Quadruple split

Chapter 213 Special Operations Team

half an hour later

Mida City, City Hall

Thor handed a piece of parchment with still-dry ink to Mo Tan, and said with a smile, "Is that enough? Mr. Hei Fan."

"Yes, thank you." Mo Tan quickly read the above content and bowed slightly: "Thank you for your support, Lord City Lord."

"It would be great if I could help. Anyway, there are not many places where I can help." Thor shook his head and put the quill aside casually: "The support came from Hofer City. The food can last for a long time, and the people's mood is also very stable. After all, with the protection of the Knights, and the great achievements of Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady during this period, the previously agitated atmosphere has completely calmed down."

Mo Tan sighed and smiled bitterly: "But you should also know that the situation in other parts of the county has become increasingly serious. The number of mutants transformed from ordinary people is increasing every day..."

"I know." Thor also suppressed his smile and nodded sadly: "Last night, a team was attacked when they returned to Mida City. The knights and civilians suffered heavy casualties. This kind of thing had never happened before. Never happened."

Mo Tan put away the parchment in his hand, then strolled to the map of Misha County hanging on the side of the room, reached out and gently brushed it: "His Royal Highness Xia Lian and a hundred holy knights successively solved the Oak City and After the crisis in Stan City, it will be difficult to go south again..."

Sol nodded: "What do you mean?"

"Perhaps we don't have much time." Mo Tan looked at the large area in the south of Misha County on the map and replied solemnly, then shook his head and said: "But this is not the focus of the moment, regardless of Her Highness the Saint. What is the situation over there? We must at least ensure the safety around Mida City, otherwise we will be too passive."

Thor nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "I will fully cooperate with any actions taken by the Holy Religion."

"You are already doing it, Lord City Lord." Mo Tan turned around and smiled at him, then leaned over again and said: "Then please allow me to take leave first. May the goddess be with you and me."

"May the goddess be with you and me."

five minutes later

"So what do you mean when you asked me to come here to meet up, and then you ignored me for nearly half an hour?" Yu Ying, who was leaning by the door of the city hall, glanced at Mo Tan, who had just stumbled over him, and her tone was quite serious. Bad: "I'm very busy."

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly: "What I said should be after a while..."

"It seems that we have different understandings of the words 'in a while', well, forget it." Yuying waved her hands coolly, lowered her head and played with the short crossbow in her hand while asking: "Look for What’s the matter with my coming here?”

Mo Tan took out the piece of paper that Sol had just written not long ago and handed it to her: "First thing, take a look at this."

"Tsk, do you want it to be so mysterious?" Yuying curled her lips and complained, then took the parchment and read in a low voice: "Special Operations Team Recruitment Order? What the hell is this...eh?"

She suddenly froze for a moment in the middle of speaking, and then lost her mind for about two seconds. Then she raised her eyebrows at Mo Tan and said, "Mission?"

"Great, pretty much what I expected." Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, then took the parchment back from Yu Ying's hand and asked curiously: "What are the mission contents and rewards?"

Yu Ying, the assassin who gave people a kind of "unrequited feeling" most of the time, was not aloof at all in front of other players. He even said happily: "The content of the mission is very vague. It is to cooperate with those who come from the sanctuary." When low-level paladins fight, the reward is money and assassin professional experience, but there is no specific value. It only says that it will be settled based on the completion level every day. Wow, wow!"

"Huh?" Mo Tan blinked and asked doubtfully, "Why are you so happy?"

Upon hearing this, Yu Ying immediately narrowed her eyes, then looked around carefully and professionally, and found that there was no one waiting. She immediately waved her arms with bright eyes: "Money! I like this kind of money the most." If you do it for a long time or do it repeatedly, you will get money every time you finish the task! It doesn’t matter what experience you have, but the monetary reward on the task is measured in silver coins! Silver coins, my God!!”

"Oh, yes... that's it." Mo Tan looked at the female assassin in front of him who had lost all her grace, and nodded stiffly. For various reasons, he didn't care much about the money in the game. It can be said that there was a big concept in the past, but it has disappeared some time ago, so it is not very easy to empathize with the other party. However, he did not stupidly ask, "Are silver coins valuable?" After all, in Yu At the moment when Ying reacted so violently, it felt like it was a bit ironic to ask.

However, Yu Ying is a very sharp person. She noticed something was wrong with Mo Tan's tone at that time, and immediately snorted: "What? You don't think this money is enough? You have such a 'highness of the saint'" How can an old friend of mine understand the hard work of a zero-krypton party like me?"

"Why do you even start calling me old friends? We are just friends in real life, and we are not very familiar with each other." Mo Tan gave a bitter smile, spread his hands and said: "And I didn't take any advantage either. Rice."

"Anyway, it's almost the same. Those who care about details are # ¥ @~" Yuying rolled her eyes and said seriously: "Do you know how poor I am? Do you know how much money I have in this damn profession?" How much does it cost? It costs money to maintain hand crossbows, disposable daggers, replenishing crossbow arrows, changing strings, scarves, homemade caltrops and other messy props, and it’s still # ¥%. Chance of failure! I only have a total of two silver coins and a dozen copper plates in my body now. The poorest people are %¥#@. I want to sell underwear, okay?! I chose the profession of assassin in addition to being handsome, and another very important purpose is to make money Pocket money, you bastard!”

Mo Tan was shocked at that time: "Can the underwear here be taken off?!"

Yuying snorted softly, gritted her teeth with a ferocious look on her face and said, "I didn't say that in the game..."

Mo Tan:? !

"Why, is it illegal to sell underwear?" Yuying glanced at him and said proudly: "My roommate is the school beauty, as long as I take advantage of her at night..."

"I'm sorry! Let's not discuss this issue anymore!" Mo Tan immediately interrupted her with a look of despair, and added seriously: "And your sales method is indeed illegal."

He felt that although it was still open to question whether this female assassin had Mo De's feelings, she could basically prove that she had Mo De's money...

"Okay, let's continue talking about this mission." Yu Ying also accepted it as he said, and the transition from a ferocious face to a calm and calm face was not even on a CD: "Tell me carefully."

Mo Tan nodded haggardly, and then asked Yuying: "Last night, a group of people encountered a large number of mutants on their way back to Mida City. You should already know that, right?"

The latter scratched his cheek: "I know, I saw those people running back, it was so miserable..."

"That's right, eight of the ten paladins were killed, and nearly a hundred civilians were killed or injured, more than half, and all those who came back were injured. It can be said that the injuries were quite heavy." Mo Tan nodded and said seriously: "But these can actually be avoided. .”

Yu Ying frowned and asked in confusion: "Avoid it? They encountered sixty or seventy mutants. I think it's a miracle that so many of them came back alive. How to avoid it? Lie on the ground and pretend to be dead?"

"Mutants are not bears..." Mo Tan complained weakly, then shook his head and said: "What I want to say is that they were not very far from Mida City at the time. If they received support in time, let alone It was possible for most people to be saved, and it was even possible to annihilate all the mutants, but the situation at that time simply did not allow them to send people back to explain the situation, so it ended up being this result."

Yuying frowned: "That's not a... wait, what do you mean?"

"Smart." Mo Tan clapped his hands in approval, then smiled at Yu Ying and said, "That's what I mean."

"You want to train a group of flying pigeons that can deliver messages!!!"

"Yes, I just want to train... What the hell do I want to train!?"

Mo Tan was speechless and covered his forehead, feeling that the girl in front of him had such a big mind that he couldn't even see her brain.

"You're kidding, you're kidding~" Yuying shook her head with a smile, stretched out her index finger and shook it: "You want players to send information through friend messages, right?"

Yu Ying's reaction speed was very fast. She almost immediately thought of the same solution as Mo Tan after he finished speaking, and this matter was indeed very simple for their 'players'.

There is no need to send people back to the city, no need to waste time, just a simple message from a friend can instantly convey the information to a place thousands of miles away. Whether it is requesting support or reporting the situation, there is no middleman to make a profit... I mean There was no delay at all, and there was no need to waste half a minute.

In this game where you can use your consciousness to enter text in the chat box, send a message to your friends: 'I encountered some zombies near XXX, requesting fire support! Repeat, requesting fire support! ’ This kind of words doesn’t even last two seconds.

"That's right." Mo Tan twitched the corners of his lips and nodded: "That's what I mean."

Yu Ying smacked her lips: "Tsk, tsk, I've been playing this game for so long, and this is the first time I've discovered that the identity of 'player' is somewhat useful."

This is not true at all. After all, in the world of innocence, players have almost no privileges except friend messages and space bags (luggage bags). Moreover, they will encounter various or big problems due to lack of intelligence. Or a small pit, not even as cool as most NPCs.

Mo Tan thought back to his various behaviors when he was 'Tan Mo'. His first reaction was that Yu Ying's words were a bit unreliable, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that what others said was the mainstream... something was wrong. It’s just yourself under a certain personality...

"So this special operations team recruitment order is specifically for players." He pointed to the parchment in his hand and smiled at Yuying: "There are no requirements on it, and it will not be posted throughout the city. There is only one screening condition. , that is, players who can receive the same mission as you."

Yu Ying loosened the long scarf around her neck and asked sideways, "So what you mean by calling me here is..."

"I want you to be a recruiter to help find players in Mida City who are willing to help. Of course, the level cannot be too low. It must be at least level ten or above. Otherwise, it will be terrible if you go out and get infected by the plague." Mo Tan re-organized The parchment was rolled up and he gently threw it to Yuying: "Don't you often deal with those adventurers during this time? You should be somewhat aware of it, right?"

Yuying caught the 'mission order' with her backhand and raised her eyebrows slightly, "What's the benefit?"

Mo Tan pondered for a while: "I think there should be a task completion level, and then it will be settled into money or something. If not... uh, I can ask the city lord to apply for some subsidies for you?"

"OK, don't worry, just leave this matter to me~" The girl nodded happily and said energetically: "I have found at least seven or eight people who should be players. I will take care of them when I get back." They dragged you into the special operations team!"

Mo Tan shook his head: "Seven or eight are too few... Just in case, we need more manpower. The current player base of Innocence is very large, and it is not very easy to upgrade to level ten." For difficult things, I think there will definitely be a lot of qualified people here, so you have to find more people."

"Well, that's fine." Yuying nodded hesitantly, then frowned and said, "But I'm not completely sure and it's hard to ask. You can't just drag someone when you see him and ask him if he's a player, right? "

"I have a way." Mo Tan smiled slightly, and then whispered in Yu Ying's ear: "Just ask them how many steps are needed to put the elephant in the refrigerator..."

Yu Ying: "..."

at the same time

Misa County, Hofer City, in front of the United Church of Christ

"It's okay~nothing to talk about~"

A sweet-looking young girl was squatting on the steps and moaning constantly. Next to her stood a nervous young man who was worried that the girl might accidentally slip and fall.

Naturally, Wenqiu and Gaheres did not go to Mida City with the large army.

"Be careful." Gahres squatted beside Wenqiu and carefully held her shoulders, smiling bitterly: "Your body has not fully recovered yet. This is very dangerous."

The girl stuck out her tongue playfully, shook her calf and shook her head: "I'm fine now, I can walk normally! I won't fall!"

"This doesn't mean it's okay..."

Gahres, who still didn't know the identity of Qiu Qiu's player, sighed, and had to carefully hold the girl's arm and sit down next to her, and said seriously: "Be careful anyway, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Her Highness the Saint. oh."

"Don't worry, brother Gaheres, I'm very good~"

Wenqiu nodded with a smile, and narrowed her big eyes with two crescent moons: "Your Highness the Saint~ She must be working very hard now~"

"Yeah, it must be very hard..."

"That is to say, it is obviously very difficult to save, why do you have to work so hard? Wouldn't it be better to let everyone relax~"


"Hehe, it's nothing~"

Chapter 210: End

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