Quadruple split

Chapter 1900 Stumbling Block

Not going beyond anyone's expectations, Little Thorny Wolf accepted Futaba's seemingly condescending proposal without hesitation, and nodded happily to accept this 'game' that was not fair from all angles. .

No one likes to be a real weakling. Putting aside those cool plots about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, in most cases, it is definitely not a pleasant thing to be overlooked from a high place, and for some people with strong self-esteem, For example, for the person who was matched with Futaba in the third round, instead of challenging the giant as a bug and being treated as a monkey by his opponents and onlookers, it would be more honorable to simply abstain.

In fact, although the person involved may not necessarily be regarded as a monkey, he will inevitably become a victim in a good show, so this feeling is actually understandable.

So does Little Thorny Wolf feel this way?

The answer is - yes. Although his character and temper are good, in essence, Little Thorn Wolf is actually a man with a very strong self-esteem. If he had a choice, he would probably not engage in this meaningless fight under such a gap. An unintended challenge.

But he finally nodded in agreement and chose to fight to the end without hesitation.

As Xiao Cilang mentioned to Mo Tan countless times in chat, no matter what, he is a 'professional player' who makes a living by playing games. The profession comes first, and the player comes last.

As the fifth-ranked senior cadre among the Four Heavenly Kings of Joban Studio, although Little Thorn Wolf is not as good as the other four and Boss Sakaki, he still represents the face of Joban just like Shinmon Musashi, and in this case he will not fight. Retiring will inevitably affect other people's evaluation of Tokiwa. You must know that the studio has no way to compare with the club in terms of reputation. This kind of behavior that ruins popularity is naturally a super minefield that cannot be touched.

Therefore, Yu Li and Little Spiny Wolf had no other choice but to fight Futaba.

In addition, although the form is different, Musashi was eliminated by Guoshi Wushuang under similar circumstances before. I don’t know when it started, but wherever Musashi suffered losses, Little Thorn Wolf would rarely care about him. He will also suffer similar losses, but if Musashi can do something easily, then even if Little Thorn Wolf is not very good at it, he will work hard in private and finally achieve the same results.

I still remember one time because Musashi's team accidentally passed a certain BOSS, and the team led by Little Thorn Wolf at that time did not have such good luck. Although it is clear that the former relied entirely on luck, so that the team failed in the following month. Still unable to conquer the BOSS again, Little Thorn Wolf was still angry for more than a month. It wasn't until he led the team through this twice in a row that Musashi was still stuck at the previous progress that he finally returned to normal.

And before he returned to normal, except for Boss Sakaki, not even Musashi and the other four heavenly kings could get even a good look from Little Thorn Wolf, which shows how petty this person is.

To sum up, considering that Musashi has already fallen, Xiao Qinglang doesn't mind that he exits in a similar way.

Of course, if he didn't mind, he didn't just accept his fate. After all, Kunshi Musou's position in the rankings was higher than Futaba's, and although Musashi lost that battle, he still showed his own style. Coupled with the opponent's ridiculously generous concessions, Little Thorny Wolf made up his mind that even if he couldn't win, he would still lose beautifully.

"Then I won't be polite."

After giving a low shout, Little Thorny Wolf rolled up the cuff of his left hand, revealing his wrist guard which had no defensive power but was covered with silver light patterns. He then ignored Futaba's existence and concentrated on the guided summons. The latter watched with interest and released more than ten summoned creatures of different shapes one after another, making the wasteland lively in an instant.

As we all know, most of the summoning professions have the characteristics of weak individual strength, over-reliance on summoned creatures, and difficulty in using their full strength, but they are very threatening when they let go. Although there is no such thing as Boss Sakaki who no longer needs to A strong person who can win by strength, but for normal summoning professions, the number of partners that can be deployed is almost directly proportional to the upper limit of their strength. A summoner who goes shopping with two pets is simply not the same as a summoner who takes a group army for a walk. It's not a concept.

Of course, summoning more creatures is not always better. After all, except for those with particularly high intelligence, most creatures with weak brains need to be dispatched by the summoner himself, and these dispatches are actually very labor-intensive, and as a The Little Thorny Wolf, who specializes in summoning professions in many games, and even ranked in the personal combat power rankings in the Innocence Realm, has the upper limit of summoned creatures it can control at the same time -


Futaba, who had never tried to interfere with the opponent, blinked, curiously tilted his head and asked the little thorny wolf who had stopped moving: "No more? I can continue to wait if necessary."

"Thank you, but no need for now."

Gently wiping away the sweat on his forehead, it was the first time that Little Thorn Wolf, who had completed nearly thirty summons in one go in this kind of duel, took out a bottle of compound potion from his bag, poured it into his mouth, and threw away the potion. While the bottle queen slowly retreated towards the 'battle formation' composed of the group of summoned creatures under his command, he said honestly: "Controlling these guys at the same time is my limit."

He wasn't lying. After all, counting the Chaoyin Bat and Fangcage who were brought here together before, there are a total of twenty-nine summoned creatures surrounding the little spiny wolf at this moment. Among them are Warcraft and other dimensions. Creatures and subspace aberrations are quite different from their existence forms to their combat forms, but the only thing they have in common is their real high-level combat power.

That's right, there are a total of twenty-nine summoned creatures that are strong enough to reach high-level, plus the small thorn wolf that is also high-level. This formation, except for Boss Sakaki and Adu, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, is placed in the entire Tokiwa. It is also difficult for studios to meet opponents.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Little Thorny Wolf to summon so many partners so smoothly. For example, the winning rate between him and Musashi during daily sparring is about 50:50. If Musashi can make Little Thorny Wolf's summoned creatures maintain If it stays below five for a long time, the latter's chance of winning will become ridiculously small. On the contrary, if the Little Thorny Wolf can accumulate seven or eight summoned creatures, then Musashi will basically lose.

This is Summoner, a professional system that combines tenacity and vulnerability, and Little Thorn Wolf is the most orthodox among them.

"Horned Fish, Water Umbrella, Nianwa, restrict her movements!

After recovering for a while, the little Thorny Wolf immediately launched an offensive, loudly dispatching his summoned beasts: "Fire Lion, Explosive Monkey, Fierce Dog, plow the land in a large area!"

The next moment, the summoned creatures around the Little Thorny Wolf immediately took action. In addition to the six monsters whose names were called by him, the other twenty-three also reacted and resolutely carried out the Little Thorny Wolf's mental actions. Link gives them instructions!

The fish monsters, jellyfish monsters and frog monsters that have a considerable affinity for the water element work together to weave a huge water curtain, which follows Futaba under the strong mental power of the Nian Frog.

The monster that can coexist perfectly with the fire element and whose appearance is infinitely close to that of a lion and a fierce dog spits out a tongue of fire at the same time, sweeping towards Futaba from the left and right sides like two long whips, and the giant ape with hair like flames. The monster rushed straight through the middle, like a blazing chariot.

In addition, the erratic aberrations summoned a large number of arcane novae whose rules were different from the original plane, screaming and attacking from behind Futaba.

Not only that, thunderstorms, tornadoes, sand and dust, negative energy and a variety of overwhelming and nameless attacks suddenly unfolded at almost the same time, and they were almost indistinctly connected to each other. Although We can't say how tacitly they understand each other, but this combined attack method can definitely achieve the result of 1+1\u003e2. At least for Musashi who is watching the battle at this moment, it is completely impossible to bring himself into the role of Futaba. Finally found even a little bit of hope.

And this offensive, which was extremely suffocating even from a spectator perspective, was only intended to cause Futaba to lose even 1% of her health.


There was no movement at all. Futaba, who just stood calmly on the spot, did not even raise his head to look at it. The overwhelming offensive collapsed in an instant.

That's right, it collapsed without any warning or any trace. Even the process didn't exist. It was as if the numbers, formulas, and symbols in the calculator were suddenly cleared by someone pressing the CLEAR key. Except for a cold, The result is nothing but zero.

【? ! 】

At this moment, both the Little Thorny Wolf, the summoned creature of the Little Thorny Wolf and the players watching the battle were all stunned, unable to understand what was happening in front of them.

And the initiator of all this, Futaba, who just stood there the whole time, frowned and rubbed his chin, his eyes flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

No one knew how her thoughts were running, and no one knew what else she was dissatisfied with. However, the little thorny wolf, who was more curious than anyone else, stopped thinking and continued to attack.

It’s not that he gave up on himself, but that he who faced Futaba was different from those spectators, and he didn’t have the capital to calm down and think. After all, in the other person’s words, he only had twenty minutes, and after that, he waited for the 1201st second. It's not obvious what it is.

Quiet thinking is too luxurious for him. Finding loopholes in the offense is the only chance to win this game.

Therefore, Little Thorny Wolf, who had given up on one-hit success, began to command the summoned creatures to attack in batches. He no longer tried to increase the lethality through exquisite coordination, but wanted to kill Futaba through solitaire-style battery life.

The good news is, the results are outstanding.

The bad news is that what stands out is not the offensive, but Futaba's cheating-like 'delete' defense.

There is no difference from before. No matter what form or intensity of the attack, once the distance to Futaba is shortened to a certain extent, it will instantly lose contact and disappear suddenly without any trace at all.

"It's just cheating..."

In the conference room of Joban Studio, Musashi, who was ashen-faced, clenched his fists and murmured this in a low voice.

Next to her stood Lorelei, who had been eliminated, as well as Boss Sakaki and Adu, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, who had ended the battle early. As for the other two main members of Tokiwa Studio, they were the second and third among the Four Heavenly Kings respectively. The giant tree and Agatha are still fighting.

The reason why everyone chose Little Thorn Wolf to watch this game is also very simple, that is, compared with Jumu and Agatha's opponents, only Futaba, who was in the top ten on the personal strength list before the closing of the rankings, could make Boss Sakaki compete with Adu felt threatened.

But threats are threats. Even though both of them felt that Futaba was an invincible opponent, they did not fall into despair like Musashi.

"This level is not considered cheating."

Adu, the handsome and tough-looking head of the Heavenly Kings with spiked hair and a black cloak, shook his head, folded his arms and said in a brisk tone: "Although he is not an opponent that the little spiked wolf can defeat, he can't beat the opponent 100%." There’s no chance of destroying even one of the health points, but that’s not a big deal.”

Musashi pursed his lips and said dryly: "But even from a God's perspective, I can't see how we can go further. Little Thorn Wolf..."

"Little Thorny Wolf is different."

Sakaki glanced at Musashi, who had an anxious face, and said calmly: "Don't you really think that Little Thorn Wolf can get the ridiculous title of the fifth Four Heavenly Kings just because he joined earlier than you? ? If you are indeed strong enough, Musashi, since there can be five of the Four Heavenly Kings, then naturally there can be a sixth."

Musashi's eyes suddenly widened and he said in astonishment: "Boss, what do you mean..."

"What the boss means is that Little Thorny Wolf is better than you."

Lorelai pushed up her glasses and said helplessly, "Although he may not even notice this."

Musashi immediately shook his head and said unconvinced: "This is impossible. It would be better if you said that he is not weaker than me, but... we usually practice against each other the most, and the outcome is always 50-50!"

"Silly girl~"

Adu, who was obviously not a few years older than Musashi but had a rather mature way of speaking, shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Have you never thought that the outcome is always a 50-50 split? Is it too normal?”

Musashi's expression suddenly froze, and after a while he looked at the three of them in disbelief: "You mean, he has actually been letting..."

"No, he probably didn't let you go."

Boss Sakaki shook his head and said solemnly: "At least I didn't 'deliberately' give in to you."


"He just unknowingly developed a habit that he didn't even know he had. That is to always subconsciously control his strength to the same level as you, and he thinks that is his own limit."


"That's why I broke you apart when the studio came into this game."


"You are the stumbling block for Little Thorny Wolf to become stronger, Musashi."

Chapter 1891: End

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