Quadruple split

Chapter 1851 Iron Door Bolt

Like the [Harlequin Card], the [Iron Door Bolt] team also only has three members.

However, unlike the three casual players, Mo Tan, Futaba and Mu Xuejian, although the three members of the [Iron Door Bolt] team are not professional players, they are still organized and disciplined.

In fact, the online guild they belong to is a semi-open guild of a certain professional club, and it is not a shabby place with a "club" sign, which is actually not even as good as a third-rate studio, but a real professional The club is even the leader among the second-tier clubs in the industry.

[Pai Lao], although this is not as famous as first-class clubs such as [Red Constellation] and [Broken Wind Bird], and it is not even as large as a large studio like [Jiban], but it can be called an evergreen tree in the circle, absolutely The old-timers, both in terms of background and history, are far from comparable to those young people who were founded less than half a century ago.

In the 'Inheritance' sub-tab of the club's official homepage, we can learn that this organization can even be traced back to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and the first thing they played was the playing card 'Ma Diao' passed down from the Ming Dynasty. Wang Jingzai (Wang Chongjian) in the early Qing Dynasty even described this thing in "Winter Night Notes" as "the scholar-bureaucrats like it, they have no days and nights, and they are crazy", which shows how popular this entertainment was at that time.

The original base of the [Pai Lao] organization was a certain 'horse crane hall' that was very popular during the Qing Dynasty. Its founder was said to be the owner of that horse crane hall, and he was also responsible for teaching others skills. 'The Hanging Master'.

By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, [Pai Lao]'s predecessor [quewu] was already a large organization that opened mahjong parlors all over the country. Yes, after Ma Diao was quickly replaced by Ye Zixi and mahjong, they naturally also cooperated with Keeping pace with the times, we insist on gambling activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health in the tide of the times. The largest "Mahjong" (Mahjong) competition in the country was hosted in Nanjing that year, and these people were the organizers behind it.

Later, when the mahjong storm swept across the United States and conquered the Japanese and Jews, [Sparrow House] did not expand its sphere of influence to the whole world. Instead, it developed steadily domestically and gradually changed due to current political reasons at the time. Going underground, it inexplicably became a large-scale gray force.

Finally, during the Republic of China, [Quiewu], which had members and connections across all social strata, officially changed its name to [Pai Lao], and stood up during the national crisis and obtained various important positions through various hemp operations. Intelligence, which even included confidential information from the core of Wang's puppet government, and even sent military intelligence that Japan was about to attack Pearl Harbor again to the United States, which received the latter's gratitude at the national level.

But now, although the internal members are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and have no interest in various gray businesses including gambling, the leadership of [Pai Lao], who just likes to play, has decided to enter the gaming industry, and has not only developed several high-quality zero-krypton gold chess and cards Game, and even established its own professional team. Note that it is a professional team, not just a 'team of game professional players', which includes but is not limited to mahjong, chess, Go, chess, poker, Yu-Gi-Oh, International chess and card games such as Magic: The Gathering, Backgammon, and Ludo have a wide audience. Today, there are even dedicated professional player clubs, attracting a large number of players who like strategy and games.

The leading star of the [Pai Lao] club is the professional player 'Guo Shi Wushuang' who has the reputation of 'turning heads and turning clouds over like jade, and succeeding in making a poem unparalleled'. Mo Tan and Futaba had briefly discussed it before. In two sentences, this giant is ranked sixth in the personal strength rankings, one place higher than Futaba.

So the question is, what is the relationship between the three people in the [Iron Door Bolt] team and giants like Guo Shi Wushuang?

The answer is, except that everyone is affiliated with [Pai Lao], and the three of them have always regarded Guo Shi Wushuang as their idol, there is no relationship at all.

However, even if they have nothing to do with the strong man, it does not mean that these three are soft persimmons.

[King's Rook Castling], male, 35 years old, captain of the third branch of Pai Lao, individual third runner-up in the 2046 Seven-Nation Chess Online Invitational Tournament.

[Disruption of Order], male, 24 years old, member of the third branch of Pai Lao, national top 128 in the 43rd Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship in 2045.

[Promotion], male, 19 years old, member of the third branch of Pai Lao, eighth place in the 64-square men's group of the 2047 National International Drafts Championship.

The above is an overview of the three members of the team [Iron Door Bolt]. It can be seen that although the three brothers used chess tactics as the team name, they are not professional chess players, but have experience in international chess and international games. A hardcore player who has made great achievements in checkers and Yu-Gi-Oh.

However, hardcore is hardcore. The three of them are actually not outstanding players within [Pai Lao]. Although they all have the honor of being relatively good at playing, their level is second to [Pai Lao]'s external recruitment. The fifth guild is actually at the middle level. Except for the castling of the king's car, which is relatively powerful, the order destruction and promotion are relatively common in the guild. It's not like there are a bunch of people rushing to blow the rainbow when there is a bubble. A fart man of the hour.

All in all, these three players are probably at an above-average level among players, and the club has also provided some resource support. Although this kind of spiritual virtual game has nothing in common with the fields they are good at, among ordinary players He can be considered a little master.


After all, the little masters are just little masters. The three people who are very self-aware know very well that compared with the two opposite, let alone their own type of bastards, even if the master, Guo Shi Wushuang, takes action in person, it will be difficult for him to succeed. What advantage did you gain when facing those two people at the same time?

It was precisely because of this that Destruction of Order came up with the outrageous idea of ​​forming a good relationship with the two girls and then surrendering directly. After all, he really couldn't imagine how he could win.


The youngest Shengbian nodded vigorously at the destruction of order, and said seriously: "Aren't you all good at playing Yu-Gi-Oh?"

"Imprint your uncle!"

Destruction of Order slapped Shengbian's head hard and said angrily: "How can I be so good at printing cards? How can I be beaten into a dog in the qualifiers this year? If I can achieve some results in the past two years, As for the stupid top 128 guy whose resume is from 1945 until now?"

Shengbian, who was sitting cross-legged on the table, sighed deeply and said with a sad face: "Oh, they are all almost the same. I only got the ranking once the year before last, and I got it because a total of thirty-two people signed up. Eighth, I was beaten like a dog last year, and this year I didn’t even make it past the budget round, and my life is gloomy.”


Wang Che Yiyi slapped Shengbian off the table, and said with a smile: "How dare you, a little brat under twenty, to leave your life here in a gloomy state? I After five years of marriage, I’m already forty. According to what you say, shouldn’t I find a hole to bury myself in?”

"Yeah, sure."

Shengbian, who was pulled to the ground, nodded and said with a serious face: "Uncle Wang, this is what you will do in your life anyway."

"I noticed that you've been a little drifting lately..."

Wang Che Yiyi glared at the naughty boy who looked particularly unbeatable, and cracked his knuckles: "Do you want me to loosen your bones?"

Shengbian was immediately shocked. He jumped up on the spot and covered his butt with both hands: "Loose... loosen your butt?!"

"Depend on."

Wang Che Yiyi directly took out a self-defense mace from his bag and said angrily: "Come on, come on, you want to loosen your butt, right? I will let you know why the flowers are so red today."

"Ahem, you two are almost done."

Rao has a relatively middle-class personality, and she also had a very explosive hair style (lots of hairspray + red, blue, and yellow highlights), and she couldn't bear the disruption of order. She immediately shouted loudly to stop the two of them, patted the table and said in a deep voice. : "Let's get down to business, what do you two think of my proposal just now?"

Wang Cheyi glanced at him and asked with a smile on his face, "What's the proposal? Go over to the little girl, ask for her signature, and then give up and leave?"

"It's not that big of a deal to sign, it would be nice if I could add a friend."

Order Destruction grinned and said cheerfully: "I don't think there is any need to admit defeat. If someone kills us in an instant, it may be faster than we can retreat."

Wang Cheyi twitched his lips and asked dryly: "Are you serious?"

"Hard to say."

Destruction of Order crossed his arms and smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "I have to see how you two react before I can decide whether I should seriously lose."

Shengbian rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's okay to be killed, but I'm not interested in going to die."

Wang Cheyi also nodded and agreed: "I think the same way. Of course you can lose, but you just kneel down without even trying. Even if there are two big guys on the front page opposite me, I won't be willing to do it."

Obviously, whether it is the oldest player in the team, or the youngest player with the most dynamic personality, they are all players who will objectively evaluate their enemies, but will not belittle themselves. They have their own persistence and determination. They were reserved, so they had no intention of giving up the victory directly from the beginning, and the order-disruption, who was obviously of the same type as them, could not really be ruined.

"In that case, let's not waste time."

The disruptor rubbed his colorful and prickly hair, glanced at the old and young in front of him with a solemn gaze, and said in a deep voice: "If we want to touch the other side, we must lower our posture and maintain a low posture. Proud, turn your head quickly, in this comparison of strength, intelligence is our only advantage."

Shengbian jumped back on the table and sat down cross-legged, grinning and saying: "I have always insisted that brains are more useful than muscles. It's time to give the two young ladies a little bit of the shock of being a counselor."

"Don't take it lightly. The opponent has more than just those two big guys on the home page. Although I haven't heard of the one named 'Tan Mo', since he can team up with Futaba and Mu Xuejian, his strength will definitely not be weak."

Wang Cheyi also sat down again and immediately entered the state. He began to integrate the known information so far with very clear logic: "First of all, in terms of camp, we undoubtedly belong to this Jiuquan City, and according to the competition From the meeting we witnessed before it officially started, one can easily draw the conclusion that this is a critical moment for our survival.”

Shengbian, who was sitting opposite, nodded slightly, while touching his bare chin, he said softly: "There are two main problems. First, we have leaked a lot of intelligence in recent months. There is a person in the city. There is irrefutable evidence about the heavyweight spy, but the search and investigation have made no progress at all. Secondly, a big shot is about to arrive here soon. If the reception is not good, it may lead to death."

"In principle, that's the case, but if you think about it carefully, our time here is only three hours at most. Even if Voris can cause any trouble, it will be difficult to cash it out immediately, so 'poor hospitality' doesn't actually matter. It’s important, even if we send people to lock you up now, you will definitely have left this game by the time trouble comes.”

Disruption of Order followed the two people's thoughts closely, and supplemented it through his own calculations, speaking quickly: "From this point of view, the other three must have the same position as the spy, and are intending to cause chaos here. , considering our situation, it is not impossible even if someone from the other side replaces the identity of the spy."

Shengbian frowned, folded his arms and said solemnly: "Then, our top priority is to find a way to find a breakthrough, or at least determine the other party's basic situation."

"As for Voorhees, it doesn't matter if you're a little lazy. Nine times out of ten, it's a smoke bomb thrown out by the system."

Order Destruction picked up a roll of parchment from the side and laid it flat on the table, pointing at the dense records on it and said seriously: "My suggestion is not to hesitate, just use that Voris as an excuse to do a big cleanup. All the names on the list will be interrogated, and we would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

Wang Cheyi nodded slightly: "There is no problem with the idea. Since the system has given us our current identities, it means that if we want to win, it is best to put these identities to good use."

"I am the greatest bishop, and Brother Destroyer is the inspector carrying the flag."

Shengbian rubbed the cross hanging around his neck and muttered: "Coupled with Uncle Wang who has been given the position of consul, the highest leader of this city, we can say that we have absolute right to speak."

"Very good. This way, the thinking will be much clearer."

"The system's thinking is also very clear. We are definitely the weak side, but it will not deny us the opportunity to make a comeback."

"Well, since our only advantage is our brains."

"Then let's make the most of this wisdom."

"If you can't beat them, you'll kill them!"

Chapter 1842: End

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