Quadruple split

Chapter 2119 The suspense is gone

The suspense returns!

When Ji Xiaoge used the multifunctional wrench in her hand to dismantle the left arm of the [Gou Sheng] with lightning speed, people immediately realized that this sister was really not afraid of big robots, and not only that , just based on her few evasive movements just now, it is enough for everyone to understand how calm this winged beautiful girl is in these two rounds of fighting.

The suspense is gone!

However, what everyone didn’t expect was that Cordoba’s [Gou Sheng] not only failed to defeat Ji Xiaoge with an invincible attitude, but even the back-and-forth battles only lasted a few rounds. Because just after removing the left arm of the engineering mecha, Ji Xiaoge flapped his wings and circled under its ribs, and poked [Gou Sheng] a few times with the multifunctional wrench that had turned into a long needle shape. , and extinguished the two rows of white flame jets behind its calves.

Immediately afterwards, just as Cordoba manipulated the machine body to turn around suddenly and tried to force Ji Xiaoge back with the wheel saw mounted on the front end of his right arm, the latter actually took out a weapon from his bag with his backhand. The bottle of colorless and transparent liquid was thrown over, and then the saw quickly turned from silver to pitch black after smashing the glass bottle in the air, and made a harsh "squeaking" sound. In the blink of an eye, it stopped turning with black smoke coming out. .


The kobold in the cockpit let out a scream, then turned sideways, activated the jets at the feet of the mecha to increase its instantaneous speed, and tried to use the impact angle on his right shoulder to reduce the body's physique and defense. Ji Xiaoge, an ordinary high-level professional, approached the melee distance.

"You don't think that when the [auxiliary propulsion device] is turned off, you can hit me just by pushing the nozzle that cannot flexibly change direction, do you?"

Although his physique is very fragile, because he can freely control the wings, his flexibility is comparable to that of thieves, rangers and other professional systems. Ji Xiaoge chuckled, and then lightly fluttered his wings and moved to [Gou Sheng]'s side. Cordoba, who was unable to change direction at a right angle, rushed over and exposed his entire back to Ji Xiaoge.

However, Ji Xiaoge did not follow immediately. Instead, he converted [Valkyrie Catlin] from the grenade launcher mode to the most basic Gatling gun mode, while aiming at the area behind Cordoba that was plowed with a deep Gully Land pulled the trigger and said in a brisk tone: "Although [Killer Ant Traps] are very concealable, its side effect is that they will periodically emit a peculiar smell, and this smell comes from the special lubricant for the bearings. Although it is easy to be confused by others, for me, who assisted the teacher in upgrading the III generation to the IV generation, this unique flavor of the M series booby trap is not too obvious."

Chug tug tug tug——! ! !

Immediately afterwards, as a large amount of chili rice... or rice coated with spicy powder poured out, those booby traps with only basic logic were detonated one after another. Not only did they not hurt Ji Xiaoge at all, they even... The mecha [Gou Sheng], which had not left the minefield, was blown up until it staggered a few steps.

After all the [Killer Ant Traps·MIV] were detonated, Ji Xiaoge immediately put away Caterin and rushed towards [Gou Sheng] again, even though the latter desperately tried to distance themselves and even cleared the rune cluster bombs. inventory, but these detonating beacons thrown by Ji Xiaoge were deflected into the air just after leaving the magazine. None of the explosives that successfully caused effective damage obviously failed to hinder the latter even for a second.

After that, everyone who watched the live broadcast, including several commentators, was stunned and messy in the wind, dismantling the Gundam with bare hands. The big robot with almost full fashion value seemed to be made of paper in front of Ji Xiaoge. , even though it was in the overloaded state with the highest output, the wheel saw, magazine, right arm, spare chain saw, information collection system, speaker, runic energy conversion module, foot thruster, and joints were still removed one after another within five minutes. There were a large number of parts such as motors, leg bearings, hydraulic rods, etc., and in the end, only a bare shuttle-shaped cockpit was left leaning alone on the ground, surrounded by 'wrecks' that had hardly been damaged at all and were simply dismantled.

During this process, Cordoba was not without resistance. In fact, he resisted until the last second. Even with only one head left, he tried to use the lightweight cannons on both sides of his head. Attacking Ji Xiaoge, it was a pity that the girl moved lightly to the blind angle of less than 30° before he opened fire. Even though Cordoba almost broke the neck of [Gou Sheng], she was not hit by the two The machine cannon, which was not very powerful in attack, scratched even the slightest bit of clothing.

In the end, under the gaze of people who didn't know what was happening or why, Ji Xiaoge used the tool in her hand that could flexibly switch between wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, files, crowbars, etc. to kill the dog. The rest was dismantled in pieces, and given that the speed of its execution was simply unbelievable, even if the director had tried his best to provide multi-angle close-ups for this 'operation', people still couldn't play it in slow motion. I can't see clearly how the mecha was reduced to parts.

Everyone only knew that the beautiful girl with beautiful wings rushed up, and then there were a bunch of small parts flying in the sky and large parts that crashed to the ground. When they came back to their senses, the tall and powerful mecha had turned into A group of people... well, they are crazy.

And when [Gou Sheng]'s head was forcibly separated from the cockpit and rolled to the ground, Ji Xiaoge didn't even pay attention to the cockpit and the desperate Cordoba inside, but flapped his wings and flew away. Flying back and forth, she collected all the parts she had dismantled into her bag. Since her behavior did not violate the rules of the game, she cleaned the battlefield in a short time, as if there was only one lone pilot in the first place. The cockpit is there.

Until then, Ji Xiaoge leisurely flapped his wings and hovered in front of the cockpit, tapping on it lightly: "Come out."

There was no feedback, only deathly silence that answered the girl.

"Are you losing your temper? It's not like that... Could it be that... Oh, right!"

Ji Xiaoge suddenly clapped his hands, then squatted next to the cockpit hatch, used the powerful tool that turned into a screwdriver in his hand to press hard on a certain card slot, and then pressed hard——

Poof! ! !

With a sound as if something was leaking air, the closed cockpit suddenly popped open, and Ji Xiaoge hurriedly launched the [Valkyrie Catherine Grenade] before the kobold inside made a move. Mode] was carried on the shoulder, and he aimed accurately at the kobold who was reaching for the pickaxe behind his back, and smiled: "Hi~"


Cordoba, knowing that the situation was over, sighed deeply and said with a dry smile: "Sorry, the hatch was stuck just now."

"I know."

Ji Xiaoge smiled and said in a brisk tone: "In overload mode, there are three sets of safety insurances that will be forcibly activated, but because the teacher is too lazy to connect them in parallel, the hatch cover will have a high probability of maintaining its share of safety insurance until three It will be automatically lifted after an hour."

Cordoba's face froze, and he was silent for a long time before leaning on the driver in frustration, and said helplessly: "To be honest, have you guessed that the reason why I am willing to fight you in energy-saving mode is because of this car?" Something?"


Ji Xiaoge shook his head without hesitation, then changed the topic and said very cheerfully: "I only know that except for the rune body, I can deal with all the powers you can use. You know, we are both Players, any equipment or technology that may be used by you, the teacher will ask for my opinion immediately. Even if my level is not enough to participate in the corresponding project, I can still see all the parameters and blueprints."

Cordoba twitched his lips: "So this [ninth-generation agricultural engineering mecha]..."

“I am involved in more than 70% of the manufacturing process.”

Ji Xiaoge gave the answer simply and neatly, flapping his wings and smiling: "Because your body is a special machine with an independent code name, rather than a mass-produced machine with just a series of ordinary numbers, so every component is It is a specialized type created separately. About 30% of the content is something that I am completely incapable of participating in. Half of the remaining 70% requires the teacher to lead me to do it, and I can complete the other half independently, just like the shell of my head. , lightweight cannons, hydraulic bearings, engine casings, etc., I made them all.”

Cordoba rolled his eyes and said angrily: "So I definitely can't beat you while driving this thing?"

"Can't win at all."

Ji Xiaoge waved the tool in his hand that turned into a wrench again and shone with a faint blue light, and said happily: "Although this thing is not as restrained as the accumulator on the rune body, as a high-authority adjustment tool, Your mecha can't handle this 'maintenance' at all. In other words, if it takes 100 points of force to break the mecha's arm, then use the correct tools to break it if you are familiar with its structure. It only takes 10 points at most to remove it.”

Cordoba raised his head and let out a long sigh, then closed his dog eyes and said sadly: "Go ahead, I'm convinced of my defeat."

"Whatever you do, don't you? Didn't I tell you that this mecha is a special machine with an independent code name? If it breaks, the teacher and I will have to repair it."

As a result, Ji Xiaoge glared at him with eyebrows raised, and ordered impatiently: "Hurry up and put away the cockpit!"

Cordoba: "...Oh."

After saying that, he crawled out with his eyes downcast, took the cockpit back with a grimace, then opened his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, blow me up."

"Why are you being blown up? Do you think your current energy-saving mode is easy to create? Or do you want to change to a ready-made female kobold posture?"

Ji Xiaoge, however, put away Catherine, waved his hand and said: "You idiot, retreat by yourself, don't let me do anything."

Cordoba: "...Oh."

Game time PM20:57

"Then, I hereby announce that the first half of the [Investigation Debate·Personal Battle] semi-finals has officially ended, because the players from Cordoba voluntarily admitted defeat..."

Although he couldn't see his face, just by listening to the voice, he knew that his face was red and beaming with smiles. He suddenly stood up. After the heroic winged girl and [WIN] disappeared from the screen, he spread his arms and said loudly: "Yege player, advance to the finals!"

Tianshu smacked his lips and sighed: "To be honest, this game may be a little lacking in terms of gold content, but in terms of information and drama, it is completely worthy of the 'semi-finals' level. At least we now know one thing It’s true, Player Yege and Player Cordoba are not only acquaintances, but they may also belong to the same force in the game.”

Shota nodded slightly and said sternly: "Yes, the creator of the Cordoba player and the mentor of the Night Song player are the same person. I am afraid no one could have guessed this before the game. It is precisely because of this that there is The strong player from Cordoba was severely restrained and was eliminated without even showing his absolute strength."

"But I still envy the players from Cordoba."

The handsome guy raised his hand and pulled the smiling face back to the chair, and said in a tone with rare emotional fluctuations: "After all, his mecha is very handsome. In my opinion, being able to control that kind of mecha in battle is a beautiful thing in itself. As for Player Ye Ge, after successively defeating the player from Cordoba who was ranked second in the personal power rankings before the start of the competition, and the anonymous player who was highly suspected of being in third place, there is only one opponent left in front of him, and that is the bottom half. Winner between Kristina Uecker and Petunia Grandiflora.”

Tianshu smiled casually and said with a smile: "To be honest, I am already looking forward to what will happen after the so-called 'sub-professional' wins the championship."

"I emphasize again, there is no decisive connection between whether you are the strongest and whether you can win in the end, because even in the game itself of [Innocence Boundary], we can pass countless ways that have nothing to do with combat power. Means are used to achieve the goal and kill the enemy. Although [Inquisition of Crime] is strictly speaking the 'World's Best Martial Arts Competition', it must also follow the basic logic of the game. Therefore, at least in terms of 'competitiveness', [Inquisition of Crime] 】The gold content is actually not high.”

Xiaomian cleared his throat and suddenly said seriously: "Perhaps many people will regret that such outstanding players as Xinglong and Cordoba did not reach the end. This is understandable, but if If you attack other players because of this kind of thing, then I can only say that you are crazy. After all, we never advertised with ghosts such as competitiveness and fairness from the beginning. Our game is only popular because it is fun, not because It’s fair. People like Awakening Dragon Player and Cordoba Player are willing to play our game because our game is fun, do you understand?”

"Cut in your aggression."

It was clear that someone was worried that his daughter would be criticized because of her lack of strength. The handsome man glanced at the smiling face and then added: "But the words are rough and the reasoning is not rough."

"Then, please take a break."

Tianshu clapped his hands and said in a brisk tone: "The second half semi-finals hosted by the beautiful girl commentary team will begin soon."

"Stay tuned-"

"Christina Uecker, versus—"

"Morunias grandiflora."

Chapter 2110: End

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