Quadruple split

Chapter 2064 Each has his own strengths

What half the effort?

Why was it hacked?

What fifty percent?

For a moment, aside from the outstanding mages in the City of Miracles who could not hear the sounds within the barrier, all the spectators who were paying attention to the game were stunned, including those spellcasters who had analyzed the game situation extremely thoroughly. Players, such as the Alchemist of the Wind-breaking Bird, the Pioneer of the Red Constellation, the Holy Light King of Pai Lao, etc., these people were still talking about how passive Futaba is, how awesome the Mage Tower is, and how good Asang’s basic skills are. Such powerful people are all dumbfounded now, staring with their eyes wide open like a chicken whose neck has been suddenly stuck, especially the old King Shengguang, who is already a skeleton, with the eyes that are like those left in the wind. The candle-like soul fire seems to be extinguished at any time, but it is more exaggerated than others.

Of course, in addition to the audience, the four commentators for this game also froze in their seats, sweating visibly.

There is no other reason. You must know that not long ago, the tone of these professional commentators was already quite biased in favor of A Sang. After all, Futaba's fight was lively and lively, and it was an undisputed fact that it could not win for a long time. And in this case , who always plays steadily and has the entire mage tower as the backing, and has unlimited magic value that can be squandered, Ah Sang does have the advantage in his opinion, so although he has not made a direct judgment, several people headed by Tianshu have made it clear several times. Futaba's player's situation is not optimistic. If he doesn't think of a solution, there will probably be big problems.'


"To be honest, Player Futaba seems to be a little too extreme."

Xiao Bingbing swallowed hard and said dryly: "If what she just said is true, then I can only say that this girl is far beyond the average of ordinary people in terms of scheming and acting skills... She is obviously taller. You must be such a sweet girl.”

Shota frowned and hummed: "The last sentence is redundant, but you are right. Player Futaba did bring us an unexpected surprise. If you look carefully, you will find the note just now The Pyroblast technique, which directly penetrated several defenses of player A-Sang, has undergone a huge change in style. The magic contained in it is different from the previous critical point that was exactly the same and always just right. Instead, it completely ignores the consumption and destroys the weapon. Putting strength as the top priority, I shouldn’t need to say more about what this means, right?”

"We are commentators. If we don't say it ourselves, why should we let others guess?"

Tianshu rolled his eyes at Shota, then turned to the camera and said seriously: "Obviously, this means that for some reasons, Futaba players no longer need to consider the 'cost-effectiveness of casting spells', and combined with what she just said, although it is a bit unbelievable, ,but……"

"She seems to have indeed taken away some of the authority of the [Mystery Tower] behind player A Sang, which contains the magic storage pool and magic power supply structure."

The beauty pursed her lips and said with a subtle expression: "So, how did this child do it?"

"how did you do it?"

In front of the Mystery Tower, he confirmed that the magic pool and magic supply structure in the tower behind him had been completely disconnected from him. Even if he used the authority given by the Enhancing Sage, he could not get any feedback. His eyes widened and he was very surprised. Asked Futaba in surprise: "It stands to reason that if you don't master the core structure, unless you are directly given the right to use it by the owner of the mage tower like me, even if you can directly blow up the entire tower, there is no way to make it useful." Do you serve?"

While calmly looking at the shocked Ah Sang, Futaba, who was trying his best to adapt to the magic power supply authority in his body at the fastest speed, smiled reservedly: "What do you think?"

"I couldn't guess it."

Ah Sang shook his head in a very simple way, scratched his hair and said, "Does it have anything to do with the hacking job you just mentioned? Is it the hacking that can control other people's computers outside the game?"

"In principle, computers are just one of countless things that meet the conditions for being hacked. However, for those of you whose highest IT skills are still limited to finding pure and non-toxic free pornographic websites, this statement is not wrong."

Futaba crossed his arms and explained in a leisurely tone: "So you might as well understand it like this. I started to 'attack' the [Mystery Tower] behind you as soon as the two of us started fighting. Low-level permissions, please note, they are low-level, not bottom-level, and... I have omitted some explanations of the process that you would not understand, and just now I finally succeeded in wresting control from you."

"Uh, don't I understand even if you explain it?"

Ah Sang casually summoned a puff of mist with healing effects to restore his blood, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "How about you give it a try? I'm very curious."

Futaba twitched her lips: "I told you that you won't understand, so just don't..."

Ah Sang stared at Futaba with burning eyes, "Please!"

Futaba: "..."

"Ah! If you're afraid it's inappropriate to tell me now, I'll leave you a contact information. You can tell me later when you're free!"

Ah Sang continued to stalk you, and then he saw that Shuangye's expression was a little subtle, and he quickly added: "Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, I'm just curious about how you did it. If you are afraid that I will annoy you, just get a disposable Do you know how to create a trumpet account or chat software? I can teach you now, that is..."

"Shut up!"

Futaba, who had never received the insult of "I'll teach you how to build a trumpet" from someone, immediately stopped Ah Sang's sincere plea and gritted his teeth: "There is nothing I can't say, and you won't listen anyway." Understand, the specific process is that after the first few rounds of shots, I successfully established seven or eight one-way magic links with the tower behind you, because this area has been disrupted by the first round of collapse. The proportions, even the magic power that has lost its binding force, spills out everywhere, so you have never discovered this detail."

Ah Zang nodded vigorously and said seriously: "It seems so!"

"Then there's the 'hacking' process."

Because it takes time to adapt to the continuous supply of magic power in [Mystery Tower], Futaba is not in a hurry. Since he started to explain, he simply mentioned some more details: "First of all, I must admit that in the field of pure combat, even if you don't have unlimited Lan, it’s still hard for me to win head-on as my theoretical knowledge and practical experience are not as good as yours, so if I want to win you steadily, I have to put aside the fact that you have been able to survive in extreme environments until now. You suddenly made a series of stupid mistakes and were defeated. I have this outrageous extravagant hope of seizing the opportunity, so I can only make a fuss in the fields I am good at.”

"What are you good at?"

Ah Sang pondered for a few seconds and then hesitated: "Extreme control over magic power and elements and the ability to adjust in real time at the micro level?"

"Absolutely. If you can see this, you are already very powerful."

Since he didn’t intend to turn magic into a programming tool and play with elements as codes to the public, Futaba casually passed this step and continued: "In short, relying on this advantage, I have been using magic In the process of suppressing you, I penetrated, interpreted, and analyzed the relatively insignificant parts of the tower. Fortunately, although the old man did not directly grant me any first- and second-level permissions, as the [Zenghui Sage], I like it the most As an apprentice, I had gained access to all but the top floors a long time ago, and this was enough to ensure that I would not cause resistance from the entire tower in the early stages of dismantling and be evaporated as an attacker. Going forward... As you can see, after going through a lot of hardships, I finally took over the authority of magic supply from you. Although this kind of small BUG is not good for the master of the Mystery Tower, we For the instructor, it only takes a thought to correct it, but we all know that he can't intervene before we can decide the winner, and that's about it."


Ah Zang exclaimed without hesitation, then shook his head helplessly and said regretfully: "But it sounds like this method can only be used by you. I'm afraid I don't have much chance to learn from it."

"I'll just assume you're complimenting me."

Futaba took a deep breath and tossed the [Teruhiro] in his hand casually: "Then, can we continue?"

boom--! ! !

Accompanied by a deafening explosion, a purple-red light strip mixed with deep negative energy was seen floating lightly along the trajectory drawn by [Huihong], and it actually stayed directly on the insanely solid ground of the Miracle City. He descended into a ravine that was at least half a meter deep and spread to a few centimeters in front of Ah Sang before being barely blocked.

"I see, you also have the support of the magic storage pool, and your output is at least three times that of mine. You can almost be regarded as 300% stronger than before."

Ah Sang frowned and used [Magic Detection], [Elemental Vision], [Mage Eyes] and other methods to carefully sense the substantial and oppressive terrifying magic power fluctuations behind Futaba, and said softly: "Again In addition, you just said that you only used half of your strength to fight me before..."

"To be precise, it's half the precision. The difference in power is actually not that exaggerated. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to seize the authority to supply magic power. Wouldn't it be more worry-free to blow you up directly?"

Futaba replied lazily, then raised [Teihiro] lightly, and simultaneously summoned at least twenty plain blue [Pyroblast Techniques] centered on himself.

In other words, it is some kind of alien spell that has the same structure as [Pyroblast], but is completely different in terms of power, temperature, destructive power and consumption. Although it seems not much different, the difference is. It is no different from 'water arrows' and 'ice arrows'.

"It's amazing. Although the fire element is the most unstable in structure, it can still be completely 'alienated' by virtue of its meticulous level of magic control. It can increase its power to such an extent without changing the basic elemental array, and it can also be There can be such a number..."

Ah Sang looked at the blue pyrotechnics around Futaba that had locked onto him as early as the moment they appeared. They looked stable but were full of explosive elemental fluctuations. He sighed, "Even with the infinite magic power of the Mystery Tower, What the supply talent can do temporarily is a talent that I would never even dream of envying."

Shuangye narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Ah Sang intently, and said with a subtle expression: "Let me tell you, this kind of disgusting statement will make me think that you, this guy, still have trump cards that can smooth me out. Come out."

"No no."

Ah Sang immediately shook his head and explained: "I just said what I said in my heart. As for the trump card and so on, although I don't know whether it counts, I do have some preparations. After all, in this kind of game, the winner must be determined." Here, even if I am not as powerful a hacker or hacker as you, I still have to work hard to use my strengths."

Futaba was slightly startled: "Your...strength?"

"Well, although it is said to be a strong point, it is actually just something that most mages will study seriously."

A Sang scratched his head nonchalantly, and said in a not very confident tone: "You should have seen it a long time ago, I am actually better at positional warfare... After all, compared to wandering around all the time, I am better on my own. The mage tower must be safer. If you are really in big trouble, you can use the prepared transfer array to teleport to a far away place."

Not sure if he felt something, Futaba suddenly took a step back: "The mage tower refers to..."

"Time Tower."

As he spoke, Ah Sang fell backwards, and in the next second he sat on a chair with a very simple structure and made of earth elements. He smiled and said: "Although my personal strength is limited, through some opportunistic tricks , cutting corners, and after reaching the intermediate level with the earth element school and arcane school, I started to build my own mage tower. Of course, it is different from the mainstream mage towers that people think of, because I myself don’t know how to do it. How long should I stay in which era and place? Therefore, the Mage Tower, which is more like a one-time consumable, was not very rigorous at first. It was not until I broke through the high-level threshold and gained more experience and experience than before. I started trying to leave 'safe houses' in various places that can run longer, can easily seal themselves, and can be activated by specific means when needed. The results are not bad. Now I am involved in another time probably every three times. You can find a [Time Tower] that you can use directly."

"Hey, hey, you shouldn't be here..."

"No, no. Although I have been to the City of Miracles several times, at best I have only been an apprentice under Mr. Ash for a period of time. Naturally, I cannot be qualified to build a tower in a place like this."

"Then can you explain to me what this thing that looks so bad is?"

"Ah, this was temporarily built by combining the elemental arrays that were destroyed or stopped by you. The effect is much worse..."


"[Shadow of the Chrono Tower]."


Chapter 2055: End

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