Quadruple split

Chapter 2056 [Chaos of the Secret Ritual]

"Don't mention suicide..."

Perhaps because both of them are girls, Mu Xuejian can be more relaxed when they are alone with Futaba, so when the latter started to scream and go crazy, he also complained: "I am He was killed with a suicide attack, and now he feels uncomfortable when he hears these two words."

Futaba rolled her eyes and said sharply: "You are just asking for it. You can clearly resolve the battle neatly, but you insist on talking about everyday things. What's the result? Are you making people anxious?"

"I didn't know that that person and Mo were in a relationship..."

Although he didn't react on the spot and even went to add Mo's friend, Mu Xuejian had already realized the real cause of his death because Futaba carefully reviewed it as soon as he returned to the public space. Sighing: "Falling in love is such a waste of time, it will slow down Mo's ability to draw his sword."

Futaba sneered and said leisurely: "I don't know if Mo Mo's sword-drawing speed has been affected. Anyway, some people fall under the heavy fire of love. You said you, you are obviously 'over there' He has never been sloppy, and he is also very active in last-ditch attacks. Why has he inexplicably fallen into the habit of a traditional villain?"

"I just want to chat with Ye Ge for a while. After all, she is so beautiful and we have met her before."

Mu Xuejian, who was lying on the bar, flattened his mouth and defended: "And didn't you and JOKER both say before that Yege wasn't great at all, and you just need to be careful with her cooking? I was careful, she took the initiative to ask me When I wanted to eat something, I couldn’t help but say no!”

Futaba raised his eyes and said dryly: "Then did you realize that when she took the initiative to ask you if you wanted to eat, she was already murdering you?"

"It won't happen next time..."

Mu Xuejian clenched his fists unwillingly, and although his voice was not loud, he said very firmly: "I won't do it next time!"


Futaba, who was in a more anxious mood, did not agree, but once again circled the room at high speed with his hands behind his back. Finally, when there was less than five minutes left before the entrance time, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: " Damn it! No matter what, let’s have sex with him!”

"Come on~"

Mu Xuejian, who was still lying on the bar counter, gave Futaba a soft drink, and then turned to the virtual screen that was playing the advertisement for [Little Smart Ghost·Hanfu Doll Series]: "I will keep it for JOKER's sake. The screen cheers you up!”

Futaba twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "No, that beast is just hoping that I will lose early so that he can concentrate on playing in the team competition. If you even do it for his sake, that's not cheering, that's cursing me."

"In other words, if your results are particularly good, is it really possible that you won't work hard in the team competition?"

"Hey, how is that possible? We have known each other for so long. You should know what I am like."

"That's right. Then I won't cheer for you. Please lose happily."


Time flies, the wheel of history rolls forward

Game time PM13:30

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Contest-specific map, mirror space S6434-5230

At dawn, the warmth of the morning sun spreads from the other side of the clouds, soaking into the countless cracks in mid-air that were roughly engraved on the anchor points of space, respectfully using its meager power to help maintain the majesty of the floating city.

The reason why it is called "thin" is simply because compared to this miraculous and great city itself, the value of the sun that is supreme and hanging high in the eyes of mediocre people is too insignificant.

"And what's ridiculous is that there are still people who are willing to regard it as the supreme totem, there are so-called gods named after the sun, and there are countless ignorant people who think that this ordinary celestial body is the great and supreme cornerstone of the world. .”

Futaba looked at the dawn in the horizon with a sneer, and waved the staff in his hand, which was made of at least two hundred groups of microcrystals and exuded a blurry soft light: "Those rotten ideas should be forgotten in history. corner, turned into worthless dust and buried in swamps and tombs, to associate with those dark and dirty creatures in the sewers, instead of continuing to claim the truth and letting corruption be rooted in this great miracle!"

[What the hell am I talking about? 】

Because she couldn't control her body yet, Futaba could only complain like this in her mind.

[What are these guys making a fuss about? 】

Her eyes swept across the countless young and confident faces in front of her, and she was thinking at high speed amidst the thundering cheers.

"Tomorrow! Listen up, all of you who share the same wishes and dreams with me and want to break the shackles of tradition! Tomorrow! Maybe the sun will rise as usual, but by then we will become the new masters of the 'Xiulunke' , carving tombstones for those disgusting closed minds with your own hands!”

Futaba took a deep breath, then raised the staff in his hand high, and said with a loud voice that could be heard throughout the neighborhood: "Now, please move to the [Mystery Tower] with me, and bring the miracle, Take the future and the deafening truth into your own hands!"

Buzz—! ! !

The next moment, the staff held high in Futaba's hand shone brightly, shooting a group of seven-colored light wheels made entirely of elements into the air, and the people in front of her also followed suit. Amidst the bursts of fanatical cheers, the brilliantly colored light wheels were continuously sent into the sky, forming a dazzling spectacle.

Immediately afterwards, Futaba felt her body light up, and she regained control of the character directly at this moment.

In other words, from this moment on, the 'guidance' the system is based on has completely ended. Also from now on, if the player makes a behavior that is seriously inconsistent with the setting, it will definitely cause quite extreme consequences, so It is no exaggeration to say that under the same situation, 99% of players will panic after the unexpected arrival of 'freedom'!

But, Futaba is different!

If you want to ask why, on the one hand, it is because of her excellent psychological quality and strong adaptability, and on the other hand, it is because she has mastered the 'background' of this game in a short period of time!

[In the year 6434 of the Holy Calendar, on the seventh day of the Song Moon Prayer, there was a turmoil at Xiulun University in the city of miracles. Because the incident occurred at the Mage Tower [Mystic Tower] owned by Xiulun University, it was also called - the Mysterious Ritual Tower. chaos! 】

While thinking at high speed, Futaba led countless 'partners' with a serious expression towards the [Mystery Tower] two blocks away, and whispered to himself amidst the noise: "In that case, I It should be the future [Rainbow Sage] Magigna Cang, right?"

The fanatical NPCs around did not hear the 'leader''s murmur, and among the spectators who could hear these words clearly, none of the 10,000 people knew about the rather difficult-to-pronounce Magigna. ·Who is Cang?

This is not surprising. After all, although the [Rainbow Sage] was a member of the Council of Truth in the City of Miracles, he was notoriously low-key, so that most of his names and deeds had not been spread to the outside world. Among the players, those who are currently qualified to enter the City of Miracles may not even reach three digits, so it is simply not normal to not know this person.

Futaba, as a 'top student' who was brought to the floating city by Diana early on and who has been studying in Jixiua's Spirit Advent Pagoda, although he is not as familiar with history as Mo Tan, who has various channels of information, but in There is not a lot of knowledge about the City of Miracles, and the [Mystery Rebellion] three thousand years ago happened to be within her scope.

The story is actually not complicated at all. Although it takes place in a high-end and classy place like the City of Miracles, to put it in a layman's terms, it's actually a young man's attitude towards the older generation's 'corruption', 'rigidity' and 'dogmatism'. I can't stand the behavior. I think that without enough qualifications and reputation, no matter how outstanding people are, they will be suppressed and exploited by those old people who occupy the toilet and do nothing. No matter how advanced their ideas are, they will be suppressed and exploited by those 'stubborn' ones. Old-fashioned people regard it as deviant!

This young man named Magigna Cang is very worried. He is worried that if the City of Miracles, a holy land for mages, continues like this, both the academic and research fields will become a pool of stagnant water. He is also worried that fresh blood and thoughts will be lost. The edges of the decayed and rigid high-rise buildings have been smoothed away, fearing that one day all mystics will wear the same clothes, speak the same theories, shout the same slogans, and do the same stupid things.

Therefore, she gathered a large number of peers who regarded her thoughts as models and truth, secretly established an illegal assembly, and when the time came, she used the master of the [Mystical Tower], who was the chief of the Council of Truth at that time, as the leader of the Council of Truth. As an apprentice of the nearly 300-year-old [Sage of Enhancement] Ash Kirilze Guoinbaixiu, humans forcibly submitted three proposals, namely - "Proposal for the Certification and Licensing of the Third Category Laboratory" "Revised Draft on the Supervision Scope", "Revised Draft on the Seat Structure of the Council of Truth" and "Revised Draft on the Reference Scope of the Magic Circle Assembly Qualification Weight".

One thing to say is that although the specific contents of these three revised drafts are too lengthy to go into details, to give an inappropriate example, their nature is no different than a high school student proposing to the school that his grades should be in the top 100 of his grade. of students have entered school management.


That's outrageous.

But given that its initiator is the most outstanding apprentice of the Chief of the Council of Truth, and also the leader of the younger generation of the City of Miracles, her academic achievements are even comparable to Magigna nominated by the members of the Council of Truth, whether it is the Council of Truth or its descending unit Demon Even during the rally, there was no way to really throw those three drafts into the trash can as a joke.

However, if these three drafts are really put on the agenda, no matter what the outcome is and whether it is passed or not, most of Magigna's goals will be directly achieved. After all, such 'deviant' things can be put on the conference table. It is a kind of shaking of authority.

To give an example outside the game, this is like the highest authority in some countries seriously discussing in a fair, open and fair manner whether swimsuit styles should be unified for colleges and universities across the country. It's still a bikini, whether it has little red flowers printed on it is just as outrageous.

All in all, both the Parliament of Truth and the Magic Circle Assembly's attitude towards these three drafts was that they should not be tried under any circumstances. However, they could not ignore Magigna, whose influence was already huge enough, so they finally chose In order to transfer these three drafts directly to the hands of [Zenghui Sage] who no longer personally manages the affairs of the parliament a long time ago.

The purpose is also very simple. Either the Chief Sir can coax your good apprentice to understand and ask her to stop making troubles; or you can 'transfer' these three things to us in your own name. In short, this thing is nominally It must not be handed over directly by Magigna.

So, as the chief, although Zenghui Sage did not want to get involved in this kind of thing, he still accepted the request of other council members and took on this hard job.

Magigna, who had long expected the development of the situation, launched a long-planned 'parade' as soon as she received the news, and brought a large number of young people who followed her to the [Mystery Tower]. To force the palace, ask the chief sage for an explanation.

There is still a truth. Whether as the chief or as a mentor, Zenghui Sage has no reason to avoid his apprentice. As long as the two parties formally start a dialogue, Magigna's purpose can still be achieved when the matter is so big. Successfully achieved, after all, others don’t care whether the Zenghui Sage is semi-retired or not, they only know that the old man is the chief of the Council of Truth, and the person or group who can directly talk to the chief in formal occasions - Niu Gu!

In short, in Magigna's plan, she was already in an invincible position in the preparation stage of the plan.

But this is not the case!

[If I remember correctly, although the Zenghui Sage did not avoid Magigna, he did...]

Stopping in front of the [Mystery Tower] where she had often walked in the past six months, Futaba bit her lower lip. She was a full 190 centimeters taller than the one in front of the tower, and her physique was more like a warrior than a mage. , the old man with white beard and hair and bright energy looked at each other.

"I know what you're here for, little Mana."

The three-hundred-year-old human man cleared his throat, and then said with a loud voice that was amplified hundreds or thousands of times: "But tutor, I still have a few projects to tackle, so I won't do it." I’ve been chatting with you and your little friend. Oh, by the way, although I haven’t read those drafts, I’ve already given them to your senior brother, so let’s just talk with you two. My seal is in Ah Sang’s hands. You just need to convince me. He can achieve his goal easily."

Immediately afterwards, the old man pulled a skinny young man who rolled his eyes wildly from behind him, and patted him hard on the shoulder——

"Then leave it to you, kid."

"Oh, then leave it to me..."

Chapter 2047: End

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