Quadruple split

Chapter 2034 Change of policy

"She just wants to kill me!"

Xinglong stared hard at Simon's bright red eyes and said word for word: "As long as you give her a chance, I guarantee that Bellica will chop me into pieces with her own hands!"

It has to be said that although Xinglong's acting skills are not as amazing as some others, and even leave quite a lot of flaws, he still controlled the situation with his keen observation and quick reaction speed, and achieved the victory of Simon in front of him. After all, in the eyes of the latter, the panicked man in front of him was 100% Cang Yue Emperor Sola Cha. As for the reason why he was a little abnormal... To be honest, if you think about it from his perspective, this Simon felt that if he encountered such a bad thing, he might as well stay calm as Sola Cha.

Of course, understanding is understanding, but Simon still insisted on his own point of view. While asking the masked men in black to come out from all directions to clean up the scene, he crossed his arms and said sternly to Xinglong: "I can understand your current mood. , Your Majesty, but we all know that Her Highness Bellica will not really harm you, and no one will allow Her Highness Bellica to hurt you, you should know this well."

"I know what you're trying to say, Simon."

Xinglong looked back uneasily in the direction he came from, and said dryly: "Anyway, can I talk somewhere else, somewhere... safer?"

"You are the emperor, you have the final say."

Simon shrugged, then turned around and walked towards a high-end residential area not far away. He said in a slightly complicated tone: "But you'd better not expect me to hide you for too long. I'm going to take you to a place next." It's one thing to have a convenient place to talk, but it's another thing for Count Leonardo Simon to help His Majesty the Emperor hide his whereabouts."

Xinglong immediately understood and nodded in agreement: "Of course, we are just looking for a place to chat."


Leonardo smiled, and then walked through the streets with Xinglong. Within a moment, he came to a bookstore with a locked door. He raised his hand and tapped on it gently: "It's me."

"Closed today."

The woman behind the door said this lazily in her melodious voice.

"Sister, please stop making trouble."

Leonardo sighed and begged bitterly: "This is a special situation now. Please be kind and give us a hand!"

"don't want."

The woman behind the door didn't hesitate at all, and flatly refused: "Whoever gets involved in this shit will cause trouble. I'm not sick, so why should I wade into this muddy water?"

"My good sister!"

Leonardo Simon banged his head on the door and gritted his teeth and said: "Please let us go in and stay for a while! You know what the situation is now. As a brother, I can't really ignore Sola Cha." ?”

The other party immediately snorted with a completely emotionless voice: "Don't save me."


The anxious Xinglong swallowed hard, not caring whether his words might be inappropriate for his identity, and saluted the door of the bookstore in front of him with a stern expression: "Please, too."


After Xinglong spoke, the woman behind the door finally did not continue to criticize them. Instead, after a moment of silence, she said in a slightly helpless tone: "What are you doing? Isn't Bellica treating you badly? "

After that, before Xinglong could answer, the door of the bookstore was opened from the inside, and he finally saw the other person's true face - a pipe in his mouth, he looked about thirty years old, and he was wearing a very cool dark coat. Elf women.

"Come on in, you two brats."

The woman dragged the two of them into the bookstore, quickly closed the door, and then turned her face towards Xinglong, although it was not ugly, but it was by no means beautiful, and could be lost in the blink of an eye if thrown into a crowd. He and Leonardo blew out two mint-flavored smoke rings at the two of them, and said angrily: "When you were a child, you did bad things and you had to ask me to cover you, but when you grow up, you stabbed someone and you still want to ask me to solve it with my sister. What’s the problem? Aren’t you afraid that Bellica will destroy my little bookstore?”

Xinglong, who didn't know what the relationship between the three was, couldn't say anything. He could only lower his head and remain silent, while Leonardo touched the tip of his nose and said flatteringly: "After all, Sister Yilu You are the famous Shadow Guards leader, the most efficient scout captain in the past two hundred years. If we don’t look for you, who should we look for?"

"Don't come here. Now that I have retired, I just want to open a bookstore and live my life. I have nothing to do with Simon's family or the Shadow Guard."

The woman whose name was probably Ilu Simon sneered, then raised her hand suddenly and slapped Xinglong across the face with lightning speed.

Xinglong, who didn't lose blood but was startled: "...Huh?"

"This is for Bellica."

Yilu glanced at Xinglong and said calmly: "Don't forget, back then, you and Leonardo would only come over when they needed me. My older sister is younger and my younger sister is younger. Only Belica, If you really treat me, a guy who is among the dead every day, as your sister, you will chat with me when you have time."

Leonardo, who was about to accuse Yilu, suddenly choked up, and Xinglong, who was currently 'Sora Tea', had to hang his head in guilt.

"Okay, if you want to chat, go to the tea room downstairs."

Yilu had already gone back to the counter and was flipping through a book called "No Reading Under Eighteen Years Old: Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Humanitarian Torture Techniques" and said without raising her head: “By the way, Bellica will definitely come over to my place, so you can only stay downstairs for ten minutes at most, and then you must get out of my bookstore, otherwise I will sell you without hesitation, do you hear me? "

Leonardo's face froze and he said dryly: "Sister, you..."

"Solacha has already sorry for Bellica, I can't and I can't sorry for her either."

Yilu said lightly, then raised his eyes and glanced at Xinglong: "Let me explain in advance, since I helped you this time, if Bellica asks me to help chase you later, I will have no choice but to agree. If you get caught by me, don’t think about letting you go or anything like that.”

Xinglong was confused at that time: "Ah this..."

"There is no other way. This is the price for letting you in. Since there is no way to help both, I can only help both."

Yilu lowered her eyes again to look at the torture science masterpiece in her hand, and said in a brisk tone: "Don't worry, although I won't let you go anymore, but even if you are caught, Bellica won't really do anything to you. of."

Xinglong twitched the corners of his lips and immediately retorted in a deep voice: "She will definitely kill me!"

"He told me the same thing, so sister, let's go down first."

Leonardo shrugged helplessly, then dragged Xinglong to the trap door in the opposite corner, waved to Yilu and walked out first.

Just like that, half a minute later, the two people who had descended to the underground floor walked into the room at the end of the stone corridor.

"Want something to drink?"

Leonardo, who had obviously been here many times, quickly walked to the wine cabinet and said cheerfully: "Sister, there are a lot of good wines hidden here. Hey, look at this bottle of St. Louis! This is... uh , it seems to be the birthday present that Bellica gave to my sister last year, let’s exchange it for another bottle.”

"I'm not in the mood for a drink right now, man."

Xinglong, who didn't want to waste time, didn't even sit down. Instead, he leaned against the door and folded his arms and said, "I'm not kidding you. Bellica is serious this time. She will really kill me!"

"You're too panicked, Solacha."

He casually took out another priceless bottle of drink from the wine cabinet. Leonardo took two glasses from the shelf, filled them up respectively, put one of them into Xinglong's hand, and raised the other. He smiled at the latter and said, "Cheers to Cang Yue."

"Cheers to Cang Yue."

Xinglong helplessly cooperated with the other party, took a sip of the rich fruity wine in the cup, and then said seriously: "You..."

"I can guarantee that Bellica will not kill you, even if the things you did are indeed... worthy of death from a certain perspective."

Leonardo Simon, who obviously had a good relationship with Sola Cha, shook his head and said in a brisk tone: "Of course she will get angry and make you suffer a lot, but she will not really hurt you, Sola Cha, Bei Lika loves you deeply, this is a fact that no one can deny, and even if she doesn't love you anymore, she won't go too far. After all, she also loves her family, and if she really hurts You, I guarantee, the name Hopkins will become history."

Xinglong sighed, noncommittal.

"So, the fact is she's not going to hurt you, and you're not going to hurt her."

Leonardo drank all the wine in his glass, quickly replenished it and said with a smile: "Even if you put aside the emotional issues, the Hopkins family will definitely not choose to make enemies of the royal family and then be crushed. And the royal family will not chill the hearts of the Hopkins family, especially when the latter’s influence spreads throughout the empire, and Belika is very likely to become the youngest legendary powerhouse in the empire in the past thousand years.”

Xinglong sighed helplessly, and decided to change his policy. He did not continue to emphasize that Bellica would kill him, but signaled Leonardo to continue sharing information with him: "So?"

"That's why everyone chose to 'wait and see'. That's why big families like Hopkins, Crossflower, Baroka, and Hussein joined forces to impose 'martial law' on the imperial city. Of course, as far as I know, this martial law It was your mother who nodded. Speaking of which, I haven’t visited her in a while."

Leonardo raised his glass in a certain direction and said casually: "In short, under the ironclad evidence provided by the great astrologer Damas, your fault is irrefutable, so a little lesson...or Attitude is a must. After all, even from the perspective of the royal family, you have gone too far this time. If Bellica and the Hopkins family behind her are not given an explanation, everyone will inevitably have grudges in the future. ,so……"

"So, everyone agrees that Belica should teach me a lesson?"

Xinglong slapped himself on the forehead and asked bitterly.

"That's right, and it's a lesson you'll never forget."

Leonardo nodded vigorously and said in a deep voice: "Whether it's because of the Hopkins family's loyalty for more than ten centuries or Bellica's unreserved feelings for you, we must get an explanation. After all, we Everyone knows that she just wants you to look back, she just wants you to know that you are wrong, not to commit regicide."

Xinglong twitched his lips: "What if she really wants to kill the king and rebel?"

"Then the person next to you now won't be me."

Leonardo spread his hands and raised his eyebrows and said: "Whether it is your court mage, Mr. Ganti, the chief knight, Mr. Divaldo, or the commander of the imperial army, General Ussos, they can guarantee your safety, and people like me can guarantee your safety. , the only thing I can do for you is to be killed by Bellica first."

"No, the situation is different now. If it were like what you said, Bellica would have caught up with me long ago."

"Yes, isn't this enough to prove that she loves you very much? She is letting off steam, my lord."


At this moment, Xinglong, who could not explain clearly, had black lines on his head and was sweating profusely.

That's right, the huge flaw that Rebecca's strength was far inferior to that of Queen Belica in history has been perfectly made up for by people using the reason "she shows mercy". At this point, Awakening Dragon can convince anyone The success rate of 'The Queen may kill herself' will be infinitely close to zero.


"Well, maybe you're right."

After changing his course of action, Xinglong looked solemn and said sternly to Leonardo: "But I also have my own considerations. Whether it's for myself or for Belika, I have to rush back to the palace before she gets caught."

Leonardo took a sip of wine and asked curiously: "Why?"

"Because as long as you don't get caught, there's room for maneuver."

Not only has he never cheated on any girl, but he has never even been in love. Sweat dripped from Xinglong's forehead. While he was recalling the old idol dramas that Hanmei and others watched on a large projector in the club during their days off, She said in a deep voice without changing her expression: "In any case, Bellica only received the information that I was fooling around, but she didn't see me fooling around with her own eyes, so if I can return to the palace first and then refuse to admit it..."

"are you crazy?"

Leonardo interrupted Sola Tea with a strange expression, and said with a smile: "You don't think there is a possibility of being proven innocent, do you? Please wake up, there is nothing you can do now. Let everyone think you are innocent."

"I didn't want anyone to think I was innocent."

Xinglong, whose thoughts became clearer, shook his head and said seriously to Leonardo: "I just want to leave a little room for divergent thinking."

"Room for divergent thinking?"

"To put it simply, as long as I am not caught and I return to the palace first, and then firmly deny it in the face of all kinds of questions, Bellica, who loves me deeply, will subconsciously lie based on emotion even if she knows that I am lying. 'Fool yourself' and choose to believe part of what I say."


"This way, the scene won't be too ugly."


"It's all for the Empire."

"Solacha you..."

"You also said that Bellica loves me deeply. In this case, even if there are only a few words, she will definitely choose to believe part of my words without catching me on the spot. In this case, no If you say trivial things are reduced, at least big things can be reduced to small things.”

"You are such a beast."

Chapter 2025: End

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