Quadruple split

Chapter 1886 Dreaming

As we all know (?), the super spirit is a life hack that is very popular among psychics and their derivatives, Onmyoji. Although the only people who can use related skills in the Innocence Realm so far are Yi Dong and Gu Xiaole, but In the real world, Super Spirituality is almost a required course for the majority of psychics and onmyojis, and this little trick never disappoints in terms of versatility, just like Chinese, mathematics, and basic physics.

For example, if you are a married Onmyoji who has no strength but terrible cooking skills, then in order to prevent your husband/wife and children from starving to death or being poisoned, you can rely on the super-spirit body of a deceased chef. Perform [body fit] while cooking to complete impeccable cooking.

For another example, if you are a psychic who has no ability but is very bad at communicating with others, then in order not to be ostracized by the people around you, you can rely on a deceased supersoul who suffered from social anxiety syndrome. The body can be [possessed and combined] when necessary, and become an enviable social master, able to navigate at school, work, and family with ease.

For another example, you are a law-abiding but very lustful medium or onmyoji who is full of worldly desires. In order not to fall into evil ways driven by desire, in order not to use your ability to break laws and disciplines, , you can communicate with the super-spiritual body of a deceased holy monk in your free time, and let the master teach you how to be calm, and let the master accompany you to talk about the Four Noble Truths, the origin of origin, and the five aggregates, so as to achieve the effect of calming your mind and seeing through the world of mortals. .

All in all, the super-spiritual body can be said to be a very convenient ability that any psychic or onmyoji will become addicted to after learning it.

So the question is, how can we obtain the super-spiritual body of our dreams?

Hey, there are too many methods——

First of all, in most cases, as a psychic or onmyoji, you will basically have a 'family'. After all, these two professions are different from the 'marginal people' who awaken randomly. The main focus is inheritance, so in most cases The next psychic or onmyoji must have an older colleague in his family. No matter how difficult it is, he still needs a master. In this case, you only need to open your mouth and ask for it. After all, most experienced psychics or onmyojis have There will definitely be many super-spiritual beings.

But what if you are the kind of psychic or onmyoji who is born with yin and yang eyes or is self-taught based on fragments of some classics?

Hey, then don't panic. As the saying goes, 'As long as your thoughts don't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.' There are also tricks for wild people. Even if you have no one and are panicking now, after reading this paragraph It is also guaranteed to open up a lot of ideas, and have some knowledge about the matter of searching for super-spiritual bodies.

The first idea is to go to places with more historical heritage, such as cemeteries, cemeteries, or places that used to be mass graves, but were bulldozed and built with various buildings. These places are prone to wandering people. Among the spiritual bodies in this world, those who still have reason inside them basically have the potential to become super-spiritual bodies.

The second idea is to look for places with rich story backgrounds and long histories, such as haunted villages, haunted schools, haunted apartments, haunted crossroads, etc. As the saying goes, there must be a reason for a rumor to come out of nowhere, even if this is the case right now There is no cost to spread rumors in this era, but as long as we go to a few more places, we can always find someone who is really up to something. The consequences will be nothing more than three. 1. You transfer the ghost, and the ghost will become a super spirit for you; Second, you have overcome ghosts physically and contributed to society; Third, you are not good at academics and have been overcome by ghosts.

It can be seen that the risk is there, but it is only one-third, so it is not particularly high. If you are interested, you can definitely give it a try.

The third idea is to find another way, give up the method of dealing with spirits directly, find ways to find those ancient objects that look very remarkable or have stories, and then use spiritual power to nourish them, if there are spirits inside. There is a high probability that they will be awakened by you, and the spirits recognized through this channel usually have a good background. In other words, they are very powerful!

How powerful can it be? Here is a simple example. Yidong’s father had a broken dagger and a long-handled broken knife. The super-spiritual beings inhabiting them were an assassin named Jing and a second master named Guan, while her mother had a broken dagger and a broken knife with a long handle. The ancient matchlock gun that looks very old, although it has always been regarded as a COS prop by Ito, is actually the owner of a dwarf named Zhi, who believes in Buddhism and calls himself the Saturday Demon King.

It is worth mentioning that although super spirits are unique most of the time, they may not always remain unique in extreme cases, especially those souls that are too powerful. They are likely to have multiple spirits existing at the same time. There are even some who are completely unable to communicate and only know how to blindly attack humans. If we trace the origin, psychics generally believe that this phenomenon should be because those powerful souls have super infectious power, so that they have left traces in many places. Traces, and these traces are very likely to turn into so-called spiritual bodies due to various chances and coincidences. Anyway, it is quite troublesome, so we will stop here and not go into details for now.

Let’s go on to talk about the super spirit body. Since this thing is a bit too complicated to say complicated, we might as well just talk about the conclusion - this thing is an ordinary spirit body that enters into a contractual relationship with a medium/onmyoji and other psychics, and obtains The existence after external spiritual power support is generally used in three ways -

The first one, which is the most basic and the most unstable, is to directly perform a [possession combination] with the super-spirit body as the main body. To illustrate with the previous example, it is like letting the super-spirit body of a cook directly control you. Possessed, and then your own consciousness takes a back seat, just like letting the latter cook for you directly with your hands.

This method is very risky and has many benefits, but it also has many disadvantages. The biggest hidden danger is naturally the dove's possession of the magpie's nest, so unless you have a particularly good relationship with your super-spiritual body or take preventive measures in advance, you must not Don't try this approach lightly.

The second type is also [Possession Fusion], but the difference from the previous one is that this time it is a combination method with the psychic himself as the main body and the super-spiritual body as the supplement. In this case, the former will get A large amount of information, including muscle memory, can not only freely use one's own power as a medium or onmyoji, but also use 50% to 90% of the power of a super spirit body, which is much more mainstream than the previous one.

The last one is to put the super-spiritual body on a certain object to turn it into a 'spiritual weapon' in a certain sense, such as Ito's mother's matchlock blunderbuss that has a history of more than 500 years. It is in a completely unusable state, but if the super-spiritual body of its original owner is attached to it, the gun will become a terrifying weapon called [Demon: The Illusion of All Living Beings], capable of annihilating an island with one shot. It has terrifying power, but because of its very bad temper, its misfire rate is ridiculously high.

All in all, Supersoul is great and useful.

In this way, although Ito is just an ordinary person in reality, as a psychic in the game, he once used [Super Spirit Body and Possession Fusion] to deal with Futaba, and the Super Soul he controlled at the time The body is none other than the Marshall family’s royal assassin—Bane Crowe—that remains on his weapon.

However, there are so few remaining spirits in the dagger in the class that it has become a disposable prop. Not only that, although the spirit body carries the knowledge, instincts and combat experience of the class, But it has no specific memory or autonomous consciousness, so it can only be regarded as a 'prop' classified as a consumable.

So, what about Gu Xiaole, the protagonist of our game?

Well, Gu Xiaole doesn’t have a super-spiritual body...

Yes, although this girl is a genuine [Onmyoji] both in reality and in the game, she does not have a 'super spirit body' that is almost a must-have for a psychic.

As for the reason, it is very simple - mysophobia.

Yes, it's mysophobia. Although Gu Xiaole has some shikigami and is very good at various onmyoji techniques, she still has a grudge against the use of super-spiritual bodies. In her opinion, this kind of 'possession and body fusion' is not suitable for people. For psychics, the taste of normal things is a bit too strong, so they have been particularly resistant to this kind of thing since they were young. In view of the fact that the main way for psychics to cultivate super-spiritual bodies is to let the latter reside in themselves. , so since she was a child, she didn't even have a super-spiritual body that could be used to attach to objects and turn them into 'spiritual weapons'.


As a beautiful girl with a system that is different from ordinary people, with a high probability of dying at an early age, but with extremely good fortune and good fortune, and has grown up to be in her twenties safely, Gu Xiaole's extraordinary talent actually allowed her to achieve a kind of 'super spirit body' from another route. That is - temporarily turning yourself into a super-spiritual body through a method similar to an out-of-body experience.

After learning that his precious daughter had achieved such a great achievement, the head of the Gu family, Yidong's mother's younger brother, scolded Gu Xiaole for the first time because this was not only ridiculous, but also dangerous, and the process was extremely prone to accidents. Forget it, the practicality is basically zero. In his words - 'If someone sprinkles salt on it, it will burn you to tears! ’

This is also true. Although Gu Xiaole successfully completed this trick with her own intelligence, in addition to allowing her to lie down in her room while watching TV in the living room, this skill of turning herself into a super spirit can be said to be It's useless.

Of course, all this is relative. Although I was criticized by my father for being useless, putting aside the identity of 'Superman', it is actually an amazing ability to turn yourself into a super spirit. In the same way, without guilt In the world of Gu Xiaole, although Gu Xiaole's move is impossible to be effective in a competition of the same level, if it is just to abuse food, the situation will be another matter.

As we all know, physical attacks are most effective when attacking the opponent's body. Similarly, if you want to attack the opponent's spirit, Gu Xiaole will actually be more comfortable after turning into a spirit body.

If the opponent were masters like Futaba and Mu Xuejian, then Gu Xiaole would probably be pulled out of the spirit body and defeated before she could make a move, but at this moment, her opponent, the infatuated Qiang brother, could not even mention pulling him out. When he came out, he didn't even realize that Gu Xiaole had floated behind him.

【The game begins~】

But Gu Xiaole smiled brightly, and then waved his little hand lightly, causing the shikigami around him who had hidden their figures and were in a certain 'formation' to use their strength at the same time to 'hypnotize' the enemies in front of them.

Like ordinary ghosts, most shikigami have much richer attack methods on the spiritual level, so they are generally good at various types of hypnosis methods, because the resistance of sleeping targets in this area is often very weakened. Low.

In short, despite always maintaining mental tension, with at least ten levels of hypnosis skills coming at him at the same time, the infatuated brother Qiang still entered the [sleep] state for the first time and fell directly to the ground.

Of course, [Sleep] at this moment is really just a simple state. In other words, although the character 'Infatuated Brother' seems to be sleeping on the ground, the player's mental state is actually still active, but there is nothing that can be done about it. It's just controlling the body that's already 'asleep' on its own.

Therefore, Gu Xiaole did not relax after the opponent fell. Instead, he mustered up his energy and performed several yin and yang secret techniques one after another with a more serious attitude than when he fought Sakaki in the simulated battle. Among them, the most crucial one was The ones are [Dreaming] and [Drowning].

The former, as the name suggests, can make sleeping enemies fall into sleep. When placed on NPCs, it is like dreaming. When placed on players, it is a 'hallucinogenic' skill. The effect of [Darkness] is a bit like the character of 'Tan Mo'. [Confuse] and [Bewitch], the main one is to confuse the target.

In view of the sensory protection function of the game, players have a natural resistance to such skills. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to be successfully fooled. However, when there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, as long as they are willing to work hard, they can really succeed. It may not be impossible to turn decay into magic.

Gu Xiaole knows very well that the biggest difficulty for him in this game is to prevent the other party from escaping. After all, for someone like Qiang Qiang, once he finds that he is not disgusted by others and may be stepped on, he will definitely give in tactically as soon as possible. , so rather than torturing the opponent, eliminating the possibility of them escaping from the game is the top priority.

She succeeded.

Although the process was not easy, after using the power of more than two-digit shikigami to deploy the [Pentagram Amplification Array], Gu Xiaole, who was able to directly shake the enemy's will with his mental power, finally made the infatuated Brother Qiang fall into a dream and forget about it. One very, very, very important thing is the fact that he is in the game [Innocent Bound].

And at the moment when the opponent's mental barrier was broken and he fell into a dream, all the shikigami summoned by Gu Xiaole also lost consciousness at the same time, and then entered the long night in the dream of the infatuated Brother Qiang.

Chapter 1877: End

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