Quadruple split

Chapter 2241 Main Mission

[Parents Association] and [Teachers and Staff Union] are two online organizations with a history of less than half a year. Their main activity platform is the popular spiritual virtual game [Boundary of Innocence].

However, as the predecessor of these two organizations, a ghost forum [Grade 1 Class 1] that has never been active in the sun but has been passed on by word of mouth by countless knowledgeable people has a history of more than 20 years, and most of the members of this online organization are guardians and teachers who are closely related to teenagers.

Because the first generation webmaster ‘Xiao Si Me Le’ seems to be a very skillful person in real life, this forum is almost stronger than ordinary ghost forums in terms of security, stability and confidentiality, but its scale is far larger than those similar online organizations with interests similar to those of enthusiasts. There are seven figures of officially registered members in China alone. If you count the visitors who only have the right to read posts but cannot post and reply, the number will even be several times higher.

You know, even a well-known social media like the Nizhan Newspaper has only this number of registered users, and there may be a large number of small accounts, zombie accounts or marketing accounts.

So the question is, with such a large scale and seemingly strong background, why has the [Class 1, Grade 1] forum not tried to step out of the shadows and into the sun for 20 years?

The reason is simple, that is, in their eyes, teenagers are the ones who need to bask in the sun the most, and it just so happens that their sons, daughters, and students seem to hate and resist this kind of like-minded club full of teachers and guardians.

So, based on the central idea of ​​the forum "Everything for Children", despite the huge number of internal members and even their connections, they still consciously gave up the plan to step into the foreground, hiding under the waves of the Internet as always, quietly communicating, exchanging, and negotiating those unknown secrets in the deep and quiet deep waters.

For example, how to make a nutritious meal to achieve both vitamins and color, fragrance and taste, how to give psychological counseling to a little kid who just broke up, and how to make them not sleepy when listening to popular science such as smoking is harmful to health.

That's right, in most cases, users of the forum [Class 1, Grade 1] are discussing these things. Although there are occasionally posts such as "How to get him into a top university", "How to persuade him to attend more cram schools", and "On the necessity of corporal punishment", the central idea has never deviated. Every time such remarks appear, they will be drowned out by the overwhelming scolding, and the administrator will directly force the cancellation of the user ID and blacklist the IP and bound identity information after the top post is publicly executed for about a week.

So to put it simply, whether it is the forum [Class 1, Grade 1], or the organizations [Parents' Association] and [Teachers' Union] on the boundary of innocence in the forum, they can be classified as "normal parents and educators". Note that here we are talking about "normal", not "perfect". Of course, they also have various shortcomings and problems, but they are not those mysterious creatures with demonic obstacles.

For example, Dabus, a member of the [Paw Patrol], and the original snake with the public space ID Soaring in the Thunder Sky are both senior members of the [Class 1, Grade 1] forum, but this does not conflict with the fact that Teacher Jarvis has a serious love-brain and Teacher Tian Xingdao is an incurable chuunibyou.

So the second question is, are these people really just a simple club?

The answer is no, although [Class 1, Grade 1] does have a certain degree of the attributes of a club, they actually have a ‘main line task’.

From a macro perspective, their ‘main line tasks’ are basically divided into two categories - [attack] and [defense].

To put it simply, [attack] refers to external factors that may cause harm to children, such as the ingredients in the school cafeteria are not fresh or even expired, such as teachers only teaching a part of the class and putting more in extra-charged cram schools, such as heavy homework that will delay children's rest time if they do it by themselves, such as corporal punishment and bullying that may exist in school, such as monster parents who like to spoil or persecute children, and also include human traffickers and pedophiles who are almost extinct in this era. For such things, forum members will do everything they can to carry out targeted attacks through their own resources, including but not limited to connections, financial resources, and influence. In the past 20 years, they have made great achievements. Just the fake experts who use the banner of education to corporal punish and mentally torture children have been sent to prison by them.

As for the corresponding [protection], it is naturally to protect the physical and mental health of children. In this regard, parents' record is not very good. For example, little boys like little boys, little girls like little girls, and self-gender cognition is biased. This is not a problem that can be criticized on the moral level, but it is indeed a very difficult problem, which is enough to make countless teachers and guardians bang their heads against the wall.

In the final analysis, with the progress of the times, the information that people can access in adolescence has increased explosively compared with the past. In addition, because they are still young and easily influenced, their three views are very easy to be distorted by a lot of information during the growth process. This situation is particularly obvious before and after puberty and during it, and it is easy to develop into extreme situations if you are not careful.

Being sensitive and fragile is still good. Compared with the former, which has become a common phenomenon, many children will even become fond of hurting themselves, have a strong sense of distrust of everything, and eventually cause unimaginable tragedies.

Unfortunately, in this process, guardians and teachers are the ones who are most suitable to play the villain in the eyes of many people. The reason is that the gap between the times makes it difficult for both parties to understand each other, and the daily interaction due to family and academic reasons will magnify this difficulty infinitely.

Admittedly, everyone can report problems in the school cafeteria, heavy homework, teachers' lack of morality, and parents' lack of love. For extreme people, they can choose to call 110 to find an uncle to solve the problem, but the misunderstanding between children is a problem that no one has been able to solve in the past 20 years.

When both parties have problems, they don't know where they are wrong, nor do they know where the children have gone astray. In the end, they are mostly terrified and leave everything to time, hoping that they or their children can suddenly open up at a certain moment and suddenly understand each other. Although this situation also exists and may even dominate the mainstream, there are still too many families who are really hurt by these misunderstandings.


The middle part is omitted, the end is omitted. In the end, the organization [Parents Association] on the line of innocence had a fierce conflict with the guardians. Later, they decided to have an open dialogue with the theme of family harmony and harmony between teachers and students. However, both sides refused to give up the initiative in the dialogue. So, under the mediation of the [Teachers and Staff Union], they decided to decide the winner through the "games" that the children like and are good at. The results of the [Questioning Debate·Team Competition] will be used as the basis. The party with a higher ranking will have a greater right to speak and priority to fire in the subsequent dialogue.

After that, although the [Teachers and Staff Union] and the [Parents Association] are in the same boat, in order to avoid giving the children a chance to lose and not be able to play, the [Teachers and Staff Union] finally selected five parents who are said to be relatively good at playing games to form a team to participate in the competition, and the other side is the strongest five people among the guardians.

Coincidentally, there are four pairs of families in these two teams.

The foodie dad of the parent team is the popular father of the child team.

Xiaotian's father from the parent team is Zhaohao's biological father from the child team.

Nannan's father from the parent team is Nannan's biological father from the child team.

Nuannuan's mother from the parent team is Nuanyu Qingfeng's biological mother from the child team.

As for Dazhuang's mother and Tianjibian, they are not related to the others. They are just good at playing games among parents and children.

After that, it was a serious competition. Following the principle of complete openness and transparency, both sides have been paying attention to each other since the auditions. During this period, the five-member team [Children Can't Learn], which stood out from countless boys and girls, showed amazing dominance, defeated strong enemies all the way, and even defeated two studio teams and a powerful Internet celebrity team with perfect performance in the process of reaching the top 16. Although the parents also made it to the top 16, the process was a bit difficult to describe.

First, they seemed to have bought a lot of good equipment from a certain chamber of commerce through a lot of krypton gold, including some of the best goods that should be in short supply, such as [The Only Epic], which should be in short supply. With these five sets of equipment, the teams of ordinary players can't beat them at all.

Secondly, their luck in the draw was incredible. From the auditions to the top 16, they didn't encounter a strong team. If the children didn't trust the official of Innocence, they would probably suspect that those despicable adults were doing something behind the scenes.

Finally, the children have long realized that although the other party is much stronger than many parents who only play Candy Crush or Super Legend krypton gold games, and even stronger than the average strength of the players in this competition, the level of the parents is limited to this, and they are completely incomparable with the elites among these five children.

In addition, four members of the children's team who are related to the other party also said that although their parents are quite spiritual, they have never touched the game before they came to [Innocence].

In summary, although they did not mean to underestimate the opponent, the five children were relieved to be matched with the opponent in the quarterfinals. After all, because the opponent's luck was too domineering, they had already prepared for both sides to be eliminated in the quarterfinals and eventually lead to a draw.

As a result, as people have seen, the two teams with the most "origin" in this team competition were matched together in such a dramatic way, and they were fortunate to have a head-on collision to determine the winner.

Game time AM11:45

[Guilt Discussion·Team Battle] Special map, Mirror Space S7137-2603

Somewhere on the mainland, training ground codenamed ‘Scale’, outer eastern part

“1, everything is normal and no enemy encountered.”

“1, everything is normal and no enemy encountered.”

As the voices of Huohong and Tianjibian sounded one after another, Zhaohao, who had been paying attention to the system time ten seconds ago, coughed lightly, and whispered to the activated [Xunbei] in his hand: “1, everything is normal and no enemy encountered.”


The next second, Huohong’s concise voice came out of [Xunbei], and then he went offline first.

Zhaohao also turned off the [Xunbei] with an energy of 290/300 as soon as possible, put it away with great care, and turned to the lazy-looking girl next to him and complained: “I think according to Huohong’s efficiency, he should be able to save about one second of energy every time he communicates.”


Nan Nan shrugged and responded casually: "Perhaps the energy he saved can save lives in subsequent games. Isn't that what the books say?"

"You don't even believe this yourself..."

Zhaohao twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Are you a little too unmotivated? That's all for the previous games. This is a father-son game."

"It's a father-daughter situation for me."

While wading as gracefully as possible among the knee-high weeds in this area, Nannan replied: "But it's true that I'm not motivated. After all, I should be the one with the most harmonious family environment among the five of us. That's why I came here." Here, it’s just because you lack a healer, and among the group of people, I’m the only one who has reached the advanced level of healer.”

"Then consider it just for us."

Zhaohao took a deep breath, turned to Nannan and stretched out his right fist and said sternly: "You must try your best to win this round!"


After punching Zhaohao with her staff, Nan Nan asked the latter casually: "Do you still want to take the initiative and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop with your advantages in technology and game understanding?"

Zhaohao shrugged and admitted readily: "Yes."

"That's fine."

Nannan nodded slightly and said: "Then let's move in our own direction first. In half an hour, you will cooperate with me to find the enemy. If there is someone on the opposite side alone or no more than two, then try it and see if you can fight."

Zhaohao was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "You don't want to be lazy, do you?"

"Yes, but just because I want to be lazy doesn't mean I will hold back."

Knowing that the opponent was accommodating her speed, Nannan explained while jogging: "I think if the opponent has any temporary bonus, it is more likely to only exist in the first half hour of the game. In other words, if their level is limited, "It's perfect to start after half an hour. If they have any secrets that can cause a devastating blow to us, we can rest early."

"You are so free and easy..."

"Just to give you an example, I think it's hard for us to lose."

"Because the other side must have a special dish?"

"And Huo Hong is really strong enough."

Chapter 2232: End

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