Quadruple split

Chapter 2229: Protect the elders and the younger ones?

Game time AM10:35

[Guilt Debate·Team Battle] Special map, Mirror Space S6377-0731

Restricted area codename [Leap], second floor of the third experimental base, in front of the central control area, corridor

"Well, as you all know, we have to go back a bit."

Guo Shi Wushuang stood with his hands behind his back in front of the central control area that had lost its strategic value, and said to his three friends and the remaining fifty or so people of the [Scavengers] team in a brisk tone: "Considering that there is nothing valuable in the entire central control area except for the deceased Lord Semiro, we can regard the key data that can recover the losses to the greatest extent as being in the first laboratory downstairs, but the problem now is that the monsters we encountered before are 100% There is a thinking center with a superior status, and it is located in that place. "

"In other words, that will be the most dangerous and deadly place in this area..."

The captain of the [Scavengers] named Gu Tie, who was several hours late and formally introduced himself to the [Pai Lao] and others, turned around and looked at his subordinates who were almost all injured and had no spirit in their eyes, and said lightly: "Those who don't want to go can now return to the ground from the safe area we have ensured before. If you want, I can even register you as dead in battle."

The survivors of the scavenger team had some commotion, but soon, the inaudible mutterings slowly weakened and returned to silence after a few seconds.

"Very good, it seems that going deep into the monsters' nests can make you feel more at ease than disappointing the Speaker."

Gu Tie did not seem surprised. He just nodded slightly and turned to Guo Shi Wu Shuang and others: "We are fine here. Although we are far less powerful than you, please give us more advice until we leave here safely."

"Okay, okay."

Guo Shi Wu Shuang nodded happily and smiled warmly: "You can just follow me. Although the delay is not long, those monsters should have completed one or two rounds of evolution by now. Remember to protect yourself and try not to die on the way."

Gu Tie's face was solemn, and he said seriously: "We can be the vanguard. There are several people along the way..."

"Don't get me wrong , my friend. "

Guo Shi Wushuang interrupted him with a brisk tone, and said with a smile: "I am taking care of you now so that you can use your life to buy time when necessary. You have already consumed a lot of energy on the way. If you can't adjust your state and collapse in the final stage, it will be difficult for me to do it. "

Hearing this, Gu Tie, who had already put life and death aside, did not insist any more, and nodded vigorously: "Then I'll leave it to you."

After that, the group began to return along the original route. Considering that it was not long and they had been cleaned up before, the journey was relatively calm, which could be called the most comfortable two minutes since the start of the game, so that many viewers who watched the game offline at double speed on the video platform went to the toilet.

After that, when Guo Shi Wushuang and others appeared in the cafeteria on the first floor that they had deliberately avoided before, they were blocked by nearly two hundred white and slender [Upper Mutants]. Not only that, these monsters were even stronger in momentum than the batch that had just been cleared by Liu Ju Man Guan!

Of course, after witnessing the performance before the game's grand slam, and realizing from Xiao Xiaobai's explanation that the [Pai Lao] gang was probably just pretending to be bad, countless viewers no longer worried about them. Not only that, some even opened a bet with their friends on the spot, betting on who would be the next explosive player.

And those with better memories paid close attention to Guo Shi Wushuang, who had promised to "take action" before, for fear of missing the wonderful performance of this top-notch professional player.


It was not until the tenth mutant monster fell to the ground without any signs that people realized that Guo Shi Wushuang had already taken action.

Yes, he "took action", although he didn't even move his hands.

This scene is really hard to explain. Simply put, as Guo Shi Wushuang walked towards his destination like a leisurely stroll, the monsters that were waiting for him began to fall down one after another, without signs, without external injuries, and even without sound. Every time Guo Shi Wushuang took a step forward, a few of the monsters closest to him would fall down.

It was like a creepy pantomime.

Perhaps it was because the smile on Guo Shi Wushuang's face was too light and indifferent, or perhaps it was because the monsters no longer looked hideous and terrifying after evolving to this level. Suddenly, people discovered that the most terrifying part of this pantomime was never the monsters that fell down as if they had lost their souls, but the man who always kept a decent smile.

The monsters did not sit and wait for death. The consciousness hidden at the end of this journey, whose figure was looming in the eyes of each monster, kept issuing orders to try to prevent this from happening. However, no matter how these superior mutants struggled, they would fall down the moment they were about to complete the encirclement, retreat or long-range attack.


When those high-level mutants began to fall in pieces, Xue Yin finally couldn't hold back the shock in her heart. She suddenly turned her head to look at Xiao Xiaobai, who had been silent since just now, and said curiously: "Sister Xiao Bai ! What the hell is going on! Why do the National Warriors seem to be doing nothing, but those monsters are attacking one after another!"

Xiao Xiaobai was also unambiguous and answered without hesitation: "I don't know."

Xueyin: "Ohhhh...ah?"

"have no idea."

Xiao Xiaobai, who was always looking at the screen, repeated without looking back: "If you don't know, you just don't know."

Weiwei Ammonia was also surprised and said in astonishment: "Sister Xiaobai, is there a time when you don't know? You are obviously so powerful!"

"I'm really good."

Xiao Xiaobai nodded, then shook his head: "But I really don't know how the national warriors do it."

Wei Wei blinked and then turned her gaze to Xiao Bingbing: "What about Sister Bingbing?"

"I didn't make it either!"

Little Bingbing's eyes were as wide as bells as she had a lollipop in her mouth.


As a result, just when the scene was about to cool down and Xue Yin wanted to sing a song to ease the awkward atmosphere, Xiao Xiaobai suddenly spoke again and said in a leisurely tone: "Although I don't understand how the National Warriors Warriors do this. It’s a weird thing, but as the most popular professional commentator, I can still try to analyze the current situation from other angles.”

I have to say that although these words would seem a bit shameless in the mouth of any other commentator, in Xiao Xiaobai's mouth, not only does it not feel inconsistent at all, but it makes people feel mysteriously persuasive.

Then, as Guoshi Wushuang progressed, Xiao Xiaobai also launched a synchronous analysis from a professional explanation perspective. Although it was not easy to understand to the extent that even the sand goblins could understand it, it was indeed constructive enough to give everyone Opened up a new idea——

"First of all, considering that our [Innocence Realm] has an incomparable number of power systems and types, as well as countless branch routes and even original methods in the direction of mysticism. Unless we commentators can directly check the background data, it is absolutely impossible to understand the national warriors. What did the unparalleled players do?”

Xiao Xiaobai looked away from the screen, turned to the camera and said calmly: "But even so, we can put aside the appearance and go straight to the essence, and directly characterize the power of the National Warriors as something that can ignore distance to a certain extent. , quantity and strength, things that directly kill specific targets will be transformed into two very simple questions, what can he kill, and what can he not kill. "

Xue Yin raised her little hand happily and said loudly: "I know this, he can kill the monsters on the screen that are being killed!"

"Well, that's so smart, you're so awesome."

Xiao Xiaobai complimented Xueyin casually, and then continued: "Then, as Teacher Xueyin said, no matter what Guoshi Wushuang did, the conclusion is that he can instantly kill monsters of this level, and considering Mu Xuejian The player did not die in the encounter just now, which shows that the opponent cannot kill her easily. "

Wei Wei frowned and said hesitantly: "So what Sister Xiaobai means is that this kind of strength has exceeded the average level of high-level players. Monsters with considerable strength have lost their strategic value. The [Harlequin Card] can only rely on Are there only the individual abilities of the three players, and the thing they call the 'Master' that is not far from Futaba?"

"Not really."

Xiao Xiaobai shook his head and retorted, and then explained: "In my opinion, those corpses that have evolved step by step have a physical quality very close to that of Mu Xuejian. Of course, I am referring to Mu Xuejian here. The basic physical fitness of the Snow Sword player when she first entered the game was not in her current handsome form, and [Pai Lao] is different from Harlequin Cards in that they do not have buffs that can continue to 'evolve' over time, and I I don’t think that the national warrior Wushuang can easily kill a strong player of Mu Xuejian’s level, so... being able to instantly kill a monster of this level should be his limit or infinitely close to it.”

Xueyin suddenly understood, clapped her hands and said, "I didn't understand!"

"You can understand that National Warriors are forcing players Futaba and Mu Xuejian to make a choice."

Xiao Xiaobai leaned on the back of the chair and explained to Xueyin and most of the audience who also didn't understand very thoughtfully: "If you look carefully, you will find the cocoon not far from the player Shuangye. The heart-like 'beating' frequency is actually not stable, and the efficiency of the evolution of those monsters over a long period of time was also unstable, so is there a possibility that the 'dominator' and a large number of 'monsters' are actually there? Using the same resources to evolve, and at the current pace, the remaining monsters will have no way to complete the next round of breakthrough before Guo Shi Wushuang reaches the destination. And with Guo Shi Wushuang traveling unimpeded, the 'master' may not be able to make it in time. Totally awakened.”

Xue Yin's eyes suddenly widened and she asked in shock: "How did you guess that?"

Xiao Xiaobai smiled and replied concisely: "Divergent thinking."

"So, Sister Xiaobai probably means that [Harlequin Card] must make a choice now, either to desperately awaken the master to reverse the situation, or to give priority to those monsters that evolved from corpses to make breakthroughs, at least to reach the point where they will not be defeated by the unparalleled national warriors. The level of instant kill.”

However, Weiwei Ammonia followed Xiao Xiaobai's thoughts and mused: "If you choose the former, based on the intensity of this wave of interceptions, I'm afraid there will still be quite a while of 'reading' before the master is awakened; if you choose the latter, As long as [Pai Lao] can successfully reach his destination, he will be able to face the almost undefended 'Master'; if he grabs it with both hands, he will probably push the No. 1 Laboratory straight away like a wheat harvester, and end up being defeated."

Xiao Bingbing smacked her lips and sighed: "If it's a conspiracy, isn't it a bit too meticulous and unbelievable? You must know that [Pai Lao] doesn't have a God's perspective like us."

"Sometimes, God's perspective doesn't really matter."

Xiao Xiaobai shook his head and said calmly: "It's like I still don't understand how the National Warriors players kill those monsters instantly, but it doesn't stop me from trying to interpret their tactical intentions."

Xue Yin nodded vigorously and said enthusiastically: "So [Harlequin Card] will decide how to decide! Keep the elder or the younger!?"

I didn’t expect Xue Yin to speak so harshly. Xiao Bingbing/Wei Wei Ammonia: “…”

"It may also be the selection of Bao Muxuejian... Well, I guessed wrong. It seems that the evolution of player Mu Xuejian belongs to another system and is probably not controlled by player Futaba."

Xiao Xiaobai stared at the screen, which was the last two hundred mutants that were pouring back to the vicinity of the first laboratory like a tide, maintaining a half-kneeling posture in uniform, and his eyes were solemn——

"The [Harlequin Card] chose to keep children young."

[Is the situation okay? 】

Mu Xuejian, who noticed that Futaba had not spoken on the 'LAN' for thirty seconds, asked uneasily in his heart, and received the other party's feedback within one breath.

[The situation is terrible. As expected, that national warrior Wushuang also has an inherent barrier @#, and it is at the same level as my [Black Sun], and even has an inherent barrier with higher accuracy! 】

[Oh, it’s the inherent barrier that has similar properties to the [Field], right? What should I do? Do you want me to retaliate with a sword move of the same level? 】

[You said it was a ‘sword move’, how could you possibly win? 】

【What should we do? 】

[Upload the 'blueprint' of the last round of evolution, and I will give you and those miscellaneous fish a boost. 】

【Then what? 】

[Look for an opportunity to kill the guy I reminded you to take care of before, and try your best to stop them. Every second you can delay it. 】

【good. 】

Chapter 2220: End

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