Quadruple split

Chapter 1867 Introduction to the interlude

Chapter 1867 Interlude·Introduction

"You must be sick. If you want contact information, just ask for it yourself."

Kasena turned around and glanced at the handsome guy who, although not as tall as herself, had to be at least 180 centimeters tall to wear flat shoes, and said angrily: "We agreed beforehand that the guy over there looks a little confused. She has a master for the time being. The one holding her is timid and easily frightened. The short guy next to me has a hotter temper than when your mother wakes you up. The indifferent beauty who looks normal in all aspects... her sexual orientation is Gunships, not interested in humans."

From this answer, we can also see that Kasena seems to be very used to dealing with this kind of situation. It can be seen that there are not a few people who usually come to her to ask for the contact information of other girls in roundabout ways.


"Sorry, what I just expressed may not be very clear."

The man with long angry red hair, although his race was an orc, but his skin color was a healthy wheat color that was not outrageous. He had sharp outlines and a sunny, handsome and wild appearance. He smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to rub it. He rubbed the tip of his nose and explained to Kasena in a cramped and gentle tone: "I'm actually here for you."

Kasena frowned and pondered for a while before suddenly saying, "Mao?"

"It means, um..."

Although he was obviously the one who was trying to strike up a conversation, the man looked away with embarrassment and said in a voice that was an octave lower than before: "I want to make friends with you, girl."

Kasena suddenly trembled, looked at the other party with eyes as wide as copper bells, and said in a loud voice that sounded like a scream: "Are you attracted to me!?"


Finally, with Christina's help, he stood firm. The small mosquito coils in his eyes had not yet faded away. Yuchen was startled by Kasena's voice. His legs went weak and he sat on the ground again.

The man who was also frightened and jumped, but did not really jump up or take even half a step back, took a deep breath and nodded vigorously: "Well...I...a little bit..."

"Oh my god!"

As a result, at this moment, Mika next to him suddenly screamed: "Someone is chatting with big brother!!!"

Christina, who was half-crouching on the ground and trying to pull Yu Chen up, was also confused. She tilted her head and said, "Huh?"


Yuchen, who had been knocked unconscious by Kasena before, did not speak, but his eyes that had regained a ray of clarity became blank again.

"It makes sense."

And Lucie, the only one in the group of best friends with a weird personality that is hard to see through, did not disappoint everyone this time. When everyone was a little confused, she was the only one who crossed her arms and nodded, speaking in a calm tone. "It's not that I won't report it, it's that the time has not come yet," he said.

Mika next to him was shocked again: "Is this how the idiom is used?!"

Lucie shrugged and added in a rare and complicated tone: "I am at a loss for words."

Mika then breathed a sigh of relief and sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, Akane is still human." The next second, he became frightened again because of what happened to Kasena.

It can be seen that, leaving aside outsiders like Mo Tan, whether it is Mika, Lucie, Christina, Yuchen or Kasena herself, they all find it extremely unbelievable that the latter is being accosted, and even Surprised to the point of being somewhat abstract.

But in fact, this matter is really not abstract at all.

Now, let's confirm the background factors -

First of all, whether it is Kasena, Yuchen, Mika, or Christina, they are all good girls to a certain extent, so they usually do not go to places that are more relaxing but require high-intensity social interaction. And in places where there is a mix of good and bad, such as noisy bars and nightclubs at any time, you will hardly encounter the mainstream pick-up groups.

It is worth mentioning that Lucie once worked as a DJ in a large nightclub for three months as part of a work-study program. However, except for gaining two pounds because she drank a lot of wine and fruit plates in the store, she did not have any other problems. Material, physical or spiritual losses, the cause of which remains a mystery.

Closer to home, although they have always kept a distance from those frequent chats, the attention that beautiful girls receive these days is no less than that of twenty years ago. If there is a difference, I am afraid it is only after the sentencing revision. No one dares to get angry and fight after being rejected. After all, the punishment for this kind of thing is really harsh now. If the attack is not gentle or serious, you will basically be skinned without death, and you will have to call the police loudly every time you enter or leave public places. The DEBUFF of social death, coupled with the fact that the streets are full of cameras that are funded by taxes, directly connected to the matrix of the public security department, and can ensure a fair punishment when the court needs to take action, so now it is almost impossible to see the kind of all-out martial arts that was staged at the slightest disagreement. situation.

Therefore, although the unjudged behavior of striking up a conversation still exists, everyone is very civilized and polite. Even if they are rejected, they will not make any more entanglements. For the time being, they can be regarded as advancing with the times.

Among the girls, Mika was hit on the most often by passers-by, followed by Lucie, then Yuchen and Christina.

In a situation where everyone is pretty good-looking, the reason Mika is most popular is naturally because he looks easy to get along with.

It is true that this girl whose name is Tian Mimi in real life, which is homophonic to sweet, has a hot temper, but she looks very cheerful and sweet. She belongs to the style of painting that most people can directly define as a pure and sunny girl at first glance. , so even though he can form a lonely duo with Kasena in terms of male popularity, they are very attractive to flies (the original words of the person involved), and the frequency of being hit on is undoubtedly the most among the five.

As for Lucie, she mainly has a very likable temperament, and she looks very quiet, with a somewhat inexperienced style. Therefore, she often gives people the illusion that it is easy to get started, so that she ranks second in the frequency of being talked to. Yu Mika.

As for Yuchen and Christina, they rarely encounter chatters because they are very introverted and easily shy at first glance. If they go up to A, they will either be avoided or blocked. However, if they change the track, for example Speaking of classmates or students at the same school, Yuchen and Christina would have been confessed more times than Mika, Lucie and Cassena combined.

As for Cassena...

You may not believe it, but the fact is that the number of times this girl has been approached by the opposite sex has always been zero.

If we want to talk about the reason, there is no point here. To put it simply, it is just one word - high.

high! Too high! Big tall guy!

As a super tall person, although Kasena is not bloated at all in reality as in the game, and her appearance can even be said to be well-proportioned and exquisite, the pressure of such a tall person is still a bit too strong in the end.

And Kasena is not just as simple as having a strong sense of oppression, she also has a special aura. To put it simply, she is the kind of girl who is not easy to mess with at first sight. 1.9 meters is not a concept at all, so those who promote things, sell gym memberships, and distribute flyers for new properties will basically ignore her.

As for the potential men to strike up a conversation with (there are women, there are many, many, many), generally they would not choose Cassena, who is naturally beautiful but does not dress up in any way except occasionally shaving her armpits. Knowing that she is a girl with a strong sense of justice, and a little bit of accidental factors, Kasena has never met anyone who strikes up a conversation with her in her life.

However... although no one struck up a conversation with Kasena herself, when the girls went out to act together, many chatters would first go to Kasena, and then express their feelings for Mika/Yuchen/Lucy in a tactful way. Ai/Christina's favor, and then asked the sisters more tactfully if she had a chance, the main focus was on politeness, and it seemed to directly define Kasena as a guardian or a flower protector.

It is precisely because of this that Kasena subconsciously misunderstood the other party's intention to get to know Mika and others through her own acquaintance.


"Are you really attracted to me!?"

Kasena was the last one to come to her senses, and after an exclamation that was gone, she took several steps back as if she had seen a ghost. Her usual extraordinary courage was completely lost. .


The man who didn't expect this man to react so strongly nodded and said seriously: "That's it."

"You, you, you... you have never seen me before!!"

Kasena crossed her arms, her original imposing figure of 2.5 meters has been reduced to about 1.8 meters, with a face full of panic.

"There has to be a first meeting."

The other party scratched his temples and smiled awkwardly: "And... I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is also the first time for me to take the initiative to talk to a girl I don't know. So, let me explain in advance that I don't have any very impure intentions." The purpose of talking to you is, at best, just an ordinary degree of impunity."

Kasena shrank her neck, and her aura became about ten centimeters shorter: "How...why is this ordinary person not innocent?"

"If it's possible, it would be great if there is a chance to develop into a lover."

The man stated his intention very simply, and immediately added: "But if you have a boyfriend or like a girl, I will get out of here. I promise not to say that the business is not done, benevolence and justice, think about it." Damn words like being friends, but if you don't have that..."

Kasena, who finally understood the reality, took a deep breath, finally regained her composure, and her momentum slowly rose again. She shook her head and said, "I don't have a partner, and my orientation is pretty normal, but... well , I’m really sorry.”


After sighing softly, although he didn't seem to be too shocked, the handsome guy still looked a little downcast and asked with a wry smile: "Although I had guessed that it would not go so well, can you tell me the reason?"

Kasena nodded happily and made a scissor hand gesture to the guy in front of her who seemed to be quite interested in her: "There are mainly two reasons. First of all, I am over 1.90 meters tall."

The latter frowned and said with some trouble: "I'm not blind... I can see it."

"no no."

Kasena shook her scissor hand vigorously and said seriously: "Not only here, I am also over 1.90 meters outside the game!"

The other party nodded vigorously: "Yeah, what next?"

"Uh... are you taller than me outside?"

"That's not the case. I'm like this outside too."

"Can you accept that your girlfriend is so much taller than you?"

"Wow, are you seriously considering becoming my girlfriend!?"

"No, no, no! That's all I'm saying. You answer the question first."

"I can accept it. Why can't I accept it? What about you? Are you looking for someone higher than yourself?"

"No, it seems unrealistic if we don't find sports students..."

"That's fine then."

"Ah this..."

Kasena was stunned by the other party's frank attitude. In the end, she felt that it would be humiliating not to continue to refuse, and she said the second reason she planned to add: "And there is , I can’t accept strangers’... um, chatting up or something like that, this is a stereotype, do you think it’s quite unseemly and insecure?”

The handsome guy in front of me was very happy at that time: "Why do you say this in a question?"

Kasena: "..."

After being silent for a long time, the eldest brother of Yuchen and the others coughed slightly with a slightly red face, and gritted his teeth and said: "Anyway...anyway, I don't think it's reliable for you to come up and strike up a conversation with a stranger without saying anything, no. !"

One thing to say, what Kasena said is absolutely fine. After all, people are different. For an unruly and beastly good girl like her, although no one dares to talk to her because her aura is too strong. It's a grudge against her, but if she really meets such a person, she won't rush to establish contact with a stranger just because she has never met him before. Even if the first impression is very good, as she herself said to Yu Chen before, As the saying goes, you can know people but not their hearts. God knows whether this person's sunny and straightforward appearance is just an act. So instead of leaving such a hidden danger, it is better to eliminate the possibility of the situation getting out of control from the beginning, whether it is a good possibility or not. Possibility of bad.

After the other party bluntly stated that she hopes to be together one day, Kasena, who is far more delicate and soft than she seems, finally made such a decision.

However, the man in front of him didn't seem to give up, but slowly said: "So... the problem really lies with the 'stranger'?"

Kasena was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"That means, what if the other person is not just a stranger to you, but has some connections that are not direct, such as mutual friends, which can prove the other person's character?"

"Huh? In that case, it wouldn't be a big deal to get to know each other, probably."

"Oh, that's great. Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Nangong classmate, please stop watching the fun and come over and introduce me!"


Chapter 1858: End

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