Quadruple split

Chapter 2038 The fierce turtle crosses the river

"Sister Linda..."

The white-haired man who looked a few years younger than his actual age because of his thin body slapped his forehead and spoke word by word from between his teeth: "You are planning to use the royal family's special approval to form two teams." Are the private soldiers of the Crossflower Family going to capture our emperor?"

Linda Bresne nodded vigorously, and then asked the other party with a puzzled look on her face: "What's wrong? Isn't it possible?"

"I can only say that if my uncle was still alive, he would definitely want to break your legs after hearing the news."

The white-haired young man said this with a smile on his face and a mixed expression on his face.

"Hey, what a coincidence, he just died and went to find my mother half a year ago."

The young cross-flowered Duke grinned, and then suddenly pulled up his skirt. He frowned slightly and looked at his long, white, smooth, straight and round legs, and muttered: "And my legs are so beautiful. , it’s a pity to interrupt, what do you think of Sean?”

A blush flashed across Count Sean Dantes' pale face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Put down your skirt!"

"Oh, I'm so shy~"

Linda smiled proudly, and then she slowly put down her skirt, leaned against the railing and said in a brisk tone: "I know what you are worried about, Sean, but in many cases, a People can't be too rational, and a noble can't be too rational. For example, your father, the Marquis Dantès, got so angry over a trivial matter last month that his aunt couldn't sleep for three days. This does not mean that he is easily dominated by emotions, but there is no need to live too hypocritically in front of his family."

Sean was stunned for a moment and reacted for a while before his eyes suddenly widened and he said in astonishment: "Sister Linda, how did you know that when my father was eating last month... ah!"

"I'm sorry, this is the responsibility of the Crossflower family."

Linda apologized unapologetically and said in a brisk tone: "That's why I don't understand why you want to get so close to a 'mobile gallows' like me that everyone avoids."

Sean smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "Perhaps it's because our Dantès family is loyal and upright, and we are not afraid of your whole family being cross-dressed and sent to the gallows on a sunny afternoon. ?”

"well said."

Linda nodded and also laughed: "I just don't know if your child will worry about being sent to the gallows by my child."

"Sister Linda."

Sean's face froze, and he clenched his hands in his sleeves: "I..."

"All in all, calling [Mirror Guard] and [Flower Thorn] at the same time to capture our Emperor under such circumstances is a small detail that seems very absurd, but is actually full of warmth."

Linda casually interrupted the second half of Sean's sentence and said leisurely: "And this detail is similar to your father's tantrums at home. In other words, apart from my personal anger towards Sola Tea, I Another important consideration is to make our Crossflower family and the royal family more like a family in this matter, so that our position can be a little more warm and similar to our own people in addition to being ministers and sharp swords."

Sean twitched his lips and asked, "Can you tell me the proportion of private anger?"

"Nine-nine percent."

Linda answered without hesitation, then tightened the cloak around her shoulders and said coldly: "No matter what, I want to teach that bastard Solacha a lesson. He really went too far this time. We all know what kind of person Bellica is. I think that even if Solacha brought a woman back from outside to establish a concubine in an upright manner, and asked Bellica to be worthy of her sisters, that stupid woman would accept it with humility, but..."

"Your Majesty chose the worst possible way."

Sean walked up to Linda and silently released a warm fighting spirit. He nodded and said, "Indeed, I also think that your Majesty has gone too far this time... no, in recent years."

"That's what you think."

Linda rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth and said: "Believe it or not, among his few bad friends, Leonardo Simon and Pep Baroka, even your good seniors, are the most righteous. The eldest young man of the Marshall family is so sensitive that he will disdain such bastard things in his heart, and will even help Sola with tea if he has the chance!"

When Sean heard this, he immediately stood up straight and said loudly: "At least I think His Majesty is definitely wrong this time! Big mistake!"

"Okay, be good, but there aren't many good kids like you anymore."

Linda reached out and rubbed Sean's head, and said coldly: "But it's different for other people, even Santos Hopkins..."


Sean immediately widened his eyes and repeated: "Santos Hopkins? Sister Linda, what are you talking about? He is the biological brother of Her Royal Highness Bellica, and haven't you already received the news about Santos before? The deputy commander imprisoned Commander Luomen as soon as he knew the ins and outs of the matter, and led the entire Guards to defect... Well, it might not be considered a defection, but after all, he is siding with Her Highness Bellica?"

"You are just too naive."

Linda shook her head and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Of course, it may be that I am too complicated. In short, sister, I can tell you responsibly that Santos is definitely on Solacha's side. As for the so-called defection, , it was probably just a stop-gap measure to avoid being angered by Bellica and irritate the entire Guards. If you think about it carefully, he is the deputy commander of the Guards. He is an essential entourage who has been with Sola Cha many times when he went out. So even if we ignore others, there is absolutely no way that Santos, Luomen and Said don’t know about the bad things Solacha did!”

Stunned Sean: "..."

"If you think about it carefully, you will know that Luomen is as talented as Belika. Over the years, he has surpassed that silly girl who spent most of her time pretending to be a lady in the imperial city. She is a knight lord at the peak of the epic."

Linda smacked her lips and said disdainfully: "Where is Santos? He is nothing more than a second-rate guy who relied on nepotism to become the deputy commander. Although he can be said to be cunning and smooth in dealing with people, but if he can control Luomen, ha... Poisoning is fine, but I don’t believe in such a lame excuse as a sneak attack.”

Sean, who was still stunned: "..."

"Belika will probably not doubt her own brother. After all, she is not a sickly beauty like me who is good for nothing but moving her head."

Although he looks like he is wearing a military uniform, he is actually only an entry-level national-level executioner. The current patriarch of the Crossflower Family, Grand Duke Linda Bresne, shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands to Sean and said, "So do you understand now? If even I don't stand firmly by Bellica's side, or if you just provide some cheap sympathy without any substantial help, then isn't she a little too pitiful?"

Sean sighed, shook his head and said: "You still haven't convinced me, Sister Linda. Even now, I still feel that it's too outrageous to 'apprehend' His Majesty Solacha in this way, but... I don't I will continue to advise you to calm down."

"That's enough. After all, there are only two things that I can't bear the most. One is the tears of Bellica Hopkins who blindly trusts her husband and talks about sola tea when she opens and shuts her mouth; the other is that You, a little kid who was obviously very cute back then, kept nagging in my ear every day."

Linda smiled teasingly, and then smiled at Sean, whose face was full of dissatisfaction: "Don't worry, no matter how crazy I am, I can't really hurt Sola Cha. After all, he is here Although he is in a mess emotionally, he is a good emperor who works hard to govern. Of course, even if he is a terrible and foolish king, it will still not affect our loyalty. This is the oldest oath and secret agreement of the Crossflower family, so unless We no longer use the name 'Cross Flower', otherwise even if the emperor wants to be the enemy of the whole world, the Bressen family will rush to the front and fight for the royal family to the last drop of blood."

"If you had said so earlier..."

Sean pinched his eyebrows and complained: "I won't be so anxious anymore. For a moment, I really thought you were having some dangerous thoughts, Sister Linda."

"I have always had only one idea, and that is to let Bellica teach her men a lesson."

Linda raised the corner of her mouth slyly and said happily: "If we hurt the emperor, it is disobedient and absolutely unacceptable, but if Belika beats him so badly that his nose and face are bruised and swollen, and he cannot get out of bed for ten days and a half, it is still... 'Family affairs', so you don't have to worry at all. After all, with Sola Cha's level as a three-legged cat, which is not much better than mine, any random person in [Purple Mirror] and [Flower Thorn] can do it without hurting him. When the hair is still there, it will be controlled..."

"Your Majesty the Duke!"

As a result, at this moment, with a soft cry, two thieves wearing mirror masks and cross-patterned coats of arms on their cloaks suddenly entered the bell tower from the outside. One of them curtly saluted the two and said to Lin in a panic. Da said: "We have learned the whereabouts of His Majesty Solacha, but..."

"but what?"

Noticing the complex emotions in her words that almost overflowed, Linda immediately asked the other person as soon as he started to hesitate.

"But... His Majesty Solacha is extremely brave."

The mirror-faced masked man half-kneeling in front of Linda seemed to swallow his saliva and said dryly: "Our encirclement was torn open by him in the blink of an eye. Although the brothers in the garrison helped to stop it, But their hands are tied... they are no match for His Majesty."

Linda: "Huh?"

Sean: "Huh?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Duke, Your Excellency Sean."

Another Mirror Guard scout who was half-kneeling in front of Linda nodded and said sadly: "There is no way to stop it!!"


But when Linda Bresne shouted loudly, she said angrily: "So many people can't stop an emperor who is only at the level of a mid-level professional at most. Are you worthy of the cross emblem on your back!?"

"Miss, forgive me!"

The mirror guard on the left immediately lowered his head and defended: "We are not saying that we can't stop it, but that is His Majesty Sola Cha. We really don't dare..."

"Don't you dare to use force?"

Linda's eyes narrowed, and then she waved her little hand and said in a deep voice: "Okay, now give me my order! Everyone, please use force! Under the condition of ensuring that His Majesty Solacha is not seriously injured, be sure to wait until he arrives in the Royal District. Come forward and win it for me with all your strength!"

The two mirror guards were immediately confused: "Your Excellency, this..."

"Sister Linda!"

Sean Dantes also widened his eyes and said in shock: "This is different from what was promised, you..."

"Shut up first!"

Linda raised her hand mercilessly to tell Sean to shut up, and then said in a deep voice to the two mirror guards in front of her: "In addition, inform the deputy captain of the garrison, Propionaldehyde Fernand, to have his entire family be arrested. He used his position to arrange for his relatives who were in the garrison to come out to work! Make sure to subdue His Majesty Solacha without seriously injuring him, otherwise I promise to let their whole family pack up and go back to their hometown to farm tomorrow! "

Mirror Guard: "..."

"All consequences will be borne by me, the current patriarch of the Crossflower Family, Duke Linda Bresne."

Linda clenched her fists and looked coldly at the two mirror guards in front of her: "If you understand, go and convey my order immediately!"

"Yes, Miss!"

Finally, as private soldiers of the Crossflower Family, the two men no longer hesitated and quickly left the bell tower after giving the order.

And Sean immediately said anxiously when the two people's breath was small: "Sister Linda..."

"I know what you want to say, Sean, but the current situation is a little different."


"As far as I know, Sola Cha's strength is only at the mid-level level at best. This news is absolutely unmistakable."


"But he easily tore through the defense of Jingwei and Huathorn. Even if Jingwei and Huathorn were restrained, this kind of thing is definitely not normal."

"Perhaps His Majesty has some precious alchemy tools or magic items that we don't know about?"

"Yes, this possibility is the greatest and what I most hope to see, but..."


"I always feel like something is wrong. Do you know that feeling? It's that heart-wrenching feeling of uneasiness even though everything makes sense, but I always feel like I haven't seen the whole story."


"It's understandable. After all, you're not a smart person."


"In short, although I sincerely hope that all this is just because our Majesty has some useful treasures in his hands, or he is a hidden strong man, but now that the matter has come to this, I am afraid I have to verify him again. 'Identity'."

"Verify His Majesty's...identity?"

"Yes, even though I think it's a big fuss, if someone really dares to attack the emperor of our Cang Yue Empire..."


"I promise, no matter who that person is, I will make him regret being born in this world!"

Chapter 2029: End

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