Quadruple split

Chapter 2114 The Wind-breaking Bird’s Proposal


Seeing that the situation was gradually getting out of control, the second director of [Gymbois], who had always been gentle and elegant, was so dizzy that he might be kicked offline by the system at any time due to high blood pressure. As the organizer, Lusail finally gritted his teeth and interrupted the situation in front of him. In order to have some fun, he cleared his throat and said seriously: "Would you two consider putting aside your personal grudges for the time being and take the time to chat about business matters?"

"Ah? Daqing is really serious?"

Only then did he realize that he was not being tricked. The typing warrior blinked, and immediately nodded crazily, and said in a deep voice to the gnashing teeth: "The overall situation is the most important thing."

"You kid..."

He knew very well that if he punched him, the other party would definitely apply for system intervention. After thinking about it again and again, he finally decided to let this bitch go for the time being, while comforting himself with the mental victory method of "at least the money is transferred to the eldest lady" , while slowly letting go of the opponent's collar, he stood up with a sinking face, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will give Captain Lusail this face and let you go today."

"Thank you Ang."

The typing warrior patted the non-existent dust on his body, looked around and said cheerfully: "Whoever wants to seek revenge from me, I will thank you too."

Naturally, no one paid attention to him, whether it was those who really had a problem with him but were too lazy to argue, or people like Ke Yi who wanted to argue but didn't want to be quick to talk in this situation. Look at him one more time.

The typing warrior was also happy to be free. After making sure that no one wanted to continue to find trouble, he happily served himself a fruit salad.

"So, except for this guy..."

Boss Sakaki glanced at the typing warrior, then turned to Lussail and asked: "Who is the last person?"

Lussail didn't show off, and said simply: "The people from Green Apple."

"Green apple?!"

The next second, Diamond Watch, who had just regained his composure, widened his eyes again and said in shock: "Are you talking about the one who suddenly appeared after three months of official operation in [The Boundary of Innocence]? Its business scope covers the whole world, and the contents of its goods are unknown even to us. The online and offline dual-material chamber of commerce that can’t compete?”

Lu Sel smiled, nodded and said, "Yes, that's the green apple."

Everyone present immediately showed thoughtful expressions. After all, no one who can appear here is considered a 'pure player'. As an influential figure in the industry, many times, whether they are willing or not, they will receive all kinds of information. Such information, so even a pure competitive ace like Xinglong, who in most cases has Hanmei and Jiuzhong helping to manage things, has heard of the name of the Green Apple Chamber of Commerce.

In a word, this is an integrated online and offline trading platform with the game "Innocent Bound" as its core business. It can not only provide players with the most economical, reliable and safe currency exchange ratio, but also The quality of the products is far beyond the reach of other peers. While big clubs like Red Constellation are still striving for epic missions for their players, the official website of a top studio like Jin Beibei only has less than a hundred pieces of epic equipment to show off. By that time, the [Green Apple] Chamber of Commerce had begun to sell quest chains and accept the service of 'customizing' epic-quality equipment. Although the price was really expensive, the quality was completely unparalleled. Even Sakaki, Baihuasha, and Guijianchou Such high-end professional players have at least two pieces of epic equipment ordered from the [Green Apple] Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that although [Green Apple] is only second-rate in terms of overall size, its influence in the game [Innocent Bound] is no less important than that of any top club or company. As a colleague in the business field, Jin Beibei Studio is naturally the most concerned about the former. Unfortunately, Green Apple is too mysterious. In addition to being able to find some insignificant business information, no one knows about its details. The understanding can be said to be infinitely close to zero.

It is precisely because of this that Diamond Watch, the representative of Jinbeibei Studio, had such a big reaction after hearing that [Green Apple] also responded to Lusser’s invitation.

As for Xinglong and others, although they did not have such a big reaction, they cheered up immediately. They were obviously very interested in this organization with full of mysterious attributes.

There was only one person who not only had no reaction to the name Green Apple, but even turned on the distraction, folded his arms and leaned on the table and fell into a trance.

Not only did the others not have the slightest objection to the guy who was obviously out of shape, they even occasionally looked at him with a hint of awe and fear.

Even Lusail coughed slightly after hesitating for a moment, and walked over to the man who looked to be in his mid-twenties at most, wearing a blue leather coat decorated with a large number of double-breasted buttons, and with short dark green hair and peach blossom eyes. In front of the handsome guy, he asked in a rare and serious voice: "Mr. Hermes... you don't mind waiting a little longer, do you?"

It can be heard that if it weren't for the man named Hermes who looks much younger than Lusail, the latter would probably have to add 'you' after the phrase 'sir', and the twist is here In this case, although Lusail did not use honorifics in the end, his attitude was definitely a little too polite.

The reason is actually not complicated.

To put it simply, it is what Hemis represents, that studio named [Matsuzhi], which is very low-key and powerful in the industry. Its background is most likely ‘official’.

As for which 'official' this 'official' refers to, you can guess one or two based on the name of the studio [Matsuzhi]. In addition, after the establishment of the studio, it did not hide its identity too much within the industry, so it didn't pass. It didn't take long for the bosses of major clubs and studios to know that the entire organization was composed of active-duty police officers.

Therefore, although [Matsuzhi]'s style of painting is very uncontested, and his business is just ordinary business such as making gold, making materials, selling equipment, leading bosses, etc., he is the only one in the world, but he has never Not only that, but any consultation or meeting that involves the general trend of the world (games) and requires the participation of multiple forces, Songzhi will definitely get an invitation, and although this studio is in the vast majority of In most cases, they will not express any opinions, but as long as they have any clear tendency, others will basically abide by it unconditionally. As for the thorn in the side of non-compliance...

Sorry, there is no such thorn. After all, everyone is not an idiot. Even if there is a sweetheart, acting out of impulse and seeking death are two different things. After the "pine branch = uncle policeman" thing has become an open secret at the top of the e-sports circle, It's too late for the big guys to curry favor with them, so how can they try to tease their tiger beards?

The person sent by [Matsuzhi] this time had entered the game [Innocence Boundary] early on, and not long ago, they had obtained important clues to a certain unsolved case through the game, which directly led to the murder of a billionaire. The person who made the poison was arrested, Officer Hao Manshan with the game ID of [Hermes].

In fact, the reason why he can represent a 'unit' of the level of [Matsuzhi] at this age is precisely because the contribution he made after helping to capture the great poison master was so great that except for a second In addition to equal merit, Officer Hao also received strong support from the Internet Police and [Songzhi], a unit that belongs to the Internet security department but has an independent budget.

You must know that although most of the people in [Songzhi] are veteran cadres who have retired from the front line, those who can participate in this level meeting as their representatives must at least be at the administrative level and deputy section level, and the police rank must be at least level two. The chief of the superintendent, and Officer Hao’s immediate boss, his girlfriend, is only a third-level police inspector.

To put it clearly, being able to represent [Matsuzhi] here today is not only the trust of the organization in him, but also the guarantee that this buddy will rise to the top in at least three levels in the future.

As for what to do after coming here...

"do not mind."

While recalling the old chief's instructions, "As long as there are no signs of violation of laws and disciplines, don't ignore it, but you must hold your airs and show the fashionableness of our people's police." He raised his head and glanced at Lusail, saying calmly. Said: "Just be busy with whatever you have to do, just pretend I don't exist."


Not minding the other party's somewhat inhumane attitude at all, Lusel smiled with relief, and then started chatting with Sakaki and other acquaintances.

Officer Hao, on the other hand, secretly broke into a cold sweat and said in his heart, ‘It’s so exciting’.

Although it is clear that what the other party is in awe of is not him, but the police uniform he is wearing (although he is not wearing it at the moment), as a young man who is very familiar with the e-sports circle, at this moment, not only is it rare to see these ordinary people Hemis, who had been close to top-notch professional players and was even treated with caution by these people, still had an unreal feeling, as if he was dreaming.

Of course, he, who has a very strong spiritual attribute, did not get carried away by this kind of courtesy. Instead, he quickly woke up and prepared to record the content and purpose of the meeting, and then give a copy to his girlfriend, who is his direct boss. Give one to the commander over there at [Matsuzhi], and... to the guy who hasn't even added himself as a friend in the game, calling himself 'Link', 'Li Lei', 'Tom', 'Father', ' Anthony's guy got a copy, in the form of an encrypted email.

By the way, this kind of information exchange is the main transaction content between Hemis and the other party, and the top management is aware of and tacitly approves of this matter. There is no other reason. Many mature police uncles have their own special 'informants'. Therefore, as long as it is not some very sensitive information, the higher-ups will not mind if you make transactions with informants after reporting it, and there will even be independent budgets.

After that, about five minutes passed, a girl with long aqua hair, a decent smile, and a good face, who was particularly eye-catching to everyone present, walked over and nodded to everyone: " Sorry for being late, I am 'Qing Qing Apple Xiang', the president of the [Green Apple] Chamber of Commerce, everyone can just call me Apple."

"Miss Xiangxiang!"

Baihuasha's eyes lit up, and he rushed to Qingqing Pingxiang's side in front of Diamond Watch who was about to raise his hand to say hello. He skillfully took the latter's arm and asked in an extremely magnetic and seductive voice: "Do you have a partner?"


The latter shook his head, and then quickly added: "But I should be a staunch heterosexual."

Baihuasha became visibly depressed: "Oh..."


In order to prevent anyone from continuing to make jokes, Lusail immediately clapped his hands and said seriously after everyone looked at him: "Well, since everyone is here, let's get to the point quickly. The purpose of calling everyone here this time. It’s very simple. In addition to watching the game and chatting together, there is another thing...cooperation.”

Ke Yi, who was participating in a top-level discussion in the professional circle for the first time and was very good at doing things, nodded slightly and asked in a timely manner: "What kind of cooperation is it?"

"In the name of players, this is a complex cooperation that is stronger than the various 'alliances' we have had in various games in the past, and still has a considerable degree of room for competition."

Lusel answered with a smile, and after looking around at everyone, he said in a brisk tone: "Everyone should know about the exchange meeting that was held regularly in Academy City some time ago and involved many forces, right? And that meeting The core topic of this exchange meeting, everyone must have heard about it to some extent, right?"

A strange look flashed in everyone's eyes. It was obvious that they had all heard more or less about the meeting that focused on how to deal with "people from another world", and they paid special attention to it.

To be more precise, most people pay special attention to this. Although there are some people such as Typing Warrior or Officer Hao who are not interested in it, they still listen seriously.

"To be honest, we Windbreakers are wary of the meeting in Academy City. Note, it's not 'pessimistic' but 'wary'. After all, I don't think those NPCs who can transcend racial barriers will be hostile to us. level, but since we players have become the subject of that exchange meeting with top influence on the road, we will inevitably be subject to various possible 'targets', although the malice is mostly lower than that of 'non-my race' People of different kinds have different minds, but it’s definitely not a good thing.”

Lussell shrugged and spread his hands and said: "In other words, at least it is definitely not a good thing for a group like us that is organized and has chances."

"I have reservations."

Guijianchou frowned and said in a deep voice: "The natives of the Innocence Realm are very tolerant. I personally think there is no need to have a stress reaction just because their intelligence is high enough. It will be self-defeating."

"The problem isn't their intelligence, man, it's that they already know we're different."

Diamond narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "In fact, as their understanding of the players gradually deepens, this difference may soon be equated with 'rule breaker'."

Instead of retorting, Gui Jianchou asked directly: "So what do you mean?"

Diamond Watch smiled slightly: "What I mean is, let's hear what Captain Lussail means first. Broken Wind Bird is not the kind of small workshop that calls everyone together to sign up for warmth just because of some concerns. In other words ... I’m afraid I’ve already made some plans, right?”

"It's not so much planning..."

Lusel snapped his fingers casually and said with a smile: "It's better to call it a proposal."

"What exactly is the proposal?"

"Built the city."

"What city?"

"main city."

"What main city?"

"The main city that belongs to our players."


Chapter 2105: End

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