Quadruple split

Chapter 2071 Decline and Decline

Game time PM14:54

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Contest-specific map, S7995-0313

"The moment Hal showed up, I was stunned."

The little girl with braids and air bangs took a deep breath, gently pressed her right hand on the thick ancient book with a white leather cover that was always floating in front of her, and said softly: "Who would have thought that, he ...Or perhaps it is not a druid living in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, but a real monster, because its physical characteristics almost subvert the dream life of the "Intermediate Alchemy Guide"."

The next moment, as the girl finished speaking, the originally empty white cover of the ancient book immediately turned dark red in a burst of distortion, and a line of gilded Elvish title "Howl in the Dream" appeared on it. 》.

Immediately afterwards, a creature that was emerald green in color, similar in size to a bear but not violent at all, slowly emerged from the air, lowered its big and naive head and rubbed it on the back of the girl's hand, and let out a sound as if A low and soft mumbling sound like a dreamer.

"Hello, Hal."

The girl whose game ID is Shuxiang smiled slightly, gently rubbed the feather-like ears of the wonderful monster in front of her, and said softly: "Then I'll trouble you."

The monster known as Howl nodded meekly, and then leaned down on its strong body that was as big as a van, letting the girl climb on his back, and took a brisk step...

Immediately, it disappeared together with the fragrance of the book, causing an uproar among the countless viewers who were watching the live broadcast.

"Here is a brief introduction to science."

Tianshu, who was still attending the commentary during this game, coughed lightly and said seriously: "Although the dreamlike life form 'Hal' is a genuine Warcraft, it does not exist in this world. The reason is very simple. It actually He is the main character in the popular story "Howl in the Dream" on the Innocence Continent, and was invented by the most famous fairy tale poet in history, Veil Heiye."

The smiling face sitting next to him leaned lazily on the back of his chair and complained: "Why do you know this kind of thing?"

"Because I like books in any form, my favorite forum is the 'Innocence Library'. There are countless partners who have the same elegant hobbies as me. They work tirelessly to make the game from the time it was launched to now. The game has excerpted texts with a cumulative word count of over 100 million, and opened up nearly a hundred seed sections under the section. Construction is ongoing all the time, and "Howl in the Dream" was uploaded as early as the second week after the server was launched. If you want to see it, you can find it."

Tianshu took a look at his favorite 'Innocence Library' section in the Innocence Forum with an admiring tone, and then added: "By the way, what the scholarly contestant said just now is exactly the first chapter of "Hal in the Dream" Original text at the beginning of chapter seven, verse four.”

"Brother Tianshu, it's been a long time since the competition started. We already know the skills of the scholarly players."

Xiao Bingbing interrupted Tianshu impatiently and asked: "You'd better help us learn more about what Hal does?"

"Hal is a fantasy monster with a very complicated origin. It can be said that the birth of its tribe itself was an accident, and the complicated reasons behind this. Considering that some people may want to read the book later, I will not elaborate here. It’s clear.”

Tianshu also cooperated with Xiao Bingbing to explain. While looking at the camera that was clearly empty but always moving, he said: "In short, according to the settings in the story, this kind of monster has crazy powers. It has almost perfect concealment ability. First of all, it can be completely 'invisible' at the visual level. Note that it is completely invisible. It is not like thieves and rangers who use skills to escape into the blind spots of everyone's sight, nor is it like 'mirage magic'. This spell also achieves invisibility by manipulating water vapor, light and shadow, and it is not simply throwing oneself into a subspace or an alien plane. If anything, they are a bit like the chameleons we know, but their nature is more extreme."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Xiaobai, who seemed to have some issues with Tianshu, frowned and asked: "How extreme is it specifically?"

"That is, it can almost erase all sense of existence except the 'entity'."

Tianshu was not angry, and immediately explained after being criticized: "You can understand it this way, that although there is a thing that exists, it is indeed 'unseen, inaudible, and inaudible'. Not only that, if it is willing, it can even Other living beings that can touch their own bodies hide, and the invisible potions and paints made from this creature have the same effect as the lines the scholarly contestant just read, almost subverting the authoritative book "Intermediate Alchemy Guide" , of course, just in the world in the book "Hal in the Dream"."

The smiling face immediately straightened up and said suddenly: "I see, so this is the way the scholarly contestant thought of running away?"

"I think it's almost the same."

Xiao Bingbing nodded vigorously and said seriously: "After all, under the current situation, if the scholarly players cannot leave this area as soon as possible, then I am afraid that they will be trapped and die here soon. If they leave here temporarily to regroup, maybe they can still Have a chance."

Xiao Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and looked at the person on the other side of the screen who was wearing a black Gothic dress. He was sitting on the hillside with his knees in his arms and humming a messy but surprisingly pleasant tune. He had a polished appearance. , the lovable girl said softly: "Is there really a chance?"

"There must be."

Xiao Bingbing touched her chin and said hesitantly: "I think the scholarly players are very capable. Although they did fall at a disadvantage the first time they came into contact, as long as they can escape this time, they may not necessarily win against the [Anonymous] players if they make a comeback. There’s no way… right?”


Xiaomian immediately responded loudly, taking advantage of him in a particularly vulgar way.

"You need some face."

Although he didn't directly grab Xiaomian's hair and push him to the commentary table like the handsome guy did, Tianshu didn't just sit idly by and gave the latter a slap in the face.

"Just a joke."

He smiled with a slightly restrained smile, and then said: "I support Bingbing. If you want to ask why, as long as you are not a fool, you can guess it just based on the fighting style. Our cute anonymous lolita It was the 'evil plague master' who was ranked 11th on the ranking list before the start of the competition, and the scholarly player was 12th just behind him. The gap in strength between the two could not be particularly large, right? "


Although the smile was not loud, Xiao Xiaobai responded immediately and took advantage of him.

Heavenly Book/Xiao Bingbing: "Hahahahahaha!"

Smiling face: "..."

"Whether the difference is big or not, you can only know after playing against it."

After taking advantage, Xiao Xiaobai immediately got back to business and said calmly: "At least judging from the previous contact between the two parties, I don't think the scholarly player has the ability to deal with the anonymous player, while the latter is just the opposite, just casually If you do something, you will make the other party miserable, and then..."

"Just what?"

"That child is so compatible with her career..."

at the same time

[What is going on with that girl? ? 】

Although he did not have a strong desire to win when he first signed up for the competition, after going through certain things, he decided to go all out in this criminal debate. Shuxiang looked around the surroundings with a solemn expression, and his back felt a little cold.

She remembered clearly that just twenty minutes ago, this place was a lush and beautiful woodland. Although it was not as beautiful as the fairyland described in fairy tales, the level of this place outside the game would still be deducted by five. It has the reputation of being an A-level scenic spot, but now...

Suppressing the psychological discomfort, Shuxiang, who was lying on the back of the strange beast Hal, carefully observed the surrounding environment that could only be described with the word "weird", and his mood became increasingly heavy.

It was not something as simple as death or desolation, but a phenomenon that was difficult to describe in words and so bad that if one had to find a word to describe it, it could only be explained by 'lesion'.

She saw patches of 'spots' that exuded a rotten stench in the originally green field. She saw that the once picturesque plants were covered with abscesses and growths. She saw the ancient trees that were almost withered. 'Vitality' is restored, but that vitality is composed of 'fruits' that are grown in a corrupt manner and 'buds' that die in an instant. It is like a piece of malice that is full of malice, and gives itself the title of ' The 'decline' of the name of life.

It is not something indescribable or incomprehensible, but it is an offense that is too heavy for life. The arthropods that broke out of the ground did not grow many extra legs or eyes in just ten minutes, but they did. The fish in the stream were not covered with sharp white teeth in a few minutes as they continued to spurt out pus from their pores while convulsing wildly. They were only invaded in an instant after they were unable to draw oxygen from the water. The skeletal plague robs life and becomes part of the plague in a short time.

I don't know when, countless fungi that don't look too objectionable have climbed up the quietly decaying wood, gathering majestically on the fragile branches, making those seemingly dead trees become 'prosperous' again, and Under this 'prosperity', the water buried deep in the ground was forcibly pumped into the shriveled trunks of the wood, and soon flowed out from the devastated 'gap', watering some things that had not yet had time to be lost with the host. Living things, and these things that were originally just by-products thrived under the water and turned into something wet, sticky, and disgusting.

[They are the present continuous tense of the concept of 'death', but... they are alive...]

Rao is a scholar who has seen the world in all senses. When she saw those things spread with a visual effect called "creep", she couldn't help but feel a chill. And when she noticed some originally docile and indifferent things, The harmful herbivorous beast staggered in front of him, its body covered with lush growths, and even its eyes and body parts were replaced, and he almost screamed in fright.

It is true that Shuxiang is an outstanding young marginalized person outside the game, and has also seen many vicious monsters, but even so, these things presented to her at this moment still gave her a considerable degree of mental impact!

It's not that she can't stand those rotten, smelly, crawling, and disgusting things, but that she, who has a relatively kind personality, sees the light in the eyes of the monsters that has not completely dimmed, and subconsciously empathizes with the animals and plants around her. , feeling a suffocating sense of despair.

Under normal circumstances, people will only feel this way when they see similar people encountering various bad lucks, such as people who are brutally executed by terrorists, or the final impact of some noble people before they die and their cold corpses. In contrast, things like animals and plants are usually impossible to touch humans.

As for Shuxiang, although she is indeed a kind-hearted girl, as a marginalized person who must kill decisively when necessary, she is actually much stronger than many of her peers, and her mental quality is definitely not tough. This is enough to make Shuxiang's mentality How terrible that the defense line was almost broken.

Before the start of this game, Shuxiang was actually very confident. After all, her own qualities were there. Although she might be slightly inferior to players at the level of Xinglong, Cordoba, and A-Sang, she was still competing with them. After Gu Xiaole had a brief discussion, Shuxiang felt that although he was ranked outside the top ten, if factors such as actual combat experience and psychological quality were added, his final strength should be stronger than on paper. If nothing else, at least at first glance You know that the attributes are very powerful, and the person ranked fifth on the ranking list will probably not be able to beat him.

In other words, although her position on the ranking list is one place lower than her opponent, Shuxiang does not feel that she is a weakling in this game, so she actually played very aggressively at the beginning!


When she appeared in front of Wen Qiu, and after seeing the other person's lovely face, she subconsciously felt more stable - a sudden change occurred!

Shuxiang didn't want to recall the specific content, but after she finally escaped from the girl, her health value was less than 40%. Not only that, her magic value and physical fitness value also dropped below half. To put it politely, if she had reacted slower, or had no actual combat experience as a marginalized person in reality, she would have probably died on that seemingly ordinary hillside.

After that, Shuxiang, as the commentary team pointed out, planned to leave the opponent's control and regroup.

But this does not sound like a difficult task, and it has not been achieved until now.

Not only that--

He carefully wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and pursed his lips tightly due to the cold book fragrance on his hands and feet.

[If you continue like this, you will die! 】

Chapter 2062: End

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