Quadruple split

Chapter 1951 Opportunities and Reasons

Game time AM08:27

[Inquisition Debate·First Round of Group D Individual Battle] Competition-specific map, mirror space S7323-5611


Under the cover of night, he was wearing a simple and slim-fitting black leather armor. The long red scarf on the side of his neck was flying behind him like a cloak. His waist-length black hair was tied into a refreshing high ponytail. His face was beautiful and emotionless. , The female assassin who had no money took a deep breath, looked up at the celestial bodies in the sky, headed by the moon, that emitted soft light, clenched her fists hard, and looked like a fresh zombie that had just mutated for two and a half days. He stared with his big eyes and howled: "Finally, I can legitimately fight with the bitch!!!"

Look, everyone, she was a good little girl when she first entered the world of innocence. She was an all-around beautiful girl with almost no shortcomings except for being a little greedy for money. She was an unknown hero who once made great contributions in a certain great plague. Now she has turned into Looking like this shows how excessive the world is today! What a high pressure!

One thing to say, for a person like Yu Ying, who is quite good among players, but is not very strong in the general environment, and is even more of a bastard in a devil's cave like the Free City, so although he is a The killer who is listed for business has also joined a well-known killer organization under the introduction of someone, but there are actually very few commissions that he has the ability to contact. Sometimes he finally encounters a task, and the result is that it will happen due to various accidents and mistakes. It’s a series of troubles and the expenses are terrifying. In a word, it’s quite miserable.

As Yuying's cover in daily life, the Free City Night Zone branch of the Wanderer Hotel is definitely not a comfortable workplace. Although Yuying, who does not need to rest in the game, is better than Crowe, who is squeezed to half death every day, However, as the number one in the night-free branch, 'Sakura-chan', the number of customers she has to deal with every day and the number of times she is asked (ordering, serving dishes) is almost as much as Weiyang and Liumu combined. Although tips are indeed taken lightly, But it made her feel physically and mentally exhausted.

To sum up, almost one-tenth of Yuying's pressure since entering the Innocence Realm comes from her two jobs of 'assassin' and 'waiter', and another one-tenth is due to her role as assassin. The 'poverty' derived from high-cost occupations, as for the remaining 80%...

It came from a man named ‘Tan Mo’.

From the initial 'technician incident' in which the two thieves put their hands into a pocket, to the recent incident in which they went to the Shadow Swamp and both (?) got trapped in the fog, and of course the previous incident where the assassin girl was frightened. There was an incident involving the Berserker profession. If you think about it carefully, Yu Ying had a lot of interactions with the man named Tan Mo. It can even be said that they followed her after she settled in the Free City. Most of the time.

To be honest, during this period of time, Mo Tan had always taken good care of this girl whose personality and personality were quite contrasting.

However, under normal circumstances, there are basically three types of people who are taken care of by Mo Tan -

First of all, it is Futaba who can stabilize and split the opponent's moves. There is not much difference in quality between the two parties in all aspects, and the relationship is both enemy and friend. Most people of this type will not be dragged into the rhythm of 'Tan Mo', but they can also There is no way to completely maintain your own rhythm. Although there are mutual benefits from cooperation, most of the time is spent hurting each other. To sum up, both parties are [painful and happy].

Secondly, there is someone who is so good or even top-notch in terms of utilization value and ability that even Mo Tan will give a certain degree of courtesy and care. The representative figure in this regard is Mu Xuejian. Everyone can see that Mo Tan does have While trying every means to satisfy all the hobbies of the Ace of Spades girl, even the small details will give the latter an excellent gaming experience. In addition to Mu Xuejian, other players of Foster and Cholera's caliber Talents also count. The former almost has the highest authority of the Harlequin Card except the ace, and can mobilize more than 90% of the resources unconditionally. While the latter seems to be being PUAed by Mo Tan, in fact it is just the gold coins he has been allocated during this period. , after realizing the money, this science geek with serious middle school attributes has turned all the figures in the cabinet into genuine ones, and opened a permanent VVVVVIP membership in a certain middle school club.

If nothing else goes wrong, as Mo Tan told Cholera, once the soda enters the sales stage, the revenue will be enough for Cholera to buy a full house in his hometown within half a year at most.

To sum up, for talents like Mu Xuejian and Cholera, the result of being taken care of by 'Tan Mo' is generally [pure happiness]. They only need to do what they are good at and within their capabilities, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

As for the last one...

That's what Yu Ying is like. Although she is still capable, she is not particularly useful to Mo Tan. Although she is still capable, she is no match for Mo Tan. Although she is always vigilant, she will always be forced to control the rhythm. In this kind of situation, Under such circumstances, if the person concerned becomes the object of Mo Tan's "care", it will basically be - [painful and painful].

Of course, although it is not as good as the previous 'pain and happiness' and 'pure happiness', while Mo Tan is suffering here, Yu Ying has always been rewarded, and in most cases the rewards are higher. over her efforts.

In...putting aside the mental toll.

Yes, we must admit that although the time we got together was not very long, Mo Tan still brought a lot of very, very, very negative emotions to Yuying under the name of 'Tan Mo', so much so that for a certain period of time , this girl was a bit hysterical even outside the game, and although she later successfully overcame the psychological shadow with her complete will, she still had intermittent outbursts when it came to matters related to someone.

In fact, Yu Ying has maintained absolute trust in Mo Tan for a long time. Even during the days when she was trapped in the fog, she almost stayed under Mo Tan's promise that he would definitely be able to rescue you. Not too panicked.

But that didn't stop her from hating that man so much that she wanted to kill him every second!

And today, by chance, Yuying realized that she could finally let go and take revenge!

[Guilty Debate] In the first round of the second day, the two were miraculously put together for a fight to the death in which only one person could continue!

To be honest, although he was not sure of winning, and was even sure that the opponent would use all kinds of dirty tricks to make things difficult for him, Yuying was still very grateful to the system for allowing him to meet Mo Tan here. of.

This opportunity to fight that bastard without any scruples will never come again!

Although she didn't know the details of the opponent, Yuying's intuition told her that although Tan Mo was definitely not weak, if it was just about hard power, she might not be at an absolute disadvantage, and might even be slightly stronger!

"I know you are a scumbag..."

Raising her hands to loosen the fashionable long scarf around her neck, Yuying took a deep breath and murmured through gritted teeth: "But I have suffered so much with you, even if I can't follow you right away. If I follow your ideas, I will never be far away from you. Just wait, I have to fight with you today!"

After that, the girl took a deep breath, quickly changed her clothes on the spot, and then quietly left the bell tower at her feet. She landed as nimbly as a cat and merged into the bustling crowd in the city in the blink of an eye. .

Because she occasionally receives commissions related to her main job, and because she is a girl who likes to show off herself, Yuying is still very good at disguise. For example, now, she has transformed into a There are some pimples on her face. Her appearance is pretty but not enough to attract the attention of a scumbag. She has a messy and unkempt hair like a little lamb, and she wears a set of lead-grey clothes that have represented a 'scholar' since the 3700th year of the Holy Calendar. The robe has basically completely undergone a complete visual makeover.

In the next twenty minutes, Yuying only went to the busiest pub nearby and ordered some drinks at the Wanderer Hostel three streets away, and gained a considerable amount of information.

To put it simply, it is——

This is the Southwest Continent in the year 7323 of the Holy Calendar, and the place where Yuying is located is a city in the northern part of the Griffin Dynasty. Because it belongs to the core area of ​​influence of an old noble family, even in the current relatively turbulent situation, , this city still maintains a considerable degree of stability and prosperity, and has not been disturbed by war.

As for who is fighting with whom in the north, what is the name of the family that covers this city, and how turbulent the so-called turbulent current situation is, these are not what Yuying cares about.

Maybe 'Tan Mo' would be interested in those messy things, but now Yuying doesn't have the energy to care about those 'chores'. For her, anything that doesn't directly contribute to the great cause of killing Tan Mo at this moment All actions are a waste of time, and wasting time in front of that person is absolutely tantamount to seeking death.

Yuying, who has cooperated with the opponent many times, knows very well that in this case, the balance of victory that was originally relatively balanced will quickly tilt towards the opponent as time goes by. Every second that he delays may lead to subsequent consequences. The failure paved the way.

So after leaving the Wanderer Hotel, Yu Ying immediately rushed to the Tamsui Lake in the south of the city without hesitation, because she had already stolen from the hotel owner through the 'Seventh Edition Identification Password' that only existed in the records. The intelligence came out and she knew that a man named Charles Muller and his family would play by the freshwater lake until dark, and combined with the tasks she received after entering the competition, the man named Charles was probably 'Tan Mo' There is no doubt that Yu Ying's own identity is that he is a dead soldier sent here by a certain force.

One thing to say, this kind of script has appeared quite frequently in the past two days. It's not that the system is uncreative, but the situation that forces both sides to have a life-and-death situation is limited after all, and this kind of 'one attack and one defense' assassination operation is Among them, it is most suitable for use as the background of competition maps.

After all, these mirror spaces are derived from "historical facts" rather than "epics", so if backgrounds cannot be randomly generated, the number of related backgrounds will naturally increase.

By the way, now that the individual competition has entered its second day, given that the strength gap between players is gradually narrowing, the frequency of arena and colosseum-type backgrounds is also increasing.

All in all, this game is actually quite "vulgar". Although the background is in line with the characteristics of the individual game, there is almost nothing new at all.

But for Yuying, it is out-and-out good news.

There is no other reason. Relatively vulgar development will constrain imagination as much as possible and reduce accidents and variables in proportion. In Yuying's view, whether it is 'imagination', 'accident' or 'variable', they are all tantalizing. Mo's friend, not his own.

So about ten minutes into the game, when she had just gotten the basic information in the tavern, Yuying had already determined her policy for the game, which was to complete the pre-encounter process as quickly as possible. The better the sandalwood is with the bayonet.

Again, the more preparation time the 'Tan Mo' has, the more terrifying it is, so Yuying, who knows this better than anyone else, has no intention of 'using his brain' and just rushes over after collecting the information.

She thought she had done the best she could. As for what Mo Tan had done in these twenty minutes, Yu Ying had no intention of wondering.

However, even so, when she arrived at the freshwater lake, she was still shocked by the sight in front of her.

"Yo, you're here?"

Mo Tan, who was fishing with his back to her, sat on a horse and raised his hand to say hello without looking back. Beside him, there were at least twenty people lying in various directions, except for a beautiful half-rabbit. Except for the orc women and two girls who were at most seven or eight years old, the others were all guards armed to the teeth. Just looking at the equipment on them, they felt that they were not easy to mess with.

"What are you doing again?"

Yu Ying narrowed her eyes warily, pulled out the dagger [Angry] inserted diagonally in the leather sheath on the outside of her thigh with her left hand, and with her right hand drew out the short sword [Resentful Kill] that she had never used in front of Mo Tan before, and asked coldly :"What's happening here?"

"The situation is..."

Mo Tan suddenly lifted the fishing rod and threw a large pile of waterweed weighing two kilograms on the ground. He turned around with a smile and looked at Yu Ying, whose eyes were gradually bloodshot, as if he was about to enter a violent state passively and said happily: "I think I wanted to add a little water but I didn’t know how much to add, so I finally decided to let these people sleep for a while and have a passionate one-on-one duel with you.”

"A passionate duel?"

"Yes, after all, no matter how sorry I am, I can't let you win too easily."

"You guy, what on earth do you want to do!"

"It's very simple. I just want to give you a chance and find a reason for myself."

"what chance?"

"A chance to win."

"What reason?"

"The reason for losing."

Chapter 1942: End

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