Quadruple split

Chapter 1864 Identification of scum

The game was over quickly.

After returning to the public space, perhaps guessing the reason for Mu Xuejian's unhappiness, Mo Tan and Shuangye coaxed Mu Xuejian for a while without leaving any trace, which finally calmed down the latter's somewhat unwilling mood. Come down.

Admittedly, as a story, the game just ended a little too hastily, but if you think about it carefully, the process that Mu Xuejian expected was even more unrealistic.

At first glance, the game just now can be said to be very exciting in the early stage and ended abruptly in the middle stage. There is no late stage at all. In other words, at a glance, it seems to be a bit of an anticlimax, but if you look closely, you will find that Mu Xue The climactic battle that Jian expected would never happen.

If we want to talk about the reason, the main point is that ‘the opponent is too weak’.

After all, the matching method of [Inquisition Simulation Battle] has never been to pit two equally matched opponents against each other, but is 100% random with no rules at all. In this case, let alone the initial audition battle, Even in the first few rounds of the main game, there are probably more than half of the games in which one side has an overwhelming advantage. Therefore, unless the system really forcibly intervenes to make the game a 50-50 split, it is almost impossible to have any exciting famous games at this stage. Bureau appeared.

To put it simply, I can count the number of teams that can make the [Harlequin Card] team go all out and play a wonderful game on both hands. How can it be possible to have a climax after just meeting a team? ?

Therefore, when the strength gap between the two sides is too large, once they get through the initial trial period, which may be quite 'exciting', the result after the collision is very likely to be that the weaker side is directly destroyed. Mo Tan had previously relied on his own strength. Directly setting up [Iron Door Bolt] and the whole team is the best evidence.

Just like Ji Xiaodao and Mo in the individual competition, for them, whether it is 'Big Flower Morning Glory' or 'Great Bright Knight Kevin', they are the kind of weaklings who can be killed casually, so they are also NPCs. It can cause some trouble for the two of them. Among them, Ji Xiaodao took away the morning glory after discussing with the NPC, while Mo Tan, who has a lawful good personality, did not take Kevin seriously from the middle of the game. Although he lost the game in the end, it was only because he 'didn't want to win at all'.

To sum up, in fact, in the eyes of Mo Tan and Shuang Ye, Mu Xuejian is being hypocritical. He should be happy as long as he is not crushed, but because he is a strong person, he does not know about crushing others. Satisfied, and even eager to play a wonderful game with anyone, the idea is really nonsense.

Of course, as Mu Xuejian is the top combatant among the Harlequin cadres, even if he is a bit pretentious, Mo Tan and Shuangye, as the top leaders, can only coax them. Not only must they coax them, but they must not make them feel that they are being coaxed. His posture was so low that he almost took the idiom "Corporal Li Xian" to the extreme, almost giving birth to two sons and throwing them around for fun.

All in all, [Harlequin Card], who had high hopes from Mo Tan in the team battle, completed the audition in this way. Since the team audition only requires at least one game, and whether they can advance in the end depends on the overall score given by the system, the three of them They didn't continue the fight. After a brief chat, they disbanded on the spot and went their separate ways.

Game time PM14:42

The Boundary of Innocence, Public Space No. 666

"Hey, what time has it been? Chenchen and the others haven't come out yet."

She has long flaming red hair and is over 190 centimeters tall, but her appearance has nothing to do with words like rugged or burly. Kasena, who has a very delicate and pretty appearance, is spinning around impatiently with a frown on her face. He muttered with a frown.

Different from the image in the Innocence where she spends most of her time wrapped in plate armor, in the public space she wears a sleeveless red leather top with a navel exposed, denim shorts and thick-soled hiking boots, which is both cool and capable. , heroism and other characteristics, the rate of return is absolutely high outside the game.

Next to the fountain behind Kasena, three extremely petite girls were sitting side by side.

Of course, they may not really be particularly petite, but if there is Kasena standing in front of them, they will look very petite in the eyes of others.

There is no doubt that these three girls are Mika, Lucie and Christina. The four of them and Yu Chen are not only good friends outside the game, they also established a group called [Beautiful Girl Mercenary Group] in the game. The organization, I heard, has developed to quite a large scale.

Like Kasena, the three people’s outfits in public spaces are completely different from the style in the game——

Mika, whose main occupation is a priest, is wearing a loose hoodie with a full street style and a warm color. Although he wears shorts like Kasena, his two beautiful long legs are... full of dark gothic style. The tattoo looks like wearing two pairs of stockings.

Christina is relatively normal. Although she appears to be a tin-can-like shield warrior in the game, and is essentially a giant dragon that has to run naked whenever she reveals her true form, this girl also wears a dress for the first time in a long time in public spaces. , coupled with her elegant appearance and temperament, she focuses on being restrained, simple and good-looking.

As for Lucie...

Well, she was wearing a calico cotton-padded jacket, which was very popular in Northeastern my country in the past. Later, for no apparent reason, people were wearing it everywhere. It was a pink floral jacket with green leaves and red background. It was embroidered with peonies, phoenixes and green leaves. It could be said to be more eye-catching. What's more eye-catching, and what's even more outrageous is that Lucie is actually obsessed with this obviously weird outfit. Anyone who takes a closer look at her will realize that this girl not only has an unpredictable and interesting soul. , that layer of skin on the outside is also very beautiful.

In fact, in just twenty minutes, four or five men had already come to Lucie to ask for their contact information, although she dismissed them all mercilessly on the grounds that "my sexual orientation is that of a gunship." Although she left, she could still be talked to by so many people in a short period of time in a place where everyone can DIY their own image, which is enough to show that Lucie is worthy of being the most popular among men in Yuchen's best friend group.

"That's weird!"

Mika gritted his teeth, turned around and glared at the flowered cotton jacket next to him, and said angrily: "Why do those bitch men know how to look for your cold ass? Don't I and my eldest brother's hot faces taste good?"

"Perhaps you should consider my suggestion."

Lucie looked at her friend seriously and said sternly: "Adding some features that others don't have may make you stand out among the many hot faces and cold butts."

Mika clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "You! Hugh! Want! Let! Me! Shave! Bald! Head!"

"What about the round inches?"

Lucie looked at Mika with eyes still full of enthusiasm.

"no way!"

And Mika also gave an affirmative answer immediately, with a very firm expression, even a little ferocious.

"Well, that's a shame."

Lucie shook her head with regret, then turned her gaze to Christina: "What about you, Nana? Do you want to consider making yourself a brand new one..."

"Xiao Qian, calm down."

Christina sighed and said helplessly: "I know you are obsessed with troll dolls recently, but even so, you can't keep messing with our hair."

Mika immediately nodded and agreed: "That's right! Why don't you use your own hair?"


Lucie's answer was concise and to the point.

"What's wrong, you're the only one who's shaven?"

Mika twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "How many times can I shave my head and it won't make me look ugly?"

"It's also ugly."

Lucie looked at Mika expressionlessly and replied calmly: "But it's not that I'm ugly."


Mika was choked to the point of being speechless. It took a while before he managed to hold back a curse word, which was also silenced by the system.

Christina, on the other hand, tried hard to divert the topic away from this dangerous area, lest Mika or Kasena were really tricked into having their heads cut off by Lucie (similar tragic stories did happen in the past, and more than once), so Then she answered the question that Kasena had muttered to herself before, and said softly: "As for Chenchen and the others, although the fight started relatively late, I'm afraid they won't have the chance to compete again, but there will definitely be no problem in advancing to the audition. of."

Kasena frowned and said hesitantly: "It's hard to say. What if we meet a professional like us? As you said, the time left now is definitely not enough for them to play the second game."

"I should have said it yesterday..."

Lucie glanced at Kasena and patiently repeated her explanation last night: "According to the competition description, the outcome of the audition is not important to us at all, as long as the system of [Innocence Realm] is running. Normally, with Nana, we can 100% pass the audition. In other words, even if we were defeated by the main team of Tokiwa Studio and did not play the second game, it will not affect our advancement to the main competition. "

Kasena, who had absolute trust in Lucie under most circumstances, blinked and said blankly: "When did you say that yesterday?"

Christina and Mika also cast curious glances at Lucie. Obviously, this was the first time they had heard of this conclusion.

"Short message."

Lucie looked at the two of them seriously and said seriously: "I suddenly want to send a text message."

Mika and Kasena's expressions froze at the same time. After a while, they said loudly in unison: "In what age are there still people who can read text messages!!!"

Although Christina did not participate in the complaint, she also had the same view. After all, in this era where communication is becoming more and more convenient, and people can even have zero-delay real-time conversations across distances, almost no one cares about the fact that it has long been in vain. SMS system, in fact, some brands of mobile phones have even begun to discuss the issue of 'cancelling the function of sending and receiving text messages'. Although no company has implemented it yet, it is enough to see that until 2049, we will still have to press the 'article' 'The paid short message function is so useless in people's eyes.

All in all, it’s not normal to not see text messages, and Lucie would send text messages to everyone about the promotion rules of the popular science competition... Well, although I don’t know why, when I think of the person who did this is Lucy Ai, everyone seems to have adapted to it.


"The reason why we showed up here to wait for Chen Chen and the others to come out was because we didn't care about whether she could advance to the next round from the beginning."

Lucie glanced at Kasena and Mika with her eyes that never seemed to be troubled, and said calmly: "Squatting down to the man who makes Chen Chen resentful is our goal. ah."

Christina was shocked at the time and said in astonishment: "So this is what you are here for!?"

Obviously, Christina, who was already quite familiar with Mo Tan, and Nangong Na, who was studying at Tanhua University School of Medicine like Yu Chen in real life, didn't know about this.


Seeing that Lucie's purpose was exposed, Mika suddenly showed a slightly embarrassed smile. He looked around and said: "Well... that's not exactly what I meant... My eldest brother and I are just a little bit... uh... ...I’m a little curious about what that fellow student Mo Tan is.”

But the answer given by Kasena was much simpler and more direct. Her eyes were focused, her hands were spread out, and she said simply: "We just want to see if he is a scumbag. If Chenchen is deceived, If so, even if I have to put a record on the record, I will fly over and give that kid a good beating!"

Christina, who knew more than the three of them, was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Didn't I tell you before? Although the situation between Chen Chen and Mo Tan is a bit complicated, the latter's character is actually There’s no big problem.”

“Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts.”

Kasena looked at Christina seriously and said in a deep voice: "I think whether it's you, me, Mimi, or Chenchen, it's very likely that they were deceived by those bastard scum. , so the people who judge whether Mo Tan is a scum today are not Mimi and I, but Xiao Qian."


Lucie nodded to Christina who turned to look at her, and said calmly: "This is Xiao Akane."

The latter fell silent.

Admittedly, Christina thinks this is a bit nonsense, but if you think about it carefully, even if everyone has known each other for a long time, she still can't fully understand what kind of person Mo Tan is, although 99% of the time she can I'm sure he's not a scumbag, but there's really not much information other than that. If that's the case, it might not be such a bad thing to let Lucie 'take a look'.

As the brains of the best friend group, her style of painting seems to be incompatible with everyone else. To a certain extent, Lucyie, who is extremely self-centered, is indeed very powerful. As far as looking at people is concerned, she also helped Kasena in the past. He and Mika have avoided several scumbags with impure motives, so they have always been trustworthy in everyone's eyes.

In that case...

[It seems like a good choice to let her get to know classmate Mo Tan? 】

Just as the above thoughts gradually emerged in Christina's mind, a soft light suddenly flashed in front of the four of them.

Chapter 1855: End

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