Quadruple split

Chapter 2059 Upholding Elegance

[What the hell is this! ? 】

This time, not only are the average level of players at the mid-to-high level, but also the young talents of Miracle City who are currently competing in the barrier as part of the background of the game, can't help but sigh in their hearts, even though they still maintain their appearance. Although he was very reserved, the eyes he cast on Ah Sang had changed from the initial 'not caring' to 'who is worthy of being Ms. Magigna's senior brother', which was enough to show that the latter's round of ingenuity just now was so clever that it was difficult to understand. The response is very important.

You must know that since the field of mysticism has developed to a certain extent, the word 'pride' has almost been integrated into the concept of the profession of 'mage'. Compared with the warlock profession system that controls evil energy, demons and negative energy; and subspace The summoner profession system that deals with alien creatures; the shaman profession system that worships the power of elements as gods; the druid profession system that is integrated with nature, etc., as the most orthodox profession from a certain perspective The spellcaster profession, the 'mage', who is always at the forefront of interpreting the mysteries, is far more proud than other professions.

Note that the pride here is not arrogance or arrogance. In more cases, this pride is usually reflected in the form of 'self-pity', even among countless mages who are among the middle and low-level adventurer teams or mercenary groups. , when encountering difficulties, crises, puzzles and dilemmas, they often become the hardest working person in the team, because in their concept, as a mage, they should take the responsibility of solving difficult problems. If others If there is no way, then as a mage, you will become the only hope. If others also have a way, then your own way must be better!

As for the settings in some bard stories that say, "I am a mage, I don't want to use my brains with low-level professions like you", they can only be treated as settings. Even if there are such people, the problem It is absolutely impossible to be in the profession of 'mage'.

All in all, mage is such a profession that is very proud, but rarely disgusted by people because of this pride. If you want to ask the reason, it can only be said that those who embark on the path of mage have something in their heads, so that they He can often turn the bullshit he blows into reality and overcome difficulties before others.

This kind of person may not be the same in the real world. After all, having such a powerful little elite next to us may make us feel more relaxed at work, but correspondingly, he may also steal us away. Opportunities for promotions and salary increases are also easier than for us to win the favor of high-quality members of the opposite sex. In many cases, it is even worse than none in many aspects, but in a place like the Innocence Realm, the nature is completely different.

Putting aside the academics who tinker with this and that in the Mage Guild every day, let's talk about the mages who are mixed in the adventurer team and the mercenary group. If we say that those guys who like to show off in reality are often called ' 'annoying', 'present-minded', 'nosy', then in the world of innocence, it is really difficult for someone who can often save you one, two, or even three or four lives and make you feel safe. Don't let us call you - foster father!

And as the saying goes, "A father with a hundred feet is a better father." Some people say, "This father is one foot taller, and that father is one foot taller." It can be seen that even if they are both fathers, they are divided into big father and little father. These mages who are qualified to enter the City of Miracles will naturally feel more proud than others!

It's just that pride is one thing, and there is rarely any emotion. The group of mages with a more rational style are generally very self-aware, and they have almost taken the principle of "the master is the teacher" to the extreme. In other words, once recognized by a mage, Then his attitude and view towards you will be completely different, just like when a student is more accomplished than a certain teacher in a certain field, even if he sleeps in class, the teacher will only cover him with a quilt and gently remind him not to leave. I caught a cold. Please remember to look at the lesson plan for me later when you have time.

On the other hand, if a mage thinks that another mage is inferior to him in some aspect, then when discussing that issue, let alone the other person being a teacher, even if he is a mother, he will still jump in and scold his mother when he should, and this kind of Not to mention the City of Miracles, this situation can be found in all the major magician guilds. It is simply not too common.

All in all, at least these mages watching the battle are all Futaba's current roles. In the future, they will occupy a place in the Parliament of Truth in the name of [Rainbow Sage]. The fans of Magigna Cang, for this The eldest sister who is capable, thoughtful, ambitious, skillful, smart, capable of execution, and politically aware can be said to be admired beyond measure. Under such circumstances, they will naturally look down on her colleague subconsciously. As a disciple of [Zenghui Sage], Ah Sang is obviously his senior brother but has rarely shown his face. He has neither published any high-level papers nor put forward any heavyweight theories.

However, just now, when A Sang easily defused Futaba's attack that tried to kill him and reappeared in people's sight unscathed, the talented mages around him looked at him without exception. There is a bit more admiration, and the reason is very simple, that is, after being put into the situation that Ah Sang was in just now, no one is 100% sure that he can calmly and easily resolve Futaba's offensive like him, even if there is [Secret Ritual] Tower] with nearly unlimited magic value support.

In fact, there are very few people who can understand how A Sang resolved Shuangye's offensive just now, but——

"I see, using indiscriminate arcane amplification to interfere with my control of arcane missiles, and constantly controlling the amplification area to induce it when micro-manipulation here requires at least three times the effort, so that Do the arcane missiles that suddenly expand under the amplification collide with each other and cancel each other out..."

Futaba, who could see at a glance how A Sang survived the barrage just now, smiled lightly, and then waved the legendary weapon that was limited to this game in his hand again, and actually launched three difficult attacks in the same second. Compound magic with extremely high coefficient——

Negative energy + thunder element——[Annihilation Lightning Chain]

Fire element + earth element - [violent active volcano]

Wind element + water element - [Crystal Sky Blade]

In the blink of an eye, the lightning that was flowing with corrosive aura but containing explosive energy was seen falling sharply, hitting the position where A Zang was standing. At the same time, magma and poisonous gas began to spew out the moment it rose from the ground. The elemental volcano also appeared in front of Ah Sang. What was even more mind-numbing was that the only one crystal flying blade, which although it had super high single-target damage but was easily deflected or avoided, was actually passing over the volcano. At that moment, it suddenly shattered into countless fine ice crystals, and in the blink of an eye, it spread from extremely sharp single-target damage to area damage with both strike surface and penetrating power!

And this form change that is almost stuck at the moment the attack is completed can be the absolute most annoying, fatal and difficult situation for the caster to deal with.

After all, for professional systems other than spellcasters, no matter how fancy the expression is, the solution is ultimately nothing more than [carry] and [hide].

Either, use equipment made with heavy money and hard-trained trapezius, deltoid, pectoralis major, abdominal muscles and other parts to remove the top; or, just apply oil on the soles of your feet and simply don't let others hit you. As for talents and skills, that's all. It makes people more resistant to beatings or runs faster.

However, the battle between spellcasters is subtly different. After all, unlike other professions with strong physical fitness, the vast majority of spellcasters are very resistant to beatings. If a knight-type legendary lord is sleeping, Even if he was stabbed by someone when he was sleeping, he could withstand damage below the epic level. If a legendary sage was stabbed while sleeping...even if the person who stabbed him was just an ordinary person who was not even at the elementary level, Most likely they would have to be sent directly to reincarnation.

And compared to the warlock and summoner professions that can strengthen themselves to a certain extent with the help of demons and subspace monsters, orthodox mages are really the kind of profession whose physical fitness is completely hopeless, so that their defense methods are better than simply carrying ' and 'hide' are more like - solving problems.

Although the saying "Soldiers will block it, water will cover it" is not very accurate, but considering that this saying has long been inaccurate in modern times, it seems to be really suitable for battles between mages.

Previously, Futaba used a tricky angle of [Wind, Thunder and Fire Roar] to perfectly combine Ah Sang's [Pyrotechnic Elemental Array] and [Ice Spear Art Elemental Array]; while Ah Sang used a controllable [ [Arcane Amplification] Continuously letting Futaba's barrage cancel itself out is also a 'solution'.

This is also the reason why mages have always been famous for their 'elegance'. After all, the results of their fights are mostly the following three situations↓

The first, unscathed, elegant victory.

The second type is exhaustion of magic power and graceful failure.

The third type is a corpse that does not matter whether it is elegant or not.

As for winning with bruises all over and losing half-dead, it is almost difficult for a mage to appear.

Futaba's three powerful bases are also high-level peak compound magic. They are obviously rushing to turn A Sang into a corpse, especially the [Ice Crystal] which completed the second round of compound synergy on the basis of compound magic. [Ultra Sky Blade], the buffer between this thing's sudden change in attack nature and entering the effective killing range is almost zero, and because of the common characteristic of high-level wind attribute magic's 'strong interference', it even locked A Sang's progress in advance. The possibility of high-speed transfer can be said to be completely merciless.

So, will A Sang be killed by Futaba, who is so heartbroken that many people don't even react and apply three sets of compound magic on his face?

The answer is of course no, but what is different from before is that Ah Sang's method of resolving this situation is very "royal". To exaggerate, it is a coping method that can be recorded in textbooks.

The moment the lightning full of negative energy struck, a crystal clear with two simple thunder element carvings on it rose up. Although this crystal also belonged to a compound spell, its strength was compared to Futaba's casual one. The crystals that were far away from each other directly guided the former to the small volcano directly in front of Asang. Because the negative energy and the fire element were extremely unstable, the volcano that only had time to erupt two magma pillars was also directly detonated. In place, and those two magma pillars...

【Hand of Plasticity】

Two mage hand masters that were completely composed of arcane energy and did not contain any attribute elements emerged from the air silently. One lay in front of Ah Sang, making the fine and penetrating sharp edge The ice crystal suddenly stagnated, and the other one faced the two magma pillars whose temperature alone had high-level lethality. It was melted away and its angle was slightly deflected.

The next moment, Ah Sang laid down a thin layer of mid-level earth magic [Repulsion Technique] in front of him, adding another layer of resistance to the ice crystals that had just escaped the constraints of the plastic hand. Although it was of a lower level, The reason was that it only blocked an extra moment, but the total delay was less than one second, allowing the deflected magma column to sweep over and directly 'offset' the fine ice crystals to form a majestic But the steam has no lethality at all.

"Isn't it!?"

A dwarf mage outside the barrier took a deep breath, widened his eyes and screamed: "Use one mid-level magic and one high-level arcane magic to defend against three high-level compound magics?!"

"Even with the magic power of the [Mystery Tower], Senior Ah Sang's hand has nothing to do with the magic power output, right? It's enough for me to do it!"

"In your place? You'd have been hacked to death by now, okay? What do you mean by Senior Ah Sang? Do you know that person?"

"I don't know him, but starting from today, I know him unilaterally. Also, what I just meant is that I can use all the spells of Senior Ah Sang, but you want me to use the same spells." It would be a bit too much to block Sister Magigna’s compound magic.”

"Indeed, let alone being able to judge the response method in such a short period of time, even if you told me in advance, I would probably die nine times out of ten times. The fluency of casting and timing are not at the same level. of……"

"Elegant! So elegant!"

In front of the mage tower, the white-haired young man who is obviously not particularly handsome, and the black robe on his body is not exquisite, but at this moment makes people feel extremely calm and elegant, raises his right hand and quickly outlines the elemental circle. , while looking up at Futaba and exclaiming: "Your spell casting speed is too fast..."

boom! ! !

As a red beam of light descended without warning, it directly devoured and dissolved A Sang, who could be seen at a glance as some kind of defensive element array before he had finished painting it. Shuangye also raised the corner of his mouth at the same time and said coldly: " Of course I know I..."

"so amazing!"

The high-level composite magic of negative energy + fire element [Destruction Ray] melted into the half-meter-deep circular pit two meters away. Ah Sang praised Shuangye sincerely. At the same time, the whole body behind him The ice blue elemental array also burst out with a stream of light in an instant——

[Alienated water element array for defense·Thickened basic model]

Chapter 2050: End

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