Quadruple split

Chapter 1873 Fiyali’s attitude

"A check for three million gold coins... Well, you should be referring to the certificate from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce or the Steam Consortium..."

After a long while, Qingqing Apple Fragrance broke the silence with a faint voice, and looked at Feiyali, who was holding her arms and puffing up with a complex expression: "Just give it to me?"

Fiyali sighed deeply first, then gritted her teeth and said: "How can I just give it to you? I originally planned to delay it for at least a quarter. At least I have to wait until the second batch of sodas is officially distributed. That Lin Ke’s calculations are so loud that every bite costs R\u0026D funds. I bet he already has at least seven or eight new flavors on hand that can be supplied to the production line at any time!”

Qingqing Apple Xiang smiled and asked softly: "Then you still promise him?"

"I can't help it. It's a rare place to live."

Feiyali shook her head and said with a bitter smile: "I know that if that bastard goes directly to talk to the two behemoths of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce or the Steam Consortium, he will definitely get conditions that are far better than ours, so since he is willing to talk to If I cooperate, then at least in the middle and early stages, our position will definitely be weak. As long as the conditions are not too outrageous... we will definitely have to hold our noses and agree."

Qingqing Apple Xiangliu, who was very aware of the current exchange rate between gold coins and out-of-game currencies, frowned slightly and asked: "Isn't the 'research and development funding' of three million gold coins outrageous enough?"

"Unfortunately, at least at this stage, this number is not only not outrageous, but even a bit conservative."

Feiyali pinched her eyebrows and said softly: "Although in most cases there is no difference between an excellent boss and an excellent businessman, but unfortunately, Xiangxiang, you are just an excellent boss. Rather than an excellent businessman who can make a business work."

Qingqing Pingxiang smiled lightly, nodded and said: "I don't think I have any talent for business. After all, outside of the game, I am just an ordinary... um, just a young girl?"

Feiyali raised her eyebrows and corrected: "You are the daughter of a rich family. You can't hide your temperament at all."

"Okay, then the daughter of a rich family."

Qing Qing Apple Xiang shrugged nonchalantly and said in an uncontroversial tone: "So I'll trouble you, an excellent businessman, to explain it to me."

While stroking the gold coins on the table, Fiyali said in the same calm tone: "Actually, there is nothing to explain. Neither I nor Link, in fact, have always been 'playing cards'. In other words, It’s just that we know each other too well.”

"Wait a moment."

Qingqing Apple Xiang interrupted Feiyali with some surprise, and asked curiously: "How do you know the basics? I think Link must have no understanding of the industries under your hands that would take half a week just to look at them, and you haven't been there before. Are you still saying that you know very little about him?”

Feiyali raised an index finger and shook it slightly, and said with a smile: "You are right, but from a business perspective, things don't work out that way. Let's put it this way, I know Link's hand I know the potential of this soda business, I know Link’s current sales channels and R\u0026D scale, I know Link’s chips and vision in this transaction; Link knows my investment tendencies, and I know the advantages between me and the other two behemoths. and shortcomings, knowing that I both belong to the Wealth Sect but do not want to be completely dominated by the sect, knowing that I have a large number of private properties, etc., and based on this information, at least as far as this soda business is concerned, we are relatively transparent to each other. of."

Qingqing Apple Xiang nodded, following Fiyali's train of thought: "I understand."

"You, as long as you spend more time on our career, you won't have to explain things like this to me."

Fiyali poked her friend's cheek angrily and said lazily: "All in all, when we know each other in a certain sense, the game between Link and I is basically a script, regardless of the lines, costumes, and scenes. No matter how he changes, the main line is clear and clear. Even without the intervention of a giant, even market changes can be estimated accurately, and the most important aspect of interests... I can only say that he is really honest. So shrewd, so shrewd that even though he is not a businessman, he can still make me pay the highest theoretical price."

Qingqing Apple Fragrance covered her mouth and smiled softly, and asked: "What about you, a shrewd businessman?"

"I can directly raise the price to the limit he can accept without any effort."

Feiyali said expressionlessly, and then shrugged: "But judging from the results, the 'results' we achieved were all the other party's upper limit. This is what gives me the greatest frustration, and... "

Noticing that the other party's expression suddenly became particularly unattractive, Qing Qing Apple Xiang blinked: "And what?"

"And I could tell that guy didn't really want to do business."

Fiyali narrowed her eyes slightly and said quietly: "He was simply short of money, so he randomly found someone to help him make money, but that person just happened to be me."

"Why, are you feeling a little emotional? This isn't like you."

Qing Qing Apple Xiang laughed dumbly and joked: "My impression is that Her Royal Highness Feiyali is the kind of person who can cooperate with even cultists as long as it is profitable. How could it be because the partner does not really want to do business?" And feel unhappy.”

"It's simple. I just think that if that guy is a thorough businessman like me, we can cooperate further. You also know that I have been working alone all these years. Looking for a partner is like looking for a partner. In terms of Either they don't like me, or I don't like them, but this Link, whether it's his mind, structure or even his identity as an outsider, is very appealing to me."

Fiyali licked the corner of her mouth and said angrily: "I can guarantee that if Link is a businessman like me, then I will also meet all the conditions for an ideal partner in his mind, but that guy just... alas, It’s really an unsatisfactory thing.”

Qing Qing Apple Xiang's expression was a little surprised. After all, she had never seen Feiyali give such a high evaluation to anyone since she met her, so she organized her words for a while before asking in a narrow voice: "Should you?" will be……"

"I don't have a crush on him. Xiangxiang, can you not be like those innocent and cute flower girls who are full of messy things?"

Feiyali impatiently interrupted her friend's unspoken teasing, and said angrily: "Since the first day after I took the sexual enlightenment course in those pornographic albums at the roadside stall, I have insisted that I must do it in the future. It draws a clear line between people who do business together and people who live together.”

Qing Qing Apple Xiang twitched the corner of her mouth and complained with empty eyes: "So why is it the Little Yellow Album? Isn't it a romantic bard story?"

"Different paths lead to the same destination."

The Saint of Wealth made a simple and rude speech, and then changed the topic: "Also, we can eat randomly, but we can't talk randomly. Although I have always adhered to the principle that there is no need for principles in business, but It's a bit outrageous to cooperate with a cultist. In the ordinary sense, it's okay to be considered a 'heresy'. As for the guy who believes in evil gods... I am also a saint of wealth after all. It is definitely wrong to join in with that kind of person. It’s possible, after all, they are God’s favored ones who are bound by faith, even if it’s just a show on the surface, it’s the kind that comes from the heart.”

Realizing that she seemed to have touched on the other party's principle issue, Qing Qing Apple Xiang immediately slapped her forehead and cleverly said a sentence that instantly resolved the embarrassment: "Sorry, sorry, I accidentally forgot that you are a clergyman."

"Then you have to remember, a person like me who is favored by God is actually not much different from a fanatic believer. It is one thing not to want to be too early to sect the pirate ship. For those cultists whose existence itself is an offense to our Lord, we But there has always been zero tolerance.”

Fiyali gave her friend a refreshing and bright smile, then suddenly coughed and said thoughtfully: "But...actually not all clergy are as principled as me."

Qingqing Apple Xiang reacted quickly and immediately raised her eyebrows and said: "Oh? You are... there is something in your words."

"You can't say that."

Feiyali scratched the back of her head in confusion, frowned slightly and remained silent for a while before suddenly asking: "Do you still remember the Sun Sect minority I told you before?"

Qing Qing Apple Xiang nodded: "Remember, it's the opposition party. I heard that this generation's minority faction is more radical. They were the ones who planned to harm Priest Heifan in Sumir and almost didn't kill him. Is Chief Priest Warrens a member of the minority? I remember that person seemed to have died in the Dawn Sect’s tribunal.”

Fiyali lowered her eyes and looked at the gold coin in front of her, and said calmly: "Yes, after Hei Fan almost single-handedly led everyone to kill Sumir's gang of cultists, the ending of the chief priest of Warrens was It is already doomed, and as far as I know, long before the battle in Sumir was over, and before I myself had time to come into contact with Hei Fan, His Highness Xia Lian of the Dawn Sect, His Highness Wangyu of the Dawn Sect, and His Highness the Sun Sect His Highness Black has already sentenced that man to death in advance."

Qingqing Apple Xiang, who knew her friend's character well, nodded noncommittally, and then went straight to the point and asked: "So Yali, what do you want to express?"

"Do you still remember the method that Chief Priest Warren used to get rid of Black Van?"

Feiyali rested her chin lazily, and continued on her own without waiting for her friend's reply: "It's an explicit operation of deliberately sending Hei Fan's team to the attack route of the cultists, right? So? Now let’s think about it carefully, as a senior member of the Northern Expeditionary Army and the chief priest of the Sun Sect, how does he know when the cultists will attack from what direction and what route?”


Qing Qing Apple Xiang, who had spent most of her time in the City of Light, the absolute hinterland of the Holy Religion Union, after entering the [Innocent Realm] was immediately startled and said in astonishment: "You don't mean..."

"Obviously, this is not something that can be explained by 'coincidence' or 'intention.'"

A rare stern look flashed in Fiyali's eyes, and she said softly: "The chief priest of Warrens did not simply ask Hei Fan to die in a place where cultists might be present, nor did he reach any tacit understanding with the other party. There is no tacit understanding, but... direct contact and communication with the cultists."

Qingqing Apple Xiang suddenly opened her eyes in surprise and said in disbelief: "This is too outrageous. He is the Golden Crown Priest of the Sun Sect. How could it be..."

"He was the Golden Crown Priest of the Sun Sect. How could he be given up so easily and die in the Inquisition of the Dawn Sect?"

Fiyali sneered, shook her head and said: "There is only one reason, and that is that what he did has reached a level that no normal clergy can tolerate. It is precisely because of this that I will fight against the sun again after the battle of Sumir. The minority faction of the sect conducted a threat assessment before spending money to support the Black Fan who went north to deal with the blood barbarians."

Qingqing Apple Fragrance bit her lower lip, nodded and said, "I can probably understand."

"Very good, then let's return to the topic we just talked about."

Fiyali fiddled with the gold coins in front of her and said in a gentle tone again: "Leave aside people like me who would never associate with cultists under any circumstances, and leave aside the extreme person like Warrens. Those who dare to cooperate with cultists to assassinate their own people, in some gray areas, there are always some clergy who dare to contact anyone or heretics, and the power behind them...is also a sect."

Qingqing Apple Xiang's eyes gradually became serious, and she pursed her lips, then slowly looked around the compartment where the two of them were, and asked softly: "Yali, could you be..."

"In the gray area of ​​our wealth sect, in addition to the tribunal and various black market shares and underground trading channels, there is also an institution of very complex nature."

Fiyali took a deep breath and said slowly: "That's a group of people that even I, the Saint of Fortune, can't see the whole picture, hiding in the shadow of the statue."

For some reason, I suddenly felt a chilly fragrance of apples surging around me. I tightened my cloak and frowned, "You never told me this."

"That's right, because I didn't intend to have any interactions with that group of people."

"Then what? What made you change your mind."

"It's simple. Someone... wants to check my account."

"Want to check your account?"

"Yes, just recently, I have noticed some inconsistencies, and just a few days ago, I finally determined that it was a provocation, a provocation directed at me, the Saint of Fortune."

"so what?"

"So I have to respond."

Fiyali stood up slowly and threw the gold coins in her hand into the air: "So, I must come here to express my attitude -"


"God said collapse."

After a breath, this tavern, which was located on the outer edge of the Free City and had a history of more than two hundred years and protected no less than ten small and medium-sized forces, was razed to the ground.

Chapter 1864: End

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