Quadruple split

Chapter 1913 The dark fire is about to burn

"Who told you to 'go'? Didn't I just say 'get out'?"

The moment Arthur finished speaking, the air seemed to freeze for a moment in the same second.

However, this was just Ji Xiaodao's illusion, because after Arthur finished speaking, Li Fu didn't even hesitate at all. He immediately squatted down with a smile, preparing to lie down and literally 'roll' away.



Ji Xiaodao suddenly stopped him.

Li Fu immediately stood up straight again and bowed slightly to Ji Xiaodao: "Please give me your instructions, mistress."

"Go prepare some midnight snack for me."

Ji Xiaodao made a request that he had never said before without expression.

Li Fu immediately nodded and said, "No problem, what would you like to eat?"

“Clean, light, more vegetables and less meat.”

"As you command, Mistress."

"Go ahead."


After bowing to Ji Xiaodao and Arthur respectively, Li Fu, who couldn't just go to the ground and 'get out' because the hostess required the late-night snacks to be 'clean', slowly left the school grounds and quickly blended into the night.

Arthur, who was heavily armored and dusty, rolled his eyes, sat cross-legged in front of Ji Xiaodao without any image, curled his lips and said: "Brother and sister, haven't you heard yet? That guy is clearly trying to kill you. Believe it or not, if he is in the same category as us, if I had not come over just now, the next sentence he would say would be that you and my father are also crazy."

"I also know what your next sentence will be."

Ji Xiaodao turned around and glanced at the Bai Wang who shouldn't be here, and said lightly: "It's nothing more than Xiaozhi using emotion to express with reason that William Bohe is indeed crazy, and I can still be saved." ,Right?"

Arthur immediately shook his head without thinking and said: "No, no, my father is indeed crazy, but sister-in-law, you are still... eh?"

"Look, I knew it."

Ji Xiaodao shook his head and raised a slight curve at the corner of his mouth: "In fact, compared to your opinions, what Li Fu wanted to say just now is more in line with my feelings."

Arthur twitched the corner of his mouth and said angrily: "I was just stating the facts. I had no intention of having any feelings for you. Oh, by the way, I remember that you aliens don't need to eat at all, right?"

"That's right, so I'll ask you to finish that late-night snack later."

Ji Xiaodao said this calmly and raised his eyebrows: "Merlin said that you have complete eating functions, and you can even convert those vegetable and fruit vitamins into the power of this body through certain parts."

Arthur's face suddenly stiffened and he said dryly: "Although I don't know what vitamins are, but... if I heard correctly, when you told Dawn just now, you should have mentioned two conditions: light food and more vegetables and less meat. Bar?"

Ji Xiaodao nodded and added: "It's still clean."

"It doesn't matter if it's done cleanly or not."

Arthur waved his hands and said with an indifferent expression: "My current body does not have the capital to cause stomach upset. Although Merlin has suggested that you can install one for me, it is better to avoid such a completely worthless structure."

Ji Xiaodao shrugged and declined to comment.

"all in all!"

Arthur slapped his thigh hard and said angrily: "Brother and sister, you should know that I like meat and hate vegetables!"

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly and said calmly: "Well, Gaweier told me when she came here last time. She complained to me a lot about your problems, so just think that you eat those dishes for her."


As soon as Arthur heard the name, he was instantly speechless.

"Don't mention that anymore."

Ji Xiaodao tightened the cloak on his shoulders and frowned: "Why are you here? As far as I know, the current White King Arthur should be leading the [Black Frontier] on Lavenders Mountain Road to monitor the Rhinoceros Horn Fortress. The 19th Griffin Chapter is always ready to attack after the Dreamland Theocracy officially marches."

Arthur showed a particularly bright silly smile to Ji Xiaodao, raised his hand and gestured with scissors: "I skipped work!"

Ji Xiaodao: "..."

Arthur: "..."

two minutes later

Arthur, who couldn't hold it in anymore, finally couldn't help but break the silence and asked sarcastically: "Isn't it funny?"

Ji Xiaodao shook his head: "It's funny."

Arthur sighed and asked with a sad face: "You mean I'm funny, right?"

Ji Xiaodao nodded mercilessly and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes."

"I'll leave the Black Front side to Malthael. He is a child rescued by his father in the arena when he was still a prince. He is a few years older than me. He is the commander of the [Tibetan Front] legion and is also the current leader of [Black Front]. The deputy leader has no problem with his strength or brains."

Arthur changed the topic with some embarrassment, and said with a subtle expression: "As for why I came back, on the one hand, I wanted to let Mr. Merlin do another maintenance before the war officially started, and on the other hand, I wanted to calm down and calm myself down. As for not doing anything outrageous."

Ji Xiaodao sighed silently, and while walking towards the fortress, without looking back, he asked Arthur, who stood up hurriedly to follow: "Is it because Gaweier promised to marry Fast..." That thing about Howard? When Gawen told me about it before, I thought you could really keep your composure. "

"What a coincidence, I thought I could keep my composure."

Arthur covered his forehead helplessly and said with a wry smile: "I guarantee that if it were the same Arthur Bohe from before, he would definitely be able to calm down and not be exposed to this kind of information. Disturbing."

Ji Xiaodao chuckled and asked in a slightly teasing tone: "So you plan to let Mo Qu bear the responsibility for his immaturity?"

"Ahem, I did wonder before whether it was because of Mo's power that I became like this."

Arthur cleared his throat awkwardly, and then sighed deeply: "But if you think about it carefully, that kind of thinking is completely self-deception."

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly and said lightly: "So the truth is that the reason why Arthur was able to remain calm in the past was mainly because he was not sure whether Gaweier had feelings for him, nor was he attracted by it. You were touched by what the eldest princess did after her death, right?"

"I can't keep a balance between reason, emotion and some concept that you don't know."

Arthur rubbed his temples with a headache, gritted his teeth and said: "Of course this is only temporary. After all, the power that only Mo can control is too overbearing. Since the problem has arisen now, I think the fastest three to five days, It will take up to half a month for my unsatisfactory head to return to balance."

Ji Xiaodao shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid you don't have that much time. If nothing unexpected happens, the Dream Kingdom will soon go south to Griffin, and according to the previous agreement, we must also do it as soon as possible. We launch an attack on the Rhinohorn Fortress stationed by the 19th Griffin Chapter, and you and your [Black Blade Legion] are the vanguard.”

"I know, so I won't come back and stay too long."

Arthur took a deep breath and smiled: "Don't worry, sister. Although it's not very comfortable, it's actually similar to the feeling of not eating when you're hungry. Although it's uncomfortable, it won't make you lose control."

Ji Xiaodao nodded: "Oh, go ahead and eat. By this time, Astor should have almost finished his midnight snack."

"I'll give you an example!"

Arthur said angrily and asked: "Speaking of what happened today, it's okay that Mo is not here. Why are Gawen and Merlin, who usually never leave the fortress, not here either?"

"Because we gave ourselves a little vacation."

Gavin, who was leaning against the entrance of the fortress hall with her arms folded, waved lazily to the two of them and said with a smile: "Hi, Sister Silent Prayer, Hi, His Highness Arthur."

Arthur immediately waved cheerfully and responded: "Hi! Ms. Gavin!"

Ji Xiaodao did not speak, but just walked along the cold stone spiral staircase to the second floor. Arthur and Jiawen immediately followed, while the soldiers on duty or resting in the hall remained silent and maintained a very tight attitude. High level of discipline.

After meeting several 'abnormality patrollers' who were forcibly restrained by Merlin in a suit of humanoid armor on the relatively deserted second floor, the three of them came to a lounge with simple furnishings but at least not as cold as other places. , although there is only one fireplace, two long tables and a few angular wooden chairs inside, it is already considered a rare 'comfort zone' in the Avalon Fortress.

"Every time I want to say it..."

After occupying the seat closest to the fireplace first, Arthur leaned lazily on the back of the chair and complained: "We are not short of money and not short of space, so we can't build a place where people can show off, so we won't say anything." The mural incense burner, at least... at least replace the fucking chairs with soft ones, right?"

Gawen leaned lazily on the long table opposite Arthur and said with a smile: "We two girls haven't said anything yet. Isn't His Highness's butt too tender?"

"Your Highness."

The handsome man who walked out of the fireplace patted the ashes on his head and said sternly to Arthur: "Your Majesty taught you over and over again not to be extravagant and wasteful when you were young."

Obviously, this man with waist-length white hair, who looks very young but talks a little old-fashioned, and whose voice has a strange double voice, is another God-killing star besides Arthur, and also has Osiris, the White Bishop of the souls of Farah Ossis and his apprentice Luther King.

Arthur rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth: "I don't think it would be an extravagance to replace these chairs with upholstered ones, Osiris."

"Our energy is limited and our time is precious, Your Highness."

Sitting on a seat that had been replaced by space magic behind him and had the characteristics of being wide, comfortable, and soft, with a glass of Pratt milkshake on the armrest, Osiris said to Arthur seriously: "Please, please It’s all about the overall situation.”

Arthur, with two veins popping out from his forehead, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stared at Osiris, who was leaning in the chair and drinking a milkshake, and said angrily: "Look at this thing you're sitting on! Osiris, where's your face!" "

"I'm older."

Osiris, who looked to be at most twenty-five years old, looked up at Arthur with a serious face and said very sincerely: "I can't compete with you young people."

Arthur: "..."

"When you've had enough trouble, let's get down to business."

Ji Xiaodao lightly knocked on the table in front of him and turned his gaze to Jiawen next to him: "Where is Merlin?"

"The condition of the experimental subjects is being checked in the underground workshop."

Jia Wen spread his hands and said in a leisurely tone: "You also know his character. He won't get over it if he doesn't figure out the things at hand. And in the old man's own words, it doesn't matter if he comes as a scientific researcher. Yes, just ask Osiris to convey the results later."

Osiris immediately put down the milkshake in his hand and said solemnly: "No problem."

"Then let's officially start."

Jiawen pushed up the flat rimless glasses that had appeared on the bridge of her nose at some point, and said seriously: "First of all, the General Staff of Lamorlock of the Dreamland Theocracy has contacted me and said that the Theocracy can go south at any time. It is tentative for now. The time is midnight tomorrow night.”

Arthur was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "So fast?"

"Yes, this is still under the circumstances where it is difficult for the Griffin nobles to penetrate into the Dream Kingdom. If the counter intelligence agency is the [Lion Eye] under the Blood Lion Emperor, the time left for us to coordinate with each other may be It was compressed into three hours, so there’s no point in complaining.”

Gawen made a silent gesture on her lips, smiled charmingly and shook her slender index finger stained with shiny lip gloss, and said softly: "In short, I hope that Arthur will go to Mr. Merlin for sex immediately later." Final inspection, and immediately after the maintenance is completed, I will take my friend Yin Tian back to the front line, and I will travel back and forth between here and the Imperial Capital from time to time, becoming the communication center for Trann, Avalon and the vanguard forces."

"no problem."

Arthur nodded and said seriously: "Miss Yintian is also from another world, right? You let her go to work for Mr. Merlin... Forget it, let her wait for me at the north gate of the fortress."

"I thank you for your thoughtfulness on her behalf."

Gavin smiled, then turned to look at Osiris: "My Lord Bishop, I hope you can join Duke Garros and his group of mages at the rear as quickly as possible, and immediately go north to support His Highness Arthur. "

"As you wish, my lady."

Osiris stood up and saluted Gawen, and then disappeared into the room together with the chair behind him in a burst of twisted silver light.

"Sister Silent Prayer."

Jia Wen turned to look at Ji Xiaodao and said in a rare serious tone: "I need to know when the boss will wake up."

Ji Xiaodao shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then please ask him to briefly review the work report during this period as soon as he goes online. It is best to give me feedback with suggestions and guidance."


"Did he leave any other words?"

"Cooperate fully with Merlin, leave the war to Arthur, and Jiawen will take charge."

"Any more?"

"Transfer Galahad to [Ebon Blade] to protect Arthur, and let the Knights of the Tsar's Sword wait in Avalon."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until he comes online."

Chapter 1904: End

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