of gods, but I can still help to some extent, and those paladins are also good at comforting people, and most of them have reliable faces with Chinese characters."

Fuhrman was stunned by Xia Lian's words. He reacted for a long time before he stifled out a stupid sentence: "I'm already married..."

"Although domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers and I am so cute and charming, I am still very sorry." Xia Lian said righteously: "I am a principled person."

Mo Tan turned to Yu Chen and blinked: "I think I know why the goddess of dawn chose her to be the favored one."


Chapter 180: End

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