Quadruple split

Chapter 2083 Dismissal

Obviously, if the last words of the girl who calls herself YOYO are right, then Shuxiang wants to escape from the former's control in the name of going offline and deleting her account. After all, we all know that if the player is not noticed by the NPC, If you log out of the game, the character will disappear. In this case, it will not be easy for YOYO to catch the scholar again.

"Well, it's actually not difficult~"

The girl yawned, lazily walked back to the ice sculpture in the OTZ posture in the center of the room and sat down on it. She let the short staff made of colorful prisms disappear in the air, and then took it out from nowhere. I bought a pocket watch with a complicated shape. After opening it, I stared at the dial that was as complicated as a heavenly book, and smiled: "Three...two...one..."

Bang——! ! !

"Don't act rashly, ma'am."

A crisp sound came from the door, and the next moment, a cold metal blade was pressed against the side of YOYO's neck, and the owner of the blade also gave a thoughtful warning at the same time: "Otherwise I will I will kill you immediately."

The girl, who seemed to have expected all this, just smiled, then raised her hands obediently, and said meekly with her clear and unhurried sweet voice: "No problem, dear Ms. Bathory, but If you can, please call me 'little sister' or 'eldest niece'. After all, given our age, you, madam, must call me at least thirty years older."

"No problem, little sister."

The remnants of the Blood Tea Party, before being rescued by the regent of the Violet Empire, were given the code name of 'Bathory', which represents the strongest assassin. He has the front desk of "Female Bee" at Salamoun Tavern in the capital of the Violet Empire. The two identities of the younger sister and the chief person in charge of the extremely secret force [Female Bee] under the command of the Regent, whose only name is the word "Na", the dwarf woman with beautiful pink hair and very cute appearance smiled, but the warmth in her eyes was He became even colder: "I haven't asked you yet. Can you give me your surname?"


The girl who knew very well that if she talked nonsense would be noticed by the other party immediately, and knew even more clearly that as long as she was noticed talking nonsense, she would immediately lose her head and body, she answered very obediently, and even added an explanation: "Use the elf." If you pronounce it in Chinese, it’s Y~O~Y~O!”

"Very good, little sister YOYO."

Raising his hand to signal the team members who broke in with him to stay alert, Xiao Na, who was squatting on the head of the ice sculpture under YOYO, took a deep breath and ordered without any warmth: "Now, please stay This posture is slowly turned around, and if there are any moves that I can't understand during the process..."

"Even if you want to choke me to death with shit, that's fine."

YOYO took over the conversation in a brisk tone, and asked obediently after Xiao Na frowned slightly: "So, can I turn around now?"

After a brief silence, Xiao Na, who had completely locked onto the aura of the girl in front of him and even sensed her breathing rhythm and heartbeat, nodded slightly: "Turn around."


There was no intention of playing tricks at all. YOYO raised his hands in a very cooperative manner. It took him a full ten seconds to complete the turn with an extremely slow movement. Then he looked at the man who held the short blade close to his neck in his right hand and held it in his left hand. The dwarf assassin, who aimed the light crossbow at his heart, exclaimed: "Wow! So young!"

"I'll just assume you're complimenting me."

Although he was indeed not that old, it was the first time someone praised his youth. Xiao Na said indifferently, and then took out a pair of wristbands with a blue halo from his storage necklace. He ordered simply and concisely: "Put it on, immediately."

"Ah this..."

YOYO lowered his head and glanced at this pair of wristbands with complicated craftsmanship, and said hesitantly: "Although I don't mind wearing it, this thing should only be able to restrain people with high-level skills. To be honest, little sister, I He should have epic-level strength, so he should use a more advanced form of imprisonment, right?"

"Of course I can feel your strength, little sister."

Xiao Na shrugged and said calmly: "But unfortunately, the limit of this [secret lock] is at its current level, but you don't have to worry, although you have enough strength to break free from it, just 'break free' The process is enough for me to kill you twenty times, so just wear it without worry."


YOYO nodded in agreement very obediently, and then slowly put the [secret lock] on his wrist under Xiao Nadi's gaze. Then, with a 'click' sound, the 'lock' in the shape of a wrist guard suddenly lit up. There was a glimmer of light, and at the same time, the ice sculpture under the two men suddenly made a series of fine 'clicking' sounds, and soon fell apart into a pile of ice chips.

"Now, let's have a nice chat."

Xiao Na, who stood back on the ground, put away the short blade, looked at YOYO who walked to the bed and sat down, and asked with no emotion: "First of all, let's start with your identity. There is no doubt that you can only They are people from another world, that is, 'players', right?"

YOYO didn't answer, but made a playful face at Xiao Na, indicating that this was nonsense.


When the other party put on the [Secret Lock] meekly, Xiao Na was not too aggressive and just continued to ask: "How did you know that I was born in the 'Tea Party' and inherited the name 'Bathori' ?”

"No comment."

YOYO, who became more rigid after putting on the [Secret Lock], shook his head, and then added before Xiao Na could speak: "But if our position is still the same at this time tomorrow, then I promise to explain it until you are satisfied. ,how?"

[This time tomorrow? 】

Xiao Na's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he nodded slightly after pondering briefly, and continued to ask: "So, little sister YOYO, your real name is Shuxiang, and you are one of the top sixteen in this year's guilt debate, right?"

The result was unexpected. After hearing this, YOYO immediately shook his head like a rattle and said loudly: "Wrong, wrong, YOYO is YOYO, not some scholarly mosquito repellent."

"Aren't you scholarly?"

Xiao Na, who had made complete investigations and preparations, looked at YOYO in surprise. He even thought that the other party's psychological quality was strong enough to lie successfully while his aura was completely locked.


"But I know who you're looking for."

The girl grinned and then raised her hand to point to the mess beside the bed: "That scholarly young lady died here half a minute before you came in."

After receiving the instruction to fight first and then be polite, Xiao Na was shocked and said in astonishment: "Dead?!"

"Well, dead."

YOYO nodded vigorously, and then proudly raised her breasts, which although it could be seen that they were developed, were limited to visible development: "It was YOYO who killed me!"

Xiao Na, who felt a little headache because things were out of control, pinched his eyebrows and asked: "What's the reason? Why did you kill her?"

"Because it's in the way."

YOYO sighed and complained: "From all aspects, that guy is too much of a nuisance. It would be easier to kill him... Of course, considering that the stinky guy will most likely rebuild his character shamelessly, it can be Even if you kill them, you won't be able to completely reassure them. Sure enough, the setting of aliens is too perverted and is simply a BUG."


At this moment, Xiao Na, who suddenly realized that the other party was not being 'controlled' by him, but was intentionally 'waiting' for him to come over, also reacted, and immediately asked: "So what is your purpose?"

"Actually, it's nothing~"

YOYO smiled slyly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Miss, your order should be to come here and take Shuxiang away, right? Now that Shuxiang is dead, you might as well take me back."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Haha, haven't you already guessed it?"

twenty minutes later

Violet Empire, Imperial Capital Salamun, Tricolor Courtyard

"Hello, little sister YOYO."

With a warm smile on his face, the regent of the Violet Empire gracefully bowed to the girl in the pavilion: "I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

The girl who had already eaten her third plate of sponge cake wiped her mouth and showed a bright smile with her teeth bared in front of her, the most respected person in the entire Southeast Continent, and her lips and teeth were full of cake residue: "It's okay, it's okay. If you're busy, I don't mind waiting a little longer? Ah, do you still have this triangular snack?"


Sue Blaisne slowly sat down opposite the girl and said with a sad expression: "I just went to ask specifically, and there are only steamed buns left in the kitchen."

"Oh it's all right."

The girl in front of her, who knew very well that she was talking nonsense, waved her hand and said generously: "Then let's have another two kilograms of steamed buns."


Xiu is also a down-to-earth person. He immediately turned to Xiao Na who rolled his eyes wildly and said, "Here are two kilograms of steamed buns."

So, about three minutes later, the regent of the Violet Empire and the beautiful girl of unknown origin came face to face and ate steamed buns. After eating two steamed buns per person, they invariably pressed their breasts and gasped. , like two bellows.


Xiao Na, who poured them two cups of sweet honey water, shook his head and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Then, after drinking the boiled water and taking a breath, the two of them laughed in unison, and after a few seconds, they both stopped laughing. The change of style actually made the atmosphere depressing, even for people like Xiao Na. They all had difficulty breathing.

"My time is limited, little sister YOYO."

Xiu looked at the unpredictable girl in front of him calmly and put the half-eaten bun back into the basket: "So, if you think I have shown enough sincerity, let's get to the point."


YOYO nodded and said in a brisk tone: "I hope you will give up the idea of ​​causing trouble for the Principality of Scaran."

The next moment, the air in the courtyard suddenly condensed. Not only did Xiao Na subconsciously take out her short blade, but even the sculpture-like Marquis Dantès not far away put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Only during this period, the regent seemed to be keeping a low profile, but in fact he was constantly using thunderous means to integrate the major aristocratic forces in the empire. The debauched prince in the past, but today, the regent Hugh Bray has conquered the vast majority of people with practical actions. Sean still looked normal. He didn't even deny this accusation, which would cause shock around the world as soon as it was spread. He just asked lightly: "What's the reason?"

"For objective reasons, forces such as the United Holy Church will not sit idly by and ignore such nonsense. His Highness knows it better than anyone else, so I won't waste my words."

YOYO stretched out, lying on the table like a lazy kitten, resting his head on the half piece of steamed bun in his hand, and said slowly: "Let's put it this way, there is a magic with quite a historical background hidden in the Principality of Scaran. The specific effect of the prop is to launch a curse that ignores distance on a person, and the conditions for breaking the curse, trust me, your highness, you don’t want to know.”

"Good reason."

Xiu nodded, and then agreed in a childlike manner: "Then I won't hit Scaran."


And YOYO also showed a calm smile, leaned over and pinched Xiu's cheek affectionately: "Your Highness is so kind to me!"

"That's what I say, but in fact I'm just showing favor to the forces behind you."

Xiu didn't mind the other party's frivolous and affectionate behavior, he just smiled faintly, raised his eyebrows at the girl with a lamb-like hairstyle in front of him and said, "You remind me of a friend."

"This is normal. After all, we aliens have a saying that goes, 'Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together'."

YOYO casually put the basket filled with steamed buns in front of him into his luggage and said with a smile: "It is normal for an outstanding person like you to meet many outstanding people like yourself and me."

Xiu smiled, then casually dropped the topic and asked, "Speaking of which, the player named Huang Quanshui was not killed by you, was he?"


For the first time, since the moment the two met, YOYO showed genuine and unpretentious surprise for the first time, and whispered: "How did you know!?"


Xiu shrugged, then smiled before YOYO spoke: "Of course, although it is a guess, it may not be an unfounded guess, but it can connect many seemingly unrelated things together. , indeed the word 'guess' is best used to describe it. As for the redundant content, I'm sorry, our relationship is not that good yet."

"Cheapskate! Drink cold water!"

"Drinking cold water is a privilege for young people, so I just assumed you were complimenting me on my strong body."

"Okay, okay, since there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Leaving so soon? No more sitting around?"

"No, after all, being with a pervertedly smart person like you, Your Highness, is not a little stressful. YOYO, I have poor ability to withstand pressure, so I won't accompany you for now."

"Okay, but when you come to Violet again in the future, you can come and chat with me."

"Aren't you busy with everything around you?"

"It doesn't matter. It's reasonable to take some time out for your benefactor."

Chapter 2074: End

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