Quadruple split

Chapter 2122: Know how to change the world, the man who defies nature


Mo Tan stared at the girl's clear and bright eyes, but after all, he couldn't say anything.

He knew very well that this silence that could not conceal the sadness would not hurt the other party further. On the contrary, the reason why the girl in front of him took the responsibility on herself for countless times was not to use this tenderness to hurt anyone. People, but want to give the past, present and future of the relationship between the two people a certain character. Although it cannot solve the problem, it will prevent the problem from getting worse quickly.

Whether it is Mo Tan or Yu Chen, they actually know very well that although the relationship between them is "more than friendship, not lovers" on the surface, it is still stable, but it is actually just a fragile thin layer of ice on the water. There's nothing wrong with using the extremely harsh description of "breakable at the touch of a finger."

There are countless reasons for this situation, so much so that even a running account of the description seems lengthy and cumbersome. However, before these countless causes turned into effects, the girl used her gentleness more than once. Slow down the process with tolerance and always be considerate of the other person's weakness and secrets.

Even Yuchen himself didn't know how long the fragile relationship between the two could last.

The only thing I can be sure of is that at least at this moment, the girl did apologize to those around her from the bottom of her heart.

She has already said the reason——

She knew Hei Fan's pain, but she didn't want to give him a 'relief' out of selfishness.

But Mo Tan knew very well that the more selfish person among the two was never Yu Chen.

"Sooner or later I'm going to turn into a piece of bad black history."

He curled his lips and muttered a little tiredly.

However, Yuchen blinked slightly, tilted his head and asked, "Then I... keep looking forward to it?"

"Don't expect it."

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and glared at the other party.


Yuchen smiled playfully, then changed the subject and asked, "Do you think Nana has a chance in the next game?"

"To be honest, I don't know how she could lose."

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and said helplessly: "But the problem is, in those previous games, I couldn't imagine how the opponent of Dahua Petunia could lose."

Yuchen nodded and sighed: "It seems that there are quite a lot of people who are mistaken for super masters due to various misunderstandings because they are not very powerful."

"It's quite a lot, but in the case of morning glory, most truly strong people can still see clearly how much it weighs. As for the subjects you mentioned, almost everyone except a few people can see it. They’ve all been deceived.”

Mo Tan made a very pertinent comment and shrugged: "But if Morning Glory can really go one step further, even if he is only in third place, he is likely to rise to the top."

Yuchen followed the train of thought: "Is it because of the reward?"

"Of course it's because of the reward."

Mo Tan nodded and said with a smile: "Let's take the third runner-up as an example. First of all, the 50,000 gold coins are just for the first place. They are valuable, but not much, but the remaining items are powerful. Okay, what is the concept of a legendary quest chain? That is, the rewards at each stage are at least equivalent to an epic quest. After completing the whole set, you can at least get a complete set of self-consistent equipment, skills or other rewards. If you can really complete it, the theoretical lower limit It also needs to be able to see the small mountains in a high-level category."

Yuchen was startled and surprised: "Is it so powerful?!"

"That's a legendary quest chain, the highest quality in [The Realm of Innocence]."

Mo Tan looked at Yu Chen who was in disbelief, and explained: "But in this game, the 'quality' of a task is not only linked to the 'reward', but also directly proportional to the 'difficulty', and according to me As we know, the increasing proportion of difficulty of tasks with different qualities is much greater than that of rewards. If the difficulty of tasks of ordinary quality is 10, then excellent quality is 20, excellent quality is 100, epic quality is 500, and legendary... 1000 Go up."

Yuchen nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with seriousness written all over his face: "Oh! So Hei Fan, how is the progress of your two legendary quest chains?"


Mo Tan was stunned for a moment and said confusedly: "What is the legendary quest chain?"

"I remember it was called [Luke Tefero's Footsteps], and [Primordial Saint Angel's Footprints]."

Yuchen raised both hands, stretched out her index finger and shook it: "You left me in the City of Light and followed the Northern Expedition to Sumir to complete the world's mission as a reward. I remember there were two of them. The legendary quest chain is coming!”

Only then did Mo Tan remember that there seemed to be such a thing, and immediately slapped his forehead: "Yes!"

Considering that the two tasks that Yuchen mentioned just now are always in the task bar of 'Hei Fan' and not other characters, his previous appearance was not an act, but that he really replaced those two tasks with ordinary ones. Players or the studio may have been so excited about the explosive legendary quest chain that they forgot about it.

There is no other reason - busy!

Busy and simple.

Busy and direct.

Busy and unpretentious.

You must know that after the shopping spree between the Holy Mountain Sumir and the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect, the character named "Black Van" under the absolutely neutral personality only stayed in the City of Light for a short period of time before meeting Yuchen and Feiyali. , Blake and Ascetic Tom went to Academy City Exchange Meeting together, and almost exhausted themselves to death due to time management issues.

After the mysterious man who could change his appearance appeared, he finally began to face 'himself' and judged that 'himself' was lurking in the dark and watching. Who knows what he was coveting, Mo Tan fell into panic and began to make preparations. means of coping or even countermeasures.

Later, the exchange meeting in Academy City ended in various undercurrents. After returning to the City of Light, Mo Tan under his current personality was immediately notified to go to Dubuya City to confront the northern blood barbarians. .

Although he was very emotionally resistant to this appointment, since the two characters of 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo' could hardly have much influence under the sun, the 'Black Van Priest' became the leader of the Dawn Sect and even the It is obviously very necessary to be an important member of the Holy Religion Union, and it is foreseeable that after he truly becomes the talkative person in Doumbouya City, he will be able to cultivate cronies and influence within the Holy Religion Union very easily.

In fact, apart from the union of holy religions, there are also many so-called "mountains" within the Dawn Sect. But at least as far as Mo Tan knows, these hills are actually quite united, except for a few knights. In addition to the healthy competitive relationship between them, whether it is an ascetic order, a battle nun, or various master-disciple and military relationships, they will often help each other and solve problems for their colleagues through their respective connections and resources.

However, this style of painting is not common. In fact, just before the last pope disappeared, he spent nearly five years "reorganizing" this sect, removing those who like to fight for power and form small groups to exclude their colleagues. People use [Law and Binding] to hang on the top of the Dawn Cathedral. The Dawn Sect is not monolithic, but this is actually a very normal situation. After all, regardless of the game, in real units, there are many mountains and Various small groups are also emerging in endlessly. It is not uncommon for one department to have one power. It can only be said that where there are people, there are Jianghu.

So since the magic stick is also a human being, this kind of thing is naturally normal.

By the way, 'normal' here does not include the [Minority Sect] of the Sun Sect and the outrageous [Performance System] of the Wealth Sect, which even the Pope cannot escape!

There is no need to go into details about what happened after that. Under the operation of the Saint of Fortune, Fairy Graham, who calls herself a 'Hafan Investor', the team that rushed to Doumbouya City, in addition to Pastor Heifan and Dawn, In addition to the large amount of supplies provided by the sect, there are also large amounts of supplies provided by the Holy Son of Justice Avery, the Holy Son of Abundance Philip, and the three major sects of Wealth, Justice, and Abundance.

To this day, although he is still a little far away from being the absolute talker in Doumbouya City, Mo Tan seems to have been recognized by most people, especially after thwarting the revenge of the group of harpies and catching them all. Finally, it is no exaggeration to say that even though he did not appear in that battle, when everyone knew that it was the 'Black Van Priest' who directed everything, his prestige had already caught up with the one he had fought with the Sun Saint before. Together with his son, he led everyone to severely defeat the former Harpy Queen, Knight Commander Harrington of the Sun Cult.

It is precisely because there are too many things to take care of as a 'Black Van Priest'. Not only do you need to take into account the reorganization of the Doumbouya City garrison and comprehensive cooperation with Skolk, you even need to combine with the Holy Religion or some other matters. The administrative work among the Dawn Sect also requires him to personally weigh. For example, in addition to the formal report directly to the joint senior management, he also has to write additional "For Xia Lian", "For Fiyali", "For the Dawn Sect" and even "Special Supply" "His Royal Highness Wangyu's intelligence is at least four versions of the report. Although Xia Liya, who is currently appointed as the adjutant, helped to take over most of the things, Yi Zou also took over a lot of trivial matters including secretarial work," Pastor Hei Fan 'There's still never enough time.

Under such circumstances, as he could not stay idle for even five minutes as long as he was online, he naturally forgot about the two legendary task chains early, so that even when he later saw the uninvited guest Luke Tifilo, I even forgot to mention the mission called [Luke Tefero's Footsteps] to me.

It was only then that he remembered, under Yuchen's reminder, that he still had two legendary quest chains in his pocket, and then...

"I really don't have time."

Mo Tan scratched his hair and said with a wry smile: "I'm almost too busy. Don't forget it. Even if I can remember it, I don't have time to mess with that thing."

"Thanks to someone, I have some time... Ah, that's right!"

Yuchen's eyes suddenly lit up, he clapped his hands gently and said, "Do you still remember the reward I got after we recovered Misha County? There was a clue to the legendary quest chain, but because I haven't paid much attention to it, now I just I remember that I have something to do with Her Majesty the Goddess. Well, if I had known if I had known about it, I would have given it a serious try. Even if I could only become a little stronger, it would definitely be helpful in the team competition."

Mo Tan smiled casually, shook his head and said: "Don't think so much. If you are interested, you can discuss the task with Xia Lian after you are done with the [Inquisition and Controversy]. As for now... just watch the game with peace of mind."

"You better actually watch the game."

Like a ghost, Cordoba poked half of his head out from behind the sofa where the two of them were sitting, and said with a resentful look on his face: "It's too much. It's obvious that all my brothers were killed in such shame, but you are still here, don't you?" I'm so awesome!"

Mo Tan glanced at him and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, you are destined to miss out on equipment due to talent issues, and because the characteristics of the rune body are almost impossible to improve through any channels including but not limited to tasks. If Wushuang wins the championship, why not send Xiaoge into the top three and let her get more rewards."

Yu Chen did not agree with Mo Tan this time. He just tilted his head and thought for a while, then turned to Cordoba seriously and said, "Fortunately, I will be happy if any of you wins."

Cordoba twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes and said, "Why didn't either of you refute the matter about the flash..."

Mo Tan sighed and said helplessly: "If you really have nothing to do, go and count the money."

"The count is over."

Cordoba took a deep breath and said while trembling: "The one with the pigeon just sold for 1.64 million, plus the previous ones, the total is 9.59 million, after tax. "

Mo Tan and Yu Chen looked at each other. Although they both saw shock and shake in each other's eyes, they were only shocked and shaken. After all, one of them is the daughter of an internationally famous swordsman, and the other is a mentally ill monster. If you have a baby, you won't lose your temper beyond recognition just because of this.

After Cordoba finished speaking, he suddenly became serious. After coughing slightly, he lowered his voice and asked Yuchen, "What about that? Can I ask you something?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Tell me first."

"Actually, it's nothing, just... uh..."

Cordoba pinched his hair with a sly expression and said: "Didn't I get a lot of gold coins from Dongzi's house this time, so I made a little plan and decided to complete the apartment first, and then rent a car. And then……"

Mo Tan interrupted him angrily: "Tell me the important point."

"Well, the point is, among these plans, one of them is for you good friends to sort out."

"So you want to ask what we would like to eat?"

"That's not true. I know there is a very expensive self-service restaurant. We can just go there when the time comes."

"Then what do you want to consult?"

"Ahem... I just want to ask if those friends of Yuchen... are free tomorrow?"

"You mean Big Brother, Mimi and Xiaoqian? They are all in S City."

"I can book a flight for you. It's the National Day holiday anyway, wouldn't it be a good idea to come to City B for a visit? Uh... Mo Tan, don't look at me like that. It's hard for me to become rich. It's not against the law to pretend to be rich. We are explain……"

"say what?"

"Tell me, your friend named Nangong...is he free this time?"

Chapter 2113: End

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