Quadruple split

Chapter 2139 The out-of-control person who breaks in

"real or fake……"

Yidong took a sip of juice and stared at Mo Tan, who looked a little disgusted with his eyes: "Are you sure we have the level to win the championship? I mean really 'level', not like pigeons who rely on Xiaodao's failure and a series of luck to muddle through. Winning second place.”

Mo Tan glanced at him and asked with a smile: "Do you think we are weak?"

"I don't think we are weak, but..."

Yi Dong rubbed his forehead and said sternly: "You have also seen that others are also very powerful. Even leaving aside perverts like Xiaoyu, there are not too many people who are not easy to mess with. Every one of them can feel it. Cut me into pieces."

Mo Tan sneered, raised his eyebrows and said, "I only saw that the first and second runners-up are all veritable parallel imports."

"But these are two different things. Didn't you say it yourself before? Absolute strength plays a much more important role in team competitions than in individual competitions. Whether it's morning glory or pigeons, they rely on luck and the right time and place. The miracle of standing out in the individual competition is absolutely impossible to reproduce in the team competition.”

Yidong shook his head slightly and said with a very troubled expression: "In other words, hard power is the biggest basis for winning in team battles, and we..."

"And 'we' happen to be strong."

Mo Tan lazily interrupted Yi Dong's words and chuckled: "So I have always been curious about what gave you the illusion that [Haunted Church] is not powerful enough."

Yi Dong was stunned for a moment: "I'm not..."

"That's what you mean. In other words, although you think we are not weak, we are still inferior to those so-called 'strong ones'."

Mo Tan interrupted Yi Dong again, picked up a piece of steaming hot pot meat that was just served, shook it, and said in a lazy tone: "I'll just say it one by one. First of all, you haven't interacted with me much. Yu Ying, although that woman's strength is only at the level of a second-rate strong person, her execution, understanding, and environmental adaptability are top-notch. In addition, she majored in the Assassin career system, and her mobility and investigation ability are both top-notch. Her explosive power is also very good. To put it simply, as long as she is willing to obey, she is an ideal tool."

"I did hear something about that girl Yu Ying."

Recalling the copy of [Blood Resentment Full of Window] that the other party mentioned to him a few months ago, Yidong twitched the corners of his mouth with a stiff expression and said dryly: "But are you sure this Yuying girl will listen to you? She He must obviously hate you very much, right?"

Mo Tan, who had just stuffed the pot pork into his mouth, spat out two ginger shreds on the table, and then sneered vaguely: "Are you stupid? There are indeed some romantic misunderstandings between Yu Ying and I. , but in the final analysis, the person she hates so much is 'Tan Mo', who has nothing to do with 'me'. Rather, her perception and impression of 'me' have always been very good, if it weren't for You Yuchen If you are here, it is not impossible to fall in love with me hopelessly."

"Oh shit, I forgot."

Only then did Yi Dong react, and was shocked to realize that although Mo Tan, who was sitting in front of him at this moment, was in the so-called 'chaotic neutral' state, there was no Mo Tan with a 'chaotic neutral personality' in the [Haunted Church] team. Tan' retains his position, and the intersection between Yu Ying and 'Hei Fan' is a real friendship through thick and thin. Although they have not visited prostitutes together, they have definitely carried guns together. Considering the final outcome of the battle in Misha County As a result, Yu Ying's trust in Mo Tan is absolutely MAX!

"Then there is our great Onmyoji Gu Xiaole."

Mo Tan Chopsticks kept talking and spoke very quickly: "Your dear cousin was so kind that she could easily crush the petunia to death and let the latter advance to the next level. After winning the individual competition, rounding things off, there’s nothing wrong with saying that Gu Xiaole’s gold content exceeds that of the Innocence Realm individual competition champion, right?”

Yi Dong nodded and complained: "No problem, but we both know that the gold content of the Innocence Realm individual competition championship is zero."

"Then let's change the angle."

After stuffing two pieces of Guobao Pork, Mo Tan wiped his mouth, pulled a bowl of cold noodles that the waiter had just brought to him, and mixed the cucumber, eggs, spicy cabbage, pine nuts, watermelon, and beef slices inside. Together, he said casually: "Before the guilt debate began, Onmyoji Gu Xiaole was ranked thirteenth in the personal strength rankings. According to the analysis of another woman who was ranked in the top ten, one near and one far away, that The Great Onmyoji has probably been hiding her clumsiness. As for why she was able to hide it so much that the system looked down upon her, it is probably due to the decoupling of 'realm' and 'power'."

Yi Dong frowned, grabbed the cold noodles that were about to be robbed of all the beef slices, and asked: "What do you mean? What is the decoupling of 'realm' and 'power'?"

"For example, you are being fucked to death in a game."

Mo Tan took a cold breath and said concisely: "Then you will be reincarnated into a new character, and if you take the route of a frost mage and a medium, you will definitely experience a period of decoupling between realm and power."

Yidong's mind was spinning very fast. Hearing this, he immediately retorted: "That's not right. Xiaole has never died. How could the situation you mentioned happen?"


Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and murmured meaningfully: "How could that be?"

Yidong glanced at him, frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's just that I have some suspicions. It's not something I need to tell you."

Mo Tan said something very perfunctory, and then returned to the topic just now, lazily saying: "In short, we all know that realm is much harder to mention than strength, and when realm is higher than strength, as long as There is no problem with the direction, everything you do is done with twice the result with half the effort, so if nothing else happens, as long as your dear cousin is willing to show her true skills, she will be at least 50% stronger than before the rankings were blocked."

Idong was too lazy to continue asking. He just stared eagerly at the slate squid brought by the waiter and said casually: "You continue, I'm listening."

"Then there's Yuchen."

While Mo Tan transferred the squid to his plate at an incredible speed, he said: "In principle, her combat power is actually very inadequate, but just like the profession of engineer is basically impossible to be on the list, before reaching the epic level, The situation of the auxiliary priests in the field of individual combat is very embarrassing, but in the context of group fights... that is another matter."

Yidong struggled to transport some squid on his plate and said while eating: "Stop talking nonsense. I know how valuable milk is in group battles. Just tell me how strong Yuchen is."

"have no idea."

Mo Tan gave a straightforward answer and shrugged: "After all, in the ten months since the server was launched, I have not seen or heard of any player who is worthy of Yu Chen's treatment level."

Yi Dong: "...6."

"And then there's you, Zombie."

Mo Tan stretched out his chopsticks and pointed at the tip of Yi Dong's nose, and said sternly: "I know what you want to say. You think you are a useless piece of trash, a low-energy, brain-dead, retarded idiot, but this is actually just your illusion. That’s it, as the saying goes, I am destined to be useful. Even if you are a piece of shit with no place in the cooking world, as long as you classify yourself into the category of throwing weapons, you can still exert a considerable degree of value."

Yidong put down his chopsticks expressionlessly, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's eat..."

"Who stopped you from eating?"

Mo Tan snatched away the two pieces of squid from Yi Dong's plate at lightning speed, and said earnestly: "In short, the potential of the psychic medium profession is very huge. No matter how bad it is, it will not be weaker than your sister's Onmyoji."

Yidong took a sip of the juice and frowned: "But potential is just potential, my hard power..."

"Your hard power is not weak either. The reason why you overturned in that individual competition was entirely because you were pinched to death when you lost the first move. If there was a fight, even if you couldn't win, you wouldn't lose. So ugly.”

Mo Tan mocked the other party casually, and interrupted Yi Dong before he was about to say anything: "Not only that, at least at this stage, the profession of psychic is actually better at team combat than fighting alone. As for In terms of personal qualities, your combat awareness is actually quite good, but in terms of the overall situation... Let's put it this way, in this team, it doesn't actually matter whether you have a brain or not."

Yidong, who had regained his appetite, continued to look for squid among the large amount of side dishes, and asked at the same time: "We have finished talking, what about you?"

"good question."

Mo Tan suddenly inserted his chopsticks on the stone slab, blocked Idong's chopsticks at the critical moment, and put the piece of burnt squid tentacles into his mouth. He said seriously: "To put it simply, the value of 'my' existence is actually only One, that is to integrate the combat power of the four of you and then double it.”

Although Yi Dong is the person who knows Mo Tan best inside and outside the game, but he has never fought alongside him, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he said in a loud voice: "Twice as much?!"

"You heard that right, it's doubled."

While Mo Tan lowered his head to fight with Leng Mian again, he said casually: "But rather than wasting words with you here, I prefer to take practical actions after the game starts... Huh!?"

He didn't finish his words, because at this moment, a slender and short figure suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and moved towards this side with its short legs at a very fast speed.

It was a little girl wearing a peaked cap, fair skin, and heavy eye shadow. Although her clothes were very neutral, her true gender could not be hidden in front of Mo Tan. Not only that, even her face was hidden under the wide The beautiful figure under the shirt...well, the bust, could not escape the latter's almost infallible visual inspection.

"What's wrong?"

Yidong, who had his back turned to the girl, looked at Mo Tan curiously, then followed the latter's gaze and tried to look back, just in time to meet the eyes of the girl who had appeared less than one meter behind him.


The girl immediately looked at Yi Dong with endearing eyes and whispered in a hoarse voice: "Someone is chasing me."


Before Yidong finished speaking, he heard an obvious and powerful push on the door from not far away. Although he couldn't see who it was because of the layout of the store, but even judging from the force of the door opening, the other person was Most of them are not here to eat.

"come over."

Mo Tan, on the other hand, had a solemn look on his face and waved directly to the girl, causing Yi Dong to mistakenly think that he was suddenly 'ill'.

"Put it on, shut up, and don't move."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Tan, who directly picked up the girl and stuffed it into the seat, took out two masks from his pocket. While throwing one to Yi Dong, he quickly put on the other one. Not only that, He even took out a black hairband from nowhere, stuck it on his forehead and pushed it back slightly. In the blink of an eye, he changed his hairstyle to a more eye-catching and wilder hairstyle than usual. .


On the other side, Yidong also quickly put on a mask, covering the lower half of his face, and unconditionally followed Mo Tan's advice of 'shut up' and 'don't move'.

Immediately afterwards——

"excuse me."

A young man in casual clothes with a bright smile quickly ran to the table, pointed to the girl next to Mo Tan with some embarrassment, and said sarcastically: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he is my brother, and there was a sudden commotion because of something just now. I lost my temper, so please..."

"Put away the cards, I don't like people tampering with my brain."

As a result, Mo Tan ignored the young man and stared at the man behind him with his bloodshot eyes. He secretly took out a playing card from his pocket. He looked to be in his early forties and had a somewhat expression on his face. The stunned half-inch man said coldly: "Is this how you people in City B work? Just take out your poker cards and play with your brains as long as the other party is unfamiliar?"


The young man who reacted quickly immediately slapped his head and said with a wry smile: "Sorry, sorry, mainly because we didn't expect to meet our colleagues here. I didn't know you were..."

"The one in Y City is responsible for dealing with the prowlers."

Mo Tan said simply, then turned to look at the confused girl sitting next to him, frowning and said, "Did you stab me again?"

The girl shrank her neck and said nothing because she didn't know what to say.


Mo Tan snorted coldly, then turned his gaze back to the young man's face. He coughed slightly in embarrassment and asked in a slightly more polite tone: "I'm sorry, can you tell me that this kid did it again?" Did something happen?"

"Uh... the symbolic power went crazy, almost turning more than twenty people into dementia."

The young man twitched his lips, touched his nose and said, "The victim has already recovered. The two of us chased him mainly to take him back to test his ability and character. I originally thought you two didn't know the truth. Ordinary people may have been affected by this child's ability, and the result... Well, we didn't expect that he would have a colleague around him."

"I've caused you trouble. I'm the guardian of this child. I'm sorry for accidentally letting him escape before. If possible, can you leave the rest of the matter to me?"

"Ah this..."

"Or is this child trying to trick someone else? In that case, can I go directly to your base to apologize?"

"No, no, no...man, there's no need to go to the base to apologize or anything like that!"

"Then can I understand that you agree to let me continue to supervise this child?"

"This...I...well, well, I guess so."

Chapter 2130: End

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