Quadruple split

Chapter 2079 If the enemy cannot move, I will move

"What the hell!"

Finally, when Yaya's second arrow failed again and flattened several bushes not far behind the morning glory with a devastating force, the smiling faces in the commentary box finally reacted and shouted at the same time He let out a voiceless scream: "Who can tell me what happened!?"

The handsome guy next to him rubbed his eyes and said dryly: "If I read it correctly, Player Yaya should have used the stunt that eliminated Player Qiuyue in the last game, and launched two very powerful and extraordinary attacks from an extremely long distance. A normal attack, but..."

"She missed her target."

The good wife spoke softly and sighed with the same surprise: "The big flower morning glory contestant was unscathed."

"That's right."

Then, Xiao Xiaobai, who had always remained calm and calm, nodded slightly, and said in a very calm and reserved tone although there was not much emotion, "It is a morning glory after all."

【? ? ? 】

Although he didn't say it directly, the smiling face still gave Xiao Xiaobai a look that said, "Do you even know what the hell you are talking about?"

Xiao Xiaobai completely ignored the gazes of the other three people and continued to talk to himself: "I wonder if you have noticed that compared to the Qiuyue player who tried his best to avoid in the last game but was still penetrated and sniped in the end, Dahua Player Qianniu obviously noticed Player Yaya's attack earlier, but his reaction was many times calmer than Player Qiuyue's."

The handsome guy who thought that the morning glory was probably not the so-called 'calm', but just a broken pot, couldn't help but ask: "Is...is that so?"

"Of course it is."

Compared to the handsome man with wandering eyes, stiff expression, and nervous tone, Xiao Xiaobai at this moment was as calm and calm as a big flower and morning glory. She shook her head gently, and her beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised. , said in a soft tone: "Facts speak louder than words. Player Qiuyue was killed by Player Yaya with one hit, but Dahua Petunia escaped unscathed from the opponent's two rounds of sniping attacks. Isn't this enough to explain? Problem?"

[Hey, hey, compared to hiding away, the cow didn't actually move at all, right? Please take a look for yourself! That kid's face had 'Hurry up and give me a good time' written all over it! He didn't think he could survive at all! 】

Although he remained calm on the surface, Xiaomian's inner activities had gradually become hysterical. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the reason why the morning glory stood still just now was not a 'calm avoidance' at all. Instead, he chose to sit back and wait for death when he had no choice. Not to mention the venomous eyes of Xiaomian and others, even Cordoba, Gu Xiaole, Xinglong, Shuangye and many other powerful people could easily judge this. In addition, those who are not good at fighting, but have a lot of research on psychology, can also catch some clues from the expression of the morning glory.

All in all, anyone who can see something will not think that Yaya's two consecutive arrow shots just missed were due to the morning glory!

But the problem is...

If we don’t owe it to Petunias, should we also owe it to Yaya?

This is the question that puzzles many people, including the commentators, even though they all think that Xiao Xiaobai is talking nonsense, and they also think that the morning glory is probably just a miscellaneous flower that cannot pose a threat to the truly powerful. Fish, but they couldn't understand why Yaya failed to hit the target by a hair's breadth with two consecutive arrows.

Because the distance is too far, the hit rate is insufficient?

Some people have thought about this possibility, but anyone who has watched Yaya's last game knows that when Qiuyue was killed, the distance between Qiuyue and Yaya was almost the same as the distance between Dahua Petunia and Yaya at this moment. Li Yaya was able to accurately pierce Qiuyue's heart with an arrow, but she couldn't even scratch the oily skin of the morning glory.

To put it bluntly, even if Yaya needs to calibrate, the first arrow she shoots should be enough to complete the task, and there is no way the second arrow will miss.

Under this premise, there are only two possibilities left in normal people's cognition. One is that Yaya is letting things go, and the other is that Yaya tried her best, but Petunia dahurica did something without anyone noticing. What!

The first one is simply unreasonable, because Brave Yaya is not afraid of difficulties and Dahua Petunia obviously do not know each other, and even if they know each other and reach some unknown agreement, Yaya has countless better ways. The water release method, instead of choosing this lame air shot that makes the big flowers and petunias in the lens look a little distracted.

And in this case, the possibility that was originally ruled out by many discerning people at the first time, that is, what the 'Big Flower Morning Glory' did has become the most likely answer among countless impossibilities!

"I don't understand."

Cordoba shrugged expressionlessly and said dryly: "Even if I overclock the combat data module to overload, I still can't understand what these two people are doing."

Ji Lan's eyes widened in surprise, and she asked curiously: "Xiaoyu, your database can also be used in public spaces?!"

"I'm just giving an example."

Cordoba shook his head without hesitation, spread his hands and said: "But I can guarantee that even if I can use the database, the conclusion will only be the word 'evil'."

As the strongest person present second only to Cordoba, Gu Xiaole said in a not very confident tone: "Well... tell me, is that big flower morning glory really pretending to be a pig? Eat tiger?”

"You asked us?"

Yidong Xianggu Xiaole cast a very complex and subtle look, and said with twitching corners of his mouth: "Have you forgotten who sent the morning glory to the quarterfinals?"


Gu Xiaole slapped his forehead suddenly and said suddenly: "It's me! That's not right! In my impression, this Niu Sang is actually quite weak. Why did he suddenly become so powerful?"

Mo Tan, who had been silent since just now, suddenly raised his head: "What if he hasn't become more powerful?"

"I've always felt that he hasn't become more powerful."

Gu Xiaole scratched his cheek and said coquettishly: "But the current situation doesn't look right no matter how you look at it. Then if we rule out all possibilities, the only thing we can do is..."

"That's the problem, Sister Xiaole."

Mo Tan breathed a long sigh of relief, and his originally tense expression suddenly became relieved, and he said in a rather relaxed tone: "In the final analysis, we just 'think' that we have ruled out all possibilities, but in fact, it is impossible for us to do this at all." We do that in the game, so I don’t think we necessarily make a judgment call early on.”

Gu Xiaole was stunned for a moment: "Tanjiang, what do you mean..."

"I don't mean anything, I just think that what we see may not be the whole picture."

Mo Tan smiled, looked at the two contestants on the screen, and said: "Although 'I' did not participate, just listening to those of you who participated can tell that there are a lot of elements in the competition that cannot be directly seen from the audience's perspective. Perceived, and among those elements, there is a high probability that there is a puzzle that can reasonably explain the current situation."

Yu Chen next to him nodded and looked at Mo Tan with bright eyes: "What next?"


The latter made a face, tilted his head and pointed at the screen: "Let's continue watching."

"oh oh!"

Then Yuchen sat upright obediently and stared at the screen intently.

Immediately afterwards, the others also exchanged helpless looks and turned to look at the screen, carefully observing every move of Big Flower Morning Glory and Brave Yaya who were not afraid of difficulties——

As for the two parties, who were wanted by countless people to look at them with microscopes, their moods at this moment were surprisingly similar. In a word, they were: extremely panicked!

That's right, as Mo Tan said, the so-called correct answer will be left after all impossibility is eliminated is a false proposition at all. From the beginning, many high-end players have considered the big flower morning glory to be weak and do not have the ability to eat it. The reason why Tiger didn't show a panicked expression was mainly because he was so shocked by the fact that he was 'still alive' that he didn't react.

The so-called jigsaw puzzle that can explain the current situation is actually very simple from a God's perspective, that is, Yaya's two talents related to the hunting goddess, namely the talent named [Gan] that gives the opponent the divinely inspired trait, and [ Like] The trait in the talent [Hunting].

If you think about it, the whole process is probably like this:

First, Yaya locked the morning glory with her mind, and at the perfect ambush point she found, she drew her bow and arrow at the extreme distance, and started to use [Meteor Arrow] with a charging time of up to three seconds, trying to use it. The most powerful blow since he entered the pit.

Then, in view of its talent [Gan of the Hunting Goddess], Big Flower Morning Glory received a 'divine enlightenment' similar to the system prompt sound the moment Yaya started to charge up, and received the key points as 'You have been locked' And the prompt of 'detected super long-range sniper on the way', and decided to stand still and die a dignified death.

Finally, based on the [Hunting] trait in Yaya's other talent [Hunting Goddess's Praise], when you are aiming with your mind, you will automatically enter an advanced hiding state, and the basic hit rate probability of targets outside the field of vision is 0. The relative movement speed between them will increase your extra hit rate in proportion, up to a maximum of 99%. Because the morning glory has not moved and Yaya is still, the extra hit rate of that [Meteor Arrow] is naturally 0 , coupled with the fact that the basic probability is also a very good zero, the hit rate of Yaya's arrow naturally becomes 0+0, still 0.

The next step is the scene that happened before. Yaya shot two arrows in total, but because the morning glory was motionless, the two arrows that were clearly in the right direction were forced to deflect by the 'talent conclusion' with a 0% hit rate. The tilt did not cause any harm to the latter.

Seeing this, everyone must have guessed that the reason why Qiuyue was sniped in the last game was not because she reacted a beat and a half too late and did not avoid it, but because she heard "God's Enlightenment" After that, in order to escape from the "ultra-long-range sniper" on the way, he performed a high-speed evasion, which directly maximized Yaya's hit rate, which resulted in himself being pierced by an arrow.

There is a saying, from God's perspective, although Yaya's strength is remarkable, she is definitely not a serious strong person. After all, her shortcomings and shortcomings are too obvious, and the solution is too simple. However, If we throw away God’s perspective, what is left?

It’s Te Meow’s ‘detecting a super long-distance strike on the way’!

Who wouldn't panic after hearing such a sentence? Do you want to run after you panic? Running like this is equivalent to giving Yaya the 'hit rate UP' BUFF, that is - the faster you run, the faster you die.

The content of this talent [Hunting] is to allow Yaya to easily snipe moving units, and [Hunting Goddess’ Gan] although its original intention is to cause trouble to Yaya, there are even outrageous things like reverse divine revelation. , but he helped her by mistake.

All in all, if you can figure out the details of Yaya, it is actually very simple to deal with her, but the problem is that even if Mo Tan, the chaotic neutral limited version with all its twists and turns, came over, he would not have guessed that this girl would have such a thing. Establishing an outrageous and self-consistent talent system, and by the time he could figure it out based on various clues, he would have been sniped to death long ago.

Therefore, unless they are those at the top of the rankings who are strong enough to ignore those bells and whistles, anyone else will have a headache for a while against Yaya.

But the big flower and morning glory, because they just left it lying there and waited for death, made Yaya's two arrows return in vain, which made the official explanation of Xiaomian start to doubt life. It can definitely be regarded as 'defeating magic with magic'.

Of course, that being said, even though Petunia elata is still alive, there is no way to 'defeat' Yaya. In fact, even if he was shot by the latter with two arrows, he could only roughly determine where it was. It's just a direction, I can't even guess the exact location.

Yaya, whose capital was far richer than that of Petunias, did not continue to shoot the third arrow. Instead, she naturally started to reconstruct the countermeasures based on the premise that "it is Petunia after all, so she can easily see through my tricks." .

This was not an easy task, but Yaya was able to reach the top 16 after all. Even if there was some luck, her mind was not bad at all, so she quickly thought of a very unconventional idea. But it's an unexpectedly practical idea.

That is--

If the enemy doesn't move, I will move!

That's right, given that the description of Yayana's talent trait is that 'the relative movement speed between each other will increase your extra hit rate in proportion', then in her opinion, even if the target remains stationary, she can move at high speed. Significantly increase the so-called 'relative movement speed', thereby increasing the hit rate!

【I am simply a genius! 】

The girl who was shocked by this idea sighed in her heart, and began to move at high speed with the total distance of no more than three meters centered on the ambush point where she was. However, to be on the safe side, she did not directly attack Dahuaqian this time. Instead, he aimed at the fire maple tree behind the latter that was also marked with the [Hunter Mark] by him.

Three seconds later, with a 'pop' sound, the flying arrow sank straight into the trunk of the fire maple locked by Yaya!

Real-time hit rate - 97.51%!

Chapter 2070: End

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