Quadruple split

Chapter 2028 The magic mirror tells me

【Catch rape】

Category: Special side mission

Quality: Legend

Introduction: You are the pitiful, infatuated, quiet, virtuous, orchid-like heart, pure jade, pure and beautiful outside, smart and graceful Queen Bellica Hopkins. Just this morning, you finally bought the magic mirror [Eris· Alpo] caught evidence of her husband Solacha's infidelity. With the help of the family, the entire upper class chose to stand behind you as the truth spread at a high speed. Even the emperor's most loyal guards turned to you. , at this moment, you have arrived in front of the Red Flower Club where the adulterer is. In just a moment, the last army loyal to that man will fall at your feet. Go ahead, catch him, whip him, and interrogate him. , slap him for his big mouth!

Mission goal: drag the emperor into combat for more than five minutes before he escapes back to the palace.

Special Objective: Drag the Emperor into combat for more than five minutes before he escapes from the Red Flower Club.

Tip 1: If the emperor successfully escapes from the Red Flower Club, you will receive a one-hour BUFF [Capture Action], which increases all attributes by 40%. For every minute that [Capture Action] lasts, all attributes will increase by an additional 1%. After the "Capture Action" is over, the additional basic attributes you gain will decrease at a rate of 2% per minute, until you reach 40% of your original basic attributes.

Tip 2: You have unlocked the rage value system, the upper limit is 100 points. Every time you increase the rage value by 1 point, all your attributes will increase by 2%. After the [Capture Operation] ends, you will receive the same amount of damage during the [Capture Operation] period. The cumulative damage gained is 1% of the maximum health value of the rage value. Every 1% of the health value you lose due to this damage will reduce all your attributes by 1%. (※For example: you accumulated 6,000 rage points during [Capture Operation], then after [Capture Operation] ends, you will lose 60% of your maximum health, and all basic attributes will be reduced by 60%※)

Tip 3: While [Capture Action] is in effect, you will gain the buff status [Tiger Comes Out], which increases your movement speed by 30% and restores 10 rage points per minute; when the buff status [Tiger Comes Out] disappears, you will immediately gain In the debuff state [Returning the Tiger to the Mountain], the growth rate of anger and rage values ​​is reduced by 80%, and the overall resistance is reduced by 50%.

Tip 4: While [Capture Operation] is in effect, you will obtain the additional skill [White Tiger Sitting in the Palace], which can forcibly summon the nobles of a certain mansion and their personal armed forces to fight for you. This lasts for 15 minutes. Every time you gain 50 rage points , you will get an additional use of [White Tiger Sitting in the Palace], which can be used up to three times in total; when the [Capture Operation] is over, the friendliness of the units affected by the [White Tiger Sitting in the Palace] skill towards you will be at most ' Neutral' is very likely to turn into 'cold' and 'hostile'.

Tip 5: While [Capture Operation] is in effect, when your rage value is 100, you can choose to consume all your rage points to activate the skill [Tiger Roaring Forest] to shock a block so that all mansions in the block cannot become emperors. If the emperor is already hiding in this area, he will be forcibly teleported outside the building and his specific location will be displayed on the magic mirror [Eris Alpo] for 1 minute. When [Capture Operation] ends Afterwards, the emperor will receive additional damage reduction equal to the number of [Tiger Roaring Forest] times * 5%.

Mission success reward: [Capture Operation] duration extended by 1000%.

Special target success reward: The upper limit of [Rage Points] is increased to 1000, and 20 points of Rage Points are restored every second.

Punishment for mission failure: Obtain DEBUFF [Incompetent Fury], reduce movement speed by 50%, attack speed by 50%, and increase damage received by 300%.

[Remarks: None]

"What the fuck?!"

After reading the mission description, Rebecca felt so bad that she even spoke English while equipped with the Orb of Deceit, and gritted her teeth and said: "You actually asked me to be husband and wife with that guy Dragon! God! This game must be crazy! Crazy!"

[Your rage value increases: 25]

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded in his ears.

Rebecca: "..."

After a few seconds, Rebecca, who was silenced by the system, took a deep breath, closed the task panel, and looked at her surroundings with a look of disgust.

This is a seemingly prosperous area. Not only is the transportation convenient in all directions, but the surrounding chambers of commerce and shops are also dazzling. It can be imagined that on normal days, there would be a large number of people coming and going even in the middle of the night. However, here At this moment, it is obviously the busiest time of the day during the evening meal, but within a radius of 100 meters there is a dead silence and no one else!

The reason...

[It must be because I, the queen, brought people here to catch Adulterer. 】

Rebecca raised her eyes and looked around at the hundreds of guards with pale faces in military uniforms who kept at least two meters away from her at all times. She then squinted at the sound of killing that was constantly coming from not far away. Every once in a while, There were several courtyards that soared into the sky with great strength. They leaned on the large temporary throne and shook their heads. Then they turned to look at the square mirror on the low table beside them.

Although unlike Awakening Dragon, she did not take action immediately, Rebecca was grasping the information as quickly as possible, and she seemed to be thinking and planning very efficiently.

Judging from the content of the previous mission, the magic mirror [Eris Alpo] bought by Queen Belica with the same surname for a large sum of money will undoubtedly be a very good helper.

Therefore, after thinking that it was impossible to get involved in the seemingly epic battle in the yard, Rebecca took advantage of this inconvenient time to turn her attention to the magic mirror and directly He took it in his hand and started playing with it.


"Your Highness the Queen."

With a blur of mist flowing across the mirror, an exquisite elf head made of mist politely nodded to Rebecca and said with a smile: "Damás Remedep is happy to serve you. .”

"Who is Damas Remedep?"

Rebecca frowned slightly as she looked at the elf woman in the mirror who looked to be in her early 300s, and asked curiously: "Shouldn't your name be Eris Alpo?"

"No, no, no, I am Damas, Damas Remedep, the greatest astrologer in history."

The elf in the mirror shook his head like a rattle and said seriously: "As for Eris Alpo, it is the name of this mirror, not mine."

Rebecca lowered her eyes and looked down at the smiling woman who called herself Damas in the mirror, and asked, "Is there any difference?"

"Of course there is. You must know that Eris is just a mirror craftsman in the village of Alpo with decent skills, and I, the great Damas Remedep, am the best astrologer in the world and the king of King's Landing. The existence of the pinnacle of the prophecy world.”

The elf woman who called herself Damas smiled proudly and said leisurely: "It's worth thousands of gold."

Rebecca shook her head: "I haven't heard of it."

Damas: "..."

"all in all."

Rebecca tapped the mirror lightly and asked, "You are Damas, a very powerful prophet, right?"

"That's not accurate. My Lord, you should know very well that I am not Damas himself, but his consciousness sealed in the mirror, which can last for about three months, so even though I am to some extent There is no difference from Damas, not only does he have some of his abilities, but his memory and personality are exactly the same, but... wait."

Damas in the mirror suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Rebecca steadily: "You are not Queen Belica!"


Rebecca was immediately frightened and trembled, her eyes widened and she said, "What did you say!?"

"You're not, although you are, but... you're not!"

Damas pursed his lips with a serious expression, and then his expression suddenly dropped, and he said in a very casual tone: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, I am just a disposable consumable, whether you are or not, Anyway, you want me to help you now, right?"

Rebecca nodded silently and hesitated for a while before saying, "I need to understand the situation."

"Okay, no problem."

Damas grinned and raised his eyebrows: "What a coincidence. During the day, you had already used the meditation scroll to synchronize key information to me, which was just in time for 'you' to use now—"


Rebecca was stunned for a moment, then said in astonishment: "I haven't said what I want to know yet..."

However, at this moment, the Damas on the mirror had dissipated, and instead, there was an afternoon with soft sunlight, and a girl was waving a wooden knife happily on the green lawn, and her appearance, to Rebecca Don't say it looks too familiar!

That's right, at this moment, the person shown in the mirror is Rebecca Hopkins, who was about six years old, not the Queen of the Cang Yue Empire, Bellica Hopkins, although that one was a little bit different back then. There was a big difference between the chubby little girl and her appearance twenty years later, but Rebecca still recognized her at a glance. The main reason was that the big photo hanging in the center of the living room at her parents' house was of Rebecca. The family photo was taken when she was six and a half years old, so Rebecca, who would go back to her parents' house for dinner every week, would not be impressed even if she thought about it.

Not only that……

Just behind the younger Rebecca Hopkins, there was a short boy with black hair, dark eyes, fair skin, and a buzz cut. He was holding a large book that was not much lighter than him under the shade of a tree. I turned over the book with a frown on my face, and only occasionally turned my head to look at the girl not far away, and would show a smile from the bottom of my heart.

【Is this Dragon? Little...Dragon when he was a child? ! Has he ever been so cute? ? 】

Rebecca, who was just about to make Damas stop, slowly widened her eyes.

"Your Highness~"

After a while, the girl suddenly trotted up to the boy, patted the latter's arm with her chubby little hands, and suggested crisply: "Shall we play together?"


The boy looked away from the page, raised his head and asked the girl, "What are you playing with?"

"Play with knives!"

The girl waved the wooden knife in her hand vigorously and said with a smile: "My father said that I can become very powerful in the future! Even my brother is not as powerful as me!"

"well said."

The boy nodded, then chuckled and looked back at the book on his lap that was too big for him: "But I'm not that powerful, so even if I play with you... Dao Dao, it's just a waste of time. That’s all.”

The girl pouted and muttered: "But I want to play with His Highness!"

"but I……"

The boy didn't say any more. He just sighed under the girl's gaze and looked back at the big watery eyes: "Okay... just for a while."

"Okay! Then I'll give you this knife! This one is my favorite!"

"Good weight……"

Then, just when Rebecca began to complain in her heart about why there was no screenshot system in the game, the picture in the mirror suddenly changed. Although the scene was the same, the time had changed from early spring to late autumn, and the boys and girls of the past had also become Boys and girls.

The girl's appearance changed into what Rebecca Hopkins looked like when she was a freshman in high school, and the boy who still had a neat crop of hair had quietly caught up with the former in size.

"Your Highness!"

Under Rebecca's complicated gaze, Bellica, who looked like the former, happily trotted up to Prince Solacha, who looked exactly like Awakening Dragon, and said happily: "I have broken through to the intermediate level! The swordsman uncle said that if I keep working hard, I might surpass my brother in the next few years!"

"Yes, I'm well aware of that."

The future emperor, who had become the first heir, shrugged, shook his head and said: "You don't know how sad Brother Santos was when he told me about this matter. He took Luo Men and I to drink wine all night. "

"I don't understand."

Bellica shook her head, and while playing with the long knife on her waist that was incompatible with the light blue dress she was currently wearing, she said, "Shouldn't he be proud of his talented sister?"

Zolacha held down Bellica's right hand which was playing with the long knife, raised an eyebrow at the latter who had a reddish complexion and said: "But you made him feel very hurt, Lily, you know that Brother Santos has always wanted to serve in the Guards. Protect my father."

"No, my brother wants to protect you, the future emperor."

Bellica took Sola Cha's arm, rested her head on the latter's shoulder, and said with a smile: "But I always told him, just leave Sola Cha to me to protect him, let him do whatever he wants. Why go!"

"But, Lily..."

Sola Cha pursed her lips and looked away from the girl's face: "What if I said, I would rather let Brother Santos and Luo Men protect me?"

The girl who was resting on Sola Cha's shoulder immediately widened her eyes and suddenly turned her head to look at the former: "Why! I am obviously much stronger than my brother. Even Brother Luomen is only about the same as me! Why not? Let me protect you!"


Sola Cha opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

"Maybe what?"

Bellica tilted her head and bumped Solacha's shoulder hard, causing the latter to stumble.

"Maybe I don't want you to protect me..."

Sola Cha, who had the appearance of high school student Li Lei, hesitated again and again, but finally said while rubbing the tip of his nose and his earlobes turning red: "But do I want to protect you?"

Bellica, who looked like Rebecca, widened her eyes and said in shock: "Protect me? You?"

"Can't you?"

"Pfft, pfft hahahahahahaha, of course not, you are so weak, how can you possibly protect me!"

"……is that so?"

"Haha, you're not talking nonsense. You can't even lift my knife, so you can't use those thick ghost drawings in your study to protect me, right?"


"Okay, okay, you, just wait for me to become better than anyone else, and then hide behind me with peace of mind. Hehe, why don't you thank me quickly?"

"Um...thank you, Bellica."

Chapter 2019: End

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