Quadruple split

Chapter 2100 Lucie’s Plan

"The emphasis on poisonous women has always been 'poison' rather than 'woman', Mimi."

The poisonous woman Lucie explained sternly to her best friend, who was as pure as a little white flower in her eyes, and then said nonchalantly: "In short, I am very happy that Mr. Mang did not lose his temper because he defeated a strong enemy in the last round. Overconfident, otherwise he probably wouldn’t go to the forum to find ways to conquer the big lizard.”

Kasena and Mika exchanged a subtle look, and then let out a long sigh in unison. The reason was for no other reason than to sympathize with the poor single-player player.

It is true that as friends of Christina, the sisters must hope that their sisters can defeat their opponents, but when they think of the ill-fated mage brother being played by Lucie, they still can't help but want to slip away. A few crocodile tears.

As the culprit, Lucie continued calmly: "And I already have a suitor who may become a regular at any time. Maybe I will graduate from being a girl at some point. I will become a veritable glorious poisoner." woman."

"Is it possible that poisonous women are not a good word..."

Kasena subconsciously complained at first, and then suddenly her eyes widened: "Wait a minute! Xiaoqian, you said you have a suitor who may become a regular at any time!?"


Lucie nodded and admitted without hesitation: "That's right."

"Ah this..."

The two best friends next to me looked at each other, feeling that this was a bit dreamy. It was not because Lucie had a suitor. After all, among these girls, except for Kasena and Mika, few knew the truth because of their personalities. In addition to being close to other men, whether it is Christina, Lucie or Yuchen, they are actually very popular and receive more than double digits of confessions almost every year.

And the most puzzling thing is that aside from Christina and Yuchen, two girls with gentle personalities, both boys and girls tend to have a crush on them. They are weird in every sense. Lucie, whose brains and methods are outrageous, is also very popular, even more popular than the first two.

In terms of appearance, Lucie has always had a slightly messy bob hairstyle, a thin figure, and always wore baggy clothes. Although Lucie is a beauty, she is not as able to completely crush others in certain aspects as Yuchen is, so After several years of discussion, Kasena and others had no choice but to attribute the reason to her too radio-type temperament, and reluctantly accepted the reality that this freak was so popular.

However, although there are many suitors, Lucie almost never responds positively to any of them except for taking advantage of them unceremoniously when necessary. Even when taking advantage of others, she will be the first to say "please excuse me". Bring me breakfast and then disappear immediately'/'Please fill out this questionnaire when you have time, and then please don't bother me'/'Help me check whether a person named Wanyang has a criminal record, don't get me wrong, I am It's impossible to date someone like you.'/'I'm doing a social experiment to help you quit smoking. I'll be very troubled if there are any unnecessary misunderstandings.' In short, it just highlights her casualness, and she has been praised countless times for this character. With "scumbag" and other misnamed characters.

The term "Suitor who may become a regular employee at any time" was the first time that Cassena and others heard from Lucie.


At the moment of the gossip, Mika immediately put aside his little sympathy for A Sang and looked at Lucie with stern eyes: "What is going on?"

"A child expressed his affection for me in a subtle way."

Lucie did not show off, but said bluntly and seriously: "Although I didn't respond on the spot, I wasn't unmoved at all."

Kasena was shocked and lost her voice: "Boy? Isn't that the old guy who is about to die and inhumane that you talk about every day, but a serious boy?"

Lucie nodded: "Yes, very serious and enthusiastic."

"Good guy, the relationship between brother and sister is not bad!"

Mika's face glowed with excitement, and he kept asking: "So what's the specific situation? Is he handsome? How old is he? What's his name? Where is he from?"

"She looks pretty good..."

Lucie touched her chin and said with rare hesitation: "What's the future like?"

"What's the future to look forward to? Should I be short and still grow taller, or am I a little fat but still slim?"

Mika was stunned for a moment, and then continued to ask casually: "Then what?"

Lucie blinked and continued calmly: "Then, he is five years old, and he is..."

"Wait a minute!"

Kasena bounced up on the spot, her pupils shaking: "How old is he this year?!"

"Five years old."

Lucie repeated the sentence and even added: "He was born in June 2045, so strictly speaking it should be four..."

"Stop it!"

Mika interrupted Lucie with a scream, and said in a shocked voice: "Are you crazy!? Isn't that a brat with no hair at all!?"

"It's all grown, and the hair is quite thick."

Lucie said this first, then frowned and said: "I haven't been to other places yet..."

"Stop! This is not Mao's problem at all!"

Kasena looked like she was going crazy. She was shaking Lucie's shoulders as hard as she could and yelled, "What kind of trouble are you going to make when you plot against a little brat?"

"It's not that I'm plotting against the little brat, it's the brat that's plotting against me. I'm just a little tempted."

Lucie corrected her seriously and said sternly: "Think about it, he is much younger than me. As long as he is trained since childhood, I will definitely have the final say in all matters in the family from now on, and..."

"Stop it and change the topic. I'm tired."

Still not letting Lucie finish her words, Kasena quickly interrupted her righteously and added through gritted teeth: "Also, don't harm my child. He is only five years old this year. Wait until he is about the same as you." You're older, you..."

"Is this the age when desires are dissatisfied?"

Lucie tilted her head, looking innocent.

Kasena: "..."

Mika: "..."

"What are you talking about?"

At the same time, Christina appeared in front of the three of them in a burst of soft white light. She asked with a blushing smile, looking very happy.

"We're talking about desires..."


Lucie's nonsense was interrupted in unison. Kasena and Mika quickly exchanged glances and decided to leave the too confusing topic. So they directly dragged Christina, who was running over, to the sofa for a meal. Rubbing it together, he congratulated happily: "Awesome! You have entered the semi-finals!"


As expected, Christina did not pursue the question any further. Instead, she tried her best to resist the claws of the two men and said with a smile: "It's all Xiaoqian's fault. How on earth did you know that he would attack with all his strength after making a big move? Mine?"

"I'm too lazy to explain. I'll let Big Brother and the others explain it to you later."

Lucie said lightly, then walked towards the dragon girl who was fighting against Kasena and Mika, raised her hand and pressed it on the latter's chest, and said seriously: "Come on, battery car, we are very close to victory. It’s close.”

"Well... first of all, I don't want a battery car..."

Christina met Lucie's eyes with empty eyes, and said with a dry smile: "And, can you please take your hands away from me."

Lucy looked down at her hands pressing on the latter's chest, and a flash of struggle flashed across her expression: "No, my hands seem to be sucked..."

"What a ghost!"

The angry dragon girl jumped up, threw Lucie down on the sofa opposite, angrily messed up the latter's hair: "Can't you be normal!!"

Lucie, who turned into a chicken coop, nodded calmly and said seriously: "Then let's talk about the next game."


Christina, who was riding on Lucie, was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "But now I don't even know who I will play in the next game... Wow!"

"There are only two possibilities."

Lucie, who relied on her strong core strength to sit up and eject Christina, clapped her hands and said in a brisk tone: "The first possibility, and the most likely possibility, is that your opponent is Chen Chen's acquaintance, half a year ago. The evil plague master who once caused a great plague in the southern part of the sanctuary, and the anonymous Loli Wenqiu who is proficient in one of the four major schools of the undead, [Plague]."

Christina nodded timidly and said bluntly: "I'm a little afraid of her."


Mika nodded vigorously and agreed: "That child looks quite cute, but her tricks...his, I get chills down my back just thinking about it."

Kasena rubbed the tip of her nose and frowned: "I'm not afraid, but I do feel uncomfortable, especially after hearing what Chen Chen said about the child in her impression."

"He's just a little kid with no hair on his head."

Seemingly forgetting that she had any undue thoughts about a child who was less than five years old, Lucie said lightly, and then said sternly to Christina: "But she is indeed a terrible opponent, so, If your opponent in the next game is this girl, my suggestion is to take off to search as soon as possible, and swoop down as soon as you find her. It's best if you can hit her to death. If you can't hit her to death..."

Christina swallowed nervously and asked, "What if I can't be killed?"

"Just admit defeat."

Lucie gave an instruction that surprised all three of them without thinking, and then explained in a leisurely manner: "I thought it was a bit strange in the previous game. The book box didn't seem to be injured and killed. It’s like... it was forcibly disconnected for some reason.”

The three of them were all stunned after hearing this, and said in unison: "Huh?"

"I am just guessing, but if it is true, it means that the lolita is likely to have the ability to put a huge mental burden on the opponent, and the load may even exceed the system threshold."

Lucie looked at Christina steadily and said: "So you must not take risks. If you should admit defeat, admit defeat."

"Xiao Qian..."

Looking at the sister in front of her who looked inhumane but always cared about everyone in her own way, Christina's heart felt warm and she nodded with emotion: "Okay! I understand!"

Lucie nodded slightly and said seriously: "Well, after all, the battery car is the reward for the third place. Even if you lose at the end, you still have a chance to compete with the loser of the semi-finals of the semi-finals."


"Then there is another possibility. Your opponent in the next game is Petunia grandiflora."

There was no time for everyone to complain. After explaining Du Wenqiu's strategic policy, Lucie immediately continued: "First of all, what I want to say is that Big Flower Morning Glory is definitely a real weakling. According to common sense, he This kind of person can't even make it to the top eight, let alone the top eight. As for Chen Chen's mother's hard blow to him, it's really just a hard blow. We can see this just by observing the reactions of other commentators. come out."


The other three looked at each other, obviously not seeing anything.


Lucie frowned slightly and said softly: "Although that big-flowered morning glory is very poor, he has been able to get here all the way. I always feel that it is not due to pure luck. I am afraid there is a kind of 'power' in him that is pushing him forward. .”

Kasena was very confused, ‘Huh? ’ and asked, “What’s the ‘moment’?”

"The 'potential' of the general trend of the world."

Lucie explained casually and said seriously: "In this situation, I don't have any good ideas, so if we really have to face the morning glory, my advice to Nana is... do nothing. .”

Christina blinked and repeated in confusion: "Do nothing?"

"That's right, just do nothing."

Lucie nodded and emphasized, explaining: "If he finds you, let him chop it down. I believe that with Nana's defense and life recovery speed, even if the big flower morning glory can forcefully cause some damage, It will also be instantly compensated by the powerful self-healing ability of the Thick Earth Dragon, but he will suffer counter-shock damage under the influence of Nana's talent. In this way, even if it is exhausted to the end, the system will have the advantage when calculating the damage of both parties. us."

Mika was shocked at that time: "Is this okay?!"

"There is no other way. I always feel that compared with fighting a serious fight with a big flower and morning glory, the chance of winning is greater if you fight with autistic passiveness."

Lucie shrugged and complained in a subtle, broken tone: "At least I won't lose without knowing it, probably."

"oh oh!"

And her three best friends, as always, have unreserved trust in Lucy Ai.

at the same time

Ji Xiaoge opened the message bar that suddenly flashed, and curiously looked at the message sent by one of the only top friends, his own sister, and was a little confused.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that the message content is only four short words——

‘Come on sister. ’

Chapter 2091: End

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