Quadruple split

Chapter 2141 Similarity attracts each other


Yidong suddenly covered his mouth and looked at the girl who was less than two meters away from him in confusion. At this moment, she was still in the posture of being thrown over her shoulder, lying on the ground with her arms and legs spread out, with a look of shock on her face. color.

The reason is very simple, that is, Yidong had just finished expressing his opinion which literally means 'What a fart', but he suddenly and inexplicably agreed with the girl. In the first half of the process, his mind was almost blank. , until he was about to finish speaking, he suddenly came back to his senses and regained control of his thoughts.

That’s right, it’s not that he has regained control of his mouth and vocal cords, but he has regained control of his ‘thoughts’.

【This guy--】

Because she had known for a long time that Mo Tan was related to the world's number one idol, and because her mother was also a queen-level figure in the related field, Yi Dong was not shocked by Xueyin's identity, but combined with her previous passive behavior in the hotel After collecting the information and making some kind of guess, he still opened his eyes wide and cast an incredulous look at the girl.


"come over."

Mo Tan lazily turned his head to look at Xueyin, who was still lying on the ground, and waved to the latter.


The girl who was paralyzed on the ground just now as if she was stranded immediately jumped up happily, rushed to Mo Tan with a refreshing fragrance, and asked with a smile: "Should I continue to call you Teacher M? Or should I continue to call you Teacher M?" What about the more friendly 'tan'? Or the more intimate and loving one?"

"As long as you're happy."

Mo Tan raised his right hand and stretched out his middle finger to gently lift the girl's chin. He looked carefully at the pretty face that was no longer ordinary in appearance due to the heavy foundation and then grinned: "Speaking of which, I think Let me remind you one thing first..."

Xue Yin nodded vigorously and said meekly: "Yeah! My dear, you tell me!"

"If you use any tricks on him even once again without my permission, or act in a way that makes me think it's a trick."

Mo Tan pointed at Yi Dong on the sofa opposite with his left hand, his eyes full of pure malice without any impurity, and said softly: "I promise, I will deprive you of all the fun and value, so that you can't even have a grand show." The death you asked for was not obtained, leaving only the numbness you hate most, admiring your struggle to decay and wither in despair, and blocking your tragic funeral song that no one can hear."


Forcing herself to look at those eyes that could drive her crazy for oxygen just by looking at them, Xue Yin truly tasted the so-called "fear" for the first time in her life. Then, two blushes stubbornly broke through the foundation. The blockade with almost no dead ends quietly climbed up the girl's cheek, causing her to let out an unconscious moan.


Mo Tan pinched the girl's chin, pulled her close enough to hear his breath, and asked softly: "What's the answer?"


The girl blinked her blurred and cloudy eyes, and then she hugged Mo Tan's neck and pecked him gently on the cheek, murmuring: "I apologize with my first kiss~"


Faced with this situation that would make everyone confused for a while, even Yi Dong, a bystander, was a little dazed, Mo Tan actually used a very, very, very powerful blow to blow the girl who was almost hanging on his body. He staggered, returned to his usual style of painting under his current personality, and said casually: "Sit somewhere, let's talk about business."


Xue Yin nodded, and then sat obediently on Mo Tan's lap.

Yi Dong: "..."

"Let me explain it to you first."

Mo Tan looked at Yi Dong, while holding his arms around the girl's slender waist, he said lightly: "First of all, there are some freaks in this world. As for how weird they are, you can refer to those works or parts about urban supernatural powers. A superhero movie whose destructive power has not reached the planetary level can basically be imagined."

Although he was mentally prepared, Yidong still digested this sentence for almost ten seconds before asking with a complicated expression: "So, you mean, there is really someone who can play in movies, novels, and games." , beyond the realms of sexual immorality and so on, can you go up to heaven and into the earth, move mountains and fill seas?"

"Moving mountains and reclaiming seas may be a problem. After all, since this world can persist to this day, there is probably no monster that can comb the middle of the earth with one punch. But go to the sky, enter the earth, discharge electricity, and wash the earth." Brains and stuff don’t seem to be that difficult for those freaks.”

Mo Tan answered this in a brisk tone, and then added: "And I, as you know, am just an ordinary person with a good foundation and a bright future."

Yi Dong raised his eyes and looked at Mo Tan. Although he did not say anything clearly due to Xue Yin's presence, he still let out a narrow smile: "Oh, you, an ordinary person?"

"At least in the field of carbon-based biology, I am convinced that I am an ordinary person."

Mo Tan vaguely expressed that he was normal except for the insignificant detail of mental illness. Then he raised his hands and pinched Xueyin's cheeks and started to pull them. While pulling, he said: "And this guy is probably out of the category of ordinary people. , you have become a true 'freak'... By the way, what brand of foundation do you have? Are you so capable of withstanding stress?"


The girl who didn't take off her makeup even after being pinched by Mo Tan smiled and said happily: "Ang Mu Ni's [Empress of the Century] series of yellow-toned white products. I am an endorser for them. They send them to me for free every quarter." It’s a batch. I don’t usually use this color. I mainly apply it with casual clothes when I go out. It’s amazing!”

Mo Tan shook his head noncommittally and said casually: "You are not a particularly good-looking person, but you are still a 2.5-dimensional person with special effects. It doesn't matter even without makeup."

"That's what I say, but those tech geeks are really scary."

Xue Yin shrank her neck and said as if with lingering fear: "I don't know about others. When we are doing live broadcasts and concerts, we mainly use special effects for makeup and hair. The bottom line is my own face. Before I was famous It was okay when it was a little bit worse. After I became popular, people tried to restore my original appearance almost every day. Although most of them couldn't do it, since the year before last, many people have analyzed my live broadcasts, MVs and concerts through massive analysis. The video, which restores my real appearance to almost the same level, is super scary!”

Yi Dong smacked his lips and sighed: "Isn't this enough to call the police?"

"Not even close."

Mo Tan shook his head and said calmly: "As long as the person does not cause direct harm to her within the scope of the [Civil Code] through this method, it is not illegal, and if direct harm is caused... Ha, naturally it has been violated. It’s law.”

Yi Dong: "...That's true."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't mind if those people recreate my image and make a pillow or a plane or something, as long as they don't cause trouble for me."

Xue Yin waved her hand very magnanimously, raised her head and leaned on Mo Tan's shoulder and said with a smile: "Anyway, whenever I go out now, I usually put on a little makeup and decorate my hair. After all, in order to coordinate with the special effects, I always put on a little makeup. It’s short hair or super short hair, and neither of these two hairstyles have appeared in Live.”

Mo Tan gave her a 'none of my business' look, and then asked directly: "So what exactly did you do?"

"I actually don't know much about it myself."

Xue Yin narrowed her eyes happily, leaned on Mo Tan's shoulder and said meekly: "I just hummed a few lines of songs while shopping, and then..."

Mo Tan casually pressed the girl's small mouth that was getting closer and closer to his neck, and while simply and roughly pulling her head forward, he asked: "Just what?"

Xueyin stuck out her tongue and whispered: "There are many people who took off their clothes and danced [Floating Bloom]..."

"Take off your clothes and dance [Floating and Blooming]!?"

Yi Dong was stunned at the time. Although he was not a fan of Xueyin, given that any of the latter's works would explode and flood various social platforms in a short period of time, even people who did not care about this aspect , can basically hum a few lines of Xueyin’s songs, and is no stranger to several well-known choreographers.

And "Blooming" is one of Xueyin's most well-known choreographers. Not only can it produce a 1+1\u003e10086 effect when paired with the single "Butterfly Festival", even if it is taken alone, it is an absolutely phenomenal work, so it is not Unexpectedly, from its inception to the present, [Butterfly Festival] has become a monument in the field of cover singing and lyrics, while [Floating Bloom] has become the darling of the dance area on all major platforms. No matter how many dimensions it is played, it is always For practitioners related to dance, [Floating Bloom] will be a bit of a challenge.

But the song "Butterfly Festival" is okay, but the accompanying dance "Floating Bloom" poses a problem to people in all related fields, that is - how to dance without being slutty.

Yes, although Xueyin's performances in live broadcasts, MVs and concerts can be said to be pleasing to the eye, and even directly sublimate this song and dance to the level of art, almost all imitators perform "Floating Bloom" even if they are one to one. Ke Xueyin has time and posture stuck to 99.9%, but it still makes people feel very - coquettish.

It's saucy, it's really saucy, it's really saucy, literally - saucy!

No one knows why. Obviously when Xueyin dances, it feels like an art film, but when it comes to other people, no matter whether they are men, women, old, young, beautiful, ugly, fat, thin, tall or short, the music sounds like it is moving closer to a Category III film.

In the end, some people who did not believe in evil even used the Diamond Sutra as BGM while dancing. Guess what?

Hey, an additional item was immediately added to the hot searches on the second day [Tantrism and joyful Zen doubts return to the world].

Therefore, over time, fewer and fewer people are seriously dancing [Fluttering Bloom], and more and more people are using this dance to make a living. In terms of popularity, its characteristics have not declined but increased.

However, the reason why Idong is so impressed by this dance is that besides the above, there is another reason, that is, since the advent of "Floating Bloom", only two people dance it without making people feel coquettish. First, One is naturally Xue Yin, who has now become the world's number one idol, and the other is a legendary COS and legendary dancer who has been semi-retired but still has a high reputation and countless fans in the two-dimensional field. The author is also a legendary cover singer and a legendary fan artist - 'Gugu Jiang'.

And Ito himself is Gugu-chan's biological son.

Back to the subject, after learning that many people took off their clothes and danced to "Floating Bloom", Yidong, who thought about the scene for a while and wanted to have thirty layers of mosaics in his brain, was stunned at that time and looked at Xueyin. His eyes became more and more horrified.

But in sharp contrast, Mo Tan, whose expression remained unchanged throughout the whole process and didn't even raise his eyebrows for half a millimeter, patted Xueyin lightly: "So what is the truth?"

"While I was humming, I noticed something was wrong with a few people next to me, so I tried a few more times..."

Xueyin, who was obviously being slapped on the head but was holding her buttocks, stuck out her tongue, turned her head and winked at Mo Tan playfully and said, "Then things seemed to get out of control!"

Mo Tan showed no surprise at all, just smiled and asked: "So, there is no such thing as 'out of control'. Those riots will be controlled immediately by some people with supernatural means and dealt with properly." You did it on purpose, right?"


Xue Yin's beautiful eyes turned into two crescent moons when she smiled, and she said happily: "Anyway, the scene at that time was amazing, super exciting!"

Mo Tan nodded slightly and asked with interest: "Do you have any souvenirs?"

"I originally took a video."

Xue Yin took out her cell phone from her inner pocket, shook it, rubbed her forehead against Mo Tan's chin, pouted and said, "But I deleted it when I noticed that I was being chased by a weirdo. I was afraid that they would see it later." Guess I made those people strip naked and dance on purpose.”

"Oh, just delete it."

Mo Tan said something nonchalantly and chuckled: "There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Xue Yin nodded obediently, then tilted her head and asked coquettishly, "So who are those nasty people who are catching me?"

"Marginal people."

Mo Tan answered immediately without any hesitation.

"What is a marginalized person?"

Xue Yin and Yi Dong asked again in unison.

"A group of freaks that are only found in China and are quite influential in the country. Their main characteristics are organization, discipline, morality and bottom line. They are dedicated to the great cause of protecting ordinary people from various supernatural phenomena. They are a particularly positive energy. A charity organization, probably.”

"Sounds good."

"Sounds so boring..."

"In short, based on what I know about them, if this idiot woman is caught by those two guys, she will most likely either have her memory seal ability erased, or she will be dragged into a pirate ship after the assessment. So although it is very troublesome, considering her soaring Taking advantage of the value, I went out of my way to save her."

"Thank you dear!"

"Favors must be repaid, so you're welcome, but how on earth did you find me?"

"A chance encounter!"


"Didn't I say before that our soul wavelengths are very similar! So it's normal for us to be attracted to each other unintentionally!"

Chapter 2132: End

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