Quadruple split

Chapter 2149 Wang Qianjin 1


Arthur was stunned for a moment, then took a step back and looked at the masked man sitting at the end of the long table in surprise: "Wait a minute! Do you want him to put me in that Tolia body?" Right? You don’t think that I would use that body to make those civilians feel friendly and surrender directly, right? No? Surely not? What the hell are you talking about, Mo!?”

Gawen, who had never heard of the spare body of [Godkiller White King: Artoria], suddenly lit up and said with interest: "Oh?"

Osiris, a handsome white-haired boy who was at ease with himself, touched his chin curiously, and looked at Arthur with some surprise, who rarely showed such panic: "What is that?"

The guardian knight who stood behind Mo Mo for the first time did not speak, but under some very overbearing and gender-specific sixth sense, [Forsworn] Dora Shika still had a feeling at this moment. A burning curiosity.

As for the person being questioned by Arthur——

"You think too much."

Wang's eyes were cold and deep, and his tone was also unwavering: "Merlin has always wanted to find opportunities to test his interesting little toys, but before occupying [Rhino Horn Fortress], it is not right for him and those valuable things to appear on the front line. A wise move, and now...it's an opportunity."


Gawen, who was always wearing a dark cloak trimmed with snow velvet and a silver-gray deacon's uniform, covered her mouth and smiled softly. There was no other reason. Although her boss's current style of painting seemed to be no different from usual, under normal circumstances, There is absolutely no way that person could 'explain' his own instructions alone.

It was precisely because of this that Gawen, who was originally planning to explain the situation to Arthur, couldn't help laughing.

The other woman in the room, the guardian knight Dora standing behind the king, although she was not as sensitive to the inconsistency in the king's words as Gawen, she could clearly see it because of the angle. The corners of Wang's mouth trembled imperceptibly, so he was trying his best to hold back his laughter.

This process is not easy. After all, for most people, the best way to suppress laughter is to think about all the sad things in their lives. But for the guardian knight Dora, the past memories have long been gone. It began to become ambiguous. Although I could occasionally vaguely recall some outlines, I lost all the details of my memory before I was rescued by the king.

However, compared to being lost, Dora herself felt that it was more like hot sand being held in her hands. Although it did exist, it would continue to pass away at an incredible speed. By the time she realized what was happening, only the remaining warmth and warmth were left. Nothing.

Of course, Dora never cared about this, because although she forgot a lot, she always remembered that she had never regretted it.

So now she just wants to have fun.

"Since it is Lord Merlin's business..."

Since both Farah and Luther were relatively simple and honest people during their lifetime, Osiris, the only person present who did not think deeply about this matter, immediately followed the rhythm and suggested to Arthur after a brief thought: "I think it is still necessary to cooperate. of."

Arthur, who breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said dryly: "I know, if you accompany Master Merlin to test his equipment, I will naturally be happy to accompany you."

"I definitely have to accompany you, but let me tell you in advance that I don't think you will be 'pleased' with it."

Gawen sat slanted on the table, winked at Arthur, and reminded her thoughtfully: "What the boss said before was to 'advance to the north.' If this task is handed over to you and your Black Blade Legion, it will be a great success." It's logical, but if Merlin takes the lead...heh, think about it carefully, what will it be like?"

Arthur turned his head and glanced at Gawen, smiled faintly and said: "But it is necessary, so I will be 'happy'."


Gawen immediately apologized to Arthur for what she had just said, and shrugged to the latter: "I always forget that Arthur Bohe has been killed by me."

Arthur rolled his eyes, and then complained to Bishop Bai, who was sitting at ease in the chair: "Osiris, look at her!"


Osiris thought for a moment, and then said to Gawen seriously: "Don't kill him again next time."

Jiawen smiled sweetly: "Okay!"

Arthur: "..."


After successfully silencing Arthur, Gawen turned to look at Mo behind the table: "Me, Merlin and Sister Ji Prayer have signed up to participate in the team competition. We just finished the first round. Boss, look... "

"Arthur can take Merlin's body here."

Mo's answer was concise and to the point.

Jia Wen immediately smiled brightly and nodded cheerfully: "That's the best. Although I personally don't care very much, Master Merlin has always wanted to observe Cordoba firsthand. If Sister Silent Prayer... maybe... I want to fight Cordoba again. Although she gave up during the individual competition, I can feel that she is actually not very willing."

Mo did not speak, and after ignoring Gawen, he turned his attention to Arthur, and asked the latter in a concise and concise manner: "What?"

"I just want to say, are we too hasty?"

Arthur did not hide it, and said bluntly: "You must know that we only fully controlled the area around [Rhino Horn Fortress] a few hours ago, and we were able to clear out most of the scouts who infiltrated from the north. According to common sense, Generally speaking, the most important thing to do now is to further strengthen the control of the surrounding areas. After all, although Griffin's troops in the south are not large, they still have an absolute advantage in numbers compared to us. In addition, we have captured [Rhinoceros Horns] The speed of the fortress is too fast. If the nobles pay attention to it, our pressure will probably increase several times. If they dare to counterattack at any cost, we may even be beaten back."

Gawen frowned slightly, then tilted her head and lowered her voice and asked Osiris: "Is it true or false?"

"I do not know."

Osiris, who has a double voice and looks like a big BOSS, shook his head, and also lowered his voice and said: "I only know how to fight, not how to fight."

Gawen smacked her lips and sighed: "I don't even know how to fight. I'm good at it."

"There is no possibility of us being beaten back."

Mo, on the other hand, ignored Gawen and Osiris and said calmly to Arthur: "You should know that after taking this fortress, no matter what we do, Griffin and many nobles headed by the Valyrian family will They will definitely be extremely wary of us. As for whether they will take any action, that is a matter that the Griffin Royal Family needs to consider and has nothing to do with us."

Arthur nodded slightly and said: "But even so, leaving aside the domestic regular army and those uncontrollable chaos constructs, the only forces we can use now are my Black Blade Legion and Marshal Galahad's Tsar. With the Knights of the Sword, the Hurricane Mage Group of Grand Duke Garros, plus the combat power of my brothers and sisters, and Osiris, it shouldn’t be a big problem to defend the [Rhino Horn Fortress], but if we split it up again..."

"There's no need to think about defense."

Mo calmly interrupted Arthur's words, closed his eyes and said calmly: "Even if we only complete the agreement with the Griffin royal family, our goal will never be limited to occupying the [Rhinoceros Horn Fortress], and the 'Yi' here Defending is difficult to attack. For Chauvin, if we attack from the north, the defensive advantage of Rhinoceros is actually not that big. Therefore, rather than gathering our strength here, it is better to attack as soon as possible after establishing a foothold. Nibbling northward, pushing the war further into the Griffin hinterland.”

As a prodigious disciple of the chauvinist Marshal Galahad, Arthur's attainments in military strategy are actually quite high. Although his actual combat experience is limited, his understanding ability is definitely far above the average, so he immediately understood after Mo's words. After hearing his thoughts, he said in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that if you spread out your strength, the other party will defeat them one by one with their numerical advantage?"

"Will not."

Mo answered without any hesitation, and his tone was as smooth as ever: "Compared to the major noble legions stationed in the southern border of Griffin, we have huge advantages in execution and mobility. As long as we have enough strategic depth, , the possibility of being blocked by the opponent's numerical advantage is infinitely close to zero."

Upon hearing this, Arthur immediately walked to the tactical map on the wall, narrowed his eyes and began to deduce it at high speed in his mind.

Five minutes later, after completing the deduction, he had to admit one thing, that is, although his own strength may indeed be locked up by the enemy due to numerical superiority and dragged into a fierce battle after his own strength is dispersed, the premise is that the opponent must have A sufficiently authoritative command system, and the commander must have a considerable degree of tactical attainments and a real-time intelligence network composed of people from other worlds. Otherwise, whether it is the Ebon Blade Chapter, the Hurricane Mage Group, or the Knights of the Tsar's Sword, there are people who can easily The ability to tear open the encirclement and carve out dozens or twenty ways of survival from the rebel army.

As far as Arthur knows, among the noble legions stationed in the southern border of Griffin, there is only one person who is barely capable of doing such a thing, and that is the head of the newly formed 19th Chapter, the Valyrian family. The next head of the family - Terry Valyria.

So where is Terry Valeria now?

The answer is - dead.

Just as Milanson Valeria, the new commander of the second division of the Ebon Blade, said to Cathy Valeria before, Terry, who was at the forefront, had died at the head of the Rhinohorn Fortress that night. The scheming and heroic young man's presence was so strong that he was discovered by Osiris five minutes after he climbed to the top of the south city to observe the battle situation. He and hundreds of soldiers around him were suddenly struck by an epic-level compound spell. Torn to pieces.

And to say the least, even if Terry Valyria is still alive and the new 19th Chapter under his command has more than 80% of its combat strength, he still cannot be at the top of the command system of the southern noble circle. The reason is simple, the level is not enough.

It is true that the influence of the Valyrian family in the Griffin dynasty is not small, but in the final analysis, they are just pawns under the big tree of the Howard family. Although they have some strength, in terms of vertical comparison, regardless of Whether it's face, power or foundation, they can only be regarded as second-rate.

So the question is, will the aristocratic armed forces in the southern border of Griffin let the direct heir of a second-rate family have the final say?

The answer is naturally no, so even if Terry Valyria is alive, there is no chance that he will climb to a position that would make Arthur jealous.


"you are right."

Arthur twitched his lips, turned to Mo and nodded: "I will go find Master Merlin later, and leave the task of coordinating the Sword of the Tsar and the Hurricane to me. Within two days, I will expand our control area by three times."

"ten times."

The King of Sin, who seemed to be asleep on his chair, gave the instructions without any emotion.

"ten times!?"

Arthur, who had just finished calculating the accounts, felt that his "three times" sentence was already very crazy. He was confused on the spot and said in shock: "Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"Not only will the Griffin royal family not cooperate, but it will also cause trouble for the nobles in the south. The regular army that is completely loyal to the royal family is not neutral. In the early and middle stages of this war, you can even regard it as an ally."

"Even so..."

"The focus is on the north. Lamorlock has made his attitude clear. If nothing else happens, he will make another move recently, and it will be crazier, more ferocious and crazier than our advance, completely pulling the Griffin royal family and nobles away. attention.”

"Wait a minute, the Griffin royal family is not with us and Lamorrok, and how do you know Lamorrok..."

"In addition, you missed Merlin in your calculations. Under certain circumstances, he can play a greater role than a legion with a regular establishment."


"That's it, do it."

After leaving his last words, Mo lowered his head and said nothing. After the unspeakable heavy atmosphere in the room dissipated, Gavin, Arthur and Osiris belatedly realized that he was no longer here.


Arthur sat down on the chair next to Osiris and said dejectedly: "I think the tone he spoke to me was like trying to reason with a fool."

Osiris thought for a while, nodded and agreed: "It does look a bit like it."

"Don't make trouble."

Jia Wen shook his head and said very pertinently: "Normal people will have a better attitude when trying to reason with a fool. Judging from the boss's attitude just now, he thinks you are a fool at most."

Arthur: "...I thank you."

Jia Wen blushed and looked away shyly: "That's right."

"To be honest, I'm really out of my depth here."

Arthur sighed, slumped in the chair and shook his head: "But Mo's idea... Well, let's put it this way, the war has just started, and the scale is relatively small in all aspects. I can barely understand it. If it goes bigger, Come on... the marshal and I together are probably enough to keep us busy."

Gawen blinked: "Then what?"

"Then it's going to be troublesome? We can't let you, Master Merlin, Osiris, or Garros come in, right? You don't know how to fight, either."

"You and Galahad are the only ones who know how to fight?"

"if not?"

"Where's the boss?"


"He's much better than you, isn't he?"

"But he's not always 'there'..."

"That's his problem."


"In some areas, I can replace him, and I am happy to help the boss share his worries, so he can do nothing. But unfortunately, you can't replace him, so either don't do it, or accept the flaws, or..."

"Just do it yourself?"

"Just do it yourself."

Chapter 2140: End

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