Quadruple split

Chapter 2175 Misconduct

"Do you want to choose to stay?"

After a long silence, Merlin turned his back to Gaheres and stood with his hands behind his back and said this calmly.


Wenqiu's eyes suddenly widened.


Gahres himself was also stunned, looking at Merlin with a confused expression.


Arthur, who was standing at the very back, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

After a while, Gaheres swallowed hard and asked in a low voice: "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Merlin played with his [Cane No. 1] and said without looking back: "The promise Arthur just made to let you go is still valid, and that little 'pocket money' can naturally be regarded as the travel expenses I give you. But besides that... I can give you another option, and that is to stay here."

Gahres nodded with some fear at first, and then asked tentatively: "Do you mean...stay in this city?"

"Stay where I am currently working, and provide technical support for a generous sponsor who has enough respect and awe for science while pursuing the truth."

Merlin turned to look at Gahres and said with a warning: "Stay and be my assistant, you can get a lot, but you must think clearly, Gahres, this world is fair, before you get something At the same time, you will also lose something, and as your mentor, there is only one thing I can tell you at this moment - don't make a decision in a hurry, think carefully about what you have seen along the way, and then re-examine yourself and re-examine yourself Your mentor, in the end, be careful and choose the option that won’t make you regret too much.”

Without any hesitation, faced with this choice that could firmly bring the relationship between himself and his mentor closer, Gahres immediately said in a deep voice: "I am willing to stay, mentor."

"Too hasty."

However, the old man shook his head with some dissatisfaction, and said again in a warning tone: "Don't let me emphasize it again. This may be the most important decision in your life, and those that can make you nod your head without hesitation and agree to stay." The temptation here also means the same level or even more serious price. This is not an easy road to turn back. "

Arthur, who walked slowly to the two of them, shrugged and said with a smile: "Old people are like this. They always like to scare people and make things very serious. Actually..."

"Shut up."

Merlin expressionlessly interrupted King Bai, who was clearly thinking clearly, and said coldly: "There is no room for you to interrupt here."

"Okay, okay, I won't speak, I won't speak."

Arthur immediately raised his hands meekly in a gesture of surrender, then winked kindly at Gahres and made a face.

The latter took a deep breath after nodding politely to Arthur, and said sternly to Merlin: "I still stick to my previous idea, mentor, I am willing to stay, and I hope to stay, but..."

Merlin raised his eyebrows and repeated in a slightly raised tone: "But?"

"I have to stay with this kid."

Gahres turned to look at Wenqiu, who was standing next to him. He gently rubbed the latter's hair and then turned to Merlin and said seriously: "I don't think she is very suitable for what you have to offer as a mentor." This work environment for me.”

Merlin nodded slightly and said meaningfully: "So, the reason why you agreed so readily is because you have enough reasons to reject this proposal?"

"No, I decided that I wanted to stay after careful consideration. I am a simple person, a mentor, so even if it is a major event in life, it does not take too long to make a decision. Even if it does take a long time, the final answer Most of it is doomed from the very beginning, and the rest of the time is actually a matter of self-struggle.”

Gahres defended himself politely and said seriously: "As for what you want to convey to me, I have partially understood it along the way, but it doesn't matter, I... don't mind."

"No, of course you mind, so... is it for the truth?"

Merlin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked softly: Or is it for science?

"Well, I feel that I am not as high-level and ideologically aware as you are."

Gahres hesitated for a moment, and finally said honestly: "My words should be for the sake of the future."

"A very pragmatic answer. After all, even I have experienced your current period."

Merlin nodded, then looked down at Wenqiu: "You should be able to understand our conversation, child."

Wenqiu immediately nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I know!"

"very smart."

The old man praised the girl without hesitation, and asked in a gentler tone than when he spoke to Gaheres and Arthur: "Then you can tell me what you think about this matter." ?"

"all right!"

Wenqiu gave Merlin a big, bright smile, and said cheerfully: "Wenqiu wants Brother Lei to have a good future! He also wants Brother Lei to accompany him! So I really don't want him to stay here with Grandpa!"

Merlin laughed dumbly, raised his eyebrows and said, "What a willful little girl."


The girl crossed her waist with a proud look on her face, raised her pretty little face and said, "Wen Qiuke is so willful!"

"No one can criticize a person because she loves herself too much."

Merlin was not angry, but instead looked at the girl with approval: "Being true to one's own desires is not easy, but it is also an admirable thing."

Wenqiu blinked, tilted his head and asked curiously: "Grandpa, are you praising Wenqiu?"

"From an objective perspective, you can indeed interpret what I just said as a compliment."

Merlin nodded slightly and said softly: "Well, since you are not a reasonable child, let's talk about the terms."

Wenqiu quickly hid behind Gaheres and poked half of his head out to look at Merlin warily: "What are the conditions?"

"You come up with the conditions."

Merlin smiled and said concisely: "I will promise you."

Wen Qiu pouted and thought for a moment, then asked: "Will you agree to any conditions?"

"Of course not. First of all, it must be in the [Innocent Realm], and secondly, it must be something I have the ability to do."

Merlin waved his hand without hesitation, and then added: "But I think this range is already quite broad."

"Then...what if Qiu wants some delicious snacks?"

"If they exist in reality, I can reproduce most of the snacks, candies or drinks for you in my spare time. As for the local products in this world, I know a scheming woman who can collect them for you through countless channels. Any snack, mainstream or non-mainstream.”

"What if Qiu wants to go somewhere fun?"

"The Southwest Continent is vast and rich in resources, but the divisions between forces are very clear. If you wander aimlessly like you, you won't be able to come and go to many interesting places except for the unowned zone like the Lake Nicemont area. But If you are willing to stay, I will let a mage who is regarded as a knowledgeable man within the continent, who can come and go freely in most places, and who is very proficient in various attribute schools including space magic, to take you to play everywhere. Of course, only when he has free time."

"What if I ask Qiu if she wants nice-looking clothes?"

"Have you seen this white coat of mine? It was made by a woman with excellent professional skills. The client... that is, I did not make any request, and made this set of two-piece suit in a short time. She wears clothes with many characteristics such as comfort, beauty, fit, and durability. As far as I know, sewing women's clothing is her strength. I am willing to use my reputation to guarantee that she will not mind sewing for a cute little girl like you. Dedicated service.”

"What if Qiu Qiu wants to do something bad?"

"During the not-so-long journey just now, you saw at least four figures of corpses or materials that were once corpses, and the vast majority of them are 'innocents' in a broad sense. This kind of thing It will happen many, many more times.”

"What if Wen Qiu wants to stay with brother Lei?"

"Gaheres will become my personal assistant, and I can make an exception to allow you to enter my workshop and agree to him accompanying you during working hours, provided that the research progress is not delayed, so you should discuss this matter with him That’s right.”

"What if I ask Qiu what she wants to buy?"

"Then tell anyone who is qualified to talk to you as an equal. Unless you deliberately make things difficult, your wishes will usually be fulfilled."

"How can I trust you?"

"Stay and give it a try. If you don't like it, take Gahres and leave at any time."


"Do you have any other questions?"

"Do I need to do anything for you? That tall man is trying to get close to you just because he wants to use Wenqiu's help, right?"


Arthur's face froze, and he lowered his head in frustration.

"If you want to help, there are many things you can do. If you don't want to help, you don't have to do anything."

Merlin answered calmly and said calmly: "Compared to Gaheres, you are just an extra. Even if you do nothing every day, the fact that he can stay with peace of mind is already extremely valuable. ”

Wenqiu immediately widened his eyes, raised his little face and stared at Gahres with a stern expression, and whispered: "Brother Lei, you are so awesome! That old man said you are better than Wenqiu!"

"If it's about making cows and horses..."

Gajeres shrugged and made a rare joke: "It is true that I am more professional."

"Then I'll stay~"

Wenqiu clapped her hands with a smile and said happily: "As long as grandpa keeps his word!"

"The instructor will not lie to you."

Although they had not known each other for a long time, Gaheres, who thought he knew Academician Mu Changchun, lowered his head and smiled at the girl. Then he took a deep breath, stood up straight and asked Merlin seriously: "Is it really okay?"

"We need a step-by-step process. My child, for you, and more importantly for myself, it stands to reason that you should start from the most superficial work, and after going through various assessments, you should become my true representative in this world. Assistant, but..."

Merlin lowered his eyes, and while stroking his cane, he said calmly: "My time is precious, especially at this stage. Unless I don't intend for you to play a role at all, there is no project suitable for 'finding out'. "

He knew very well how important this opportunity that was coming to him was. From the bottom of his heart, Gahres wanted to seize this great wealth and said without hesitation: "You can trust me."

"Perhaps, after all, you were able to take that girl with you, whose methods have nothing to do with 'humanity', knowing her true nature, and you never sincerely tried to lead her back to the right path."

Merlin said this in an understatement, and after Gaheres' face instantly lost all color, he continued: "And your 'reaction' just now on the way did make me a little surprised, in fact. , If you hadn't been too understated, I wouldn't have provided you with a second option other than leaving with this child."

Gahres nodded silently and wisely did not answer, because he knew very well that Merlin had not finished speaking yet, and the key point was probably in the next few sentences!

as expected--

"Okay, now I'm going to offer you a compromise plan. If you can accept it, skip the 'assessment period' and join me directly in the project. If you can't accept it, it doesn't matter. The long assessment period and the This kid leaves here to choose one or the other.”

The disc under Merlin's feet slowly lifted off the ground, and until he was eye level with Gaheres, the old man continued slowly: "Later today, I will give you a paper, and the contents are not surprising. It can make you an upstart in the field of biomedicine and annihilate everyone after a while, but no matter what, it will 100% enable you to graduate from school smoothly.”

Gaheres was immediately stunned and said in astonishment: "Teacher, this... this is not good..."

"Of course, but the worse is to come."

Merlin looked at Gahres calmly and continued: "To put it simply, this paper is 'poisonous'. To be clear, after you publish it, I can report you for plagiarism at any time and anywhere. False, and nail you to the pillar of shame with conclusive evidence for the first time. After that, you will be expelled from the school for academic misconduct, and you will not be able to find a serious job because of this negative image that is enough to be regarded as a model. school, and ultimately lived a life of relative failure.”

Gahres' body was shocked: "Study...academic misconduct?!"

"Yes, but that is the highest level of 'academic misconduct' that only I can see, and as the original author, I can report you for plagiarism and fraud."


"This means that from the moment the paper is published, as long as I want, I can use my words to ruin your reputation at any time and say goodbye to academia."


"So, what's your answer?"

"I do."

Chapter 2166: End

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