Quadruple split

Chapter 1833 Destined?

【Eliminating evil】

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Legend

Content: Annihilate all regular targets and five special hostile entities in the target area. If any of the above units leaves [Pato City], the mission will fail.

Success reward: slightly

Failure penalty: None

[Note: Kill them all! All must die! ! ! 】

Kevin has never forgotten the special mission he received after entering this game. Although he does not think that this legendary mission has anything to do with him, nor has he made even the slightest effort for it, it is a legendary mission after all. Even if it was just a brief glance, it would be unrealistic to expect him to forget it in such a short period of time.

However, at this moment, Kevin, whose reaction was not fast but certainly not slow, suddenly discovered a detail that made him feel as if he was falling into an ice cellar——

In the content text of the legendary mission, it is clearly mentioned that there are "five" special hostile entities.

In Kevin's understanding, those regular targets are most likely what the captain said when he handed over the mission, those extremists in the Blood God Cult who are trying to directly sacrifice the city with blood.

So, what about the so-called special hostile existence?

First of all, Sirius, who was pressing down Tychus in the corner of the auditorium and calling himself the Archbishop of the End, was undoubtedly a very special enemy, probably one in five.

Secondly, the two people who had just fought against Mo were both members of the Grand Inquisition with strange abilities. If nothing else happened, they should both be considered special enemies, and they were two fifths.

Then in addition to what Hong Jiu said just now, she just killed a traitor with the man named Hong Wu.

Assuming the traitor is real, four of the five special enemies have been found.

In this case, the three people Kevin saw with his own eyes were all members of the Grand Inquisition. Whether it was Sirius, the bald orc of the Melody Sect, or the tree elf priest of the Plenty Sect, their outfits were unique to the Grand Inquisition. Dress up in wasteland style.

The traitor Hong Jiu spoke of couldn't possibly be a paladin like Kevin, so he was most likely a member of the Grand Inquisition.

If we analyze rationally based on this premise, there is a high probability that those 'special enemies' will be instigated by the woman named Sirius and Li Daitao who sneaked into the Grand Inquisition.

In this way, it is basically certain that the five enemies listed in the system in the legendary mission [Eradicate Evil] are all members of the Grand Inquisition. After all, given the style of the latter, the probability of falling into some kind of dark temptation is higher than usual. The clergy are much stronger.

So here comes the question...

There are five special enemies in the mission text.

Including Hongjiu, there were six members of the Grand Inquisition who came to the city for support in the first batch.

It is known that the special enemies have a high probability of being members of the Grand Inquisition, and currently four of them have been revealed.

The four were Sirius who was still fighting Tychus; the bald orc of the Grand Inquisition and the tree elf priest of the Grand Inquisition who were killed indirectly or directly by Mo Tan; and a certain traitor who was killed by the joint efforts of Red Nine and Red Five.

At this point, there is only one special enemy left.

At this point, only two members of the Grand Inquisition are left alive.


Subconsciously pulling Hong Jiu behind him, Kevin suddenly raised his sword and looked around, trying to find the red figure that appeared here almost at the same time as the former.

He found it quickly.

Although he couldn't see clearly due to his limited vision, Kevin quickly found the figure that was shuttling through the auditorium at high speed.

He swallowed subconsciously, and while his mouth was dry, cold sweat could be seen faintly on his forehead.

There is no other reason. It is because the speed of the red shadow is too fast. In just a moment, it has accelerated to the point where Kevin thinks he is unable to resist. In other words, if the other party wants to kill him now, they can 100% do it. Take Kevin's life before he reacts.


[Is he really cleaning out those heretics? 】

Locking his eyes firmly on the figure named Hong Wu, Kevin watched helplessly as the opponent continued to speed up, but the target of attack was always those confused Blood God believers. Although he could not see clearly their fighting form, Hong Wu was It is an undisputed fact that the cultists in the past are dying.

[Did I guess wrong? Or...]

Kevin, who had self-doubt because of this scene, frowned, and then subconsciously turned to look at the other member of the Grand Inquisition behind him, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes that could not be suppressed.

Fortunately, although Hong Jiu had a way of sensing the surrounding environment with his eyes closed, he could not intuitively see the alertness in Kevin's eyes, so he just tilted his head curiously and asked after the other party turned around: "What's wrong, Kevin?"

"No, it's okay."

Kevin shook his head, pretending to have dispelled his suspicion of Hong Jiu, and asked calmly: "Speaking of which, you said you killed a traitor with that... Hong Wu, what happened? "

"Oh, it's Red Fourteen."

Hong Jiu pursed his lips, his expression seemed a bit complicated for a moment, but he soon continued to explain as usual: "Didn't we split up after entering the city? At that time, it was the stronger Red Five and Black Three. Sister acted alone, then Black Seven and Red Nineteen were in a group, and I was in a group with Red Fourteen."

While Kevin was paying attention to the red figure that maintained extremely high killing efficiency, he was also paying attention to the purple figure that was gradually approaching him and was also killing the Blood God believers with extremely high efficiency.

For a moment, Kevin even had a sense of "who is the bad guy", because in this situation, it is completely two BOSS-level monsters, Hong Wu and Mo, leading a group of elite monsters called Paladins. Massacre those blood god believers.

Of course, although there is nothing wrong with this description, Kevin knows very well that every one of the few Blood God believers left in the auditorium is dead.

These lunatics do not deserve sympathy and do not deserve to be pitied.

But I deserve to be pitied, and I shouldn’t be killed casually!


Raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, Kevin tried to stabilize his trembling body and took a deep breath to calm the tension in his heart.

He knew very well that the "foreplay" of this game had basically come to an end, and the strength gap between him and Mo was so big that he would be easily killed without a few moves after a close encounter, so even if Without the threat of that 'special enemy', I would still be in trouble.


Seemingly noticing the other person's nervousness, Hong Jiu, who was standing behind Kevin, murmured softly and gently tugged the former's arm: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

If this scene happened in reality, Kevin would naturally refuse sternly in order to maintain his dignity. Not only that, even in the [Innocent Realm·Intrinsic World], he would probably have to carefully weigh whether he should accept this. Such kindness, even... Even in this consumable mirror space, if Hong Jiu is not what she is now, but a pretty girl with a pretty face, Kevin might not be able to shake his head and nod.


"That would be troublesome for you."

His hand holding the long sword tightened, and he turned to give Hong Jiu a grateful look. However, the other person, who had no normal vision, did not give Kevin any feedback. He just silently released his arm and walked to Kai He was fully on guard in front of the tattoo, and he also had a dirty hammer in his hand, which could not give anyone even the slightest sense of security on a visual level.

However, for Kevin, when Hong Jiu's back appeared in his sight, a warm power spread quietly from his chest. Unlike the other party's dark and weird painting style, Kevin felt It is not strength, but courage that is extremely clean and clear.

[Heart of Courage...she is...a member of the Justice Sect. 】

Kevin, who was no longer trembling, breathed a sigh of relief. After regaining his calmness, he immediately guessed Hong Jiu's belief. Then he slapped his forehead suddenly and raised his hand to pat Hong Jiu's shoulder. Tell the other person that they don't need to be so careful to protect themselves.

After regaining his courage, Kevin immediately felt ashamed of his previous reaction and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Perhaps influenced by the fact that Mo Tan was in the other side's camp but rebelled against those madmen for his belief, Kevin also abandoned the utilitarian and rational thoughts in his heart at this moment. He tightened his grip on the sword again and lit it with a layer of flame that, although not too hot, was enough to illuminate himself and Hong Jiu. He smiled at Hong Jiu who turned to look at him and said, "I..."

[The cleanup mission has been completed]

[The total number of remaining extreme blood god believers is less than 5%, it is judged to be a defeat, and the condition of ‘complete victory’ is achieved]

[The current task completion rate is 78%, which does not meet the settlement standards]

[The death of a special hostile presence is detected, granting an additional 15%*3 mission completion rate]

[The current task completion rate is 123%, which meets the settlement standards]

[The mission 'All Completed' is completed, and you will receive rewards: Knight Commander Level +2, epic quality weapon [Blunt Sword·Light], epic quality armor [Hand of Vicious Rejection], epic quality consumable [Phoenix Tears], and buff effects [High-spirited III], additional reward:? ? ? 】

A series of system beeps interrupted Kevin's unspoken words, and just as he was deeply shocked that he had completed this epic task inexplicably, two swift shadows flew towards him at high speed!

Red, after Hong Jiu was cleared of suspicion, he was most likely the last 'hostile existence', but he also helped the Paladins kill a large number of Blood God believers, Red Five.

The purple one is Mo Tan who does not know the above information, but simply because the duration of [Reverse Scale] is about to end, he flies at high speed to try to give Kevin a fatal blow.

"Go away!"

Without any hesitation, Hong Jiu immediately raised the mace in her hand and swung it at Mo Tan. Although she could not physically attack the latter at this distance, at the same time, a black chain was wrapped around the handle. The phantom of the giant hammer, whose head was covered with dark gold cracks and patterns of the same color, crashed down, hitting Mo Tan with great force.

boom! ! !

Mo Tan, who realized that something was wrong for the first time, did not flinch, but quickly replaced the ruthless sword in his hand with the Shura Halberd. At the same time, he activated the [Tiger Spear] and [Spinous Process] and stabbed forward straight, fighting with that The phantoms of the giant hammer with both majestic and weird handles collided fiercely, causing a loud noise and bursting out with a turbulent shock wave. Several paladins around who had not yet reacted were directly lifted away. Get out!

[The same enemies as the two before? 】

Mo Tan frowned, but there was no hesitation in his hand. However, seeing that there were only three seconds left in the [Reverse Scale] state, he first let out a dragon roar on the spot, and knocked out the giant hammer that had been almost destroyed by Shura's will. The shadow was directly shattered, and then the whole person whirled and plummeted down from mid-air. The halberd in his hand had turned into a sharp sword with cold light and full of killing power.

"I said, go away!!"

However, Hong Jiu, who had just been shocked by Mo Tan's dragon roar and vomited blood, did not push him away. Instead, when he was launched less than half a meter away, he raised his hand and summoned a skinny and dark giant out of thin air. He 'caught' himself with his palm, and then flicked his fingers together, tearing open more than ten dimensional cracks within a radius of ten meters in an instant, summoning a large number of burning rolling rocks that exuded a harsh smell of sulfur, and rushed towards Mo Tan. Smashed it over.


Mo Tan immediately activated the core skill that he specially left for Kevin. He disappeared from the spot with less than two seconds left in [Reverse Scale], and appeared behind Kevin the next moment. The ruthless sword in his hand kissed him directly and mercilessly. The back of its neck.

"Do you think I'm dead!?"

However, Kevin, who was rescued twice by Hong Jiu, was not a clay figure. He had witnessed [Blast Wind] and turned around almost as soon as Mo Tan disappeared. A piece of flame suddenly shot out.

This is Kevin's new trump card after [Breaking Barrier and Judgment], and compared to 'Breaking', which focuses on weakening and simple effects, this move, 'Cut', which Green just taught him in less than two weeks, can be said to be completely consistent. The positioning of a nirvana not only has a considerable level of fashion value, but as long as it is fully charged, its power can even break through to a half-step epic with the blessing of the power of faith. Although most of it can't be helped by the current state of 'Mo', but If it were just this move right now, Kevin would still be quite confident...


With a crisp sound, the [Light Sword] that had been with Kevin for more than three months broke in his hand, and the power of dawn that was about to burst out also dissipated in the blink of an eye. Since noticing Mo appeared, Kevin began to accumulate strength and prepared to fight his opponent to the death. Only then did he realize that at the same time that he had the idea of ​​"if it doesn't work out, just fight him with one move or two", the outcome of this game was already determined. .

"Good for you……"

Because he accidentally completed the limited task of the Confrontation and Debate, Kevin got an epic weapon as a new guy. Instead of being angry, he smiled instead. He raised his eyebrows at Mo Tan who raised his sword again and said, "You can't compete for a championship?"

"Haha, no chance."

Mo Tan also laughed, and then handed out the Ruthless Sword again, preparing to accept the victory of this battle.


A hand wrapped in a red bandage penetrated the body from behind.

Chapter 1824: End

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