Quadruple split

Chapter 2166 Jenny’s reminder

"It's a really bad story, to be honest."

After listening quietly to the astrologer girl telling the ending with a slightly disgusted expression, Mo Tan immediately shook his head and made a sharp comment: "Not only does the central idea have no positive energy, but the ending even suddenly includes elements of love with unknown meaning. In the end, It also failed to complete the sublimation of the theme, resulting in empty content and chaotic structure at the macro level."

Jenny burst out laughing and asked curiously: "So?"

"So if this is a bard's story, I will definitely throw anything worth no more than two copper coins at hand to the poet and give him...ah, thank you."

Mo Tan took the tea handed over by Yi Zuo, took a sip to moisten his throat, and then shrugged: "A [negative score] evaluation."

Jenny smiled even brighter and said with a very happy expression: "Same feeling, I also happen to think this is a very bad story...if it is a story."

"Those so-called [Destroyers] are really unpleasant."

For some reason, Mo Tan, who had an image of "The awakening dragon died in depression, and Rebecca's last consciousness was wiped out in despair", sighed in a low voice and asked: "So, how did you solve this problem in the end? Question, who wipes Damas’s butt?”

Jenny frowned slightly and said in confusion: "What solves the problem? What wipes the butt?"

Mo Tan thought for a while, and then changed his words to more cautious words: "Or should we say, the aftermath?"


Miss Astrologer laughed dumbly and spread her hands: "What kind of aftermath? Have you forgotten the final outcome of the Cang Yue Empire? It was destroyed, inevitably destroyed, even compared to the "Sun and Moon Shine Together" Not even the slightest trace of the bloodline of the entire Cang Yue royal family in another dynasty could survive. Not to mention that the chance of restoration had completely disappeared. Even the surname Hopkins had been annihilated in history. And that poor royal family... Even the surname could not be left behind. The first emperors and lords of the Violet Empire destroyed all records, including various documents in their own homes, completely annihilating all traces of the Lord of Cang Yue, and the person buried with him was Hope. The Kings family.”

"Could it be that……"

Yi Zhao, who was standing behind Mo Tan, subconsciously held the back of the chair, widened his eyes and said, "Did the plan of the Damas consciousness body succeed?"

"Oh, dear, compared to the name 'Damasi's Consciousness', the name [Eris Alpo the Destroyer] is more suitable for her. After all, there are too many Damas in history, and the spiritual body has become There is only one person who can destroy the person. If you use the term you just called, many people will be sad. After all, astrologers are mostly delicate people."

Jenny looked down at the cigarette between her and said calmly: "As for the plan of Eris the Destroyer... Haha, well, if she had a plan, it would undoubtedly be successful. The Cang Yue Empire's The destiny was ended and turned into nothingness and scorched earth in the future story. What a successful conspiracy, irreversible and unstoppable."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then picked up the documents that Shallya had compiled for him and read them. In the process, he casually asked: "So, why did Eris, the Destroyer, do this? Forgive me for being offended, I think that with the same knowledge and abilities as Damas Remedip, the Destroyer should be able to do far more than destroy an empire."

"But senior..."

Although he didn't know much about the Cang Yue Empire, he knew how huge it was. Yi Zuo touched the scales on the back of his hand uneasily and whispered: "That's the Cang Yue Empire."

"Yeah, but so what."

While Mo Tan continued to look through the pile of documents in his hand at a childish speed, he said casually: "That's Damas Remedep."

Yi Zhao: "This..."

"Stop 'this', he is right. Although it is difficult to compare a person's power with the Cang Yue Empire, as the most special person among astrologers, Damas Remedep does have a transcendent status. and ability, so after accumulating for more than ten generations, any Damas can still live well even if he has no combat effectiveness and his attainments in the field of mysticism are just relying on what the predecessors left behind."

Jenny turned to look at the stars outside the window and said calmly: "Similarly, if a certain Damas or an astrologer with the same level as Damas becomes a [Destroyer], then what she can do What happened is indeed much more than overthrowing a Cang Yue Empire."

Yi Zuo's eyes widened and he was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

Mo Tan continued to ask: "So? Why didn't Eris the Destroyer do more? If you go by your previous theory, the so-called [Destroyer] doesn't want to destroy everything except himself. ?"

"Because Eris the Destroyer is not complete. After all, since she will fall into madness, she is destined to be different from the real Damas. In the final analysis, that monster's world is only the size of a mirror."

Jenny narrowed her eyes and said softly: "And for a mirror, just reflecting a Cang Yue Empire is already the limit, and later when she left the mirror and could really look up at the starry sky above her head, the Cang Yue Empire It has become everything to her. Her destiny is intertwined with the fate of Queen Belika and Emperor Solacha. Her stage is paved by the entire Cang Yue Empire, so... as long as the Cang Yue Empire disappears in the future, it will be enough. Let the fate that has been tormenting Eris the Destroyer return to nothingness, free her from the curse she has placed on herself, and let her 'eyes' only see a quiet ruins after jumping over a certain node. nothingness."

While Mo Tan raised his quill and made notes on several places where it was suspected that Shallya had hidden personal items, he asked casually: "Is that all?"

"Who knows, when everything was irreversible, some Damas also made conjectures, thinking that Eris the Destroyer regained his sanity the moment his eyes reached the void, and tried to restore what he cherished through some means. Everything, only to find it was too late. In the end, after the death of her beloved Solacha, all her thoughts were lost. Then, after escaping from the despair given by fate, she fell in front of the painful torture derived from human nature, sadly. Kill yourself as Bellica Hopkins, Solacha's wife."

Jenny shrugged and said lazily: "To be honest, I personally neither like nor believe in this version of interpretation, because this extremely vulgar romance will not make the tragedy so solemn, it will only It highlights the ridiculousness and absurdity of fate. There is no logic, no order, no structure, only mediocre and clichéd twists like those of a third-rate poet, and vulgar taste that is lame, hasty and carefully packaged under an exaggerated story."

"I see."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and dismissed Luo Ou's request to provide [Ye Yin] with a free quota of tobacco with a swipe of his pen. He chuckled and said, "You don't like love stories."

"No, I have never been against love stories, I just don't like people's fabrications and conjectures of 'love can eclipse everything', which will make other feelings, efforts and even sacrifices and other costs ridiculous and ridiculous. "

Jenny raised her index finger and shook it twice, then she retracted her gaze towards the starry sky outside the window and looked at Mo Tan again, and said with a slight smile: "So, do you understand what I want to express?"

Mo Tan didn't even raise his head, and shook his head without hesitation: "I don't understand."

"First, we must be wary of [Destroyers], because they can cause too much harm. Think carefully about how many years the Cang Yue Empire lasted from the generation of Emperor Solacha before it was destroyed. Even if Danma was Si didn't react immediately, but as Cang Yue was heading towards destruction step by step, at least four generations of Damas tried their best to make up for the existence of the one who personally created 'Eris the Destroyer' back then. The person has died a long time ago, but what’s the result? No matter how hard those great astrologers who stand on top of the world try, they can’t prevent the demise of the blue moon in the end.”

Jenny left the corner of the table and stood up straight, and said sternly to Mo Tan: "Secondly, we don't need to take the [Destroyers] too seriously, because their number is rare, and they have a history of more than 9,000 years. are clearly active only a combined less than one-tenth of the time."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and asked, "Is there more?"

"Of course, the third and most important point -"

Jenny smiled and smiled at Mo Tan: "Do you still remember what I just said? Astrologers are mostly delicate people, and I am particularly delicate and fragile, so even if it is to prevent me from becoming [ [Destroyer], you must take good care of my physical and mental health, and for the sake of my physical and mental health, you must try your best to meet all my requirements, even if they are many seemingly unreasonable requirements, other than that In addition, you must take everything I say into your heart. You must not make me feel that I am not valued, otherwise I will definitely be very sad. When I am sad, my emotions tend to be unstable, and emotional instability is a problem. This phenomenon is the first step for a normal astrologer to become a terrifying [destroyer]."

"Ask a question."

Mo Tan did not give Jenny immediate feedback on what she just said, but suddenly asked: "I'm curious, why Damas of Emperor Solacha's generation failed to foresee how big the 'conscious body' would become. Disaster, logically speaking, such a powerful astrologer shouldn’t make such a serious mistake, right?”

"No, no, no, you are wrong."

Jenny shook her head vigorously and said seriously: "Do you still remember what I told you before? The reason why our industry has rules about not abusing our abilities is because the more we 'see', the easier it is for us to have doubts about the established fate or the constant consequences. Betraying one's own destiny creates a sense of powerlessness, and this sense of powerlessness is an inducement to despair. Therefore, even Damas will not do more divination on things that he is sure of, just like you have planned to eat fried rice with eggs tomorrow morning. It won’t be as useless and dangerous as divination tonight and tomorrow’s breakfast staple.”

"I see."

Because he had guessed a little bit of the reason, Mo Tan did not ask why the Damas of that year was so confident, but continued to ask: "Then, the second question, you have made it clear before that you have the ability of that generation of Damas." Eris the Destroyer is capable of far more terrifying things, so based on my understanding of history, it seems that no real Damas has ever become a Destroyer, right?"

Jenny nodded without hesitation and admitted: "That's right, starting from the first generation of Damas Remedip, no one who inherited this name has become a destructor."

"So, let me guess, the reason why this is happening is probably because of your inheritance...or maybe the way you choose your successor can avoid this kind of thing 100%, right?"

Mo Tan put down the quill in his hand, looked up at the astrologer lady whose body was coated with a layer of silvery gray by the moonlight, and whose eyes were as bright as stars, and said softly: "And the reason why Eris the Destroyer fell , because she was never the real Damas, right?"

Jenny raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "So what do you want to express? My dear pastor."

"What I want to express is very simple, that is, as the heir of Damas Remedip, the probability of you becoming the so-called [Destroyer] should be zero. Otherwise, your mentor will I won’t accept you as my apprentice, will I?”

Mo Tan relaxed his body and leaned back on the chair, smiling in a rather pleasant tone: "In other words, even if I don't obey you, or even deliberately contradict you, the final result will probably be to make you unhappy. Just happy, there is absolutely no possibility of creating a powerful [Destroyer], is there?"

Jenny was stunned for a rare moment, then pulled the corner of her mouth and laughed dryly: "You should know that my mentor is dead. In other words, the name Damas Remedep has become a History has passed, epics have faded, legends have come to an end, so even if the great astrologer Damas Remedep will not become the Destroyer, Jenny Belial may also fall for one reason or another."

"I don't think so."

Mo Tan shook his head and spoke concisely.


The silver elf shook his ears, and the cigarette between his fingers disappeared into the air like magic, as if he was a little anxious.

"Because I believe in your mentor, Ms. Jenny, and of course, I believe in you too."

"What bullshit is this?!"

"In addition, I can clearly feel your dissatisfaction and resistance to the 'Destroyer'."

"Is your 'feeling' accurate?"

"My 'feeling' is pretty accurate."

"Asshole, so you just don't want to be nice to me?"

"No, of course I am happy to meet your request, but as a friend, partner or collaborator, not out of fear of the birth of the [Destroyer]."

"Is this important?"

"That's important to me."

"You really like to flirt with women, you scumbag pastor."


"It's nothing, I just briefly expressed my dissatisfaction with the scum."

"Okay, then, what is the 'third point' you really want to remind me of?"


Chapter 2157: End

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