Quadruple split

Chapter 2184 Soft Persimmon

Game time AM09:21

Black box codename [Paradise], in front of the Ferris wheel

"No, it's really two against five!"

System Ji stared blankly at the largest screen in the middle and asked in surprise: "Is that little pervert so fierce?"

Ms. Ye, who was sitting next to her, shook her head and said calmly: "The great one is not Lu Jiang, but Mo Oh."

"Mo Tan's kindness number?"

System Ji Liu frowned slightly and said suspiciously: "But his character data has not changed much. Oh, but several forms of [Akatsuki] are about to break through the critical level, and the overall grade is about to be promoted to 'ordinary'. The Ruthless Sword It's even close to being 'excellent', but let's not say it hasn't improved yet. Even if the weapon is strengthened a little, it won't reach this level of blood C (carry), right?"

Ms. Ye smiled and said with emotion: "It has only been a few days, but your speaking style is no different from those young people outside the game."

"Because there is everything in the database, and I have been monitoring all public spaces around the clock these days. Although it is the permissions that those on the margins want from you..."

System Ji shrugged, and then quickly brought the topic back: "So! That Mo Tan doesn't have a bastard to increase his attributes and share damage. Why do you think he is the powerful one? If he opens That’s all for the reverse scale, the key problem is that he hasn’t activated it yet, he hasn’t even activated the first stage of the reverse scale!”

Ms. Ye smiled and said nothing until System Ji started adding smoke effects to her head before she said leisurely: "Is your calculation method still limited to quantifying the data of both parties and comparing them?"


Suddenly realizing that she seemed to be completely based on character data, Cyber ​​Loli was stunned for a moment, then lowered her face in frustration: "I'm not good at anything else either."

"It's normal."

While Ms. Ye was admiring the 'Mo' on the screen, she activated it immediately after Lujiang cast a spell to cover the three people's vision, and directly controlled death with the [Angry Red Lotus] that controlled almost every stab at the right angle. He killed the giant bear druid of the enemy team and the recovered shaman of the boss, and said casually: "After all, you were only born a few days ago. It is completely normal to rely too much on yourself or the instinct of the pure AI period."

"how about you?"

System Ji looked at Ms. Ye curiously and asked, "Are you the same as I am now in the few days after you regained your self-awareness?"

"No, although it's not easy to explain, the 'time' in my eyes is different from the 'time' in the eyes of everyone, including you, although it is somewhat ambiguous except for the absolute 'now' concept, but maybe because the personalities are similar and they are both upper-level concepts, it is difficult for me to enjoy everything that time has given to all things, including but not limited to growth.”

While tapping her chin, Ms. Ye pondered: "Of course, I'm not saying that I won't grow, nor that I can jump out of time. I just want you to know how much the concept of 'time' means to me and to the world." The meanings are not the same, can you understand?”

System Ji shook her head vigorously without hesitation: "I don't understand at all!"

"makes sense."

Ms. Ye laughed foolishly, and after a while she said casually: "It's okay if you don't understand. After all, the word 'understand' is a bit too extravagant in my opinion, not for me, but for This is true for everyone, even for people themselves.”

"Really? I understand myself quite well. To put it simply, it's 0 and 1."

System Ji said something casually, and then suddenly her expression turned serious. She rubbed her chin and said seriously: "Wait a minute, if my essence is 0 and 1, then I can follow myself..."

"Don't let the concept of being re-created by the world affect the essence. After all, you have no idea how long those additional settings will be popular."

Ms. Ye calmly interrupted System Ji's wild thoughts, looked at the screen and chuckled: "However, it should be said that the luck of good people is not too bad. Mo's fortune is indeed good. After the game reaches this stage, There are not many weak teams left, and this one happens to be one of them.”

"Why do I think the lucky person is actually Ye Ge?"

System Ji smacked her lips and vomited, watching helplessly as Lujiang, who transformed into a cheetah, suddenly jumped between the mage and ranger of the enemy team, tore off half of the former's neck with sharp claws, and then The moment he turned around, he turned into a big black buffalo. His head hit the chest of the ranger who was struggling to move backwards, causing him to fly out like a cannonball, and 'just' hit Mo Tan a second later. The tip of the spear leaning at his side turned directly into the white light under the [Xiao Suxue Spear].

"Yege is also very lucky, but if you want to put it this way, the big flower morning glory is even more extreme."

Ms. Ye grabbed a bag of potato chips at any time, and while eating them, she complained in an imageless way: "Seriously, don't you think that cow is too much?"

"Yes, it's too much, but is it appropriate for you to decide this matter?"

I don't know whether she was talking about the big flower morning glory or Mo Tan's system. Ji Ji echoed without turning around, watching the half-dragon knight on the screen smoothly raising his spear and resisting the roaring weight. The giant bear druid who came came quickly approached the spear at that moment, narrowed his eyes when his right hand almost touched the tip of the spear, and slashed the bear's neck with the sharp blade turned into [Dawn Red Lotus Sword] with his backhand, forcing the latter to He was far away from the healer he was supposed to protect.

"There's nothing inappropriate."

Ms. Ye rubbed her hands on System Ji's clothes and said with a smile: "I know what you want to say. I did see the future of Dahua Petunia winning the championship before the guilt debate began, but the problem is, that is just countless futures. It’s just one of many possibilities, one of the most ridiculous, ridiculous and nonsensical.”


System Ji withdrew her gaze from the live broadcast of the game, which had lost its suspense, and asked curiously: "Is there anything more nonsense?"

"Yes, I have."

Ms. Ye nodded and said casually: "Can you imagine a two-headed ogre with only one brain to win the individual championship?"

System Ji was stunned for a moment, then after searching at high speed for a few seconds, she exclaimed: "You mean Anthony Dabbs?!"

"I mean Dabbs."

Ms. Ye shrugged and said seriously: "Anthony is an NPC and cannot participate in this guilt debate."

System Ji thought for a few seconds about the causal relationship between the strength of Dabus, Cordoba, Xinglong and others, then decisively shook his head and said: "Okay, I can't think of it."


Ms. Ye pursed her lips in amusement and asked again: "Then can you imagine Diana A. Azizolti winning the individual championship... Well, is there also a team championship?"

System Ji didn't even retrieve the data this time, and was confused on the spot: "Wait a minute! Am I crazy? Are you talking about the great astrologer Diana? He is an NPC like Anthony, right!?"

"Yes, but it's not impossible for her to break through the shackles of the realm of innocence and come to the public space through some interesting little means, form a team, participate in a competition, etc., right?"

Ms. Ye asked back with a smile.

"You're definitely kidding me!"

System Ji swallowed her saliva and gritted her teeth: "Absolutely!"

"Didn't you ask me if there was anything more ridiculous?"

Ms. Ye stuffed a potato chip into her mouth and said innocently, "I think these are quite ridiculous, so I'll tell you."

"Well, it seems that I really can't understand you..."

System Ji laughed, and then suddenly asked: "Ah, by the way, there is something I have been curious about. It is the weapon called [Dawn]. Why does it have almost no data volume, but it takes up so many resources?"

"Because there are nine souls in [Akatsuki], they occupy special resources because these souls are incompatible with this [Innocent Realm] and need to be additionally corrected. There is not much data because you only have permission to the public space, and that weapon is in In public space... at least in the current public space, it is 'silent'."

Ms. Ye explained briefly and concisely, and said in a brisk tone: "If you observe it outside the public space, you will find that the amount of data contained in it is even larger than that of many ordinary players combined. After all, it is ten What a complete life.”


System Ji frowned and asked, "Why more than ten sections? Didn't you just say there are only nine souls?"


Ms. Ye pursed her lips and smiled, and repeated cheerfully: "Why?"

System Ji flattened her mouth and muttered: "Is it fun to tease me..."

"It's fun, but that's not the main reason."

Ms. Ye touched the Cyber ​​Loli's head next to her and explained: "On the one hand, it is of no use if you know this. On the other hand, if I tell the matter now, it will make this moment People who are forced to focus on you and me lose the novelty of [Akatsuki] too early, so if you really want to know, I can tell you later.”

"How late?"




"So fast?"


Game time AM09:49

Public space, private rooms in Futaba

"Hey, my dears~"

With a flash of white light, Motan appeared in the center of the room with her arms spread out like Rose DeWitt Booker in COS. She grinned at the two ladies who were lazing in front of the bar and among the cushions respectively: "Miss me." Yet?"

"It's your fault."

Shuangye glared at Mo Tan and said angrily: "If there's no problem, prepare to enter. The other side has already been ready."

"No problem at all."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously, then frowned slightly and said, "But who are we going to fight this round?"

"It seems to be called [The classical]."

After eating the last piece of cake elegantly and quickly, the girl in front of the bar stood up neatly, turned to Mo Tan and said, "If I remember correctly, it's a South Korean team."

"South Korea? Oh, it's that lower-class country not far from my heavenly country, and its dialect is second only to Thai."

Mo Tan blinked and seemed to think carefully for a while before suddenly saying: "They seem to be quite good at playing games. Can we win?"

"Win whatever you want."

The girl who was stuck in a large number of cushions stretched out her hands to Mo Tan, motioning for the latter to pull her up and said: "I briefly checked before. Although the [The Classical] club was quite strong a few years ago, After the old captain and the legendary player retired, it was not so good. Although he is still a camel who has not lost weight, he is already at the running level in the first-tier clubs in South Korea. Especially after changing the boss last year, the current positioning It’s almost like an arsenal. The people still in the team are basically brats with some talent but more ambition than strength. Although they have a lot of resources, they are not very competitive.”

Because he had never competed with [The Classical], Mo Tan, who had not done any homework at all, nodded vigorously, half-knelt in front of Futaba, pulled him up, and said with a serious face: "I see--"

"But the funny thing is, those guys don't seem to know that."

Futaba pushed up her glasses and raised the corner of her mouth with a playful smile: "To put it bluntly, they even think that they are still the top in the gaming industry, especially when it comes to domestic clubs. Even for Red Constellation, Those who are extremely large like Broken Wind Bird are a little in awe. Those people also look down on others from the bottom of their hearts, and they don’t know where they get their confidence.”

Mo Tan whistled frivolously and asked curiously: "If they are so confident, why didn't they participate in the individual competition?"

"Because they are not hopelessly stupid. Don't forget, there is a ranking list in the Innocence Realm. Even if they are a little bit stupid, they will not be ranked among the brothers. He rashly went to the individual competition to find trouble when he was outside the top 100."

Futaba narrowed his eyes and said leisurely: "But they are not too smart, so they feel that in [Team Competition], which requires the cooperation of multiple players, they are still capable of fighting. Considering that they lost to the Constellation There is no shame in the big clubs like this. If you win, you will definitely become famous. Those idiots who have eaten their pickles and ruined their brains have been aiming for the team competition from the beginning. "

"Then they are really lucky."

Mo Tan kept half-kneeling on the ground and put on Futaba's slippers, while sighing: "It's now possible to meet a soft persimmon like us."

"Because of Mu Mu and me, every game we play will be watched."

Futaba stretched out her right hand, raised Mo Tan's chin with her middle finger, lowered her eyes and met the latter's eyes, and said calmly: "So in this match with [The classical], neither you nor Mu Mu need to take action. I can just deal with that rubbish by myself."


Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "Is it so good?"

"Is it okay?"

Mu Xuejian also immediately cast a searching look at Shuangye.

"no problem."

Futaba stretched out, clasping his hands into fists and trying hard to make a sound from his knuckles——

"Of course Mumu can win, but the best she can do is make her opponent lose in a daze."

"how about you?"

"I can make those watching the game confused too."

Chapter 2175: End

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