Quadruple split

Chapter 2128 Completely lame

Petunia grandiflora wins.

If you only look at the results, this actually doesn't mean anything. After all, both sides in this game are the kind of mysterious and powerful people who have exposed very little information and have not been able to find out the details at all, so put aside some certain big flowers. Regardless of the fact that the cow is just a parallel import, in terms of public opinion, there may be more people who think that the morning glory will win.

However, even though many people thought that Big Flower Petunia could win, they did not expect that he would win in such an explosive way.

Different from the previous rounds of games that made people feel unclear, this semi-final was a real tough battle. As a thick-earth dragon, Christina was attacking furiously throughout the whole process. In view of the dragon's extremely oppressive size, Compared with the simple and unpretentious attack method of the dragon in question, full of wild beauty, the audio-visual impact is almost fully achieved by it.

As for why the three words 'unilateral' are used, the reason is actually very simple, that is, except for the initial understatement and child's play of the sword, Petunia has never done anything in this game. Once out of season, he just stood behind the mysterious [Absolute Realm] and calmly allowed Christina to continue beating him all the time.

It's just that this 'beating' needs to be in quotation marks. After all, from the moment Christina took action, until the game was forcibly ended due to the exhaustion of time, not only was Petunia Grandiflora unscathed, but... it didn't move a step. !

Not only that, through the live broadcast interface, the audience can intuitively find that although the health of the two people did not fluctuate throughout the whole process, at the last moment, Christina's physical fitness value had dropped to less than 20%, and Da In addition to the health value of Flower Morning Glory remaining unchanged, the stamina bar also remains full at all times!

Make a decision!

In fact, when the game lasted for half an hour, people had already vaguely felt that Petunia grandiflora would win. But when the game was about to be forcibly ended with only half an hour left, everyone no longer felt Instead of paying attention to the live broadcast, they were discussing with great fanaticism just how powerful the petunia is!

In addition, there are many good people who have said that Petunia dahua is the first gentleman of [Innocence Realm]. The reason is that not only did he play all the games with ease, but also the anonymous girl in the last round Li or the current Christina, Brother Niu was very restrained and did not take any action.

"When facing the young girl, he didn't even draw his sword."

Xiao Xiaobai sighed, ignoring the dazed wife, the dozing beauty, and Xiao Bingbing who was secretly watching the show. He stood up and stared at the camera with a calm and indifferent expression, as if he had expected such an outcome——

"When facing the giant dragon, just because the opponent's naming style was quite feminine, she just lightly clicked with her sword. After that, no matter how fierce and crazy Christina's attack was, the petunias were still Never fought back even once.

If we extend the topic a little further, we will even find that even the Yaya players who not only refused to admit defeat but also distanced themselves from each other and constantly harassed and provoked themselves, the Dahua Morning Niu players took measures that could cause the opponent the least amount of pain. Means, kill it instantly with the force of thunder.

Finally, let’s look at the game where we first noticed the Big Flower Morning Glory player. At this moment, I have reason to believe that the reason why the Big Onmyoji player Gu Xiaole lost the game without warning was because she was seeing After reaching the opponent's strength, he felt inferior, so he chose to admit defeat.

So, what is the difference between Onmyoji Gu Xiaole and the anonymous contestant who chose to admit defeat and withdraw from the competition, and contestant Christina and Brave Yaya who stubbornly resisted?

I don’t know how you understand it, but if I were to share my opinion, then I would like to say that whether it is the Great Onmyoji or the Evil Master, these two professions will probably involve some knowledge that is taboo after all. Not to mention that plague seems to be a branch of undead knowledge. Even the source of Onmyoji, which is the [spiritual medium] with a long history and inheritance in our country, is commonly known as the Jumping God. Its nature is quite similar to that of the Necromancer. resemblance.

Not only that, because the name hiding function and the appearance hiding function cannot be enabled at the same time in this competition, and the race of the anonymous contestant is human, so according to the principle that the age ratio of the player in the game will not be too different from the person in theory , we can roughly conclude that there is a high probability that the anonymous contestant is just a child, and as we all know, children can often see many things that adults cannot see, so... is there a possibility that the contestant Big Flower Morning Glory actually Is there always some kind of 'horror' that is indescribable and difficult for ordinary people to discover? "

After saying these words, Xiao Xiaobai picked up the thermos cup in front of him and took a sip, then turned to look at the other three commentators who finally realized that the game was over.

"I do not know."

The good wife, who knew that her lying ability was unreliable, did not hesitate at all and immediately cleared the relationship with an extremely simple answer.

"I think……"

The beauty touched her chin and murmured in a low voice: "There is a difference between an onmyoji and a psychic... Hmm."

"Sister Xiaobai——"

Xiao Bingbing looked at Xiao Xiaobai very seriously and said sternly: "You are a cattle expert, what do you say?"


Xiao Xiaobai nodded reservedly, and then continued: "In short, although the player Christina showed extremely powerful lethality, her peak strength still did not reach the epic level. She still could not do anything to the player Dahua Morning Glory. She didn’t force out the latter’s true power, but no matter what, she at least made us understand that in addition to the terrifying attack power and range of the Big Flower Morning Glory players, they also have desperate methods.”

Because she could see the character panel, it was clear that Christina was actually not lethal at all. The Good Wife coughed slightly, stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Bai back to her seat, and smiled at the camera: "Anyway, let us congratulate Dahua. For morning glory contestants, you can choose to purchase [Amber-Eyed Yellow Dragon] or [Bull-Eyed] limited-edition fireworks to light in public spaces or private rooms to support two contestants~"

"And the next game will be the battle for third place in this year's [Investigation of Crime] individual battle."

Xiao Bingbing also looked up at the camera and said seriously: "The two sides are Cordoba and Christina."

"I hope both players can give us a wonderful game."

The beauty nodded vigorously, blinked and said, "After that, contestants Ye Ge and Dahua Morning Glory will compete for the overall championship of this year's [Inquisition Contest] individual battle!"

"Watch out for morning glory."

Niu scholar Xiao Xiaobai stood up again and made his final concluding remarks with a serious face.

"Be careful of the big flower morning glory..."

In the temporary banquet hall of the Broken Wind Bird Club, Qingqing Apple Xiangliu frowned slightly. He looked around at the powerful men around him, most of whom were well-known, and asked curiously: "Is he really that strong? Even more powerful than Cordoba. Is it strong?"

The second director of Gymboree Studio, Diamond Piao, shrugged, shook his head innocently and said, "My accomplishments in combat are very bad. I really can't tell."

"Don't listen to his nonsense."

The typing warrior sneered, and showed a warm and sunny smile to Qingqing Apple Xiang: "You fight fiercely, and your tactics are very dirty."

Diamond Star glared at the typing warrior with a gloomy expression, gritted his teeth and said: "A dog can't spit out ivory, and you don't even know how to spread rumors. Who among you here doesn't know that I [Diamond Watch] is just a businessman at best, although I am criticized by my colleagues. I have become a small director, and I dress like a dog for the sake of the studio's face, but those good equipment are just for appearance to me. For fighting and other things, standing still and showing off my skills are okay, but I am said to be a fierce fighter. It’s just mindless nonsense…”

"Then I'll just make a few random remarks."

The typing warrior lightly interrupted the diamond watch, then turned to look at Xinglong, and said leisurely: "Do you still remember the period when [Xuanhuang Zhulu] was the most popular? Did your red constellation get robbed seven times in two months? Escorts more than ten times? The leader is this diamond watch, but he specializes in [Rogue], and he also spent a lot of money to bid for the [Tian Zi Lingling Lacquer Seal] dropped by the world BOSS, so It won't be discovered."

Xinglong: "..."

Diamond watch: "..."

Baihuasha: "Damn it, you were the maniac who was staring at the red constellation and committing dart robbery!?"

Lussell: "Director Diamond Watch understands justice, and Lao Lu admires it."

Guijianchou: "I've seen it once, and the flying knife is pretty good."

Guoshi Wushuang: "Wow."

Although people such as Boss Sakaki did not speak, their expressions were a little bit tense.

As for being stabbed in the back by some vindictive bastard, my brain was almost shut down at this moment. The handsome face that was originally good-looking had turned into the color of pig liver. I looked at it with sweat dripping and swallowed: "Brother Xinglong, I……"

“I played a lot of [Olathe Wars] during that time.”

Xinglong smiled, shrugged and said, "Except for the national war with [Immortal], [Pai Lao], and [Broken Wind Bird], I basically don't remember those things in [Xuanhuang] during the same period."

Zuan Biao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xing Long with eyes filled with emotion.

Obviously, faced with the provocation of the typing warrior, the top player in the game with the red constellation chose to ‘turn the page’. In other words, he ignored Diamond Watch’s actions at that time and pretended not to know about it.

As a result, the diamond watch was not yet moved, but the typing warrior took the lead and nodded to Xinglong, saying seriously: "He is indeed a good old man with a pure character like me, and he can remember dozens of minor grudges in a certain pattern. Lesbians who have been together for several years are completely different, but I just sent a message to Hanmei from your club to mention this matter. She said that if the message is true, she will definitely find an opportunity to lead someone to do something special with that guy called Diamond Watch. Grandson, let me know why the flowers are so red."

Xinglong: "..."

Diamond watch: "..."

Hundred Flowers Kill: "..."

Guoshi Wushuang: "Wow."

"Let's stop talking about the digression."

Boss Sakaki, who had a rather oppressive aura, glanced at the typing warriors, looked around at the 'ace' who had almost forgotten the game, then turned to Qingqing Apple Xiang and said in a deep voice: "I can only say, Before this game, I always felt that the player named Big Flower Morning Glory was just lucky enough to reach this point."

Qing Qing Apple Xiang nodded slightly and asked, "What about now?"

"have no idea."

Boss Sakaki gave the answer honestly, and then said sternly to the people around him: "Maybe we should brainstorm ideas."

Lussell, who was most familiar with him, smiled and suggested: "How about you come and offer some advice? As far as I know, Tokiwa Studio should be the only one of us who has had contact with Ms. [Christina]. of."


Although he has a cold temperament, Keren can easily become excited due to the fighting atmosphere. His eyes immediately lit up and he asked: "Tell me about it?"

Boss Sakaki, who has extremely high authority within the studio and is destined to join Joban's management after retiring from the front line, did not hesitate much. After pondering for a while, he said frankly and honestly: "To put it simply, our Seventeenth Special The Warband and Lorelai..."


Baihuasha suddenly howled like he was having a convulsion, and then suddenly hugged himself tightly and said with an intoxicated face: "Oh~OL Feng Nian's glasses girl~!"

"Be quiet."

Sakaki glanced at her, paused for half a second and then continued: "Our Seventeenth Special Forces Group and Lorelei once briefly cooperated with Christina Yuk and her partners in a regional mission, and … It caused some unpleasantness.”

"Have you had some conflict with that dragon?"

The typing warrior took a breath of cold air and gave Sakaki a thumbs up: "Bullshit."

"At the end of the mission, an adult azure dragon that had lost its mind attacked them. If nothing else happened, leaving aside the strong NPCs from the Archaeologists Association and the Elf Forest, the players' casualties would probably exceed 80%. "

Boss Sakaki ignored the typing warrior and said to himself: "At the last moment, Christina Youke, who did not hesitate to expose her identity as a dragon, stepped forward and transformed into a dragon to stop the rampaging blue dragon. Then she disappeared with her companions."

The national scholar Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "For adult azure dragons, even if they lose their minds and cannot use their most famous dragon language magic, it is not something that ordinary strong people can resist."

"In any case, we can at least judge that Christina is not a parallel import based on the information Sakaki gave."

Guijian frowned in worry, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "So...that big flower morning glory is really a strong man beyond common sense..."

"Big flower morning glory..."

"Well, big flower morning glory..."

"I really didn't expect that the morning glory would actually..."

"I wonder if there is a force to which I belong, Big Flower Morning Glory..."

"Why is it not on the list before the start of the game? Big flower and morning glory..."

"It's impossible not to check, Big Flower Morning Glory..."

"Be careful of the big flower morning glory..."

Chapter 2119: End

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