Quadruple split

Chapter 2211 Flexible and shameless

at the same time

Public space, [Bathing in Fire] meeting room (Sarufoshi's mighty private room)

"How about it?"

The man who looks exactly like Aramis in the game, but whose eyes are full of evil. The Typing Warrior, the president of the Yuyu Guild, licked the corner of his mouth, turned to the friends around him and asked: "Can you win the fight?"

He looked like a gentle, thin middle-aged man, but with two huge horns on his head and a mouth that smelled like dirt, Sarufang rolled his eyes mightily and asked angrily: "What the hell are you talking about?" As for my son, who can I beat?"

"Those little girls."

The typing warrior chuckled lightly, raised his eyebrows and said, "We are just the main force of the Red Constellation. If you guys can be beaten to death by those ignorant little guys from the second team, I will laugh at you for a year."

It turned out that he was a half-orc of the Ox tribe like Sarufo Weiwu, and his horn style might be closer to that of a buffalo. He was the main healer of the Yuuhuo Guild, one of the survivors of the previous undead incident, and also represented the guild in this event. The drunken angel of [Inquisition Battle·Team Battle] laughed dryly: "Why? The Red Constellation Team 2 does not have any main players, but you, the president, didn't join the team to fight with everyone."

"That's right!"

The cheese cat demon nodded vigorously and hummed: "So even if the fathers lose, you have nothing to complain about!"

The typing warrior shrugged and said in a brisk tone: "I don't intend to complain, as long as you can afford to shame this person."

In the individual competition, he became famous for killing Lancelot, the player on the top of the leaderboard. Wearing heavy armor and handsome appearance, Po Douluo exhaled heavily and gritted his teeth and said: "Stop talking nonsense, just hurry up and say what you want to say. "

"It's nothing, I just want you to be careful."

The typing warrior glanced at the three people on the screen who had begun to bid farewell to the temporary guest Gugu Jiang, then looked at the settlement screen behind the commentary table that was fixed on Christina in the dragon form, and said in a leisurely tone: "According to the competition system, if you After crushing the second team of Red Constellation to death, we will face those beautiful girls in the next eight-to-four game.”

Po Douluo folded his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, and said impatiently: "Then what?"

"Then, although at first glance, the odds of winning between you and others seem to be 40-60, I always feel that it may be 30-70 or even lower."

The typing warrior absentmindedly played with his tail and said in a lazy tone: "In my opinion, the death of Kasena Yuk is not necessary. Logically speaking, it should be to hide the dragon. The true strength, but..."

"but what?"

The tall and thin man with wild long hair looked at the typing warrior curiously. He was the mage 'Ara Yu' who represented Yuhuo in the team competition together with Po Douluo, Ni Zui Angel, Cheese Cat Demon and Sarufang Weiwu. ’, he is considered a well-known person in the circle with very obvious strengths and weaknesses.

"have no idea."

The typing warrior shook his head honestly, spread his hands and said: "But I always feel that something is wrong. You guys can figure it out for yourself when the time comes. Of course, the premise is that you don't capsize in the stinking ditch of the Red Constellation Team 2. "

Portos, who was sitting next to him, waved his hand and said casually: "If it's overturned, it will be overturned. When the time comes, we will say that the main reason why we lost the game is because we were not in charge."


Sarufang cursed powerfully and concisely, and then asked casually: "By the way, where are the two girls who were abducted by you on the pirate ship? Why didn't you bring them over to chat with them?"

Aramis sneered, raised his eyes, glanced at the people in front of him, and complained: "What are you bringing here for? Do you want to see how you show off?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry about the girl's business for now."

As one of the few serious people, the all-around knight player Jie Ge raised his hand to nip a meaningless scolding battle in the cradle, and then turned to seriously talk to Typing Warrior (now ID Aramis) and Seventy-Six Genbangchui (now ID Bodos) said seriously: "When will you two come back?"

"I want to ask this question, too."

I got myself a pair of glasses from nowhere and wore an OL-style ladies suit. She looked like a very smart and capable Miss Gymboree on the run. Jin Beibei, the accountant and housekeeper of Yuhuo Guild, appeared behind the typing warrior like a ghost. He gently stroked his shoulder and asked in a 'gentle' tone: "Now that the family has almost moved, is it appropriate for you, the head of the family, to continue to go out in the field...?"

Po Douluo smacked his lips and whistled sharply, and then was silenced by Miss Beibei's sharp eyes.


The typing warrior let out an exaggerated howl, and said with a sad expression to the outstanding woman behind him with long flowing hair, slim figure, elegant temperament, and a sweet heart: "Look at what you said, I am indeed one of these rotten fishes. Xia’s spiritual leader is true, but it’s okay if they don’t understand me outside. How can you, who have known me for the shortest time, not realize my good intentions?”

Two years ago, he volunteered to go undercover in the Olathe War, but he was found to be undercover by Typing Warrior and others. The theoretical budget was three million Olathe crystal coins. Due to Jin Beibei's special status, the specific amount was The only daughter of the owner of [Gymbois] studio who had defrauded all 20 million Olathe crystal coins (approximately RMB 2 million), Miss Jin Beibei, who is currently running away from home, smiled like a flower: "Believe it or not Did I hack our guild’s public account?”


The typing warrior's eyes lit up and he said enthusiastically: "When the time comes, we will just collect the money and leave, stay together and fly together as a cyber couple, and leave us a lot of debt!"

"Thief Sun..."

Portos narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Apo and I know where you live. Do you believe that we beat you until you were incontinent and made you a couple with the shit that leaked into your pants?"

Po Douluo nodded and agreed: "With that body, I can beat him ten times."

"Fuck you, uncle."

The typing warrior also sneered and retorted: "When I and Beibei black out the empty money, I will hire two beautiful girl bodyguards to beat the shit out of you two."

"I hope you know, Mr. Typing Warrior, I have not yet agreed to your proposal to divide the stolen money, and even if I agreed, I may not support your idea of ​​hiring a beautiful girl bodyguard."

Jin Beibei calmly looked at the typing warrior who was turning his head to wink at her, and chuckled: "However, I can understand that you just extended an elopement invitation to me?"

"Okay, My princess~"

The typing warrior grinned, and then he turned over his chair and knelt on one knee in front of Jin Beibei. He took the latter's fair right hand and asked affectionately: "Are you willing?"

The cheese cat demon, who was two years older than the typing warrior, suddenly widened his eyes and said in shock: "F*ck, kid, are you serious!?"

"Beibei, don't rush to blush."

Ni Zui Angel, the oldest married person among the senior cadres, looked solemnly and reminded: "Don't forget, what he just said was a cyber couple. Please note that it is cyber, not offline."


The typing warrior kept half-kneeling in front of Jin Beibei, turned around and cursed: "It's not like you don't know who Beibei's father is. I dare to elope with her offline today, and her father will pretend to be me tomorrow." The suitcase stuffed with dumbbells was sunk into the Huangpu River..."


After a crisp and sweet slap, the typing warrior with a small slap mark on his face fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment. Considering that he had pulled almost all the senior executives into the white list, he was slapped hard. I didn't even hear a system beep after that.

"Didn't anyone remind you not to hold a lady's hand casually?"

While Jin Beibei touched the typing warrior who fell to the ground, he turned to glare at the drunken angel: "I'm not blushing!"

The latter shrugged and said casually: "As people get older, they tend to get dazzled easily."

Others also nodded, saying that the typing warrior was shameless and deserved to die, and that Ms. Jin Beibei upheld justice without mercy.

As you can see, even though he has only joined [Battle of Fire] for two years, he has a kind personality (always be elegant when trying to trick others), smooth (many times he has made third-party forces unlucky and had to pay for it with a smile), and informal (do not eat others up) Jin Beibei, who is fair and just (literally, but only internally), has already conquered many senior cadres, so that in this situation, no one dared to speak for Typing Warrior, the president.

Of course, when there was an 'internal conflict' in the Yuuhuo Guild, few people would stand on the side of the typing warriors.

"Stop pretending to be dead!"

Jin Beibei bent down and pulled the typing warrior who was lying on the ground groaning. After the latter stood up with a playful smile, he said angrily: "Let's not talk about the guilt and debate. The regional world mission mentioned by the Green Apple Chamber of Commerce, let's It's impossible not to get involved, right? If it's like what they said, and we can directly build the 'main city' after clearing out those monsters, we will be unable to follow up step by step."

The typing warrior's eyes widened and he said in a loud voice: "Aha! We definitely have to have a hand in this matter. It's rare that I was called by Mr. Lu to attend that 'high-class meeting'. Since we have to inquire about this incredible wealth, When we arrive, we must go and join in the fun.”

"You know that too?"

Jin Beibei raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her who seemed innocent and harmless at first glance, but was actually pretending to have at least eight hundred evil intentions, unfathomable lower limits, and a notorious reputation. She complained: "Since you want to join in the fun, you, the president, Aren't you being ridiculous? And Brother Bangchui, you can't count on Apo and Sarufang, right?"

Although if the same words were put into the mouths of Typing Warrior or Seventy-Six Sticks, they would definitely be scolded for a minimum of five minutes, but since it was Jin Beibei who spoke, Po Douluo and Sarufang Weiwei naturally gave their full support and repeatedly echoed: "That's right, that's right." , you two must be such dirty-hearted people as to be able to handle this kind of thing.”

"I never expected you two to be useless."

The typing warrior sneered, then his face became serious, and he raised his hands and put them on Jin Beibei's shoulders: "So I'll leave this matter to you, Beibei."

Jin Beibei: "...ah?"

"This is a big deal, dear. It is a big deal that involves whether we 'latecomers' can successfully gain a foothold in the game [Innocent Bound]. It is the first time that we [Bad in Fire] can sit at the dinner table and play with each other." Big thing about those 'professionals' dividing the cake.”

The Typing Warrior changed his previous raunchy tone and said calmly in a gentle and convincing voice: "Believe me, if it weren't for the nature of [Innocence Bound], this game would be too special. If it weren't for the studio and the club, Those so-called advantages can hardly make any waves in this continent. Even if Mr. Lu is a gay guy who has a crush on me, there is no way he would send us an invitation."

Jin Beibei narrowed her eyes and asked, "What then?"

"Then? Then there are too many people who misunderstand my noble character and the nature of my kindness."

The typing warrior sighed and shook his head with a forlorn look: "And this misunderstanding will subtly turn into a prejudice against Yuhuo, coupled with the unavoidable arrogance of those professionals facing a mob like us..."

Jin Beibei bit her teeth lightly and frowned slightly: "Let me get to the point——"

"Bangchui and I have a bad reputation and are not popular with others, and this is likely to affect the final distribution of benefits."

The typing warrior spread his hands and raised a sly arc at the corner of his mouth: "So we might as well make up a lie. For example, the typing warrior and the seventy-six mallets died in the hands of a bunch of undead creatures. Now he is feeling discouraged. "We are in the middle of leveling up again, and since we who have just been reshuffled are not worthy of participating in the mission, Ms. Jin Beibei, the financial director of [Bathing in Fire] Guild, will be solely responsible for this project."

Jin Beibei was stunned for a moment, and then glared at the man in front of him with a sneaky smile: "You don't want to..."

"Neither Crimson Constellation nor Broken Wind Bird are the best partners. The Green Apple Chamber of Commerce is too mysterious and it is difficult to find a breakthrough. Studios like Tokiwa and Immortal place too much emphasis on short-term interests. Pai Lao's National Warriors and the Boss of the Valley of the Evil I don’t like the scheming one. The Fishing King Club is actually a very good potential partner, but that pretty guy who likes to be killed in seconds doesn’t seem to sit well with me.”

The typing warrior sighed with emotion, and finally said to Jin Beibei, whose expression became increasingly subtle: "In this case, without introducing NPC foreign capital into the business of 'human rape', there will only be a few ideal partners left. Among them, the most powerful one is naturally the [Gymbois] Studio, which has a lot of money and a lot of money. What is surprising is that the beauty in front of me happens to be the Gymboree Studio. The precious daughter of a behind-the-scenes boss!"


"If you don't object, I'll take it as your promise."


"I love you, Beibei."

With a casual show of love that couldn't be more cheap, the typing warrior turned to Yuan Fangweiwu, Cheese Cat Demon, Mudzui Angel, Po Douluo and Huang Yu, who stood up at the same time, and asked: "Are you going to abuse vegetables?"


"It's probably not going to be easy to win next game, so play smart this time and win them within ten minutes."


Game time AM08:12

[Crime Debate·Team Battle] In the ninth minute of the second round of the quarter-finals, [Battle of Fire] defeated [Red Constellation·Team 2] head-on, becoming the second team to reach the quarter-finals.

Chapter 2202: End

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