Quadruple split

Chapter 1846 Small temper


After 'Mu Xuejian' heard the words 'Tan Mo', his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the latter intently. Except for Shuangye, Mo Tan and Mu Xuejian, there was no one else in this narrow space. Everything stopped in an instant, even the unstable light of the magic crystal lamp on the table no longer swayed, but was fixed on an outline that could just illuminate the evil spirit in someone's eyes.

"Explain it."

Futaba leaned against the cold wall with his arms folded, and his voice was colder than the wall, staring straight at Mo Tan, exuding chilling murderous intent from the inside out, so much so that he just wanted to say something, but because of the Mu Xuejian's breath was extremely sensitive and he subconsciously took half a step back. He just shut up and pretended to be quail.

Although she is not considered a subordinate of Futaba or Mo Tan in principle, and is even the one they are trying to get closer to, at this moment, although Futaba is not targeting herself (not even necessarily targeting Mo Tan ), but with unreserved malice, this girl in her early twenties was still frightened. Although on the surface it seemed not much different from usual, Mu Xuejian actually started to swipe. I broke into a cold sweat, and at the same time, I secretly vowed in my heart that I would never be a woman who interferes with other people's feelings...

"Although the preparation time for team battles in official competitions is relatively long, considering that the background of this competition is relatively complicated, I will keep it short."

Mo Tan, who was being stared at, had a normal expression, and he 'explained' to Futaba in a brisk tone: "First of all, my feelings for you can be learned from time to time, and even though our Ace of Spades has been pursued by me passionately before, But it's a pity that she can't easily see the many heart-stirring qualities in me like you, so it's obvious that the entangled couple in front of us has nothing to do with me or Mu Xuejian, and If nothing else, this is probably to inform us about the identity we will play after the game starts."

After hearing this, Mu Xuejian immediately showed a thoughtful expression, while Shuangye snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Based on the conversation just now, there is no doubt that I will play the role of 'cat', and our Miss Ace of Spades will act as 'snake'."

Mo Tan walked slowly to Futaba and put his hands on the girl's thin shoulders gently: "As for you, my dear, you are probably the one who had penetrated into the enemy's territory half a year ago, although there is no clue yet. , but the 'raccoon' will soon be in danger."


"Keep your dirty hands away."

Expresslessly pulling away Mo Tan's hand on his shoulder, Futaba glared at the former with disgust: "Scum."


The scumbag took a step back very cooperatively, raised his hands as if surrendering, and said with a smile: "In short, according to my inference, this will be an interesting role-playing game, and considering that the name of the enemy team is not "Red Constellation", With a name like "Broken Wind Bird", we will naturally be in a quite unfavorable situation in this game. As for how unfavorable it is...hehe, the old man has actually made it very clear."

As if to ease the solemn atmosphere, Mu Xuejian actually said something: "Well, that's it. Judging from their conversation just now, I... uh, I mean the Snake I played. 'The character seems to be trying to assassinate a big shot."

Mo Tan gave her an approving look and smiled: "Yes, and I don't know if you have noticed a detail, that is, the start time of the 'plan' is [three days later], and naturally we cannot It takes so long in a game, so when the game actually starts, the time may jump on a small scale, and the amplitude should be exactly three days. Of course, this is just my guess. The specific situation is still unknown. It’s time to…”

"Cut the nonsense."

Shuangye interrupted Mo Tan coldly, and stabbed him with a knife-like gaze: "Tell me the important point."

"Hey, okay~"

Mo Tan immediately responded respectfully, and his originally uncertain tone suddenly became firm and confident: "So the situation is like this, first of all, Mu Mu..."

"Who are you Mumu with?"

Futaba glanced over again.

"Ahem, first of all, kid Mu Xuejian is in the most dangerous situation, because if everything goes as normal, you will probably be in the hinterland of the enemy camp after the game starts, and your strength will be completely sealed by that little pill. "

Mo Tan changed his tune without hesitation, turned to Mu Xuejian and said seriously: "We can imagine the scene at that time. When you come back to your senses, you will be in a strange place full of enemies. And your identity is nothing more than an imported dancer, singer, etc. The mission...I mean the mission given to you by the system is most likely the goal of killing that 'snake' girl. If you can't do it, , I am afraid that I will bear a very heavy punishment for failure, even tantamount to direct death."

Mu Xuejian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said something with a very low fashion value: "Is it true or false?"

"Because I was ordered not to talk nonsense, so you can just take what I say now as the truth."

Mo Tan smiled, raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Don't worry, if ordinary fish lose seven games in a row in the individual competition simply because of lack of talent, then I lost seven games in a row in the individual competition...it can only mean this. The game is quite deep.”

So Mu Xuejian stopped saying anything. If it were someone else, she might have said, "The individual competition is an individual competition, and it may not be applicable to the team competition." But since the opponent is the most evil heretic she has ever seen in her life, One of two people, then there is actually no need to say such things.

After all... the other evil heretic didn't even express an opinion.

"I don't want to give too many instructions. I just want you to be mentally prepared so that you won't panic when the situation actually happens."

Seeing Mu Xuejian's relieved expression, Mo Tan immediately continued: "Listen up, although you are destined to face some big scenes after the competition officially starts, you will also receive demanding tasks, and you will be trapped in a situation where you have nothing to do. The state of strength, but that is actually just an appearance."

Mu Xuejian frowned slightly: "What do you mean by appearance?"

"To put it simply, it looks bluffing, but it's actually far from a desperate situation."

Mo Tan smiled casually and said with a smile: "Don't forget, the preparation time for this plan has been more than half a year, and 'we' are obviously the elite among the elite, so since the old man didn't say that this is a lifeless plan, The mission, on the contrary, requires us to come back alive, which means that as long as we function normally in history, there will be hope of escaping and ascending to heaven."

Mu Xuejian nodded slightly and asked, "So?"


Mo Tan shrugged, and the corner of his mouth turned up in an arrogant arc: "Although I don't know what level the real 'snake' is, I firmly believe that our Ace of Spades will never be worse than that silly girl trapped in love. .”

Mu Xuejian was stunned for a moment, then showed a reserved smile, and subconsciously made a sword secret with his little hand behind his back.

That's what it feels like! The ace of the secret organization relied on by the beautiful leader!

Although Mo Tan is not a handsome guy in the strict sense, given that the character of 'Tan Mo' has been beautified a lot due to race, coupled with his unpredictable and evil temperament, he can be considered a A humanoid creature with a high fashion value.

In particular, he is well aware of Mu Xuejian's preferences and can make his style of painting hover between high fashion and shamelessness, so he can get this girl right every time. Of course, this is Mu Xuejian is willing to cooperate with him. After all, this girl is very smart. She has been going for 'setting' from the beginning. There is no conflict between being willing to listen to 'JOKER''s arrangements and not liking 'Tan Mo'. He is a very sober role-playing game player.

It is precisely because of this that the relationship between Mu Xuejian and Mo Tancai is not that of the 'fooler' and the 'fooled', but a very simple and clear relationship of each getting what he needs.

"Many people will fall into a misunderstanding, that is, they often think that when two parties with a huge gap are matched together, the system will forcefully balance the overall strength of both parties, that is, through the forum, it has been said that it is bad, but in fact it is true There is something reasonable about the right time, the right location, the right people, and simply put it is the 'power' that makes the two sides become evenly matched opponents."

Mo Tan glanced at Futaba first, and then said in a relatively fast but very clear voice: "This conclusion is actually very outrageous. Although I admit that the system will indeed make some corresponding arrangements based on the strength of both parties, the fact is It proves that it is not balancing strength at all, but simply giving the weak a chance."

Mu Xuejian followed the train of thought: "A chance for a comeback?"

"That's right, but it's just an opportunity to make a comeback. If I have time later, I can share with you my previous experience, but let's get down to business now."

Mo Tan coughed slightly, and then sped up his speech further: "In short, little Mu Xuejian, you only need to be clear about one thing, that is, the system will give them opportunities, but it will not be too harsh on you, at least not You can be killed easily if you perform normally, so don’t be nervous and just let nature take its course and use your strength, do you understand?”

Mu Xuejian nodded coolly: "Don't worry."

"very good."

Then he turned his head and cast a flattering look at Shuangye, and asked in a concise language that was completely different from when he explained it to Mu Xuejian just now: "Where should I go first?"


Futaba curled her lips and nodded very slightly: "Okay."

Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, lightly waved his fist at Futaba, and said with a smile: "Well, let's work hard for each other."

"You add, I decide."

As a result, the latter just glanced at Mo Tan lightly and said such words that made him stunned.

"You're showing off?!"

Mo Tan's eyes suddenly widened and he froze in place as if he was petrified.

"I'll do it."

Futaba crossed her arms and nodded, pouting her lips but not looking at the other person. The angry look was really cute.


Mu Xuejian, on the other hand, looked at Mo Tan and Shuangye, who didn't speak much human words, with some depression, and didn't look happy either.

"Dear, that part just now was System-chan stirring up trouble, it has nothing to do with me!"

Mo Tan looked at Futaba helplessly and smiled bitterly: "If you are unhappy, can you teach me a lesson later? Let's finish the game first, and then go home and close the door..."

"don't want."

Futaba stamped her feet vigorously, glared at Mo Tan and said sternly: "First of all! Even if we lose this audition, with the strength of Mu Mu and I, even with you as a laggard in the team, we can advance, so this It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose a game.”

Mo Tan: "..."

"Secondly, I'm just in a bad mood today, I'm just being willful, and I'm cheating!"

Shuangye pouted and stared angrily at Mo Tan, saying angrily: "Anyway, this is just a show off! You can decide what to do!"

Mo Tan laughed dumbly and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, then I'll just watch..."


Futaba interrupted Mo Tan again, turned around and hummed: "You'd better find a way to win, and you have to make me happy, otherwise..."

Mo Tan subconsciously took half a step back and swallowed hard: "No...otherwise...?"


Futaba suddenly showed a very gentle, very cute, and very sweet smile, walked slowly to Mo Tan, stood on tiptoe and poked his cheek: "I will be very angry ~ very angry ~ very angry."

The next moment, before Mo Tan could react, the world was spinning——

forty minutes later

Game time AM12:23

[The Thorn of Outliers]

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Excellent

Content: Kill ‘Little Duke’ Voris before he leaves the table. Being suspected by anyone before killing the target will result in mission failure.

Success reward: Remove the restriction on the use of the temporary prop ‘Candle Dragon Marrow’, and obtain the buff effect [Rise Up I], which lasts for three hours of game time or the end of the game. During this period, the recovery speed of physical fitness is increased by 5%, and the upper limit of physical fitness is increased by 10%.

Failure penalty: Obtain the debuff effect [Negative V], which lasts for three hours of game time or the end of the game. During this period, all attributes are reduced by 95%. The loss per second is equal to 2% of the maximum health value. The loss per second is equal to At 5% of the physical limit of the upper limit of the physical value, the movement speed is reduced by 35%; once per minute, intelligent creatures within a radius of 30 meters centered on you will attack you without distinction; when you die, your teammates will Obtain the special debuff effect [Exhaustion], all attributes will be reduced by 35%, which will last until the end of the game.

[Remarks: None]

"This is really..."

Mu Xuejian, who was holding a long sword and dancing lightly to the melody, sighed silently. After quickly reading the mission content of [Strike of Outliers], he turned it off without even looking at the subsequent success rewards and failure penalties. On the taskbar, he moved around and danced with light and elegant steps.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Four steps, five steps, six steps...

When she took the seventh step, the noble head behind her with a sinister smile on her lips had quietly fallen to the ground, and her strong body also collapsed with a piercing scream.

[You have learned the new skill: Sword Dance·Emperor Longxiang]

Chapter 1837: End

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