Quadruple split

Chapter 2223: Intoxicated and unaware of the way home

[So fast...]

Although Mu Xuejian had already pulled away and flew back, she used the [Drunken Immortal Moon-gazing Step] to distance herself from the enemy in an instant, and even half of her foot had stepped back into the 'retreat' that Shuangye had controlled the mutants to leave, but just when she had already determined that she was out of the threat of the other party, a five-pointed star array with flowing light appeared without warning less than five centimeters behind her, which scared Mu Xuejian into a cold sweat.

This was not over yet. Although the girl forced the giant sword in front of her to stop her retreat at the last moment, as she fixed her body, the originally solid ground under her feet actually surged violently, and in an instant it turned into a pool of black mud with strong suction and constantly rotating.

Not only that, just when Mu Xuejian was about to jump out of the mud, a criss-crossing bloodstain appeared without warning less than half a meter above her, emitting a sinister and sweet chill.

The lethality was not strong, but it would be difficult to escape if entangled.

After coming to this conclusion immediately with the help of [Sword Heart Clearness] which was no longer limited to the concept of ‘sword’ after being strengthened, or in other words, it could be activated as long as he held the sword, Mu Xuejian took a deep breath and swung a sword directly in front of him.

The next moment, accompanied by the violent flames exploding in the air, the fierce fire that was forcibly suppressed in the layered space by the wind element and space magic gushed out, covering the sharp sword light like an umbrella, restraining and suppressing it in front of him for half a second before it dissipated in the air like fireworks.

At the same time, Mu Xuejian, whose retreat was blocked, stepped forward and avoided two negative energy chains that rolled towards him from the left and right directions respectively. Then he swung another sword and shattered the black cube that suddenly appeared in front of him and burned with dark green flames.

[High-speed reconstruction: Shadow Chain]

[High-speed reconstruction: Fel Energy Cube]

The two not-so-positive energy restriction skills were instantly cracked by the girl, but just as she was about to turn around and return to the monster's cover, her ears, which were several times more sensitive, caught a barely perceptible whistling sound.


Although she turned around and raised her sword at the first moment, Mu Xuejian still secretly said in her heart that it was not good. Then, accompanied by a sharp stinging pain from the calf of her left leg, the girl realized that the whistling sound she caught was just an illusion, and behind this illusion was a ground thorn full of barbs like thorns that suddenly attacked in absolute silence.

[High-speed reconstruction: Imaginary shaping of the sharp sting]

And Guo Shi Wushuang, who bound Mu Xuejian with this move that combined negative energy and the restriction skill of the earth element school, but still kept a safe distance from her, nodded politely to the girl, and repeated the trick in the next second, using the same skill to penetrate the calf of the latter's right leg, fixing it firmly on the ground.

At this moment, even the supporters of Guo Shi Wushuang could not help but feel a little sympathy for Mu Xuejian. It is true that she was only restricted by Guo Shi Wushuang's method, which looked painful, but under the protection of the senses, it would not exceed the degree of being hit by a small hammer on the face bone. Liu Ju Man Guan and Sheng Guang Lao Wang almost lost their lives just now. However, considering that one side was a petite white-haired beauty who was lovable, and the other side was a combination of a skeleton and a cheerful person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, almost no one felt sorry for the two vanguards of the card man for even a second, but they felt sympathy for Mu Xuejian who was still expressionless after being pierced through both legs.

It can be said that if a list of people who subconsciously felt sorry for Mu Xuejian at this moment was made, I am afraid that more than 80% of the audience and more than 50% of the professional players would be recorded, but...

The name of 'Guo Shi Wushuang' would definitely not be among them.

"Don't just stand there."

Without saying a word to Mu Xuejian, who was looking into his eyes, Guo Shi Wushuang, who was controlling two [Imaginary Sharp Stings] at the same time, just said this in a very calm tone, and then--

[Guang Yao Judgment]

[Double Tiger Roar]

[Flame Array]

The next moment, when Guo Shi Wushuang finished speaking, Shengguang Lao Wang, Liuju Manguan and Sanse Tongke attacked at almost the same time, sending a killing move to Mu Xuejian. The execution was so strong that it even gave people the illusion that they were sharing the same brain.

Just looking at the momentum, Knowing that whether it was the light-cast sword guided by the Holy Light Old King to fall from Mu Xuejian's head, the two tiger-headed Qi energies blasted out by the Flowing Game Full Slam, or the terrifying high temperature that burned the two-meter radius around Mu Xuejian to a bright red glow, accompanied by the hand gestures with three colors engraved at the same time, all contained the killing intent of determination. Although these three skills have the characteristics of slow start and strong burst, at the moment when Guo Shi Wushuang successfully restrained Mu Xuejian and made it difficult for the latter to move freely, they were definitely the most suitable skills for harvesting heads in their respective combat systems.

On the other hand, Mu Xuejian, although the lightsaber above his head fell slowly, although the flying speed of the tiger head's energy was not very fast, and although the high temperature area under his feet needed several seconds to transform before the energy could be compressed into a very small area and exploded, but with his feet firmly fixed on the ground and the "thorns" covered with barbs almost climbing up to his thighs, Mu Xuejian wanted to deal with those thorns that were almost integrated with his legs without hurting himself. More than ten places of skin were pierced by the thorns. It was simply a foolish dream.


[Sorrowful Sword·Broken Bones]

Accompanied by several sharp sword qi bursting out, the girl with the sword in both hands focused her eyes, and actually used this sword skill for ultra-close-range fighting directly on her legs, chopping off the two thorns that looked like maggots on the tarsal bones.

The price was that her one-size-fits-all "treatment" method not only solved the Guo Shi Wushuang's move [Imagination of the Blade], but also almost solved her own legs. Not only did she turn the pair of pure white thick-soled long boots into short boots, but she also instantly reset the durability of the lower garment [Zhenxue Leggings] to zero, turning the long pants into shorts. Although the upper garment was a windbreaker style and did not reveal too much skin, it still made many people with weak resistance to beautiful girls stare straight, such as Zhu Lan, Bai Hua Sha, and Wei Wei Amin on the commentary seat.

However, even if they were blinded, they could not see what they wanted to see. The reason was that after this [Sorrowful Sword·Bone Breaking], although Mu Xuejian's bones were not really broken, her legs were still covered with a lot of horrible wounds that were deep enough to see the bones, and her snow-white skin was stained red with blood. In the eyes of most normal people, this situation was not sexy at all, and even a little creepy. The underage players who watched the live broadcast in the game were even automatically censored by the system, and the wounds on Mu Xuejian's legs were replaced with a bunch of cute band-aids.

Of course, Mu Xuejian's ruthless attack did not mean that she was actually a perverted beautiful girl with a tendency to self-harm, but because the two [Imagination of the Sting] of Guo Shi Wushuang could not be removed by any conventional means in a short time. You must know that it was an over-specification skill that combined restriction, control and continuous damage, not some good-looking Gothic decoration.

In other words, under normal circumstances, Mu Xuejian's only choice in this situation is to grit her teeth and survive the combined attack of Holy Light Old King, Flowing Game Slam and Three Colors at the same time, and use the Three Colors at the same time [Flame Array] to offset Guo Shi Wushuang's [Imagination of the Stinging Blade]. In this way, although there is a very high possibility of being killed on the spot, as long as she can manage to hold on, there is still a possibility of escaping.

As for the option of clearing [Imagination of the Stinging Blade], it is impossible to achieve under normal conditions. The reason is very simple. In Guo Shi Wushuang's calculation, as long as Mu Xuejian's physical fitness is not up to the epic level, if she wants to deal with those thorns composed of negative energy and earth elements in a short time, she must be prepared to cripple her legs. If Mu Xuejian really cripples her legs, then let alone how she can avoid this round of combined attacks in this situation, even if she can avoid it, if the four [Card Man] and the scavenger team of hundreds of NPCs can't deal with the half-crippled Mu Xuejian together, then don't play any games, it's better to retire on the spot.

Because of this, even Guo Shi Wushuang did not consider the possibility that Mu Xuejian would destroy her legs in order to get rid of [Yi Su Feng Zhe].

And what Shuangye told Mu Xuejian through the mental network a second ago was exactly - 'If you want to live, you can't let Guo Shi Wushuang continue to calculate your movements'.

Miss Mu was also a straightforward person. When she heard this, she immediately took 'He shouldn't think that I can hurt myself' as the central idea, and without hesitation, she slashed herself with a fierce sword. While slicing [Yi Su Feng Zhe], she also slashed her legs and seriously injured them. As her body fell forward, she controlled the sword with her mind, allowing the magic sword, which was usually unruly but only very well-behaved in this game, to carry her several meters away. After narrowly avoiding the joint attack of three people, she fell to the ground in embarrassment and rolled several times before she stopped.

This scene immediately caused an uproar among countless spectators. After all, as a top player on the list, Mu Xuejian received far more attention than small figures like Hei Fan, Tan Mo or Mo. In addition, her elegant, agile and cool sword skills were very much to the taste of the Chinese people. She was also a white-haired beautiful girl, so whether it was the previous individual competition or the team competition in the past few days, many people were watching (recording). In the eyes of these people who were used to seeing Mu Xuejian's heroic appearance, she should have been the kind of person who would rather die like fireworks than let herself fall into such an embarrassing situation!

But unfortunately, although Mu Xuejian did care about things like "fashion value" to a certain extent, it did not mean that she could not accept suffering, injury or rolling on the ground after being beaten. After all, these were far from shameful in Mu Xuejian's eyes, and the girl who hoped that she could make further progress in kendo had already made up her mind to do everything she could to win the game.

Therefore, at the cost of his legs being severely injured, Mu Xuejian finally dodged the fatal attack of the three card masters. However, in everyone's opinion, this behavior of hurting himself just to survive for a moment was not worthy of praise. Even if those mutant monsters had come back one after another to try to cover Mu Xuejian, with the Holy Light Old King, the Flowing Game Full Slam, the three people with the same three colors, and Guo Shi Wushuang who no longer needed to continue to guide [Imaginary Shaped Edge], it was too easy to complete the last blow after Mu Xuejian's self-injury!


"Full Slam, retreat."

Noticing the moment when the three teammates subconsciously prepared to make the last blow, Guo Shi Wushuang's pupils suddenly shrank when he looked at Mu Xuejian, and then he shouted, causing the Flowing Game Full Slam, who had already taken a step and was about to launch a whirlwind explosion at Mu Xuejian, to withdraw and fly back like a frightened bird.

Admittedly, even Liuju Manguan himself didn't know why he wanted to retreat, but after hearing Guoshi Wushuang's shout, he still gave up thinking and faithfully and perfectly carried out the latter's instructions. This was not loyalty or obedience, but an unconditional trust in his partner!

This trust belongs to all members of the main team of [Pai Lao]. In other words, if the person who called out at this time was Liuju Manguan, and the person who was given the instruction was the captain Guoshi Wushuang, then the latter would immediately give up thinking and choose to execute without hesitation.

As Xiao Xiaobai, who was explaining at the moment, said, this unconditional trust in a partner is undoubtedly a classic interpretation of the word "powerful". It is not unique, but it is kingly enough.

At the same time, as Liuju Manguan withdrew and flew away, Shengguang Lao Wang actually gave up the last hit without any instructions, and turned his staff to point at Liuju Manguan, adding a HOT [Holy Infusion] that can continuously restore health to the latter, and then even gave him a shield that was as bright as an eggshell.

The reason is very simple. Since Guo Shi Wushuang allowed the team to retreat with a full slam, it means that the latter's current situation is likely to be unsafe. In this case, considering the position and blood line, the Holy Light Old King immediately made the decision to cover his partner. Only the three-color same moment, which has no healing ability and a long attack range, continued to guide the [Cold Array] that can greatly reduce the temperature within a certain range and has both control and killing.

To be honest, these details are not complicated, and can even be said to be quite simple, but in this situation, being able to instantly transform a lot of thinking and actions into instincts based on Guo Shi Wushuang's three words "full slam, retreat" is definitely not something that every team can achieve. And the facts have also proved that only this level of reaction speed can save a life from Mu Xuejian, who is alienating or "evolving" all the time.


The next moment, the sword shadow was like a startled gull, the residual light was like a thousand sails, the manic magic sword and the beautiful and pleasant artistic conception were ringing, interweaving a strange and bizarre shadow, slowly and firmly passing over the worst person among the four [Card Masters], and in a moment it "dissolved" the layer of shining shield, and pressed its health value that had just returned to about 30% back to below 5%, and then quietly dissipated in the air, leaving only the Liuju Manguan who had almost turned into a bloody man slowly falling to the ground.

[Xiaoling Rumeng·Drunk and Unaware of the Way Home]

Chapter 2214: The End

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